index.html 776 B

  1. ---
  2. layout: default
  3. title: Posts
  4. ---
  5. <section class="tags">
  6. {% include page-title.html %}
  7. <hr>
  8. <p>
  9. Notes, and book summaries ranging from code style to computer science.
  10. </p>
  11. <article>
  12. <p>
  13. There are currently {{ site.posts | size }} posts on:
  14. </p>
  15. <ul>
  16. {% for tag in site.tags %}
  17. <li class="tag">
  18. <a rel="noopener" href="{{ tag.first | prepend: site.baseurl }}">
  19. {{ tag.first | capitalize | replace: "-", " " }}
  20. <small>{% assign _posts = tag.last | size %}
  21. {{ _posts }}
  22. {% if _posts == 1 %}
  23. post
  24. {% else %}
  25. posts
  26. {% endif %}
  27. </small>
  28. </a>
  29. </li>
  30. {% endfor %}
  31. </ul>
  32. </article>
  33. </section>