syncthing.1 18 KB

  1. .\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .nr rst2man-indent-level 0
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  6. .de1 rstReportMargin
  7. \\$1 \\n[an-margin]
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  15. .de1 INDENT
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  17. . RS \\$1
  18. . nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin]
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  20. .\" .rstReportMargin post:
  21. ..
  22. .de UNINDENT
  23. . RE
  24. .\" indent \\n[an-margin]
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  29. ..
  30. .TH "SYNCTHING" "1" "Jun 02, 2024" "v1.27.7" "Syncthing"
  31. .SH NAME
  32. syncthing \- Syncthing
  34. .INDENT 0.0
  35. .INDENT 3.5
  36. .sp
  37. .EX
  38. syncthing [serve]
  39. [\-\-audit] [\-\-auditfile=<file|\-|\-\->] [\-\-browser\-only] [\-\-device\-id]
  40. [\-\-generate=<dir>] [\-\-gui\-address=<address>] [\-\-gui\-apikey=<key>]
  41. [\-\-home=<dir> | \-\-config=<dir> \-\-data=<dir>]
  42. [\-\-logfile=<filename>] [\-\-logflags=<flags>]
  43. [\-\-log\-max\-old\-files=<num>] [\-\-log\-max\-size=<num>]
  44. [\-\-no\-browser] [\-\-no\-console] [\-\-no\-restart] [\-\-paths] [\-\-paused]
  45. [\-\-no\-default\-folder] [\-\-skip\-port\-probing]
  46. [\-\-reset\-database] [\-\-reset\-deltas] [\-\-unpaused] [\-\-allow\-newer\-config]
  47. [\-\-upgrade] [\-\-no\-upgrade] [\-\-upgrade\-check] [\-\-upgrade\-to=<url>]
  48. [\-\-verbose] [\-\-version] [\-\-help] [\-\-debug\-*]
  49. syncthing generate
  50. [\-\-home=<dir> | \-\-config=<dir>]
  51. [\-\-gui\-user=<username>] [\-\-gui\-password=<password|\->]
  52. [\-\-no\-default\-folder] [\-\-skip\-port\-probing] [\-\-no\-console]
  53. [\-\-help]
  54. syncthing decrypt (\-\-to=<dir> | \-\-verify\-only)
  55. [\-\-password=<pw>] [\-\-folder\-id=<id>] [\-\-token\-path=<file>]
  56. [\-\-continue] [\-\-verbose] [\-\-version] [\-\-help]
  57. <path>
  58. syncthing cli
  59. [\-\-home=<dir> | \-\-config=<dir> \-\-data=<dir>]
  60. [\-\-gui\-address=<address>] [\-\-gui\-apikey=<key>]
  61. [\-\-help]
  62. <command> [command options...] [arguments...]
  63. .EE
  67. .sp
  68. Syncthing lets you synchronize your files bidirectionally across multiple
  69. devices. This means the creation, modification or deletion of files on one
  70. machine will automatically be replicated to your other devices. We believe your
  71. data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored. Therefore
  72. Syncthing does not upload your data to the cloud but exchanges your data across
  73. your machines as soon as they are online at the same time.
  74. .sp
  75. The \fBsyncthing\fP core application is a command\-line program which usually runs
  76. in the background and handles the synchronization. It provides a built\-in, HTML
  77. and JavaScript based user interface to be controlled from a web browser. This
  78. frontend communicates with the core application through some HTTP APIs, which
  79. other apps like graphical system integration helpers can use as well, for
  80. greatest flexibility. A link to reach the GUI and API is printed among the first
  81. few log messages.
  83. .INDENT 0.0
  84. .TP
  85. .B \-\-allow\-newer\-config
  86. Try loading a config file written by a newer program version, instead of
  87. failing immediately.
  89. .INDENT 0.0
  90. .TP
  91. .B \-\-audit
  92. Write events to timestamped file \fBaudit\-YYYYMMDD\-HHMMSS.log\fP\&.
  94. .INDENT 0.0
  95. .TP
  96. .B \-\-auditfile=<file|\-|\-\->
  97. Use specified file or stream (\fB\(dq\-\(dq\fP for stdout, \fB\(dq\-\-\(dq\fP for stderr) for
  98. audit events, rather than the timestamped default file name.
  100. .INDENT 0.0
  101. .TP
  102. .B \-\-browser\-only
  103. Open the web UI in a browser for an already running Syncthing instance.
  104. .UNINDENT
  105. .INDENT 0.0
  106. .TP
  107. .B \-\-device\-id
  108. Print device ID to command line.
  109. .UNINDENT
  110. .INDENT 0.0
  111. .TP
  112. .B \-\-generate=<dir>
  113. Generate key and config in specified dir, then exit.
  114. .UNINDENT
  115. .INDENT 0.0
  116. .TP
  117. .B \-\-gui\-address=<address>
  118. Override GUI listen address. Set this to an address (\fB0.0.0.0:8384\fP)
  119. or a URL (\fBhttp://\fP). Supported schemes are \fBhttp\fP for
  120. plain HTTP, \fBhttps\fP for HTTP over TLS, \fBunix\fP for plain Unix sockets
  121. or \fBunixs\fP for TLS over Unix sockets. A Unix socket could look like this:
  122. \fBunix:///run/syncthing/syncthing.socket\fP (notice the three slashes: two
  123. as part of the URL structure, one to specify an absolute path).
  124. .UNINDENT
  125. .INDENT 0.0
  126. .TP
  127. .B \-\-gui\-apikey=<string>
  128. Override the API key needed to access the GUI / REST API.
  129. .UNINDENT
  130. .INDENT 0.0
  131. .TP
  132. .B \-\-gui\-password=<password|\->
  133. Specify new GUI authentication password, to update the config file. Read
  134. from the standard input stream if only a single dash (\fB\-\fP) is given. A
  135. plaintext password is hashed before writing to the config file, but an
  136. already bcrypt\-hashed input is stored verbatim. As a special case, giving
  137. the existing password hash as password will leave it untouched.
  138. .UNINDENT
  139. .INDENT 0.0
  140. .TP
  141. .B \-\-gui\-user=<username>
  142. Specify new GUI authentication user name, to update the config file.
  143. .UNINDENT
  144. .INDENT 0.0
  145. .TP
  146. .B \-\-help, \-h
  147. Show help text about command line usage. Context\-sensitive depending on the
  148. given subcommand.
  149. .UNINDENT
  150. .INDENT 0.0
  151. .TP
  152. .B \-\-home=<dir>
  153. Set common configuration and data directory. The default configuration
  154. directory is \fB$XDG_STATE_HOME/syncthing\fP or
  155. \fB$HOME/.local/state/syncthing\fP (Unix\-like),
  156. \fB$HOME/Library/Application Support/Syncthing\fP (Mac) and
  157. \fB%LOCALAPPDATA%\eSyncthing\fP (Windows).
  158. .UNINDENT
  159. .INDENT 0.0
  160. .TP
  161. .B \-\-config=<dir>
  162. Set configuration directory. Alternative to \fB\-\-home\fP and must be used
  163. together with \fB\-\-data\fP\&.
  164. .UNINDENT
  165. .INDENT 0.0
  166. .TP
  167. .B \-\-data=<dir>
  168. Set data (e.g. database) directory. Alternative to \fB\-\-home\fP and must be used
  169. together with \fB\-\-config\fP\&.
  170. .UNINDENT
  171. .INDENT 0.0
  172. .TP
  173. .B \-\-logfile=<filename>
  174. Set destination filename for logging (use \fB\(dq\-\(dq\fP for stdout, which is the
  175. default option).
  176. .UNINDENT
  177. .INDENT 0.0
  178. .TP
  179. .B \-\-logflags=<flags>
  180. Select information in log line prefix. The \fB\-\-logflags\fP value is a sum of
  181. the following:
  182. .INDENT 7.0
  183. .IP \(bu 2
  184. 1: Date
  185. .IP \(bu 2
  186. 2: Time
  187. .IP \(bu 2
  188. 4: Microsecond time
  189. .IP \(bu 2
  190. 8: Long filename
  191. .IP \(bu 2
  192. 16: Short filename
  193. .UNINDENT
  194. .sp
  195. To prefix each log line with date and time, set \fB\-\-logflags=3\fP (1 + 2 from
  196. above). The value 0 is used to disable all of the above. The default is to
  197. show time only (2).
  198. .UNINDENT
  199. .INDENT 0.0
  200. .TP
  201. .B \-\-log\-max\-old\-files=<num>
  202. Number of old files to keep (zero to keep only current). Applies only when
  203. log rotation is enabled through \fB\-\-log\-max\-size\fP\&.
  204. .UNINDENT
  205. .INDENT 0.0
  206. .TP
  207. .B \-\-log\-max\-size=<num>
  208. Maximum size of any log file (zero to disable log rotation).
  209. .UNINDENT
  210. .INDENT 0.0
  211. .TP
  212. .B \-\-no\-browser
  213. Do not start a browser.
  214. .UNINDENT
  215. .INDENT 0.0
  216. .TP
  217. .B \-\-no\-console
  218. Hide the console window. (On Windows only)
  219. .UNINDENT
  220. .INDENT 0.0
  221. .TP
  222. .B \-\-no\-default\-folder
  223. Don’t create a default folder when generating an initial configuration /
  224. starting for the first time.
  225. .UNINDENT
  226. .INDENT 0.0
  227. .TP
  228. .B \-\-no\-restart
  229. Do not restart Syncthing when it exits. The monitor process will still run
  230. to handle crashes and writing to logfiles (if configured to).
  231. .UNINDENT
  232. .INDENT 0.0
  233. .TP
  234. .B \-\-no\-upgrade
  235. Disable automatic upgrades. Equivalent to the \fBSTNOUPGRADE\fP environment
  236. variable, see below.
  237. .UNINDENT
  238. .INDENT 0.0
  239. .TP
  240. .B \-\-paths
  241. Print the paths used for configuration, keys, database, GUI overrides,
  242. default sync folder and the log file.
  243. .UNINDENT
  244. .INDENT 0.0
  245. .TP
  246. .B \-\-paused
  247. Start with all devices and folders paused.
  248. .UNINDENT
  249. .INDENT 0.0
  250. .TP
  251. .B \-\-reset\-database
  252. Reset the database, forcing a full rescan and resync. Create \fI\&.stfolder\fP
  253. folders in each sync folder if they do not already exist. \fBCaution\fP:
  254. Ensure that all sync folders which are mountpoints are already mounted.
  255. Inconsistent versions may result if the mountpoint is later mounted and
  256. contains older versions.
  257. .UNINDENT
  258. .INDENT 0.0
  259. .TP
  260. .B \-\-reset\-deltas
  261. Reset delta index IDs, forcing a full index exchange.
  262. .UNINDENT
  263. .INDENT 0.0
  264. .TP
  265. .B \-\-skip\-port\-probing
  266. Don’t try to find unused random ports for the GUI and listen address when
  267. generating an initial configuration / starting for the first time.
  268. .UNINDENT
  269. .INDENT 0.0
  270. .TP
  271. .B \-\-unpaused
  272. Start with all devices and folders unpaused.
  273. .UNINDENT
  274. .INDENT 0.0
  275. .TP
  276. .B \-\-upgrade
  277. Perform upgrade.
  278. .UNINDENT
  279. .INDENT 0.0
  280. .TP
  281. .B \-\-upgrade\-check
  282. Check for available upgrade.
  283. .UNINDENT
  284. .INDENT 0.0
  285. .TP
  286. .B \-\-upgrade\-to=<url>
  287. Force upgrade directly from specified URL.
  288. .UNINDENT
  289. .INDENT 0.0
  290. .TP
  291. .B \-\-verbose
  292. Print verbose log output.
  293. .UNINDENT
  294. .INDENT 0.0
  295. .TP
  296. .B \-\-version
  297. Show version.
  298. .UNINDENT
  299. .INDENT 0.0
  300. .TP
  301. .B \-\-to=<dir>
  302. Destination directory where files should be stored after decryption.
  303. .UNINDENT
  304. .INDENT 0.0
  305. .TP
  306. .B \-\-verify\-only
  307. Don’t write decrypted files to disk (but verify plaintext hashes).
  308. .UNINDENT
  309. .INDENT 0.0
  310. .TP
  311. .B \-\-password=<pw>
  312. Folder password for decryption / verification. Can be passed through the
  313. \fBFOLDER_PASSWORD\fP environment variable instead to avoid recording in a
  314. shell’s history buffer or sniffing from the running processes list.
  315. .UNINDENT
  316. .INDENT 0.0
  317. .TP
  318. .B \-\-folder\-id=<id>
  319. Folder ID of the encrypted folder, if it cannot be determined automatically.
  320. .UNINDENT
  321. .INDENT 0.0
  322. .TP
  323. .B \-\-token\-path=<file>
  324. Path to the token file within the folder (used to determine folder ID).
  325. .UNINDENT
  326. .INDENT 0.0
  327. .TP
  328. .B \-\-continue
  329. Continue processing next file in case of error, instead of aborting.
  330. .UNINDENT
  332. .INDENT 0.0
  333. .TP
  334. .B 0
  335. Success / Shutdown
  336. .TP
  337. .B 1
  338. Error
  339. .TP
  340. .B 2
  341. Upgrade not available
  342. .TP
  343. .B 3
  344. Restarting
  345. .TP
  346. .B 4
  347. Upgrading
  348. .UNINDENT
  349. .sp
  350. Exit codes over 125 are usually returned by the shell/binary loader/default
  351. signal handler. Exit codes over 128+N on Unix usually represent the signal which
  352. caused the process to exit. For example, \fB128 + 9 (SIGKILL) = 137\fP\&.
  354. .sp
  355. The command line syntax actually supports different modes of operation through
  356. several subcommands, specified as the first argument. If omitted, the default
  357. \fBserve\fP is assumed.
  358. .sp
  359. The initial setup of a device ID and default configuration can be called
  360. explicitly with the \fBgenerate\fP subcommand. It can also update the configured
  361. GUI authentication credentials, without going through the REST API. An existing
  362. device certificate is left untouched. If the configuration file already exists,
  363. it is validated and updated to the latest configuration schema, including adding
  364. default values for any new options.
  365. .sp
  366. The \fBdecrypt\fP subcommand is used in conjunction with untrusted (encrypted)
  367. devices, see the relevant section on \X'tty: link #untrusted-decrypt'\fI\%decryption\fP\X'tty: link' for
  368. details. It does not depend on Syncthing to be running, but works on offline
  369. data.
  370. .sp
  371. To work with the REST API for debugging or automating things in Syncthing, the
  372. \fBcli\fP subcommand provides easy access to individual features. It basically
  373. saves the hassle of handling HTTP connections and API authentication.
  374. .sp
  375. The available subcommands are grouped into several nested hierarchies and some
  376. parts dynamically generated from the running Syncthing instance. On every
  377. level, the \fB\-\-help\fP option lists the available properties, actions and
  378. commands for the user to discover interactively. The top\-level groups are:
  379. .INDENT 0.0
  380. .TP
  381. .B config
  382. Access the live configuration in a running instance over the REST API to
  383. retrieve (get) or update (set) values in a fine\-grained way. The hierarchy
  384. is based on the same structure as used in the JSON / XML representations.
  385. .TP
  386. .B show
  387. Show system properties and status of a running instance. The output is
  388. passed on directly from the REST API response and therefore requires parsing
  389. JSON format.
  390. .TP
  391. .B operations
  392. Control the overall program operation such as restarting or handling
  393. upgrades, as well as triggering some actions on a per\-folder basis. Can
  394. also configure the default ignore patterns from a plain text ignore file.
  395. .TP
  396. .B errors
  397. Examine pending error conditions that need attention from the user, or
  398. acknowledge (clear) them.
  399. .TP
  400. .B debug
  401. Various tools to aid in diagnosing problems or collection information for
  402. bug reports. Some of these commands access the database directly and can
  403. therefore only work when Syncthing is not running.
  404. .TP
  405. .B \fB\-\fP (a single dash)
  406. Reads subsequent commands from the standard input stream, without needing to
  407. call the \fBsyncthing cli\fP command over and over. Exits on any invalid
  408. command or when EOF (end\-of\-file) is received.
  409. .UNINDENT
  410. .SH PROXIES
  411. .sp
  412. Syncthing can use a SOCKS, HTTP, or HTTPS proxy to talk to the outside
  413. world. The proxy is used for outgoing connections only \- it is not possible
  414. to accept incoming connections through the proxy. The proxy is configured
  415. through the environment variable \fBall_proxy\fP\&. Somewhat unusually, this
  416. variable must be named in lower case \- it is not “ALL_PROXY”. For
  417. example:
  418. .INDENT 0.0
  419. .INDENT 3.5
  420. .sp
  421. .EX
  422. $ export all_proxy=socks://
  423. .EE
  424. .UNINDENT
  425. .UNINDENT
  427. .sp
  428. The following environment variables modify Syncthing’s behavior in ways that
  429. are mostly useful for developers. Use with care.
  430. If you start Syncthing from within service managers like systemd or supervisor,
  431. path expansion may not be supported.
  432. .INDENT 0.0
  433. .TP
  434. .B STTRACE
  435. Used to increase the debugging verbosity in specific or all facilities,
  436. generally mapping to a Go package. Enabling any of these also enables
  437. microsecond timestamps, file names plus line numbers. Enter a
  438. comma\-separated string of facilities to trace. \fBsyncthing \-\-help\fP always
  439. outputs an up\-to\-date list. The valid facility strings are:
  440. .INDENT 7.0
  441. .TP
  442. .B Main and operational facilities:
  443. .INDENT 7.0
  444. .TP
  445. .B config
  446. Configuration loading and saving.
  447. .TP
  448. .B db
  449. The database layer.
  450. .TP
  451. .B main
  452. Main package.
  453. .TP
  454. .B model
  455. The root hub; the largest chunk of the system. File pulling, index
  456. transmission and requests for chunks.
  457. .TP
  458. .B scanner
  459. File change detection and hashing.
  460. .TP
  461. .B versioner
  462. File versioning.
  463. .UNINDENT
  464. .TP
  465. .B Networking facilities:
  466. .INDENT 7.0
  467. .TP
  468. .B beacon
  469. Multicast and broadcast UDP discovery packets: Selected interfaces
  470. and addresses.
  471. .TP
  472. .B connections
  473. Connection handling.
  474. .TP
  475. .B dialer
  476. Dialing connections.
  477. .TP
  478. .B discover
  479. Remote device discovery requests, replies and registration of
  480. devices.
  481. .TP
  482. .B nat
  483. NAT discovery and port mapping.
  484. .TP
  485. .B pmp
  486. NAT\-PMP discovery and port mapping.
  487. .TP
  488. .B protocol
  489. The BEP protocol.
  490. .TP
  491. .B relay
  492. Relay interaction (\fBstrelaysrv\fP).
  493. .TP
  494. .B upnp
  495. UPnP discovery and port mapping.
  496. .UNINDENT
  497. .TP
  498. .B Other facilities:
  499. .INDENT 7.0
  500. .TP
  501. .B fs
  502. Filesystem access.
  503. .TP
  504. .B events
  505. Event generation and logging.
  506. .TP
  507. .B http
  508. REST API.
  509. .TP
  510. .B sha256
  511. SHA256 hashing package (this facility currently unused).
  512. .TP
  513. .B stats
  514. Persistent device and folder statistics.
  515. .TP
  516. .B sync
  517. Mutexes. Used for debugging race conditions and deadlocks.
  518. .TP
  519. .B upgrade
  520. Binary upgrades.
  521. .TP
  522. .B walkfs
  523. Filesystem access while walking.
  524. .TP
  525. .B all
  526. All of the above.
  527. .UNINDENT
  528. .UNINDENT
  529. .TP
  531. Write block profiles to \fBblock\-$pid\-$timestamp.pprof\fP every 20 seconds.
  532. .TP
  534. Write a CPU profile to \fBcpu\-$pid.pprof\fP on exit.
  535. .TP
  537. Used for debugging internal deadlocks; sets debug sensitivity. Use only
  538. under direction of a developer.
  539. .TP
  541. Used for debugging internal deadlocks; sets debug sensitivity. Use only
  542. under direction of a developer.
  543. .TP
  545. Override GUI listen address. Equivalent to passing \fI\%\-\-gui\-address\fP\&.
  546. .TP
  548. Override the API key needed to access the GUI / REST API. Equivalent to
  549. passing \fI\%\-\-gui\-apikey\fP\&.
  550. .TP
  552. Directory to load GUI assets from. Overrides compiled in assets. Useful for
  553. developing webgui, commonly use \fBSTGUIASSETS=gui bin/syncthing\fP\&.
  554. .TP
  556. Specify which hashing package to use. Defaults to automatic based on
  557. performance. Specify “minio” (compatibility) or “standard” for the default
  558. Go implementation.
  559. .TP
  561. Write heap profiles to \fBheap\-$pid\-$timestamp.pprof\fP each time heap usage
  562. increases.
  563. .TP
  565. Don’t create a default folder when starting for the first time. This
  566. variable will be ignored anytime after the first run. Equivalent to the
  567. \fI\%\-\-no\-default\-folder\fP flag.
  568. .TP
  570. Equivalent to the \fI\%\-\-no\-restart\fP flag.
  571. .TP
  573. Disable automatic upgrades. Equivalent to the \fI\%\-\-no\-upgrade\fP flag.
  574. .TP
  576. Set to a listen address such as “” to start the profiler with
  577. HTTP access, which then can be reached at
  578. \X'tty: link http://localhost:9090/debug/pprof'\fI\%http://localhost:9090/debug/pprof\fP\X'tty: link'\&. See \fBgo tool pprof\fP for more
  579. information.
  580. .TP
  582. Write running performance statistics to \fBperf\-$pid.csv\fP\&. Not supported on
  583. Windows.
  584. .TP
  586. Time before folder statistics (file, dir, … counts) are recalculated from
  587. scratch. The given duration must be parseable by Go’s \fBtime.ParseDuration\fP\&. If
  588. missing or not parseable, the default value of 1 month is used. To force
  589. recalculation on every startup, set it to \fB1s\fP\&.
  590. .TP
  592. Sets the time interval in between database garbage collection runs. The
  593. given duration must be parseable by Go’s \fBtime.ParseDuration\fP\&.
  594. .TP
  596. Set the maximum number of CPU cores to use. Defaults to all available CPU
  597. cores.
  598. .TP
  599. .B GOGC
  600. Percentage of heap growth at which to trigger GC. Default is 100. Lower
  601. numbers keep peak memory usage down, at the price of CPU usage
  602. (i.e. performance).
  603. .TP
  605. Hack to completely disable logging, for example when running benchmarks.
  606. Set to any nonempty value to use it.
  607. .UNINDENT
  608. .SH SEE ALSO
  609. .sp
  610. \fBsyncthing\-config(5)\fP, \fBsyncthing\-stignore(5)\fP,
  611. \fBsyncthing\-device\-ids(7)\fP, \fBsyncthing\-security(7)\fP,
  612. \fBsyncthing\-networking(7)\fP, \fBsyncthing\-versioning(7)\fP,
  613. \fBsyncthing\-faq(7)\fP
  614. .SH AUTHOR
  615. The Syncthing Authors
  617. 2014-2019, The Syncthing Authors
  618. .\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
  619. .