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- c*************************************************************************
- c*************************************************************************
- c VKICKB gives a 'kick' to the bary. velocities for use in the symplectic
- c code based on Ham. of the form T(p) + V(x). TEST PARTICLES
- c
- c Input:
- c ntp ==> number of massive bodies (int scalar)
- c vxbt,vybt,vzbt ==> initial velocity in beri coord
- c (real arrays)
- c axbt,aybt,azbt ==> accel in beri coord (real arrays)
- c dt ==> time step
- c istat ==> status of the test paricles
- c (integer array)
- c istat(i) = 0 ==> active: = 1 not
- c NOTE: it is really a 2d array but
- c we only use the 1st row
- c
- c Output:
- c vxbt,vybt,vzbt ==> final velocity in beri coord
- c (real arrays)
- c
- c Remarks: Based on Martin's NB4M routines
- c Authors: Martin Duncan
- c Date: 3/8/93
- c Last revision:
- subroutine tu4_vkickb_tp(ntp,vxbt,vybt,vzbt,axbt,aybt,
- & azbt,dt,istat)
- include '../swift.inc'
- c... Inputs Only:
- integer ntp,istat(ntp)
- real*8 axbt(ntp),aybt(ntp),azbt(ntp),dt
- c... Inputs and Outputs:
- real*8 vxbt(ntp),vybt(ntp),vzbt(ntp)
- c... Internals
- integer i
- c---
- c... Executable code
- do i=1,ntp
- if(istat(i).eq.0) then
- vxbt(i) = vxbt(i) + axbt(i)*dt
- vybt(i) = vybt(i) + aybt(i)*dt
- vzbt(i) = vzbt(i) + azbt(i)*dt
- endif
- enddo
- return
- end ! tu4_vkickb_tp
- c____________________________________________________________________________