123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187 |
- c**********************************************************************
- c**********************************************************************
- c
- c To run, need 3 input files. The code prompts for
- c the file names, but examples are :
- c
- c parameter file like param.in
- c planet file like pl.in
- c test particle file like tp.in
- c
- c Authors: Hal Levison \& Martin Duncan
- c Date: 8/25/94
- c Last revision: 12/27/96
- include 'swift.inc'
- real*8 xht(NTPMAX),yht(NTPMAX),zht(NTPMAX)
- real*8 vxht(NTPMAX),vyht(NTPMAX),vzht(NTPMAX)
- real*8 mass(NPLMAX),j2rp2,j4rp4
- real*8 xh(NPLMAX),yh(NPLMAX),zh(NPLMAX)
- real*8 vxh(NPLMAX),vyh(NPLMAX),vzh(NPLMAX)
- integer istat(NTPMAX,NSTAT),i1st
- integer nbod,ntp,nleft
- integer iflgchk,iub,iuj,iud,iue
- real*8 rstat(NTPMAX,NSTATR)
- real*8 t0,tstop,dt,dtout,dtdump
- real*8 t,tout,tdump,tfrac,eoff
- real*8 rmin,rmax,rmaxu,qmin,rplsq(NPLMAX)
- logical*2 lclose
- character*80 outfile,inparfile,inplfile,intpfile,fopenstat
- c-----
- c... Executable code
- c... print version number
- call util_version
- c Get data for the run and the test particles
- write(*,*) 'Enter name of parameter data file : '
- read(*,999) inparfile
- call io_init_param(inparfile,t0,tstop,dt,dtout,dtdump,
- & iflgchk,rmin,rmax,rmaxu,qmin,lclose,outfile,fopenstat)
- c Prompt and read name of planet data file
- write(*,*) ' '
- write(*,*) 'Enter name of planet data file : '
- read(*,999) inplfile
- 999 format(a)
- call io_init_pl(inplfile,lclose,iflgchk,nbod,mass,xh,yh,zh,
- & vxh,vyh,vzh,rplsq,j2rp2,j4rp4)
- c Get data for the run and the test particles
- write(*,*) 'Enter name of test particle data file : '
- read(*,999) intpfile
- call io_init_tp(intpfile,ntp,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,
- & vzht,istat,rstat)
- c Initialize initial time and times for first output and first dump
- t = t0
- tout = t0 + dtout
- tdump = t0 + dtdump
- iub = 20
- iuj = 30
- iud = 40
- iue = 60
- c... Do the initial io write
- if(btest(iflgchk,0)) then ! bit 0 is set
- call io_write_frame(t0,nbod,ntp,mass,xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,vzh,
- & xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,outfile,iub,fopenstat)
- endif
- if(btest(iflgchk,1)) then ! bit 1 is set
- call io_write_frame_r(t0,nbod,ntp,mass,xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,vzh,
- & xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,outfile,iub,fopenstat)
- endif
- if(btest(iflgchk,2)) then ! bit 2 is set
- eoff = 0.0d0
- call anal_energy_write(t0,nbod,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,xh,yh,zh,vxh,
- & vyh,vzh,iue,fopenstat,eoff)
- endif
- if(btest(iflgchk,3)) then ! bit 3 is set
- call anal_jacobi_write(t0,nbod,ntp,mass,xh,yh,zh,vxh,
- & vyh,vzh,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,2,iuj,fopenstat)
- endif
- c... must initize discard io routine
- if(btest(iflgchk,4)) then ! bit 4 is set
- call io_discard_write(0,t,nbod,ntp,xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,
- & vzh,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,rstat,iud,
- & 'discard.out',fopenstat,nleft)
- endif
- nleft = ntp
- i1st = 0
- c***************here's the big loop *************************************
- write(*,*) ' ************** MAIN LOOP ****************** '
- do while ( (t .le. tstop) .and.
- & ((ntp.eq.0).or.(nleft.gt.0)) )
- call rmvs4_step(i1st,t,nbod,ntp,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,
- & xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,vzh,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,
- & vzht,istat,rstat,dt)
- t = t + dt
- if(btest(iflgchk,4)) then ! bit 4 is set
- call discard(t,dt,nbod,ntp,mass,xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,vzh,
- & xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,rmin,rmax,rmaxu,
- & qmin,lclose,rplsq,istat,rstat)
- call io_discard_write(1,t,nbod,ntp,xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,
- & vzh,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,rstat,iud,
- & 'discard.out',fopenstat,nleft)
- else
- nleft = ntp
- endif
- c if it is time, output orb. elements,
- if(t .ge. tout) then
- if(btest(iflgchk,0)) then ! bit 0 is set
- call io_write_frame(t,nbod,ntp,mass,xh,yh,zh,vxh,
- & vyh,vzh,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,outfile,
- & iub,fopenstat)
- endif
- if(btest(iflgchk,1)) then ! bit 1 is set
- call io_write_frame_r(t,nbod,ntp,mass,xh,yh,zh,vxh,
- & vyh,vzh,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,outfile,
- & iub,fopenstat)
- endif
- tout = tout + dtout
- endif
- c If it is time, do a dump
- if(t.ge.tdump) then
- tfrac = (t-t0)/(tstop-t0)
- write(*,998) t,tfrac,nleft
- 998 format(' Time = ',1p1e12.5,': fraction done = ',0pf5.3,
- & ': Number of active tp =',i4)
- call io_dump_pl('dump_pl.dat',nbod,mass,xh,yh,zh,
- & vxh,vyh,vzh,lclose,iflgchk,rplsq,j2rp2,j4rp4)
- call io_dump_tp('dump_tp.dat',ntp,xht,yht,zht,
- & vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,rstat)
- call io_dump_param('dump_param.dat',t,tstop,dt,dtout,
- & dtdump,iflgchk,rmin,rmax,rmaxu,qmin,lclose,outfile)
- tdump = tdump + dtdump
- if(btest(iflgchk,2)) then ! bit 2 is set
- call anal_energy_write(t,nbod,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,
- & xh,yh,zh,vxh,vyh,vzh,iue,fopenstat,eoff)
- endif
- if(btest(iflgchk,3)) then ! bit 3 is set
- call anal_jacobi_write(t,nbod,ntp,mass,xh,yh,zh,vxh,
- & vyh,vzh,xht,yht,zht,vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,2,
- & iuj,fopenstat)
- endif
- endif
- enddo
- c********** end of the big loop from time 't0' to time 'tstop'
- c Do a final dump for possible resumption later
- call io_dump_pl('dump_pl.dat',nbod,mass,xh,yh,zh,
- & vxh,vyh,vzh,lclose,iflgchk,rplsq,j2rp2,j4rp4)
- call io_dump_tp('dump_tp.dat',ntp,xht,yht,zht,
- & vxht,vyht,vzht,istat,rstat)
- call io_dump_param('dump_param.dat',t,tstop,dt,dtout,
- & dtdump,iflgchk,rmin,rmax,rmaxu,qmin,lclose,outfile)
- call util_exit(0)
- end ! swift_rmvs4.f
- c---------------------------------------------------------------------