123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142 |
- c*************************************************************************
- c TU4_STEP.F
- c*************************************************************************
- c This subroutine has same i/o as STEP_KDK but here we use a 4th
- c order T + U decomposition of the Hamiltonian like the old symplectic
- c method (4th order) used by Gladman and Duncan.
- c Steps both massive and test particles in the same subroutine.
- c
- c Input:
- c i1st ==> = 0 if first step; = 1 not (int scalar)
- c time ==> current time (real scalar)
- c nbod ==> number of massive bodies (int scalar)
- c ntp ==> number of massive bodies (int scalar)
- c mass ==> mass of bodies (real array)
- c j2rp2,j4rp4 ==> J2*radii_pl^2 and J4*radii_pl^4
- c (real scalars)
- c xh,yh,zh ==> initial position in helio coord
- c (real arrays)
- c vxh,vyh,vzh ==> initial velocity in helio coord
- c (real arrays)
- c xht,yht,zht ==> initial part position in helio coord
- c (real arrays)
- c vxht,vyht,vzht ==> initial velocity in helio coord
- c (real arrays)
- c istat ==> status of the test paricles
- c (2d integer array)
- c istat(i,1) = 0 ==> active: = 1 not
- c istat(i,2) = -1 ==> Danby did not work
- c rstat ==> status of the test paricles
- c (2d real array)
- c dt ==> time step
- c Output:
- c xh,yh,zh ==> final position in helio coord
- c (real arrays)
- c vxh,vyh,vzh ==> final velocity in helio coord
- c (real arrays)
- c xht,yht,zht ==> final position in helio coord
- c (real arrays)
- c vxht,vyht,vzht ==> final position in helio coord
- c (real arrays)
- c
- c
- c Remarks: Based on Martin's NB4M routines and Hal's STEP_KDK
- c Authors: Martin Duncan
- c Date: 3/8/93
- c Last revision: 2/24/94
- subroutine tu4_step(i1st,time,nbod,ntp,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,
- & xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,vzh,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,
- & istat,rstat,dt)
- include '../swift.inc'
- c... Inputs Only:
- integer nbod,ntp,i1st
- real*8 mass(nbod),dt,time,j2rp2,j4rp4
- c... Inputs and Outputs:
- integer istat(NTPMAX,NSTAT)
- real*8 rstat(NTPMAX,NSTATR)
- real*8 xh(nbod),yh(nbod),zh(nbod)
- real*8 vxh(nbod),vyh(nbod),vzh(nbod)
- real*8 xht(ntp),yht(ntp),zht(ntp)
- real*8 vxht(ntp),vyht(ntp),vzht(ntp)
- c... Internals
- integer j
- real*8 xb(NPLMAX),yb(NPLMAX),zb(NPLMAX)
- real*8 vxb(NPLMAX),vyb(NPLMAX),vzb(NPLMAX)
- real*8 axb(NPLMAX),ayb(NPLMAX),azb(NPLMAX)
- real*8 xbt(NTPMAX),ybt(NTPMAX),zbt(NTPMAX)
- real*8 vxbt(NTPMAX),vybt(NTPMAX),vzbt(NTPMAX)
- real*8 axbt(NTPMAX),aybt(NTPMAX),azbt(NTPMAX)
- real*8 msys
- real*8 w0,w1,asymp(4),bsymp(4),adt,bdt
- save asymp,bsymp
- c----
- c... Executable code
- c If first time, load up the symplectic coeffs asymp(*) and bsymp(*)
- if (i1st .eq.0) then
- w1= 1.d0/(2.d0 -(2.d0**(1.d0/3.d0)))
- w0= 1.d0 - 2.d0*(w1)
- asymp(1) = 0.5*w1
- asymp(4) = asymp(1)
- asymp(2) = 0.5*(w0 + w1)
- asymp(3) = asymp(2)
- bsymp(1) = 0.0d0
- bsymp(2) = w1
- bsymp(3) = w0
- bsymp(4) = w1
- i1st = 1
- endif
- c... Convert to barycentric coords
- call coord_h2b(nbod,mass,xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,vzh,
- & xb,yb,zb,vxb,vyb,vzb,msys)
- call coord_h2b_tp(ntp,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,
- & xb(1),yb(1),zb(1),vxb(1),vyb(1),vzb(1),
- & xbt,ybt,zbt,vxbt,vybt,vzbt)
- c Take a drift forward to begin the leapfrog (the first kick = 0).
- adt = asymp(1)*dt
- call tu4_ldrift(nbod,xb,yb,zb,vxb,vyb,vzb,adt)
- call tu4_ldrift_tp(ntp,xbt,ybt,zbt,vxbt,vybt,vzbt,
- & adt,istat)
- c Get the accelerations, kick and drift three times
- do j=2,4
- call tu4_getaccb(nbod,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,xb,yb,zb,axb,ayb,azb)
- call tu4_getaccb_tp(nbod,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,xb,yb,zb,
- & ntp,xbt,ybt,zbt,istat,axbt,aybt,azbt)
- bdt = bsymp(j)*dt
- call tu4_vkickb(nbod,vxb,vyb,vzb,axb,ayb,azb,bdt)
- call tu4_vkickb_tp(ntp,vxbt,vybt,vzbt,axbt,aybt,
- & azbt,bdt,istat)
- adt = asymp(j)*dt
- call tu4_ldrift(nbod,xb,yb,zb,vxb,vyb,vzb,adt)
- call tu4_ldrift_tp(ntp,xbt,ybt,zbt,vxbt,vybt,
- & vzbt,adt,istat)
- enddo
- c... Convert back to helio. coords at the end of the step
- call coord_b2h(nbod,mass,xb,yb,zb,vxb,vyb,vzb,
- & xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,vzh)
- call coord_b2h_tp(ntp,xbt,ybt,zbt,vxbt,vybt,vzbt,
- & xb(1),yb(1),zb(1),vxb(1),vyb(1),vzb(1),
- & xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht)
- return
- end ! step_tu4
- c------------------------------------------------------------------------