walk.go 22 KB

  1. // Copyright (C) 2014 The Syncthing Authors.
  2. //
  3. // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  4. // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
  5. // You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
  6. package scanner
  7. import (
  8. "context"
  9. "errors"
  10. "fmt"
  11. "path/filepath"
  12. "strings"
  13. "sync/atomic"
  14. "time"
  15. "unicode/utf8"
  16. metrics "github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics"
  17. "github.com/syncthing/syncthing/lib/build"
  18. "github.com/syncthing/syncthing/lib/events"
  19. "github.com/syncthing/syncthing/lib/fs"
  20. "github.com/syncthing/syncthing/lib/ignore"
  21. "github.com/syncthing/syncthing/lib/osutil"
  22. "github.com/syncthing/syncthing/lib/protocol"
  23. "golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm"
  24. )
  25. type Config struct {
  26. // Folder for which the walker has been created
  27. Folder string
  28. // Limit walking to these paths within Dir, or no limit if Sub is empty
  29. Subs []string
  30. // If Matcher is not nil, it is used to identify files to ignore which were specified by the user.
  31. Matcher *ignore.Matcher
  32. // Number of hours to keep temporary files for
  33. TempLifetime time.Duration
  34. // If CurrentFiler is not nil, it is queried for the current file before rescanning.
  35. CurrentFiler CurrentFiler
  36. // The Filesystem provides an abstraction on top of the actual filesystem.
  37. Filesystem fs.Filesystem
  38. // If IgnorePerms is true, changes to permission bits will not be
  39. // detected.
  40. IgnorePerms bool
  41. // When AutoNormalize is set, file names that are in UTF8 but incorrect
  42. // normalization form will be corrected.
  43. AutoNormalize bool
  44. // Number of routines to use for hashing
  45. Hashers int
  46. // Our vector clock id
  47. ShortID protocol.ShortID
  48. // Optional progress tick interval which defines how often FolderScanProgress
  49. // events are emitted. Negative number means disabled.
  50. ProgressTickIntervalS int
  51. // Local flags to set on scanned files
  52. LocalFlags uint32
  53. // Modification time is to be considered unchanged if the difference is lower.
  54. ModTimeWindow time.Duration
  55. // Event logger to which the scan progress events are sent
  56. EventLogger events.Logger
  57. // If ScanOwnership is true, we pick up ownership information on files while scanning.
  58. ScanOwnership bool
  59. // If ScanXattrs is true, we pick up extended attributes on files while scanning.
  60. ScanXattrs bool
  61. // Filter for extended attributes
  62. XattrFilter XattrFilter
  63. }
  64. type CurrentFiler interface {
  65. // CurrentFile returns the file as seen at last scan.
  66. CurrentFile(name string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool)
  67. }
  68. type XattrFilter interface {
  69. Permit(string) bool
  70. GetMaxSingleEntrySize() int
  71. GetMaxTotalSize() int
  72. }
  73. type ScanResult struct {
  74. File protocol.FileInfo
  75. Err error
  76. Path string // to be set in case Err != nil and File == nil
  77. }
  78. func Walk(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) chan ScanResult {
  79. return newWalker(cfg).walk(ctx)
  80. }
  81. func WalkWithoutHashing(ctx context.Context, cfg Config) chan ScanResult {
  82. return newWalker(cfg).walkWithoutHashing(ctx)
  83. }
  84. func newWalker(cfg Config) *walker {
  85. w := &walker{cfg}
  86. if w.CurrentFiler == nil {
  87. w.CurrentFiler = noCurrentFiler{}
  88. }
  89. if w.Filesystem == nil {
  90. panic("no filesystem specified")
  91. }
  92. if w.Matcher == nil {
  93. w.Matcher = ignore.New(w.Filesystem)
  94. }
  95. registerFolderMetrics(w.Folder)
  96. return w
  97. }
  98. var (
  99. errUTF8Invalid = errors.New("item is not in UTF8 encoding")
  100. errUTF8Normalization = errors.New("item is not in the correct UTF8 normalization form")
  101. errUTF8Conflict = errors.New("item has UTF8 encoding conflict with another item")
  102. )
  103. type walker struct {
  104. Config
  105. }
  106. // Walk returns the list of files found in the local folder by scanning the
  107. // file system. Files are blockwise hashed.
  108. func (w *walker) walk(ctx context.Context) chan ScanResult {
  109. l.Debugln(w, "Walk", w.Subs, w.Matcher)
  110. toHashChan := make(chan protocol.FileInfo)
  111. finishedChan := make(chan ScanResult)
  112. // A routine which walks the filesystem tree, and sends files which have
  113. // been modified to the counter routine.
  114. go w.scan(ctx, toHashChan, finishedChan)
  115. // We're not required to emit scan progress events, just kick off hashers,
  116. // and feed inputs directly from the walker.
  117. if w.ProgressTickIntervalS < 0 {
  118. newParallelHasher(ctx, w.Folder, w.Filesystem, w.Hashers, finishedChan, toHashChan, nil, nil)
  119. return finishedChan
  120. }
  121. // Defaults to every 2 seconds.
  122. if w.ProgressTickIntervalS == 0 {
  123. w.ProgressTickIntervalS = 2
  124. }
  125. // We need to emit progress events, hence we create a routine which buffers
  126. // the list of files to be hashed, counts the total number of
  127. // bytes to hash, and once no more files need to be hashed (chan gets closed),
  128. // start a routine which periodically emits FolderScanProgress events,
  129. // until a stop signal is sent by the parallel hasher.
  130. // Parallel hasher is stopped by this routine when we close the channel over
  131. // which it receives the files we ask it to hash.
  132. go func() {
  133. var filesToHash []protocol.FileInfo
  134. var total int64 = 1
  135. for file := range toHashChan {
  136. filesToHash = append(filesToHash, file)
  137. total += file.Size
  138. }
  139. if len(filesToHash) == 0 {
  140. close(finishedChan)
  141. return
  142. }
  143. realToHashChan := make(chan protocol.FileInfo)
  144. done := make(chan struct{})
  145. progress := newByteCounter()
  146. newParallelHasher(ctx, w.Folder, w.Filesystem, w.Hashers, finishedChan, realToHashChan, progress, done)
  147. // A routine which actually emits the FolderScanProgress events
  148. // every w.ProgressTicker ticks, until the hasher routines terminate.
  149. go func() {
  150. defer progress.Close()
  151. emitProgressEvent := func() {
  152. current := progress.Total()
  153. rate := progress.Rate()
  154. l.Debugf("%v: Walk %s %s current progress %d/%d at %.01f MiB/s (%d%%)", w, w.Folder, w.Subs, current, total, rate/1024/1024, current*100/total)
  155. w.EventLogger.Log(events.FolderScanProgress, map[string]interface{}{
  156. "folder": w.Folder,
  157. "current": current,
  158. "total": total,
  159. "rate": rate, // bytes per second
  160. })
  161. }
  162. ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(w.ProgressTickIntervalS) * time.Second)
  163. defer ticker.Stop()
  164. for {
  165. select {
  166. case <-done:
  167. emitProgressEvent()
  168. l.Debugln(w, "Walk progress done", w.Folder, w.Subs, w.Matcher)
  169. return
  170. case <-ticker.C:
  171. emitProgressEvent()
  172. case <-ctx.Done():
  173. return
  174. }
  175. }
  176. }()
  177. loop:
  178. for _, file := range filesToHash {
  179. l.Debugln(w, "real to hash:", file.Name)
  180. select {
  181. case realToHashChan <- file:
  182. case <-ctx.Done():
  183. break loop
  184. }
  185. }
  186. close(realToHashChan)
  187. }()
  188. return finishedChan
  189. }
  190. func (w *walker) walkWithoutHashing(ctx context.Context) chan ScanResult {
  191. l.Debugln(w, "Walk without hashing", w.Subs, w.Matcher)
  192. toHashChan := make(chan protocol.FileInfo)
  193. finishedChan := make(chan ScanResult)
  194. // A routine which walks the filesystem tree, and sends files which have
  195. // been modified to the counter routine.
  196. go w.scan(ctx, toHashChan, finishedChan)
  197. go func() {
  198. for file := range toHashChan {
  199. finishedChan <- ScanResult{File: file}
  200. }
  201. close(finishedChan)
  202. }()
  203. return finishedChan
  204. }
  205. func (w *walker) scan(ctx context.Context, toHashChan chan<- protocol.FileInfo, finishedChan chan<- ScanResult) {
  206. hashFiles := w.walkAndHashFiles(ctx, toHashChan, finishedChan)
  207. if len(w.Subs) == 0 {
  208. w.Filesystem.Walk(".", hashFiles)
  209. } else {
  210. for _, sub := range w.Subs {
  211. if err := osutil.TraversesSymlink(w.Filesystem, filepath.Dir(sub)); err != nil {
  212. l.Debugf("%v: Skip walking %v as it is below a symlink", w, sub)
  213. continue
  214. }
  215. w.Filesystem.Walk(sub, hashFiles)
  216. }
  217. }
  218. close(toHashChan)
  219. }
  220. func (w *walker) walkAndHashFiles(ctx context.Context, toHashChan chan<- protocol.FileInfo, finishedChan chan<- ScanResult) fs.WalkFunc {
  221. now := time.Now()
  222. ignoredParent := ""
  223. return func(path string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
  224. select {
  225. case <-ctx.Done():
  226. return ctx.Err()
  227. default:
  228. }
  229. metricScannedItems.WithLabelValues(w.Folder).Inc()
  230. // Return value used when we are returning early and don't want to
  231. // process the item. For directories, this means do-not-descend.
  232. var skip error // nil
  233. // info nil when error is not nil
  234. if info != nil && info.IsDir() {
  235. skip = fs.SkipDir
  236. }
  237. if !utf8.ValidString(path) {
  238. handleError(ctx, "scan", path, errUTF8Invalid, finishedChan)
  239. return skip
  240. }
  241. if fs.IsTemporary(path) {
  242. l.Debugln(w, "temporary:", path, "err:", err)
  243. if err == nil && info.IsRegular() && info.ModTime().Add(w.TempLifetime).Before(now) {
  244. w.Filesystem.Remove(path)
  245. l.Debugln(w, "removing temporary:", path, info.ModTime())
  246. }
  247. return nil
  248. }
  249. if fs.IsInternal(path) {
  250. l.Debugln(w, "ignored (internal):", path)
  251. return skip
  252. }
  253. if m := w.Matcher.Match(path); m.IsIgnored() {
  254. l.Debugln(w, "ignored (patterns):", path)
  255. // Only descend if matcher says so and the current file is not a symlink.
  256. if err != nil || m.CanSkipDir() || info.IsSymlink() {
  257. return skip
  258. }
  259. // If the parent wasn't ignored already, set this path as the "highest" ignored parent
  260. if info.IsDir() && (ignoredParent == "" || !fs.IsParent(path, ignoredParent)) {
  261. ignoredParent = path
  262. }
  263. return nil
  264. }
  265. if err != nil {
  266. // No need reporting errors for files that don't exist (e.g. scan
  267. // due to filesystem watcher)
  268. if !fs.IsNotExist(err) {
  269. handleError(ctx, "scan", path, err, finishedChan)
  270. }
  271. return skip
  272. }
  273. if path == "." {
  274. return nil
  275. }
  276. if ignoredParent == "" {
  277. // parent isn't ignored, nothing special
  278. return w.handleItem(ctx, path, info, toHashChan, finishedChan, skip)
  279. }
  280. // Part of current path below the ignored (potential) parent
  281. rel := strings.TrimPrefix(path, ignoredParent+string(fs.PathSeparator))
  282. // ignored path isn't actually a parent of the current path
  283. if rel == path {
  284. ignoredParent = ""
  285. return w.handleItem(ctx, path, info, toHashChan, finishedChan, skip)
  286. }
  287. // The previously ignored parent directories of the current, not
  288. // ignored path need to be handled as well.
  289. // Prepend an empty string to handle ignoredParent without anything
  290. // appended in the first iteration.
  291. for _, name := range append([]string{""}, fs.PathComponents(rel)...) {
  292. ignoredParent = filepath.Join(ignoredParent, name)
  293. info, err = w.Filesystem.Lstat(ignoredParent)
  294. // An error here would be weird as we've already gotten to this point, but act on it nonetheless
  295. if err != nil {
  296. handleError(ctx, "scan", ignoredParent, err, finishedChan)
  297. return skip
  298. }
  299. if err = w.handleItem(ctx, ignoredParent, info, toHashChan, finishedChan, skip); err != nil {
  300. return err
  301. }
  302. }
  303. ignoredParent = ""
  304. return nil
  305. }
  306. }
  307. func (w *walker) handleItem(ctx context.Context, path string, info fs.FileInfo, toHashChan chan<- protocol.FileInfo, finishedChan chan<- ScanResult, skip error) error {
  308. oldPath := path
  309. path, err := w.normalizePath(path, info)
  310. if err != nil {
  311. handleError(ctx, "normalizing path", oldPath, err, finishedChan)
  312. return skip
  313. }
  314. switch {
  315. case info.IsSymlink():
  316. if err := w.walkSymlink(ctx, path, info, finishedChan); err != nil {
  317. return err
  318. }
  319. if info.IsDir() {
  320. // under no circumstances shall we descend into a symlink
  321. return fs.SkipDir
  322. }
  323. return nil
  324. case info.IsDir():
  325. err = w.walkDir(ctx, path, info, finishedChan)
  326. case info.IsRegular():
  327. err = w.walkRegular(ctx, path, info, toHashChan)
  328. }
  329. return err
  330. }
  331. func (w *walker) walkRegular(ctx context.Context, relPath string, info fs.FileInfo, toHashChan chan<- protocol.FileInfo) error {
  332. curFile, hasCurFile := w.CurrentFiler.CurrentFile(relPath)
  333. blockSize := protocol.BlockSize(info.Size())
  334. if hasCurFile {
  335. // Check if we should retain current block size.
  336. curBlockSize := curFile.BlockSize()
  337. if blockSize > curBlockSize && blockSize/curBlockSize <= 2 {
  338. // New block size is larger, but not more than twice larger.
  339. // Retain.
  340. blockSize = curBlockSize
  341. } else if curBlockSize > blockSize && curBlockSize/blockSize <= 2 {
  342. // Old block size is larger, but not more than twice larger.
  343. // Retain.
  344. blockSize = curBlockSize
  345. }
  346. }
  347. f, err := CreateFileInfo(info, relPath, w.Filesystem, w.ScanOwnership, w.ScanXattrs, w.XattrFilter)
  348. if err != nil {
  349. return err
  350. }
  351. f = w.updateFileInfo(f, curFile)
  352. f.NoPermissions = w.IgnorePerms
  353. f.RawBlockSize = blockSize
  354. l.Debugln(w, "checking:", f)
  355. if hasCurFile {
  356. if curFile.IsEquivalentOptional(f, protocol.FileInfoComparison{
  357. ModTimeWindow: w.ModTimeWindow,
  358. IgnorePerms: w.IgnorePerms,
  359. IgnoreBlocks: true,
  360. IgnoreFlags: w.LocalFlags,
  361. IgnoreOwnership: !w.ScanOwnership,
  362. IgnoreXattrs: !w.ScanXattrs,
  363. }) {
  364. l.Debugln(w, "unchanged:", curFile)
  365. return nil
  366. }
  367. if curFile.ShouldConflict() && !f.ShouldConflict() {
  368. // The old file was invalid for whatever reason and probably not
  369. // up to date with what was out there in the cluster. Drop all
  370. // others from the version vector to indicate that we haven't
  371. // taken their version into account, and possibly cause a
  372. // conflict. However, only do this if the new file is not also
  373. // invalid. This would indicate that the new file is not part
  374. // of the cluster, but e.g. a local change.
  375. f.Version = f.Version.DropOthers(w.ShortID)
  376. }
  377. l.Debugln(w, "rescan:", curFile)
  378. }
  379. l.Debugln(w, "to hash:", relPath, f)
  380. select {
  381. case toHashChan <- f:
  382. case <-ctx.Done():
  383. return ctx.Err()
  384. }
  385. return nil
  386. }
  387. func (w *walker) walkDir(ctx context.Context, relPath string, info fs.FileInfo, finishedChan chan<- ScanResult) error {
  388. curFile, hasCurFile := w.CurrentFiler.CurrentFile(relPath)
  389. f, err := CreateFileInfo(info, relPath, w.Filesystem, w.ScanOwnership, w.ScanXattrs, w.XattrFilter)
  390. if err != nil {
  391. return err
  392. }
  393. f = w.updateFileInfo(f, curFile)
  394. f.NoPermissions = w.IgnorePerms
  395. l.Debugln(w, "checking:", f)
  396. if hasCurFile {
  397. if curFile.IsEquivalentOptional(f, protocol.FileInfoComparison{
  398. ModTimeWindow: w.ModTimeWindow,
  399. IgnorePerms: w.IgnorePerms,
  400. IgnoreBlocks: true,
  401. IgnoreFlags: w.LocalFlags,
  402. IgnoreOwnership: !w.ScanOwnership,
  403. IgnoreXattrs: !w.ScanXattrs,
  404. }) {
  405. l.Debugln(w, "unchanged:", curFile)
  406. return nil
  407. }
  408. if curFile.ShouldConflict() && !f.ShouldConflict() {
  409. // The old file was invalid for whatever reason and probably not
  410. // up to date with what was out there in the cluster. Drop all
  411. // others from the version vector to indicate that we haven't
  412. // taken their version into account, and possibly cause a
  413. // conflict. However, only do this if the new file is not also
  414. // invalid. This would indicate that the new file is not part
  415. // of the cluster, but e.g. a local change.
  416. f.Version = f.Version.DropOthers(w.ShortID)
  417. }
  418. l.Debugln(w, "rescan:", curFile)
  419. }
  420. l.Debugln(w, "dir:", relPath, f)
  421. select {
  422. case finishedChan <- ScanResult{File: f}:
  423. case <-ctx.Done():
  424. return ctx.Err()
  425. }
  426. return nil
  427. }
  428. // walkSymlink returns nil or an error, if the error is of the nature that
  429. // it should stop the entire walk.
  430. func (w *walker) walkSymlink(ctx context.Context, relPath string, info fs.FileInfo, finishedChan chan<- ScanResult) error {
  431. // Symlinks are not supported on Windows. We ignore instead of returning
  432. // an error.
  433. if build.IsWindows {
  434. return nil
  435. }
  436. f, err := CreateFileInfo(info, relPath, w.Filesystem, w.ScanOwnership, w.ScanXattrs, w.XattrFilter)
  437. if err != nil {
  438. handleError(ctx, "reading link", relPath, err, finishedChan)
  439. return nil
  440. }
  441. curFile, hasCurFile := w.CurrentFiler.CurrentFile(relPath)
  442. f = w.updateFileInfo(f, curFile)
  443. l.Debugln(w, "checking:", f)
  444. if hasCurFile {
  445. if curFile.IsEquivalentOptional(f, protocol.FileInfoComparison{
  446. ModTimeWindow: w.ModTimeWindow,
  447. IgnorePerms: w.IgnorePerms,
  448. IgnoreBlocks: true,
  449. IgnoreFlags: w.LocalFlags,
  450. IgnoreOwnership: !w.ScanOwnership,
  451. IgnoreXattrs: !w.ScanXattrs,
  452. }) {
  453. l.Debugln(w, "unchanged:", curFile, info.ModTime().Unix(), info.Mode()&fs.ModePerm)
  454. return nil
  455. }
  456. if curFile.ShouldConflict() && !f.ShouldConflict() {
  457. // The old file was invalid for whatever reason and probably not
  458. // up to date with what was out there in the cluster. Drop all
  459. // others from the version vector to indicate that we haven't
  460. // taken their version into account, and possibly cause a
  461. // conflict. However, only do this if the new file is not also
  462. // invalid. This would indicate that the new file is not part
  463. // of the cluster, but e.g. a local change.
  464. f.Version = f.Version.DropOthers(w.ShortID)
  465. }
  466. l.Debugln(w, "rescan:", curFile)
  467. }
  468. l.Debugln(w, "symlink:", relPath, f)
  469. select {
  470. case finishedChan <- ScanResult{File: f}:
  471. case <-ctx.Done():
  472. return ctx.Err()
  473. }
  474. return nil
  475. }
  476. // normalizePath returns the normalized relative path (possibly after fixing
  477. // it on disk), or skip is true.
  478. func (w *walker) normalizePath(path string, info fs.FileInfo) (normPath string, err error) {
  479. if build.IsDarwin || build.IsIOS {
  480. // Mac OS X file names should always be NFD normalized.
  481. normPath = norm.NFD.String(path)
  482. } else {
  483. // Every other OS in the known universe uses NFC or just plain
  484. // doesn't bother to define an encoding. In our case *we* do care,
  485. // so we enforce NFC regardless.
  486. normPath = norm.NFC.String(path)
  487. }
  488. if path == normPath {
  489. // The file name is already normalized: nothing to do
  490. return path, nil
  491. }
  492. if !w.AutoNormalize {
  493. // We're not authorized to do anything about it, so complain and skip.
  494. return "", errUTF8Normalization
  495. }
  496. // We will attempt to normalize it.
  497. normInfo, err := w.Filesystem.Lstat(normPath)
  498. if fs.IsNotExist(err) {
  499. // Nothing exists with the normalized filename. Good.
  500. if err = w.Filesystem.Rename(path, normPath); err != nil {
  501. return "", err
  502. }
  503. l.Infof(`Normalized UTF8 encoding of file name "%s".`, path)
  504. return normPath, nil
  505. }
  506. if w.Filesystem.SameFile(info, normInfo) {
  507. // With some filesystems (ZFS), if there is an un-normalized path and you ask whether the normalized
  508. // version exists, it responds with true. Therefore we need to check fs.SameFile as well.
  509. // In this case, a call to Rename won't do anything, so we have to rename via a temp file.
  510. // We don't want to use the standard syncthing prefix here, as that will result in the file being ignored
  511. // and eventually deleted by Syncthing if the rename back fails.
  512. tempPath := fs.TempNameWithPrefix(normPath, "")
  513. if err = w.Filesystem.Rename(path, tempPath); err != nil {
  514. return "", err
  515. }
  516. if err = w.Filesystem.Rename(tempPath, normPath); err != nil {
  517. // I don't ever expect this to happen, but if it does, we should probably tell our caller that the normalized
  518. // path is the temp path: that way at least the user's data still gets synced.
  519. l.Warnf(`Error renaming "%s" to "%s" while normalizating UTF8 encoding: %v. You will want to rename this file back manually`, tempPath, normPath, err)
  520. return tempPath, nil
  521. }
  522. return normPath, nil
  523. }
  524. // There is something already in the way at the normalized
  525. // file name.
  526. return "", errUTF8Conflict
  527. }
  528. // updateFileInfo updates walker specific members of protocol.FileInfo that
  529. // do not depend on type, and things that should be preserved from the
  530. // previous version of the FileInfo.
  531. func (w *walker) updateFileInfo(dst, src protocol.FileInfo) protocol.FileInfo {
  532. if dst.Type == protocol.FileInfoTypeFile && build.IsWindows {
  533. // If we have an existing index entry, copy the executable bits
  534. // from there.
  535. dst.Permissions |= (src.Permissions & 0o111)
  536. }
  537. dst.Version = src.Version.Update(w.ShortID)
  538. dst.ModifiedBy = w.ShortID
  539. dst.LocalFlags = w.LocalFlags
  540. // Copy OS data from src to dst, unless it was already set on dst.
  541. dst.Platform.MergeWith(&src.Platform)
  542. return dst
  543. }
  544. func handleError(ctx context.Context, context, path string, err error, finishedChan chan<- ScanResult) {
  545. select {
  546. case finishedChan <- ScanResult{
  547. Err: fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", context, err),
  548. Path: path,
  549. }:
  550. case <-ctx.Done():
  551. }
  552. }
  553. func (w *walker) String() string {
  554. return fmt.Sprintf("walker/%s@%p", w.Folder, w)
  555. }
  556. // A byteCounter gets bytes added to it via Update() and then provides the
  557. // Total() and one minute moving average Rate() in bytes per second.
  558. type byteCounter struct {
  559. total atomic.Int64
  560. metrics.EWMA
  561. stop chan struct{}
  562. }
  563. func newByteCounter() *byteCounter {
  564. c := &byteCounter{
  565. EWMA: metrics.NewEWMA1(), // a one minute exponentially weighted moving average
  566. stop: make(chan struct{}),
  567. }
  568. go c.ticker()
  569. return c
  570. }
  571. func (c *byteCounter) ticker() {
  572. // The metrics.EWMA expects clock ticks every five seconds in order to
  573. // decay the average properly.
  574. t := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
  575. for {
  576. select {
  577. case <-t.C:
  578. c.Tick()
  579. case <-c.stop:
  580. t.Stop()
  581. return
  582. }
  583. }
  584. }
  585. func (c *byteCounter) Update(bytes int64) {
  586. c.total.Add(bytes)
  587. c.EWMA.Update(bytes)
  588. }
  589. func (c *byteCounter) Total() int64 { return c.total.Load() }
  590. func (c *byteCounter) Close() {
  591. close(c.stop)
  592. }
  593. // A no-op CurrentFiler
  594. type noCurrentFiler struct{}
  595. func (noCurrentFiler) CurrentFile(_ string) (protocol.FileInfo, bool) {
  596. return protocol.FileInfo{}, false
  597. }
  598. func CreateFileInfo(fi fs.FileInfo, name string, filesystem fs.Filesystem, scanOwnership bool, scanXattrs bool, xattrFilter XattrFilter) (protocol.FileInfo, error) {
  599. f := protocol.FileInfo{Name: name}
  600. if scanOwnership || scanXattrs {
  601. if plat, err := filesystem.PlatformData(name, scanOwnership, scanXattrs, xattrFilter); err == nil {
  602. f.Platform = plat
  603. } else {
  604. return protocol.FileInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("reading platform data: %w", err)
  605. }
  606. }
  607. if ct := fi.InodeChangeTime(); !ct.IsZero() {
  608. f.InodeChangeNs = ct.UnixNano()
  609. } else {
  610. f.InodeChangeNs = 0
  611. }
  612. if fi.IsSymlink() {
  613. f.Type = protocol.FileInfoTypeSymlink
  614. target, err := filesystem.ReadSymlink(name)
  615. if err != nil {
  616. return protocol.FileInfo{}, err
  617. }
  618. f.SymlinkTarget = target
  619. f.NoPermissions = true // Symlinks don't have permissions of their own
  620. return f, nil
  621. }
  622. f.Permissions = uint32(fi.Mode() & fs.ModePerm)
  623. f.ModifiedS = fi.ModTime().Unix()
  624. f.ModifiedNs = fi.ModTime().Nanosecond()
  625. if fi.IsDir() {
  626. f.Type = protocol.FileInfoTypeDirectory
  627. return f, nil
  628. }
  629. f.Size = fi.Size()
  630. f.Type = protocol.FileInfoTypeFile
  631. return f, nil
  632. }