Dotfiles and setup scripts
最后更新于 3 年之前
test-driven learning Ruby meta-programming. Forked for up-to-date ruby versions
最后更新于 5 年之前
Search & Deploy. Code related cheat sheets, and log.
最后更新于 6 年之前
A gem scaffolding script with basic security in mind. (INFO:
最后更新于 6 年之前
Passphrase generator based on diceware made available by the EFF.
最后更新于 6 年之前
A collection of templates for common files included in FLOSS projects.
最后更新于 6 年之前
Sets of CSS variables with nicer color codes
最后更新于 6 年之前
[FORK] Learn Ruby with Ruby Koans. Source:
最后更新于 6 年之前
[LAB] exploring the DOM with latest JS, and ava.js
最后更新于 6 年之前
A small HTML, and CSS a11y sketching board.
最后更新于 6 年之前
Drop-in Pry REPL settings meant for exploring gems.
最后更新于 6 年之前
Jekyll minimalist theme powering
最后更新于 6 年之前
CSS code highlight themes for Rouge/Jekyll generated HTML code blocks.
最后更新于 6 年之前
Sample katas for data structures in Ruby
最后更新于 6 年之前