123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192 |
- C**************************************************************************
- C**************************************************************************
- c This is the subroutine that does the the bs integration step.
- c
- c Input:
- c nbod ==> number of planets (int scalar)
- c ntp ==> number of test particles (int scalar)
- c mass ==> mass of bodies (real array)
- c j2rp2,j4rp4 ==> J2*radii_pl^2 and J4*radii_pl^4
- c (real scalars)
- c istat ==> status of the test paricles
- c (2d integer array)
- c istat(i,1) = 0 ==> active: = 1 not
- c istat(i,2) = -1 ==> Danby did not work
- c x ==> initial value independent variable
- c (real scalar)
- c h0 ==> stepsize (real scalar)
- c y ==> initial value dependent variables
- c (real array)
- c eps ==> local truncation error tolerance
- c
- c Output:
- c y ==> final value dependent variables (real array)
- c x ==> final value independent variable (real scalar)
- c h0 ==> recommended stepsize for the next call (real scalar)
- c
- c Remarks: Based on Renu's code: mass,j2rp2,j4rp4 and istat are
- c just passed on to bs_der
- c Authors: Hal Levison
- c Date: 5/17/93
- c Last revision: 2/24/94
- subroutine bs_int(nbod,ntp,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,istat,x,h0,y,eps)
- include '../swift.inc'
- include 'bs.inc'
- c... Inputs Only:
- integer nbod,ntp
- real*8 mass(nbod),h0,eps,j2rp2,j4rp4
- c... Input & Output
- real*8 x,y(N6DBS)
- integer istat(NTPMAX,NSTAT)
- c... Internals
- real*8 tp(NTEMP),dy(N6DBS),d(6),alt(10),lt(10)
- integer idiv,i,ii,m,l,m1,k,mmk,i1,i1max,ik,n
- real*8 xa,xb,varm,fl,h,hd,flt,eta2,dta,yb,c,b1
- real*8 den,dtn,b,var,varma
- logical lbreak
- data lt/1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,32/
- data alt/1.d0,2.d0,3.d0,4.d0,6.d0,8.d0,12.d0,16.d0,24.d0,32.d0/
- save lt,alt
- c----
- c... Executable code
- n = 6*(nbod+ntp)
- xa=x
- call bs_der(ntp,nbod,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,istat,y,dy)
- do i=1,n
- ii=12*i
- tp(ii-1)=dabs(y(i))
- c
- if(tp(ii-1).lt.eps) then
- tp(ii-1)=eps
- endif
- c
- tp(ii-4)=dy(i)
- tp(ii)=y(i)
- enddo
- do idiv=0,NTRYS
- xb=h0+xa
- c
- c successive extrapolations
- c
- c do m=1,10
- m = 1
- lbreak = .true.
- do while( (m.le.10) .and. lbreak )
- l=lt(m)
- fl=alt(m)
- varm=0.d0
- m1=min0(m-1,6)
- c
- c calculation of d(k)=(h(m-k)/h(m))**2 for equation (6)
- c
- if(m1.ne.0) then
- do k=1,m1
- mmk=m-k
- flt=alt(mmk)
- d(k)=(fl/flt)**2
- enddo
- endif
- h=h0/fl
- hd=0.5d0*h
- c
- c integration
- c
- do i=1,n
- ii=12*i
- tp(ii-3)=tp(ii)
- y(i)=tp(ii)+hd*tp(ii-4) ! equation (3b)
- enddo
- i1max=2*l-1
- x=xa
- do i1=1,i1max
- x=x+hd
- call bs_der(ntp,nbod,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,istat,y,dy)
- do i=1,n
- ii=12*i
- tp(ii-1)=dmax1(tp(ii-1),dabs(y(i)))
- eta2=tp(ii-3)+h*dy(i)
- tp(ii-3)=y(i)
- y(i)=eta2
- enddo
- enddo
- call bs_der(ntp,nbod,mass,j2rp2,j4rp4,istat,y,dy)
- do i=1,n
- ii=12*i
- dta=tp(ii-11)
- yb=(tp(ii-3)+y(i)+hd*dy(i))/2.d0 ! equation (3d)
- c
- c extrapolated values
- c
- c=yb ! equation (6b)
- tp(ii-11)=yb ! equation (6a)
- if(m1.ne.0) then
- do k=1,m1
- b1=d(k)*dta
- den=b1-c
- dtn=dta
- if(den.ne.0.d0) then
- b=(c-dta)/den
- dtn=c*b ! equation (6c)
- c=b1*b ! equation (6d)
- endif
- ik=ii-11+k
- dta=tp(ik)
- tp(ik)=dtn ! equation (6c)
- yb=yb+dtn ! equation (6f)
- enddo
- var=dabs(tp(ii-2)-yb)/tp(ii-1)
- varm=dmax1(varm,var)
- endif
- tp(ii-2)=yb
- enddo
- if(m.gt.3) then
- if(varm.le.eps) then ! return results to calling program
- x=xb
- do i=1,n
- ii=12*i
- y(i)=tp(ii-2)
- enddo
- h0=h0*1.5d0*0.6d0**(m-1-m1) ! recommend a new step size
- return
- endif
- if(varm.ge.varma) then ! calculation did not converge
- c start again with half the step size
- lbreak = .false.
- endif
- endif
- varma=varm
- m = m + 1
- enddo ! m
- h0=h0/2.d0
- enddo ! idiv
- write(*,*) ' ERROR (b_int): lack of convergence !!!! '
- c
- end ! bs_int
- c-----------------------------------------------------------------------------