_config.yml 2.1 KB

  1. # Site/author information
  2. title: "Yves"
  3. description: > # this means to ignore newlines until non-indented
  4. a minimalist jekyll theme.
  5. author:
  6. name: René Maya
  7. twitter: TWITTER
  8. github: GITHUB
  9. instagram: INSTAGRAM
  10. website: "https://WEBSITE"
  11. bio: "Author's bio"
  12. avatar: AVATAR.png
  13. email: EMAIL
  14. # Site settings
  15. baseurl: "" # Set the subpath e.g. /blog/ if this jekyll instance won't be at the root url.
  16. url: "https://GITHUB.github.io" # base hostname & protocol for your site
  17. encoding: "utf-8"
  18. permalink: /:categories/:title # https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Permalinks
  19. collections:
  20. items: # Match to collection folder name; use-this-name-format for pretty urls.
  21. output: true
  22. permalink: /:collection/:title
  23. plugins:
  24. - jekyll-paginate-v2
  25. pagination:
  26. enabled: true
  27. title: ':title'
  28. sort_field: 'categories'
  29. per_page: 7
  30. autopages:
  31. enabled: true
  32. tags:
  33. layouts:
  34. - 'autopage_tags.html'
  35. title: ':tag'
  36. permalink: '/posts/:tag'
  37. collections:
  38. enabled: false
  39. categories:
  40. enabled: false
  41. # Nav bar (add `external: true` for 3rd party links)
  42. links:
  43. - title: About
  44. url: /about
  45. - title: Bits
  46. url: /bits
  47. - title: Items
  48. url: /items
  49. - title: Posts
  50. url: /posts
  51. # Markdown front matter defaults
  52. defaults:
  53. -
  54. scope:
  55. path: ""
  56. type: posts
  57. values:
  58. layout: post
  59. -
  60. scope:
  61. path: ""
  62. type: items
  63. values:
  64. layout: item
  65. # Build settings
  66. # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
  67. timezone: TIMEZONE
  68. future: true
  69. markdown: kramdown
  70. highlighter: rouge
  71. kramdown:
  72. auto_ids: true
  73. footnote_nr: 1
  74. entity_output: as_char
  75. toc_levels: 1..6
  76. smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo
  77. # input: GFM # default; check kramdown's documentation for options.
  78. # hard_wrap: false # default; check kramdown's documentation for options.
  79. sass:
  80. style: :compressed
  81. sass_dir: _scss
  82. include:
  83. - .htaccess
  84. exclude:
  85. - lib
  86. - config.rb
  87. - Capfile
  88. - config
  89. - log
  90. - Gemfile
  91. - scratch.org
  92. - todo.org
  93. - Rakefile
  94. - README
  95. - tmp
  96. - vendor