123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219 |
- --[[
- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2013, Luca CPZ
- * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
- --]]
- local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
- local fs = require("gears.filesystem")
- local naughty = require("naughty")
- local wibox = require("wibox")
- local math = math
- local string = string
- local ipairs = ipairs
- local tonumber = tonumber
- -- Battery infos
- -- lain.widget.bat
- local function factory(args)
- local pspath = args.pspath or "/sys/class/power_supply/"
- if not fs.is_dir(pspath) then
- naughty.notify { text = "lain.widget.bat: invalid power supply path", timeout = 0 }
- return
- end
- args = args or {}
- local bat = { widget = args.widget or wibox.widget.textbox() }
- local timeout = args.timeout or 30
- local notify = args.notify or "on"
- local full_notify = args.full_notify or notify
- local n_perc = args.n_perc or { 5, 15 }
- local batteries = args.batteries or (args.battery and {args.battery}) or {}
- local ac = args.ac or "AC0"
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
- function bat.get_batteries()
- helpers.line_callback("ls -1 " .. pspath, function(line)
- local bstr = string.match(line, "BAT%w+")
- if bstr then
- batteries[#batteries + 1] = bstr
- else
- ac = string.match(line, "A%w+") or ac
- end
- end)
- end
- if #batteries == 0 then bat.get_batteries() end
- bat_notification_critical_preset = {
- title = "Battery exhausted",
- text = "Shutdown imminent",
- timeout = 15,
- fg = "#000000",
- bg = "#FFFFFF"
- }
- bat_notification_low_preset = {
- title = "Battery low",
- text = "Plug the cable!",
- timeout = 15,
- fg = "#202020",
- bg = "#CDCDCD"
- }
- bat_notification_charged_preset = {
- title = "Battery full",
- text = "You can unplug the cable",
- timeout = 15,
- fg = "#202020",
- bg = "#CDCDCD"
- }
- bat_now = {
- status = "N/A",
- ac_status = "N/A",
- perc = "N/A",
- time = "N/A",
- watt = "N/A"
- }
- bat_now.n_status = {}
- bat_now.n_perc = {}
- for i = 1, #batteries do
- bat_now.n_status[i] = "N/A"
- bat_now.n_perc[i] = 0
- end
- -- used to notify full charge only once before discharging
- local fullnotification = false
- function bat.update()
- local sum_rate_current = 0
- local sum_rate_voltage = 0
- local sum_rate_power = 0
- local sum_rate_energy = 0
- local sum_energy_now = 0
- local sum_energy_full = 0
- for i, battery in ipairs(batteries) do
- local bstr = pspath .. battery
- local present = helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/present")
- if tonumber(present) == 1 then
- -- current_now(I)[uA], voltage_now(U)[uV], power_now(P)[uW]
- local rate_current = tonumber(helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/current_now"))
- local rate_voltage = tonumber(helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/voltage_now"))
- local rate_power = tonumber(helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/power_now"))
- -- energy_now(P)[uWh], charge_now(I)[uAh]
- local energy_now = tonumber(helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/energy_now") or
- helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/charge_now"))
- -- energy_full(P)[uWh], charge_full(I)[uAh]
- local energy_full = tonumber(helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/energy_full") or
- helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/charge_full"))
- local energy_percentage = tonumber(helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/capacity")) or
- math.floor((energy_now / energy_full) * 100)
- bat_now.n_status[i] = helpers.first_line(bstr .. "/status") or "N/A"
- bat_now.n_perc[i] = energy_percentage or bat_now.n_perc[i]
- sum_rate_current = sum_rate_current + (rate_current or 0)
- sum_rate_voltage = sum_rate_voltage + (rate_voltage or 0)
- sum_rate_power = sum_rate_power + (rate_power or 0)
- sum_rate_energy = sum_rate_energy + (rate_power or (((rate_voltage or 0) * (rate_current or 0)) / 1e6))
- sum_energy_now = sum_energy_now + (energy_now or 0)
- sum_energy_full = sum_energy_full + (energy_full or 0)
- end
- end
- -- When one of the battery is charging, others' status are either
- -- "Full", "Unknown" or "Charging". When the laptop is not plugged in,
- -- one or more of the batteries may be full, but only one battery
- -- discharging suffices to set global status to "Discharging".
- bat_now.status = bat_now.n_status[1] or "N/A"
- for _,status in ipairs(bat_now.n_status) do
- if status == "Discharging" or status == "Charging" then
- bat_now.status = status
- end
- end
- bat_now.ac_status = tonumber(helpers.first_line(string.format("%s%s/online", pspath, ac))) or "N/A"
- if bat_now.status ~= "N/A" then
- if bat_now.status ~= "Full" and sum_rate_power == 0 and bat_now.ac_status == 1 then
- bat_now.perc = math.floor(math.min(100, (sum_energy_now / sum_energy_full) * 100))
- bat_now.time = "00:00"
- bat_now.watt = 0
- -- update {perc,time,watt} iff battery not full and rate > 0
- elseif bat_now.status ~= "Full" then
- local rate_time = 0
- -- Calculate time and watt if rates are greater then 0
- if (sum_rate_power > 0 or sum_rate_current > 0) then
- local div = (sum_rate_power > 0 and sum_rate_power) or sum_rate_current
- if bat_now.status == "Charging" then
- rate_time = (sum_energy_full - sum_energy_now) / div
- else -- Discharging
- rate_time = sum_energy_now / div
- end
- if 0 < rate_time and rate_time < 0.01 then -- check for magnitude discrepancies (#199)
- rate_time_magnitude = math.abs(math.floor(math.log10(rate_time)))
- rate_time = rate_time * 10^(rate_time_magnitude - 2)
- end
- end
- local hours = math.floor(rate_time)
- local minutes = math.floor((rate_time - hours) * 60)
- bat_now.perc = math.floor(math.min(100, (sum_energy_now / sum_energy_full) * 100))
- bat_now.time = string.format("%02d:%02d", hours, minutes)
- bat_now.watt = tonumber(string.format("%.2f", sum_rate_energy / 1e6))
- elseif bat_now.status == "Full" then
- bat_now.perc = 100
- bat_now.time = "00:00"
- bat_now.watt = 0
- end
- end
- widget = bat.widget
- settings()
- -- notifications for critical, low, and full levels
- if notify == "on" then
- if bat_now.status == "Discharging" then
- if tonumber(bat_now.perc) <= n_perc[1] then
- bat.id = naughty.notify({
- preset = bat_notification_critical_preset,
- replaces_id = bat.id
- }).id
- elseif tonumber(bat_now.perc) <= n_perc[2] then
- bat.id = naughty.notify({
- preset = bat_notification_low_preset,
- replaces_id = bat.id
- }).id
- end
- fullnotification = false
- elseif bat_now.status == "Full" and full_notify == "on" and not fullnotification then
- bat.id = naughty.notify({
- preset = bat_notification_charged_preset,
- replaces_id = bat.id
- }).id
- fullnotification = true
- end
- end
- end
- helpers.newtimer("batteries", timeout, bat.update)
- return bat
- end
- return factory