lang-ga.json 50 KB

  1. {
  2. "A device with that ID is already added.": "Tá gléas leis an aitheantas sin curtha leis cheana féin.",
  3. "A negative number of days doesn't make sense.": "Níl ciall le líon diúltach laethanta.",
  4. "A new major version may not be compatible with previous versions.": "B'fhéidir nach bhfuil mórleagan nua comhoiriúnach le leaganacha roimhe seo.",
  5. "API Key": "Eochair API",
  6. "About": "Maidir",
  7. "Action": "Gníomh",
  8. "Actions": "Gníomhartha",
  9. "Active filter rules": "Rialacha gníomhacha scagaire",
  10. "Add": "Cuir Leis",
  11. "Add Device": "Cuir Gléas Leis",
  12. "Add Folder": "Cuir Fillteán Leis",
  13. "Add Remote Device": "Cuir Cianghléas Leis",
  14. "Add devices from the introducer to our device list, for mutually shared folders.": "Cuir gléasanna ón introducer lenár liosta gléasanna, le haghaidh fillteáin a roinntear go frithpháirteach.",
  15. "Add filter entry": "Cuir iontráil scagaire leis",
  16. "Add ignore patterns": "Cuir patrúin neamhairde leis",
  17. "Add new folder?": "Cuir fillteán nua leis?",
  18. "Additionally the full rescan interval will be increased (times 60, i.e. new default of 1h). You can also configure it manually for every folder later after choosing No.": "Ina theannta sin méadófar an t-eatramh iomlán athscanta (amanna 60, i.e. mainneachtain nua 1h). Is féidir leat é a chumrú de láimh do gach fillteán níos déanaí tar éis Uimh.",
  19. "Address": "Seoladh",
  20. "Addresses": "Seoltaí",
  21. "Advanced": "Ardrang",
  22. "Advanced Configuration": "Ardchumraíocht",
  23. "All Data": "Na Sonraí Go Léir",
  24. "All Time": "Gach Am",
  25. "All folders shared with this device must be protected by a password, such that all sent data is unreadable without the given password.": "Ní mór gach fillteán a roinntear leis an ngléas seo a chosaint le pasfhocal, ionas nach féidir na sonraí go léir a sheoltar a léamh gan an pasfhocal tugtha.",
  26. "Allow Anonymous Usage Reporting?": "Ceadaigh Tuairisciú Úsáide Gan Ainm?",
  27. "Allowed Networks": "Líonraí Ceadaithe",
  28. "Alphabetic": "Aibítreach",
  29. "Altered by ignoring deletes.": "Athraithe trí neamhaird a dhéanamh ar scriosadh.",
  30. "An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder. If the path to the application contains spaces, it should be quoted.": "Láimhseálann ordú seachtrach an leagan. Caithfidh sé an comhad a bhaint den fhillteán comhroinnte. Má tá spásanna sa chosán chuig an bhfeidhmchlár, ba chóir é a lua.",
  31. "Anonymous Usage Reporting": "Tuairisciú Úsáide Gan Ainm",
  32. "Anonymous usage report format has changed. Would you like to move to the new format?": "Tá athrú tagtha ar fhormáid na tuarascála úsáide gan ainm. Ar mhaith leat bogadh go dtí an fhormáid nua?",
  33. "Applied to LAN": "Curtha i bhfeidhm ar LAN",
  34. "Apply": "Iarratas a dhéanamh",
  35. "Are you sure you want to override all remote changes?": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil fonn ort gach athrú iargúlta a shárú?",
  36. "Are you sure you want to permanently delete all these files?": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil fonn ort na comhaid seo go léir a scriosadh go buan?",
  37. "Are you sure you want to remove device {%name%}?": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil fonn ort an gléas {{name}}a bhaint?",
  38. "Are you sure you want to remove folder {%label%}?": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil fonn ort fillteán {{label}}a bhaint?",
  39. "Are you sure you want to restore {%count%} files?": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil fonn ort comhaid {{count}} a aischur?",
  40. "Are you sure you want to revert all local changes?": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil fonn ort na hathruithe áitiúla go léir a chur ar ais?",
  41. "Are you sure you want to upgrade?": "An bhfuil tú cinnte go bhfuil fonn ort uasghrádú a dhéanamh?",
  42. "Authentication Required": "Fíordheimhniú de dhíth",
  43. "Authors": "Údair",
  44. "Auto Accept": "Glac go hUathoibríoch",
  45. "Automatic Crash Reporting": "Tuairisciú Uathoibríoch Tuairteála",
  46. "Automatic upgrade now offers the choice between stable releases and release candidates.": "Cuireann uasghrádú uathoibríoch anois an rogha idir eisiúintí cobhsaí agus iarrthóirí scaoilte.",
  47. "Automatic upgrades": "Uasghrádú uathoibríoch",
  48. "Automatic upgrades are always enabled for candidate releases.": "Cumasaítear uasghrádú uathoibríoch i gcónaí le haghaidh eisiúintí iarrthóra.",
  49. "Automatically create or share folders that this device advertises at the default path.": "Cruthaigh nó comhroinn fillteáin go huathoibríoch a fhógraíonn an gléas seo ag an gcosán réamhshocraithe.",
  50. "Available debug logging facilities:": "Áiseanna logála dífhabhtaithe atá ar fáil:",
  51. "Be careful!": "Bí cúramach!",
  52. "Body:": "Comhlacht:",
  53. "Bugs": "Fabhtanna",
  54. "Cancel": "Cuir ar ceal",
  55. "Changelog": "ChangelogName",
  56. "Clean out after": "Glan amach tar éis",
  57. "Cleaning Versions": "Leaganacha Glantacháin",
  58. "Cleanup Interval": "Eatramh Glanta",
  59. "Click to see full identification string and QR code.": "Cliceáil chun teaghrán aitheantais iomlán agus cód QR a fheiceáil.",
  60. "Close": "Dún",
  61. "Command": "Ordú",
  62. "Comment, when used at the start of a line": "Trácht a dhéanamh, nuair a úsáidtear é ag tús líne",
  63. "Compression": "Comhbhrú",
  64. "Configuration Directory": "Comhadlann Cumraíochta",
  65. "Configuration File": "Comhad Cumraíochta",
  66. "Configured": "Cumraithe",
  67. "Connected (Unused)": "Ceangailte (Neamhúsáidte)",
  68. "Connection Error": "Earráid naisc",
  69. "Connection Management": "Bainistíocht Ceangail",
  70. "Connection Type": "Cineál Ceangail",
  71. "Connections": "Naisc",
  72. "Connections via relays might be rate limited by the relay": "D'fhéadfadh naisc trí athsheachadáin a bheith ráta teoranta ag an sealaíochta",
  73. "Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.": "Tá faire leanúnach le haghaidh athruithe ar fáil anois laistigh de Syncthing. Braithfidh sé seo athruithe ar an diosca agus eiseoidh sé scanadh ar na cosáin mhodhnaithe amháin. Is iad na buntáistí ná go ndéantar athruithe a iomadú níos tapúla agus go bhfuil gá le scanadh níos lú iomlán.",
  74. "Copied from elsewhere": "Cóipeáladh ó áiteanna eile",
  75. "Copied from original": "Cóipeáladh ón mbunleagan",
  76. "Copied!": "Cóipeáladh!",
  77. "Copy": "Cóipeáil",
  78. "Copy failed! Try to select and copy manually.": "Theip ar chóip! Déan iarracht a roghnú agus a chóipeáil de láimh.",
  79. "Currently Shared With Devices": "Comhroinnte faoi láthair le gléasanna",
  80. "Custom Range": "Raon Saincheaptha",
  81. "Danger!": "Contúirt!",
  82. "Database Location": "Suíomh an Bhunachair Sonraí",
  83. "Debugging Facilities": "Áiseanna Dífhabhtaithe",
  84. "Default": "Réamhshocrú",
  85. "Default Configuration": "Cumraíocht Réamhshocraithe",
  86. "Default Device": "Gléas Réamhshocraithe",
  87. "Default Folder": "Fillteán Réamhshocraithe",
  88. "Default Ignore Patterns": "Patrúin Neamhairde Réamhshocraithe",
  89. "Defaults": "Réamhshocruithe",
  90. "Delete": "Scrios",
  91. "Delete Unexpected Items": "Scrios Míreanna Gan Choinne",
  92. "Deleted {%file%}": "Scriosta {{file}}",
  93. "Deselect All": "Díroghnaigh Gach Rud",
  94. "Deselect devices to stop sharing this folder with.": "Díroghnaigh gléasanna chun stop a chur le comhroinnt an fhillteáin seo.",
  95. "Deselect folders to stop sharing with this device.": "Díroghnaigh fillteáin chun stop a chur le comhroinnt leis an ngléas seo.",
  96. "Device": "Gléas",
  97. "Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?": "Device \"{{name}}\" ({{device}} at {{address}}) ag iarraidh ceangal. Cuir gléas nua leis?",
  98. "Device Certificate": "Teastas Gléis",
  99. "Device ID": "Aitheantas gléis",
  100. "Device Identification": "Aitheantas gléis",
  101. "Device Name": "Ainm an Ghléis",
  102. "Device Status": "Stádas an Ghléis",
  103. "Device is untrusted, enter encryption password": "Tá an gléas neamhiontaofa, iontráil focal faire criptithe",
  104. "Device rate limits": "Teorainneacha ráta gléis",
  105. "Device that last modified the item": "Gléas a d'athraigh an mhír go deireanach",
  106. "Devices": "Gléasanna",
  107. "Disable Crash Reporting": "Díchumasaigh Tuairisciú Tuairteála",
  108. "Disabled": "Díchumasaithe",
  109. "Disabled periodic scanning and disabled watching for changes": "Scanadh tréimhsiúil díchumasaithe agus daoine faoi mhíchumas ag faire ar athruithe",
  110. "Disabled periodic scanning and enabled watching for changes": "Scanadh tréimhsiúil díchumasaithe agus cumasaíodh faire le haghaidh athruithe",
  111. "Disabled periodic scanning and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "Scanadh tréimhsiúil díchumasaithe agus theip ar shocrú faire le haghaidh athruithe, ag triail gach 1m:",
  112. "Disables comparing and syncing file permissions. Useful on systems with nonexistent or custom permissions (e.g. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).": "Díchumasaigh comparáid agus sioncronú ceadanna comhaid. Úsáideach ar chórais le ceadanna nonexistent nó saincheaptha ( FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).",
  113. "Discard": "Ná Sábháil",
  114. "Disconnected": "Dícheangailte",
  115. "Disconnected (Inactive)": "Dícheangailte (Neamhghníomhach)",
  116. "Disconnected (Unused)": "Dícheangailte (Neamhúsáidte)",
  117. "Discovered": "Aimsíodh",
  118. "Discovery": "Fionnachtain",
  119. "Discovery Failures": "Teipeanna Fionnachtana",
  120. "Discovery Status": "Stádas Fionnachtana",
  121. "Dismiss": "Ruaig",
  122. "Do not add it to the ignore list, so this notification may recur.": "Ná cuir leis an liosta neamhairde é, mar sin d'fhéadfadh an fógra seo tarlú arís.",
  123. "Do not restore": "Ná hathchóirigh",
  124. "Do not restore all": "Ná cuir gach rud ar ais",
  125. "Do you want to enable watching for changes for all your folders?": "An bhfuil fonn ort féachaint ar athruithe do d'fhillteáin go léir?",
  126. "Documentation": "Doiciméadú",
  127. "Download Rate": "Ráta Íosluchtaithe",
  128. "Downloaded": "Íoslódáilte",
  129. "Downloading": "Á Íosluchtú",
  130. "Edit": "Cuir in eagar",
  131. "Edit Device": "Cuir Gléas in Eagar",
  132. "Edit Device Defaults": "Cuir Réamhshocruithe gléis in Eagar",
  133. "Edit Folder": "Cuir Fillteán in Eagar",
  134. "Edit Folder Defaults": "Cuir Réamhshocruithe an Fhillteáin in Eagar",
  135. "Editing {%path%}.": "Eagarthóireacht {{path}}.",
  136. "Enable Crash Reporting": "Cumasaigh Tuairisciú Tuairteanna",
  137. "Enable NAT traversal": "Cumasaigh traversal NAT",
  138. "Enable Relaying": "Cumasaigh Athsheachadadh",
  139. "Enabled": "Cumasaithe",
  140. "Enables sending extended attributes to other devices, and applying incoming extended attributes. May require running with elevated privileges.": "Cumasaigh tréithe leathnaithe a sheoladh chuig gléasanna eile, agus tréithe sínte isteach a chur i bhfeidhm. D'fhéadfadh sé go mbeadh gá le rith le pribhléidí ardaithe.",
  141. "Enables sending extended attributes to other devices, but not applying incoming extended attributes. This can have a significant performance impact. Always enabled when \"Sync Extended Attributes\" is enabled.": "Cumasaigh tréithe leathnaithe a sheoladh chuig gléasanna eile, ach gan tréithe leathnaithe ag teacht isteach a chur i bhfeidhm. D'fhéadfadh tionchar suntasach feidhmíochta a bheith aige seo. Cumasaíodh i gcónaí nuair a chumasaítear \"Sync Extended Attributes\".",
  142. "Enables sending ownership information to other devices, and applying incoming ownership information. Typically requires running with elevated privileges.": "Cumasaíonn sé faisnéis úinéireachta a sheoladh chuig gléasanna eile, agus faisnéis úinéireachta isteach a chur i bhfeidhm. De ghnáth éilíonn rith le pribhléidí ardaithe.",
  143. "Enables sending ownership information to other devices, but not applying incoming ownership information. This can have a significant performance impact. Always enabled when \"Sync Ownership\" is enabled.": "Cumasaíonn sé faisnéis úinéireachta a sheoladh chuig gléasanna eile, ach gan faisnéis úinéireachta isteach a chur i bhfeidhm. D'fhéadfadh tionchar suntasach feidhmíochta a bheith aige seo. Cumasaíodh i gcónaí nuair a chumasaítear \"Úinéireacht Shioncronaithe\".",
  144. "Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.": "Iontráil uimhir neamh-dhiúltach (, \"2.35\") agus roghnaigh aonad. Tá céatadáin mar chuid de mhéid iomlán an diosca.",
  145. "Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).": "Cuir isteach uimhir phoirt neamhphribhléid (1024 - 65535).",
  146. "Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.": "Cuir isteach camóg scartha (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") seoltaí nó \"dinimiciúil\" chun fionnachtain uathoibríoch an tseolta a dhéanamh.",
  147. "Enter ignore patterns, one per line.": "Iontráil patrúin neamhaird, ceann in aghaidh an líne.",
  148. "Enter up to three octal digits.": "Iontráil suas le trí dhigit ochtach.",
  149. "Error": "Earráid",
  150. "Extended Attributes": "Tréithe Breisithe",
  151. "Extended Attributes Filter": "Scagaire Tréithe Breisithe",
  152. "External": "Seachtrach",
  153. "External File Versioning": "Leagan Comhad Seachtrach",
  154. "Failed Items": "Míreanna Teipthe",
  155. "Failed to load file versions.": "Theip ar luchtú leaganacha comhaid.",
  156. "Failed to load ignore patterns.": "Theip ar phatrúin neamhairde a luchtú.",
  157. "Failed to setup, retrying": "Theip ar thus, ag triail arís",
  158. "Failure to connect to IPv6 servers is expected if there is no IPv6 connectivity.": "Táthar ag súil le mainneachtain ceangal le freastalaithe IPv6 mura bhfuil nascacht IPv6 ann.",
  159. "File Pull Order": "Ordú Tarraingthe Comhad",
  160. "File Versioning": "Leagan Comhaid",
  161. "Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Bogtar comhaid go comhadlann .stversions nuair a chuirtear sioncronú ina n-ionad nó nuair a scriostar iad.",
  162. "Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.": "Bogtar comhaid go dtí seo leaganacha stampáilte i gcomhadlann .stversions nuair a chuirtear sioncronú ina n-ionad nó nuair a scriostar iad.",
  163. "Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.": "Cosnaítear comhaid ó athruithe a dhéantar ar ghléasanna eile, ach seolfar athruithe a dhéantar ar an ngléas seo chuig an gcuid eile den bhraisle.",
  164. "Files are synchronized from the cluster, but any changes made locally will not be sent to other devices.": "Déantar comhaid a shioncrónú ón mbraisle, ach ní sheolfar aon athruithe a dhéantar go háitiúil chuig gléasanna eile.",
  165. "Filesystem Watcher Errors": "Earráidí Faireoir an Chórais Comhad",
  166. "Filter by date": "Scag de réir dáta",
  167. "Filter by name": "Scag de réir ainm",
  168. "Folder": "Fillteán",
  169. "Folder ID": "Aitheantas an fhillteáin",
  170. "Folder Label": "Lipéad Fillteáin",
  171. "Folder Path": "Conair an Fhillteáin",
  172. "Folder Status": "Stádas an Fhillteáin",
  173. "Folder Type": "Cineál Fillteáin",
  174. "Folder type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" can only be set when adding a new folder.": "Ní féidir cineál fillteáin \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" a shocrú ach amháin nuair a chuirtear fillteán nua leis.",
  175. "Folder type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" cannot be changed after adding the folder. You need to remove the folder, delete or decrypt the data on disk, and add the folder again.": "Ní féidir cineál fillteáin \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" a athrú tar éis an fillteán a chur leis. Ní mór duit an fillteán a bhaint, na sonraí ar an diosca a scriosadh nó a dhíchriptiú, agus an fillteán a chur leis arís.",
  176. "Folders": "Fillteáin",
  177. "For the following folders an error occurred while starting to watch for changes. It will be retried every minute, so the errors might go away soon. If they persist, try to fix the underlying issue and ask for help if you can't.": "Maidir leis na fillteáin seo a leanas, tharla earráid agus tú ag tosú ag faire ar athruithe. Beidh sé a retried gach nóiméad, mar sin d'fhéadfadh na hearráidí dul amach go luath. Má leanann siad ar aghaidh, déan iarracht an bhuncheist a shocrú agus cabhair a iarraidh mura féidir leat.",
  178. "Forever": "Go brách",
  179. "Full Rescan Interval (s)": "Eatramh Rescan Iomlán (í)",
  180. "GUI": "Comhéadan Grafach",
  181. "GUI / API HTTPS Certificate": "Teastas GUI / API HTTPS",
  182. "GUI Authentication Password": "Pasfhocal Fíordheimhnithe GUI",
  183. "GUI Authentication User": "Úsáideoir Fíordheimhnithe GUI",
  184. "GUI Authentication: Set User and Password": "Fíordheimhniú Grafach: Socraigh Úsáideoir agus Pasfhocal",
  185. "GUI Listen Address": "Seoladh Éisteachta GUI",
  186. "GUI Override Directory": "Comhadlann Sáraithe GUI",
  187. "GUI Theme": "Téama grafach",
  188. "General": "Ginearálta",
  189. "Generate": "Gin",
  190. "Global Discovery": "Fionnachtain Dhomhanda",
  191. "Global Discovery Servers": "Freastalaithe Fionnachtana Domhanda",
  192. "Global State": "Stát Domhanda",
  193. "Help": "Cabhair",
  194. "Hint: only deny-rules detected while the default is deny. Consider adding \"permit any\" as last rule.": "Leid: níor aimsíodh ach rialacha diúltaithe agus an réamhshocrú á séanadh. Smaoinigh ar \"cead ar bith\" a chur leis mar riail dheireanach.",
  195. "Home page": "Leathanach baile",
  196. "However, your current settings indicate you might not want it enabled. We have disabled automatic crash reporting for you.": "Mar sin féin, léiríonn do shocruithe reatha go mb'fhéidir nár mhaith leat é a chumasú. Tá tuairisciú uathoibríoch tuairteála díchumasaithe againn duit.",
  197. "Identification": "Aitheantas",
  198. "If untrusted, enter encryption password": "Mura bhfuil muinín agat as, iontráil focal faire criptithe",
  199. "If you want to prevent other users on this computer from accessing Syncthing and through it your files, consider setting up authentication.": "Más mian leat cosc a chur ar úsáideoirí eile ar an ríomhaire seo rochtain a fháil ar Syncthing agus trí do chuid comhad, smaoinigh ar fhíordheimhniú a bhunú.",
  200. "Ignore": "Déan neamhaird de",
  201. "Ignore Patterns": "Déan neamhaird de Phatrúin",
  202. "Ignore Permissions": "Déan neamhaird de cheadanna",
  203. "Ignore patterns can only be added after the folder is created. If checked, an input field to enter ignore patterns will be presented after saving.": "Ní féidir patrúin neamhaird a chur leis ach amháin tar éis an fillteán a chruthú. Má sheiceáil, beidh réimse ionchur chun dul isteach patrúin neamhaird a chur i láthair tar éis a shábháil.",
  204. "Ignored Devices": "Gléasanna Neamhaird",
  205. "Ignored Folders": "Fillteáin Neamhaird",
  206. "Ignored at": "Neamhaird déanta air ag",
  207. "Included Software": "Bogearraí san áireamh",
  208. "Incoming Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Teorainn Ráta Isteach (KiB/s)",
  209. "Incorrect configuration may damage your folder contents and render Syncthing inoperable.": "D'fhéadfadh cumraíocht mhícheart dochar a dhéanamh d'inneachar d'fhillteáin agus sioncronú a dhéanamh do-oibrithe.",
  210. "Incorrect user name or password.": "Ainm úsáideora nó pasfhocal mícheart.",
  211. "Internally used paths:": "Cosáin a úsáidtear go hinmheánach:",
  212. "Introduced By": "Tugtha isteach ag",
  213. "Introducer": "Réamhrá",
  214. "Introduction": "Réamhrá",
  215. "Inversion of the given condition (i.e. do not exclude)": "Inbhéartú an choinníll áirithe (i.e. ná cuir as an áireamh)",
  216. "Keep Versions": "Coinnigh Leaganacha",
  217. "LDAP": "LDAPName",
  218. "Largest First": "An Chéad Cheann is Mó",
  219. "Last 30 Days": "Laethanta 30 seo caite",
  220. "Last 7 Days": "Laethanta 7 seo caite",
  221. "Last Month": "An Mhí Seo Caite",
  222. "Last Scan": "An scanadh is déanaí",
  223. "Last seen": "Feicthe go deireanach",
  224. "Latest Change": "An tAthrú is Déanaí",
  225. "Learn more": "Faigh tuilleadh eolais",
  226. "Learn more at {%url%}": "Tuilleadh eolais ag {{url}}",
  227. "Limit": "Teorainn",
  228. "Listener Failures": "Teipeanna an Éisteora",
  229. "Listener Status": "Stádas an éisteora",
  230. "Listeners": "Éisteoirí",
  231. "Loading data...": "Sonraí á luchtú...",
  232. "Loading...": "Á Luchtú...",
  233. "Local Additions": "Breiseanna Logánta",
  234. "Local Discovery": "Fionnachtain Áitiúil",
  235. "Local State": "Stát Áitiúil",
  236. "Local State (Total)": "Stát Áitiúil (Iomlán)",
  237. "Locally Changed Items": "Míreanna Athraithe go hÁitiúil",
  238. "Log": "Logáil",
  239. "Log File": "Logchomhad",
  240. "Log In": "Logáil isteach",
  241. "Log Out": "Logáil Amach",
  242. "Log in to see paths information.": "Logáil isteach chun faisnéis faoi chosáin a fheiceáil.",
  243. "Log in to see version information.": "Logáil isteach chun faisnéis faoin leagan a fheiceáil.",
  244. "Log tailing paused. Scroll to the bottom to continue.": "Bhí eireaball loga ar sos. Scrollaigh go bun an leathanaigh chun leanúint ar aghaidh.",
  245. "Login failed, see Syncthing logs for details.": "Theip ar logáil isteach, féach logaí sioncronaithe le haghaidh sonraí.",
  246. "Logs": "Logchomhaid",
  247. "Major Upgrade": "Uasghrádú Mór",
  248. "Mass actions": "Gníomhartha Aifrinn",
  249. "Maximum Age": "Aois Uasta",
  250. "Maximum single entry size": "Uasmhéid iontrála aonair",
  251. "Maximum total size": "Uasmhéid iomlán",
  252. "Metadata Only": "Meiteashonraí Amháin",
  253. "Minimum Free Disk Space": "Íosspás Diosca Saor in Aisce",
  254. "Mod. Device": "Mòd. Gléas",
  255. "Mod. Time": "Mòd. Am",
  256. "More than a month ago": "Níos mó ná mí ó shin",
  257. "More than a week ago": "Níos mó ná seachtain ó shin",
  258. "More than a year ago": "Níos mó ná bliain ó shin",
  259. "Move to top of queue": "Bog go barr na scuaine",
  260. "Multi level wildcard (matches multiple directory levels)": "Saoróg il-leibhéil (meaitseálann sé leibhéil eolaire éagsúla)",
  261. "Never": "Riamh",
  262. "New Device": "Gléas Nua",
  263. "New Folder": "Fillteán Nua",
  264. "Newest First": "An Chéad Cheann is Nuaí",
  265. "No": "Ní hea",
  266. "No File Versioning": "Gan Leagan Comhaid",
  267. "No files will be deleted as a result of this operation.": "Ní scriosfar aon chomhaid mar thoradh ar an oibríocht seo.",
  268. "No rules set": "Níl aon rialacha leagtha síos",
  269. "No upgrades": "Gan uasghrádú",
  270. "Not shared": "Gan roinnt",
  271. "Notice": "Fógra",
  272. "Number of Connections": "Líon na nasc",
  273. "OK": "Ceart go leor",
  274. "Off": "As",
  275. "Oldest First": "An Chéad duine is sine",
  276. "Optional descriptive label for the folder. Can be different on each device.": "Lipéad tuairisciúil roghnach don fhillteán. Is féidir a bheith difriúil ar gach gléas.",
  277. "Options": "Roghanna",
  278. "Out of Sync": "As Sioncronú",
  279. "Out of Sync Items": "As Míreanna Sioncronaithe",
  280. "Outgoing Rate Limit (KiB/s)": "Teorainn Ráta Amach (KiB/s)",
  281. "Override": "Sáraigh",
  282. "Override Changes": "Sáraigh Athruithe",
  283. "Ownership": "Úinéireacht",
  284. "Password": "Pasfhocal",
  285. "Path": "Conair",
  286. "Path to the folder on the local computer. Will be created if it does not exist. The tilde character (~) can be used as a shortcut for": "Conair chuig an bhfillteán ar an ríomhaire logánta. Cruthófar é mura bhfuil sé ann. Is féidir an carachtar tilde (~) a úsáid mar aicearra le haghaidh",
  287. "Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions directory in the shared folder).": "Conair inar chóir leaganacha a stóráil (fág folamh don chomhadlann réamhshocraithe .stversions san fhillteán comhroinnte).",
  288. "Paths": "Cosáin",
  289. "Pause": "ginideach: Dhún na nGall",
  290. "Pause All": "Cuir Gach Rud ar Sos",
  291. "Paused": "Curtha ar sos",
  292. "Paused (Unused)": "Sosanna (ligthe i ndearmad)",
  293. "Pending changes": "Athruithe ar feitheamh",
  294. "Periodic scanning at given interval and disabled watching for changes": "Scanadh tréimhsiúil ag eatramh áirithe agus daoine faoi mhíchumas ag faire ar athruithe",
  295. "Periodic scanning at given interval and enabled watching for changes": "Scanadh tréimhsiúil ag eatramh áirithe agus cumasaíodh faire le haghaidh athruithe",
  296. "Periodic scanning at given interval and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:": "Scanadh tréimhsiúil ag eatramh áirithe agus theip ar shocrú faire le haghaidh athruithe, ag triail gach 1m:",
  297. "Permanently add it to the ignore list, suppressing further notifications.": "Cuir go buan é leis an liosta neamhairde, ag cur fógraí breise faoi chois.",
  298. "Please consult the release notes before performing a major upgrade.": "Féach ar na nótaí scaoilte sula ndéanfaidh tú uasghrádú mór.",
  299. "Please set a GUI Authentication User and Password in the Settings dialog.": "Socraigh Úsáideoir Fíordheimhnithe GUI agus Pasfhocal sa dialóg Socruithe.",
  300. "Please wait": "Fan, le do thoil",
  301. "Prefix indicating that the file can be deleted if preventing directory removal": "Réimír a léiríonn gur féidir an comhad a scriosadh má chuirtear cosc ar bhaint eolaire",
  302. "Prefix indicating that the pattern should be matched without case sensitivity": "Réimír a léiríonn gur chóir an patrún a mheaitseáil gan íogaireacht cáis",
  303. "Preparing to Sync": "Ag ullmhú le sioncronú",
  304. "Preview": "Réamhamharc",
  305. "Preview Usage Report": "Tuairisc ar Úsáid Réamhamhairc",
  306. "QR code": "Cód QR",
  307. "QUIC LAN": "LAN QUIC",
  308. "QUIC WAN": "WAN QUIC",
  309. "Quick guide to supported patterns": "Treoir thapa maidir le patrúin tacaithe",
  310. "Random": "Randamach",
  311. "Receive Encrypted": "Faigh Criptithe",
  312. "Receive Only": "Faigh Amháin",
  313. "Received data is already encrypted": "Tá sonraí a fuarthas criptithe cheana féin",
  314. "Recent Changes": "Athruithe le Déanaí",
  315. "Reduced by ignore patterns": "Laghdaithe ag patrúin neamhaird",
  316. "Relay LAN": "Athsheachadán LAN",
  317. "Relay WAN": "Athsheachadán WAN",
  318. "Release Notes": "Nótaí Eisiúna",
  319. "Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.": "Tá na gnéithe agus na socruithe is déanaí ag iarrthóirí scaoilte. Tá siad cosúil leis na heisiúintí traidisiúnta sioncronaithe dé-sheachtainiúla.",
  320. "Remote Devices": "Gléasanna Cianda",
  321. "Remote GUI": "Comhéadan Grafach cianda",
  322. "Remove": "Bain",
  323. "Remove Device": "Bain Gléas",
  324. "Remove Folder": "Bain Fillteán",
  325. "Required identifier for the folder. Must be the same on all cluster devices.": "Aitheantóir riachtanach don fhillteán. Ní mór a bheith mar an gcéanna ar gach gléas braisle.",
  326. "Rescan": "Cealaigh",
  327. "Rescan All": "Cealaigh Gach Rud",
  328. "Rescans": "Athscannáin",
  329. "Restart": "Atosaigh",
  330. "Restart Needed": "Atosaigh de Dhíth",
  331. "Restarting": "Ag atosú",
  332. "Restore": "Athchóirigh",
  333. "Restore Versions": "Athchóirigh Leaganacha",
  334. "Resume": "Athdhúisigh",
  335. "Resume All": "Atosaigh Gach Rud",
  336. "Reused": "Athúsáid",
  337. "Revert": "Fill",
  338. "Revert Local Changes": "Fill athruithe logánta",
  339. "Save": "Sábháil",
  340. "Saving changes": "Athruithe á sábháil",
  341. "Scan Time Remaining": "Scan an t-am atá fágtha",
  342. "Scanning": "Scanadh",
  343. "See external versioning help for supported templated command line parameters.": "Féach cabhair leagan seachtrach le haghaidh paraiméadair líne ordaithe teimpléadaithe tacaithe.",
  344. "Select All": "Roghnaigh Gach Rud",
  345. "Select a version": "Roghnaigh leagan",
  346. "Select additional devices to share this folder with.": "Roghnaigh gléasanna breise chun an fillteán seo a chomhroinnt leis.",
  347. "Select additional folders to share with this device.": "Roghnaigh fillteáin bhreise le comhroinnt leis an ngléas seo.",
  348. "Select latest version": "Roghnaigh an leagan is déanaí",
  349. "Select oldest version": "Roghnaigh an leagan is sine",
  350. "Send & Receive": "Seol & Faigh",
  351. "Send Extended Attributes": "Seol Tréithe Breisithe",
  352. "Send Only": "Seol Amháin",
  353. "Send Ownership": "Seol Úinéireacht",
  354. "Set Ignores on Added Folder": "Socraigh neamhaird ar fhillteán breise",
  355. "Settings": "Socruithe",
  356. "Share": "Roinn",
  357. "Share Folder": "Comhroinn Fillteán",
  358. "Share by Email": "Comhroinn trí Ríomhphost",
  359. "Share by SMS": "Comhroinn de réir SMS",
  360. "Share this folder?": "Comhroinn an fillteán seo?",
  361. "Shared Folders": "Fillteáin Chomhroinnte",
  362. "Shared With": "Roinnte le",
  363. "Sharing": "Comhroinnt",
  364. "Show ID": "Taispeáin Aitheantas",
  365. "Show QR": "Taispeáin QR",
  366. "Show detailed discovery status": "Taispeáin stádas mionsonraithe aimsithe",
  367. "Show detailed listener status": "Taispeáin stádas mionsonraithe an éisteora",
  368. "Show diff with previous version": "Taispeáin diff leis an leagan roimhe seo",
  369. "Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.": "Taispeántar é in ionad ID gléis i stádas na braisle. Fógrófar é do ghléasanna eile mar ainm réamhshocraithe roghnach.",
  370. "Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.": "Taispeántar é in ionad ID gléis i stádas na braisle. Déanfar é a nuashonrú go dtí an t-ainm a fhógraíonn an gléas má fhágtar folamh é.",
  371. "Shutdown": "Múchadh",
  372. "Shutdown Complete": "Múchadh Críochnaithe",
  373. "Simple": "Simplí",
  374. "Simple File Versioning": "Leagan Simplí Comhad",
  375. "Single level wildcard (matches within a directory only)": "Saoróg leibhéal aonair (meaitseálann sé laistigh d'eolaire amháin)",
  376. "Size": "Méid",
  377. "Smallest First": "An Chéad Cheann is Lú",
  378. "Some discovery methods could not be established for finding other devices or announcing this device:": "Níorbh fhéidir roinnt modhanna aimsithe a bhunú chun gléasanna eile a aimsiú nó chun an gléas seo a fhógairt:",
  379. "Some items could not be restored:": "Níorbh fhéidir roinnt míreanna a aischur:",
  380. "Some listening addresses could not be enabled to accept connections:": "Níorbh fhéidir roinnt seoltaí éisteachta a chumasú chun glacadh le naisc:",
  381. "Source Code": "Cód Foinseach",
  382. "Stable releases and release candidates": "Eisiúintí cobhsaí agus iarrthóirí scaoilte",
  383. "Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.": "Tá moill thart ar choicís ar scaoileadh cobhsaí. Le linn an ama seo téann siad trí thástáil mar iarrthóirí scaoilte.",
  384. "Stable releases only": "Eisiúintí cobhsaí amháin",
  385. "Staggered": "Tuislithe",
  386. "Staggered File Versioning": "Leagan Comhad Staggered",
  387. "Start Browser": "Tosaigh Brabhsálaí",
  388. "Statistics": "Staitisticí",
  389. "Stay logged in": "Fan logáilte isteach",
  390. "Stopped": "Stoptha",
  391. "Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.": "Ní dhéanann siopaí agus sioncronaithe ach sonraí criptithe. Ní mór fillteáin ar gach gléas nasctha a chur ar bun leis an bpasfhocal céanna nó a bheith de chineál \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" freisin.",
  392. "Subject:": "Ábhar:",
  393. "Support": "Tacaíocht",
  394. "Support Bundle": "Beart Tacaíochta",
  395. "Sync Extended Attributes": "Sioncrónaigh Tréithe Breisithe",
  396. "Sync Ownership": "Sioncrónaigh Úinéireacht",
  397. "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses": "Sioncrónaigh Seoltaí Éisteachta an Phrótacail",
  398. "Sync Status": "Stádas sioncronaithe",
  399. "Syncing": "Sioncronú",
  400. "Syncthing device ID for \"{%devicename%}\"": "Aitheantas gléis á shioncronú le haghaidh \"{{devicename}}\"",
  401. "Syncthing has been shut down.": "Tá an sioncronú múchta.",
  402. "Syncthing includes the following software or portions thereof:": "Áirítear leis an sioncronú na bogearraí seo a leanas nó codanna díobh:",
  403. "Syncthing is Free and Open Source Software licensed as MPL v2.0.": "Tá Syncthing Free and Open Source Software ceadúnaithe mar MPL v2.0.",
  404. "Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers in real time, safely protected from prying eyes. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, whether it is shared with some third party, and how it's transmitted over the internet.": "Is clár leanúnach sioncronaithe comhad é sioncronú. Sioncrónaíonn sé comhaid idir dhá ríomhaire nó níos mó i bhfíor-am, cosanta go sábháilte ó shúile prying. Is é do chuid sonraí amháin do chuid sonraí agus is fiú duit a roghnú cá stóráiltear iad, cibé an roinntear iad le tríú páirtí éigin, agus conas a tharchuirtear iad ar an idirlíon.",
  405. "Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:": "Tá sioncronú ag éisteacht ar na seoltaí líonra seo a leanas le haghaidh iarrachtaí ceangail ó ghléasanna eile:",
  406. "Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.": "Níl sioncronú ag éisteacht le hiarrachtaí ceangail ó ghléasanna eile ar aon seoladh. Ní féidir ach naisc amach ón ngléas seo a bheith ag obair.",
  407. "Syncthing is restarting.": "Tá sioncronú ag atosú.",
  408. "Syncthing is saving changes.": "Tá athruithe á sábháil ag sioncronú.",
  409. "Syncthing is upgrading.": "Tá uasghrádú á dhéanamh ar shioncronú.",
  410. "Syncthing now supports automatically reporting crashes to the developers. This feature is enabled by default.": "Tacaíonn sioncronú anois le tuairteanna a thuairisciú go huathoibríoch do na forbróirí. Cumasaítear an ghné seo de réir réamhshocraithe.",
  411. "Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…": "Is cosúil go bhfuil sioncronú síos, nó tá fadhb le do nasc Idirlín. Ag baint triail as…",
  412. "Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.": "Is cosúil go bhfuil fadhb ag sioncronú d'iarratas a phróiseáil. Athnuaigh an leathanach nó atosaigh Sioncronú má leanann an fhadhb ar aghaidh.",
  413. "TCP LAN": "LAN TCP",
  414. "TCP WAN": "WAN TCP",
  415. "Take me back": "Tóg ar ais mé",
  416. "The GUI address is overridden by startup options. Changes here will not take effect while the override is in place.": "Tá an seoladh GUI sáraithe ag roghanna tosaithe. Ní thiocfaidh athruithe anseo i bhfeidhm fad is atá an sárú i bhfeidhm.",
  417. "The Syncthing Authors": "Na húdair sioncronaithe",
  418. "The Syncthing admin interface is configured to allow remote access without a password.": "Tá an comhéadan riaracháin Syncthing cumraithe chun cianrochtain a cheadú gan phasfhocal.",
  419. "The aggregated statistics are publicly available at the URL below.": "Tá na staitisticí comhiomlánaithe ar fáil go poiblí ag an URL thíos.",
  420. "The cleanup interval cannot be blank.": "Ní féidir leis an eatramh glanta a bheith bán.",
  421. "The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.": "Sábháladh an chumraíocht ach níor cuireadh i ngníomh í. Ní mór sioncronú a atosú chun an chumraíocht nua a ghníomhachtú.",
  422. "The device ID cannot be blank.": "Ní féidir aitheantas an ghléis a bheith bán.",
  423. "The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).": "Is féidir ID an ghléis atá le cur isteach anseo a fháil sa dialóg \"Gníomhartha > Taispeáin ID\" ar an ngléas eile. Tá spásanna agus daiseanna roghnach (neamhaird).",
  424. "The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes, and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.": "Seoltar an tuarascáil úsáide criptithe gach lá. Úsáidtear é chun ardáin choitianta, méideanna fillteáin agus leaganacha feidhmchláir a rianú. Má athraítear an tacar sonraí tuairiscithe, spreagfar thú leis an dialóg seo arís.",
  425. "The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.": "Níl cuma bhailí ar aitheantas an ghléis iontráilte. Ba chóir go mbeadh sé ina teaghrán carachtar 52 nó 56 comhdhéanta de litreacha agus uimhreacha, le spásanna agus dashes a bheith roghnach.",
  426. "The folder ID cannot be blank.": "Ní féidir aitheantas an fhillteáin a bheith bán.",
  427. "The folder ID must be unique.": "Caithfidh aitheantas an fhillteáin a bheith uathúil.",
  428. "The folder content on other devices will be overwritten to become identical with this device. Files not present here will be deleted on other devices.": "Déanfar inneachar an fhillteáin ar ghléasanna eile a fhorscríobh le bheith comhionann leis an ngléas seo. Scriosfar comhaid nach bhfuil i láthair anseo ar ghléasanna eile.",
  429. "The folder content on this device will be overwritten to become identical with other devices. Files newly added here will be deleted.": "Déanfar inneachar an fhillteáin ar an ngléas seo a fhorscríobh le bheith comhionann le gléasanna eile. Scriosfar comhaid nua a cuireadh leis anseo.",
  430. "The folder path cannot be blank.": "Ní féidir le cosán an fhillteáin a bheith bán.",
  431. "The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.": "Úsáidtear na heatraimh seo a leanas: don chéad uair an chloig coinnítear leagan gach 30 soicind, don chéad lá coinnítear leagan gach uair an chloig, don chéad 30 lá coinnítear leagan gach lá, go dtí an aois uasta a choinnítear leagan gach seachtain.",
  432. "The following items could not be synchronized.": "Níorbh fhéidir na míreanna seo a leanas a shioncrónú.",
  433. "The following items were changed locally.": "Athraíodh na míreanna seo a leanas go háitiúil.",
  434. "The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:": "Úsáidtear na modhanna seo a leanas chun gléasanna eile ar an líonra a aimsiú agus chun an gléas seo a fhógairt le haimsiú ag daoine eile:",
  435. "The following text will automatically be inserted into a new message.": "Cuirfear an téacs seo a leanas isteach i dteachtaireacht nua go huathoibríoch.",
  436. "The following unexpected items were found.": "Aimsíodh na míreanna gan choinne seo a leanas.",
  437. "The interval must be a positive number of seconds.": "Caithfidh an t-eatramh a bheith ina líon dearfach soicind.",
  438. "The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.": "An t-eatramh, i soicindí, le haghaidh glanadh a reáchtáil san eolaire leaganacha. Nialas chun glanadh tréimhsiúil a dhíchumasú.",
  439. "The maximum age must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Caithfidh an aois uasta a bheith ina uimhir agus ní féidir léi a bheith bán.",
  440. "The maximum time to keep a version (in days, set to 0 to keep versions forever).": "An t-uasmhéid ama chun leagan a choinneáil (i laethanta, socraithe go 0 chun leaganacha a choinneáil go deo).",
  441. "The number of connections must be a non-negative number.": "Ní mór líon na nasc a bheith ina uimhir neamh-dhiúltach.",
  442. "The number of days must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Caithfidh líon na laethanta a bheith ina uimhir agus ní féidir leo a bheith bán.",
  443. "The number of days to keep files in the trash can. Zero means forever.": "Líon na laethanta chun comhaid a choinneáil sa bhruscar. Ciallaíonn nialas go deo.",
  444. "The number of old versions to keep, per file.": "Líon na seanleaganacha le coinneáil, in aghaidh an chomhaid.",
  445. "The number of versions must be a number and cannot be blank.": "Caithfidh líon na leaganacha a bheith ina uimhir agus ní féidir leo a bheith bán.",
  446. "The path cannot be blank.": "Ní féidir leis an gcosán a bheith bán.",
  447. "The rate limit is applied to the accumulated traffic of all connections to this device.": "Cuirtear an teorainn ráta i bhfeidhm ar thrácht carntha gach nasc leis an ngléas seo.",
  448. "The rate limit must be a non-negative number (0: no limit)": "Ní mór an teorainn ráta a bheith ina uimhir neamh-dhiúltach (0: gan teorainn)",
  449. "The remote device has not accepted sharing this folder.": "Níor ghlac an gléas cianda leis an bhfillteán seo a chomhroinnt.",
  450. "The remote device has paused this folder.": "Chuir an gléas cianda an fillteán seo ar sos.",
  451. "The rescan interval must be a non-negative number of seconds.": "Ní mór an t-eatramh rescan a bheith ina líon neamh-diúltach soicind.",
  452. "There are no devices to share this folder with.": "Níl aon ghléas ann chun an fillteán seo a roinnt leis.",
  453. "There are no file versions to restore.": "Níl aon leaganacha comhaid le cur ar ais.",
  454. "There are no folders to share with this device.": "Níl aon fhillteáin le roinnt leis an ngléas seo.",
  455. "They are retried automatically and will be synced when the error is resolved.": "Déantar iad a aisghabháil go huathoibríoch agus déanfar iad a shioncronú nuair a réitítear an earráid.",
  456. "This Device": "An Gléas seo",
  457. "This Month": "An mhí seo",
  458. "This can easily give hackers access to read and change any files on your computer.": "Is féidir é seo a thabhairt go héasca hackers rochtain a léamh agus aon chomhaid ar do ríomhaire a athrú.",
  459. "This device cannot automatically discover other devices or announce its own address to be found by others. Only devices with statically configured addresses can connect.": "Ní féidir leis an ngléas seo gléasanna eile a aimsiú go huathoibríoch ná a sheoladh féin a fhógairt le haimsiú ag daoine eile. Ní féidir ach le gléasanna le seoltaí atá cumraithe go statically ceangal.",
  460. "This is a major version upgrade.": "Is uasghrádú mór leagan é seo.",
  461. "This setting controls the free space required on the home (i.e., index database) disk.": "Rialaíonn an socrú seo an spás saor in aisce a theastaíonn ar an diosca baile (i.e., bunachar sonraí innéacs).",
  462. "Time": "Am",
  463. "Time the item was last modified": "Am a athraíodh an mhír go deireanach",
  464. "To connect with the Syncthing device named \"{%devicename%}\", add a new remote device on your end with this ID:": "Chun ceangal a dhéanamh leis an ngléas Sioncronaithe darb ainm \"{{devicename}}\", cuir gléas cianda nua ar do dheireadh leis an ID seo:",
  465. "To permit a rule, have the checkbox checked. To deny a rule, leave it unchecked.": "Chun riail a cheadú, seiceáil an ticbhosca. To deny a rule, é a fhágáil gan seiceáil.",
  466. "Today": "Inniu",
  467. "Trash Can": "Is féidir le bruscar",
  468. "Trash Can File Versioning": "Is féidir le bruscar leagan comhaid",
  469. "Type": "Cineál",
  470. "UNIX Permissions": "Ceadanna UNIX",
  471. "Unavailable": "Níl sé ar fáil",
  472. "Unavailable/Disabled by administrator or maintainer": "Níl sé ar fáil/Díchumasaithe ag riarthóir nó cothaitheoir",
  473. "Undecided (will prompt)": "Neamhdhearbhaithe (tabharfaidh sé leid)",
  474. "Unexpected Items": "Míreanna Gan Choinne",
  475. "Unexpected items have been found in this folder.": "Aimsíodh míreanna gan choinne san fhillteán seo.",
  476. "Unignore": "Gan Neamhaird",
  477. "Unknown": "Neamhaithnid",
  478. "Unshared": "Neamhroinnte",
  479. "Unshared Devices": "Gléasanna Neamhroinnte",
  480. "Unshared Folders": "Fillteáin Neamhroinnte",
  481. "Untrusted": "Neamhiontaofa",
  482. "Up to Date": "Cothrom le dáta",
  483. "Updated {%file%}": "Nuashonraithe {{file}}",
  484. "Upgrade": "Uasghrádú",
  485. "Upgrade To {%version%}": "Uasghrádú go {{version}}",
  486. "Upgrading": "Uasghrádú",
  487. "Upload Rate": "Ráta Uasluchtaithe",
  488. "Uptime": "Aga fónaimh",
  489. "Usage reporting is always enabled for candidate releases.": "Cumasaítear tuairisciú úsáide i gcónaí le haghaidh eisiúintí iarrthóra.",
  490. "Use HTTPS for GUI": "Úsáid HTTPS le haghaidh GUI",
  491. "Use notifications from the filesystem to detect changed items.": "Bain úsáid as fógraí ón gcóras comhad chun míreanna athraithe a bhrath.",
  492. "User": "Úsáideoir",
  493. "User Home": "Baile Úsáideora",
  494. "Username/Password has not been set for the GUI authentication. Please consider setting it up.": "Níor socraíodh ainm úsáideora/pasfhocal le haghaidh fíordheimhniú an GUI. Smaoinigh, le do thoil, ar é a chur ar bun.",
  495. "Using a QUIC connection over LAN": "Ag baint úsáide as nasc QUIC thar LAN",
  496. "Using a QUIC connection over WAN": "Ag baint úsáide as nasc QUIC thar WAN",
  497. "Using a direct TCP connection over LAN": "Ag baint úsáide as nasc TCP díreach thar LAN",
  498. "Using a direct TCP connection over WAN": "Ag baint úsáide as nasc TCP díreach thar WAN",
  499. "Version": "Leagan",
  500. "Versions": "Leaganacha",
  501. "Versions Path": "Conair na Leaganacha",
  502. "Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.": "Scriostar leaganacha go huathoibríoch má tá siad níos sine ná an aois uasta nó má sháraíonn siad líon na gcomhad a cheadaítear in eatramh.",
  503. "Waiting to Clean": "Ag Fanacht le Glanadh",
  504. "Waiting to Scan": "Ag fanacht le Scanadh",
  505. "Waiting to Sync": "Ag fanacht le sioncronú",
  506. "Warning": "Rabhadh",
  507. "Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Rabhadh, is máthairchomhadlann é an cosán seo d'fhillteán atá ann cheana féin \"{{otherFolder}}\".",
  508. "Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Rabhadh, is máthairchomhadlann é an cosán seo d'fhillteán atá ann cheana féin \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}).",
  509. "Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".": "Rabhadh, is fochomhadlann é an cosán seo d'fhillteán atá ann cheana féin \"{{otherFolder}}\".",
  510. "Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).": "Rabhadh, is fochomhadlann é an cosán seo d'fhillteán atá ann cheana féin \"{{otherFolderLabel}}\" ({{otherFolder}}).",
  511. "Warning: If you are using an external watcher like {%syncthingInotify%}, you should make sure it is deactivated.": "Rabhadh: Má tá uaireadóir seachtrach á úsáid agat mar {{syncthingInotify}}, ba chóir duit a chinntiú go bhfuil sé díghníomhachtaithe.",
  512. "Watch for Changes": "Bí ag faire ar athruithe",
  513. "Watching for Changes": "Ag Faire ar Athruithe",
  514. "Watching for changes discovers most changes without periodic scanning.": "Má bhreathnaíonn tú ar athruithe, faightear amach an chuid is mó de na hathruithe gan scanadh tréimhsiúil.",
  515. "When adding a new device, keep in mind that this device must be added on the other side too.": "Agus gléas nua á chur leis, coinnigh i gcuimhne go gcaithfear an gléas seo a chur leis ar an taobh eile freisin.",
  516. "When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.": "Agus fillteán nua á chur leis, coinnigh i gcuimhne go n-úsáidtear ID an Fhillteáin chun fillteáin a cheangal le chéile idir gléasanna. Tá siad cásíogair agus ní mór iad a mheaitseáil go díreach idir gach feiste.",
  517. "When set to more than one on both devices, Syncthing will attempt to establish multiple concurrent connections. If the values differ, the highest will be used. Set to zero to let Syncthing decide.": "Nuair a shocraítear níos mó ná ceann amháin ar an dá ghléas, déanfaidh Syncthing iarracht naisc chomhthráthacha iolracha a bhunú. Má tá na luachanna difriúil, úsáidfear an ceann is airde. Socraigh go nialas chun ligean do Syncthing cinneadh a dhéanamh.",
  518. "Yes": "Tá",
  519. "Yesterday": "Inné",
  520. "You can also copy and paste the text into a new message manually.": "Is féidir leat an téacs a chóipeáil agus a ghreamú isteach i dteachtaireacht nua de láimh.",
  521. "You can also select one of these nearby devices:": "Is féidir leat ceann de na gléasanna in aice láimhe seo a roghnú freisin:",
  522. "You can change your choice at any time in the Settings dialog.": "Is féidir leat do rogha a athrú ag am ar bith sa dialóg Socruithe.",
  523. "You can read more about the two release channels at the link below.": "Is féidir leat tuilleadh a léamh faoin dá chainéal scaoilte ag an nasc thíos.",
  524. "You have no ignored devices.": "Níl aon ghléasanna neamhairde agat.",
  525. "You have no ignored folders.": "Níl aon fhillteáin neamhairde agat.",
  526. "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to discard them?": "Tá athruithe gan sábháil agat. An bhfuil tú cinnte gur mian leat iad a chaitheamh i leataobh?",
  527. "You must keep at least one version.": "Ní mór duit leagan amháin ar a laghad a choinneáil.",
  528. "You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.": "Níor chóir duit aon rud a chur leis nó a athrú go háitiúil i bhfillteán \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\".",
  529. "Your SMS app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own number.": "Ba chóir go mbeadh d'aip SMS oscailte chun ligean duit an faighteoir a roghnú agus é a sheoladh ó d'uimhir féin.",
  530. "Your email app should open to let you choose the recipient and send it from your own address.": "Ba cheart d'aip ríomhphoist a oscailt chun ligean duit an faighteoir a roghnú agus é a sheoladh ó do sheoladh féin.",
  531. "days": "laethanta",
  532. "deleted": "scriosta",
  533. "deny": "diúltú",
  534. "directories": "Eolairí",
  535. "file": "comhad",
  536. "files": "comhaid",
  537. "folder": "fillteán",
  538. "full documentation": "doiciméadú iomlán",
  539. "items": "míreanna",
  540. "modified": "modhnaithe",
  541. "permit": "cead",
  542. "seconds": "soicind",
  543. "theme": {
  544. "name": {
  545. "black": "Dubh",
  546. "dark": "Dorcha",
  547. "default": "Réamhshocrú",
  548. "light": "Solas"
  549. }
  550. },
  551. "unknown device": "gléas anaithnid",
  552. "{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folder%}\".": "{{device}} ag iarraidh fillteán a roinnt \"{{folder}}\".",
  553. "{%device%} wants to share folder \"{%folderlabel%}\" ({%folder%}).": "{{device}} ag iarraidh fillteán a roinnt \"{{folderlabel}}\" ({{folder}}).",
  554. "{%reintroducer%} might reintroduce this device.": "D'fhéadfadh {{reintroducer}} an gléas seo a athbhunú."
  555. }