Makefile 11 KB

  1. SHELL = bash
  2. # Branch we are working on
  3. BRANCH := $(or $(BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME),$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(GITHUB_REF))),$(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD))
  4. # Tag of the current commit, if any. If this is not "" then we are building a release
  5. RELEASE_TAG := $(shell git tag -l --points-at HEAD)
  6. # Version of last release (may not be on this branch)
  7. VERSION := $(shell cat VERSION)
  8. # Last tag on this branch
  9. LAST_TAG := $(shell git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
  10. # Next version
  11. NEXT_VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | awk -F. -v OFS=. '{print $$1,$$2+1,0}')
  12. NEXT_PATCH_VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | awk -F. -v OFS=. '{print $$1,$$2,$$3+1}')
  13. # If we are working on a release, override branch to master
  14. ifdef RELEASE_TAG
  15. BRANCH := master
  16. LAST_TAG := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags $(VERSION)^)
  17. endif
  18. TAG_BRANCH := .$(BRANCH)
  19. BRANCH_PATH := branch/$(BRANCH)/
  20. # If building HEAD or master then unset TAG_BRANCH and BRANCH_PATH
  21. ifeq ($(subst HEAD,,$(subst master,,$(BRANCH))),)
  22. TAG_BRANCH :=
  23. BRANCH_PATH :=
  24. endif
  25. # Make version suffix -beta.NNNN.CCCCCCCC (N=Commit number, C=Commit)
  26. VERSION_SUFFIX := -beta.$(shell git rev-list --count HEAD).$(shell git show --no-patch --no-notes --pretty='%h' HEAD)
  27. # TAG is current version + commit number + commit + branch
  29. ifdef RELEASE_TAG
  30. TAG := $(RELEASE_TAG)
  31. endif
  32. GO_VERSION := $(shell go version)
  33. GO_OS := $(shell go env GOOS)
  34. ifdef BETA_SUBDIR
  36. endif
  38. BETA_URL :=$(BETA_PATH)/
  41. # Pass in GOTAGS=xyz on the make command line to set build tags
  42. ifdef GOTAGS
  43. BUILDTAGS=-tags "$(GOTAGS)"
  44. LINTTAGS=--build-tags "$(GOTAGS)"
  45. endif
  46. LDFLAGS=--ldflags "-s -X$(TAG)"
  47. .PHONY: rclone test_all vars version
  48. rclone:
  49. ifeq ($(GO_OS),windows)
  50. go run bin/resource_windows.go -version $(TAG) -syso resource_windows_`go env GOARCH`.syso
  51. endif
  52. go build -v $(LDFLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS)
  53. ifeq ($(GO_OS),windows)
  54. rm resource_windows_`go env GOARCH`.syso
  55. endif
  56. mkdir -p `go env GOPATH`/bin/
  57. cp -av rclone`go env GOEXE` `go env GOPATH`/bin/rclone`go env GOEXE`.new
  58. mv -v `go env GOPATH`/bin/rclone`go env GOEXE`.new `go env GOPATH`/bin/rclone`go env GOEXE`
  59. test_all:
  60. go install $(LDFLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS)
  61. vars:
  62. @echo SHELL="'$(SHELL)'"
  63. @echo BRANCH="'$(BRANCH)'"
  64. @echo TAG="'$(TAG)'"
  65. @echo VERSION="'$(VERSION)'"
  66. @echo GO_VERSION="'$(GO_VERSION)'"
  67. @echo BETA_URL="'$(BETA_URL)'"
  68. btest:
  69. @echo "[$(TAG)]($(BETA_URL)) on branch [$(BRANCH)]($(BRANCH)) (uploaded in 15-30 mins)" | xclip -r -sel clip
  70. @echo "Copied markdown of beta release to clip board"
  71. btesth:
  72. @echo "<a href="$(BETA_URL)">$(TAG)</a> on branch <a href="$(BRANCH)">$(BRANCH)</a> (uploaded in 15-30 mins)" | xclip -r -sel clip -t text/html
  73. @echo "Copied beta release in HTML to clip board"
  74. version:
  75. @echo '$(TAG)'
  76. # Full suite of integration tests
  77. test: rclone test_all
  78. -test_all 2>&1 | tee test_all.log
  79. @echo "Written logs in test_all.log"
  80. # Quick test
  81. quicktest:
  82. RCLONE_CONFIG="/notfound" go test $(LDFLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) ./...
  83. racequicktest:
  84. RCLONE_CONFIG="/notfound" go test $(LDFLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) -cpu=2 -race ./...
  85. compiletest:
  86. RCLONE_CONFIG="/notfound" go test $(LDFLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) -run XXX ./...
  87. # Do source code quality checks
  88. check: rclone
  89. @echo "-- START CODE QUALITY REPORT -------------------------------"
  90. @golangci-lint run $(LINTTAGS) ./...
  91. @echo "-- END CODE QUALITY REPORT ---------------------------------"
  92. # Get the build dependencies
  93. build_dep:
  94. go run bin/get-github-release.go -use-api -extract golangci-lint golangci/golangci-lint 'golangci-lint-.*\.tar\.gz'
  95. # Get the release dependencies we only install on linux
  96. release_dep_linux:
  97. go install
  98. # Update dependencies
  99. showupdates:
  100. @echo "*** Direct dependencies that could be updated ***"
  101. @GO111MODULE=on go list -u -f '{{if (and (not (or .Main .Indirect)) .Update)}}{{.Path}}: {{.Version}} -> {{.Update.Version}}{{end}}' -m all 2> /dev/null
  102. # Update direct dependencies only
  103. updatedirect:
  104. GO111MODULE=on go get -d $$(go list -m -f '{{if not (or .Main .Indirect)}}{{.Path}}{{end}}' all)
  105. GO111MODULE=on go mod tidy
  106. # Update direct and indirect dependencies and test dependencies
  107. update:
  108. GO111MODULE=on go get -d -u -t ./...
  109. GO111MODULE=on go mod tidy
  110. # Tidy the module dependencies
  111. tidy:
  112. GO111MODULE=on go mod tidy
  113. doc: rclone.1 MANUAL.html MANUAL.txt rcdocs commanddocs
  114. rclone.1:
  115. pandoc -s --from markdown-smart --to man -o rclone.1
  116. bin/ docs/content/*.md commanddocs backenddocs rcdocs
  117. ./bin/
  118. MANUAL.html:
  119. pandoc -s --from markdown-smart --to html -o MANUAL.html
  120. MANUAL.txt:
  121. pandoc -s --from markdown-smart --to plain -o MANUAL.txt
  122. commanddocs: rclone
  123. XDG_CACHE_HOME="" XDG_CONFIG_HOME="" HOME="\$$HOME" USER="\$$USER" rclone gendocs docs/content/
  124. backenddocs: rclone bin/
  126. rcdocs: rclone
  127. bin/
  128. install: rclone
  129. install -d ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin
  130. install ${GOPATH}/bin/rclone ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin
  131. clean:
  132. go clean ./...
  133. find . -name \*~ | xargs -r rm -f
  134. rm -rf build docs/public
  135. rm -f rclone fs/operations/operations.test fs/sync/sync.test fs/test_all.log test.log
  136. website:
  137. rm -rf docs/public
  138. cd docs && hugo
  139. @if grep -R "raw HTML omitted" docs/public ; then echo "ERROR: found unescaped HTML - fix the markdown source" ; fi
  140. upload_website: website
  141. rclone -v sync docs/public
  142. upload_test_website: website
  143. rclone -P sync docs/public test-rclone-org:
  144. validate_website: website
  145. find docs/public -type f -name "*.html" | xargs tidy --mute-id yes -errors --gnu-emacs yes --drop-empty-elements no --warn-proprietary-attributes no --mute MISMATCHED_ATTRIBUTE_WARN
  146. tarball:
  147. git archive -9 --format=tar.gz --prefix=rclone-$(TAG)/ -o build/rclone-$(TAG).tar.gz $(TAG)
  148. vendorball:
  149. go mod vendor
  150. tar -zcf build/rclone-$(TAG)-vendor.tar.gz vendor
  151. rm -rf vendor
  152. sign_upload:
  153. cd build && md5sum rclone-v* | gpg --clearsign > MD5SUMS
  154. cd build && sha1sum rclone-v* | gpg --clearsign > SHA1SUMS
  155. cd build && sha256sum rclone-v* | gpg --clearsign > SHA256SUMS
  156. check_sign:
  157. cd build && gpg --verify MD5SUMS && gpg --decrypt MD5SUMS | md5sum -c
  158. cd build && gpg --verify SHA1SUMS && gpg --decrypt SHA1SUMS | sha1sum -c
  159. cd build && gpg --verify SHA256SUMS && gpg --decrypt SHA256SUMS | sha256sum -c
  160. upload:
  161. rclone -P copy build/$(TAG)
  162. rclone lsf build --files-only --include '*.{zip,deb,rpm}' --include version.txt | xargs -i bash -c 'i={}; j="$$i"; [[ $$i =~ (.*)(-v[0-9\.]+-)(.*) ]] && j=$${BASH_REMATCH[1]}-current-$${BASH_REMATCH[3]}; rclone copyto -v "$(TAG)/$$i" "$$j"'
  163. upload_github:
  164. ./bin/upload-github $(TAG)
  165. cross: doc
  166. go run bin/cross-compile.go -release current $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) $(TAG)
  167. beta:
  168. go run bin/cross-compile.go $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) $(TAG)
  169. rclone -v copy build/$(TAG)
  170. @echo Beta release ready at$(TAG)/
  171. log_since_last_release:
  172. git log $(LAST_TAG)..
  173. compile_all:
  174. go run bin/cross-compile.go -compile-only $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) $(TAG)
  175. ci_upload:
  176. sudo chown -R $$USER build
  177. find build -type l -delete
  178. gzip -r9v build
  179. ./rclone --no-check-dest --config bin/ci.rclone.conf -v copy build/ $(BETA_UPLOAD)/testbuilds
  180. ifeq ($(or $(BRANCH_PATH),$(RELEASE_TAG)),)
  181. ./rclone --no-check-dest --config bin/ci.rclone.conf -v copy build/ $(BETA_UPLOAD_ROOT)/test/testbuilds-latest
  182. endif
  183. @echo Beta release ready at $(BETA_URL)/testbuilds
  184. ci_beta:
  185. git log $(LAST_TAG).. > /tmp/git-log.txt
  186. go run bin/cross-compile.go -release beta-latest -git-log /tmp/git-log.txt $(BUILD_FLAGS) $(BUILDTAGS) $(BUILD_ARGS) $(TAG)
  187. rclone --no-check-dest --config bin/ci.rclone.conf -v copy --exclude '*beta-latest*' build/ $(BETA_UPLOAD)
  188. ifeq ($(or $(BRANCH_PATH),$(RELEASE_TAG)),)
  189. rclone --no-check-dest --config bin/ci.rclone.conf -v copy --include '*beta-latest*' --include version.txt build/ $(BETA_UPLOAD_ROOT)$(BETA_SUBDIR)
  190. endif
  191. @echo Beta release ready at $(BETA_URL)
  192. # Fetch the binary builds from GitHub actions
  193. fetch_binaries:
  194. rclone -P sync --exclude "/testbuilds/**" --delete-excluded $(BETA_UPLOAD) build/
  195. serve: website
  196. cd docs && hugo server --logLevel info -w --disableFastRender
  197. tag: retag doc
  198. bin/ $(LAST_TAG) $(VERSION) > docs/content/
  199. mv docs/content/ docs/content/
  200. @echo "Edit the new changelog in docs/content/"
  201. @echo "Then commit all the changes"
  202. @echo git commit -m \"Version $(VERSION)\" -a -v
  203. @echo "And finally run make retag before make cross, etc."
  204. retag:
  205. @echo "Version is $(VERSION)"
  206. git tag -f -s -m "Version $(VERSION)" $(VERSION)
  207. startdev:
  208. @echo "Version is $(VERSION)"
  209. @echo "Next version is $(NEXT_VERSION)"
  210. echo -e "package fs\n\n// VersionTag of rclone\nvar VersionTag = \"$(NEXT_VERSION)\"\n" | gofmt > fs/versiontag.go
  211. echo -n "$(NEXT_VERSION)" > docs/layouts/partials/version.html
  212. echo "$(NEXT_VERSION)" > VERSION
  213. git commit -m "Start $(NEXT_VERSION)-DEV development" fs/versiontag.go VERSION docs/layouts/partials/version.html
  214. startstable:
  215. @echo "Version is $(VERSION)"
  216. @echo "Next stable version is $(NEXT_PATCH_VERSION)"
  217. echo -e "package fs\n\n// VersionTag of rclone\nvar VersionTag = \"$(NEXT_PATCH_VERSION)\"\n" | gofmt > fs/versiontag.go
  218. echo -n "$(NEXT_PATCH_VERSION)" > docs/layouts/partials/version.html
  220. git commit -m "Start $(NEXT_PATCH_VERSION)-DEV development" fs/versiontag.go VERSION docs/layouts/partials/version.html
  221. winzip:
  222. zip -9 rclone-$(TAG).zip rclone.exe
  223. # docker volume plugin
  224. PLUGIN_USER ?= rclone
  225. PLUGIN_TAG ?= latest
  226. PLUGIN_BASE_TAG ?= latest
  227. PLUGIN_ARCH ?= amd64
  228. PLUGIN_IMAGE := $(PLUGIN_USER)/docker-volume-rclone:$(PLUGIN_TAG)
  230. PLUGIN_BUILD_DIR := ./build/docker-plugin
  231. PLUGIN_CONTRIB_DIR := ./contrib/docker-plugin/managed
  232. docker-plugin-create:
  233. docker buildx inspect |grep -q /${PLUGIN_ARCH} || \
  234. docker run --rm --privileged tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
  235. rm -rf ${PLUGIN_BUILD_DIR}
  236. docker buildx build \
  237. --no-cache --pull \
  238. --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=${PLUGIN_BASE} \
  239. --platform linux/${PLUGIN_ARCH} \
  240. --output ${PLUGIN_BUILD_DIR}/rootfs \
  242. cp ${PLUGIN_CONTRIB_DIR}/config.json ${PLUGIN_BUILD_DIR}
  243. docker plugin rm --force ${PLUGIN_IMAGE} 2>/dev/null || true
  244. docker plugin create ${PLUGIN_IMAGE} ${PLUGIN_BUILD_DIR}
  245. docker-plugin-push:
  246. docker plugin push ${PLUGIN_IMAGE}
  247. docker plugin rm ${PLUGIN_IMAGE}
  248. docker-plugin: docker-plugin-create docker-plugin-push