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Install and Run Guide

Run-REDUCE is an open-source JavaFX GUI to run the REDUCE Computer Algebra System. REDUCE must be obtained from SourceForge and installed separately. Run-REDUCE should find a standard REDUCE installation automatically and not require any initial configuration, at least on Microsoft Windows and Gnu/Linux. With suitable configuration it should run on any platform that supports JavaFX, but I can only test on 64-bit Windows, Ubuntu and Fedora.

I recommend that you use the appropriate installer but you can also use the platform-independent JAR, although this is considerably more complicated. Please note that: the installers are quite large, around 50 MB, whereas the JAR is well under 1 MB; I may release installers less frequently than JARs.

Using an Installer

I provide installers for 64-bit Windows and Gnu/Linux, which include customised versions of Java and JavaFX (but not REDUCE). The appropriate installer will have a name of the following form, where <version> represents the version of Run-REDUCE:

Platform Installer Filename
Microsoft Windows Run-REDUCE-<version>.msi
Debian-based Gnu/Linux, e.g. Ubuntu run-reduce_<version>-1_amd64.deb
Red Hat-based Gnu/Linux, e.g. Fedora run-reduce-<version>-1.x86_64.rpm

Download the latest available installer file for your platform from the GitHub releases page and run it, e.g. by double-clicking on it.

Microsoft Windows

The Run-REDUCE package will be installed in the folder C:\Program Files\Run-REDUCE by default, but you can change this. It will appear as an installed app in Settings under Apps & features, which can be used to uninstall it. It will also appear in the Start Menu in the Reduce folder, which provides the recommended way to run it. To update the Run-REDUCE package you just need to run the installer for the new version.


The Run-REDUCE package will be installed in the directory /opt/run-reduce and will appear as an installed app in Software, which can be used to uninstall it. It will also appear in Applications in the Unknown/Other category, which provides the easiest way to run it.

To update the Run-REDUCE package you need to uninstall the old version and then install the new version. One way to do this is to run the installer for the new version twice; the first run just invites you to uninstall the old version, but does not install the new version.

The executable is actually installed as /opt/run-reduce/bin/Run-REDUCE and you can use this full pathname as a shell command to run Run-REDUCE if you want, but the directory is not automatically added to your PATH. Note that if you run Run-REDUCE this way then you will probably see a GDK warning message, which you can ignore. (It is not displayed when you run Run-REDUCE from Applications.)

Using the JAR

To run the JAR, you need to have a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and JavaFX libraries installed, both version 11 or later (preferably the latest release); see below for details.

You also need to download the file Run-REDUCE.jar (by clicking on the link) and save it somewhere convenient, such as your home directory or the directory in which you store your REDUCE projects. You can then run Run-REDUCE by executing the shell command

java --module-path JavaFXlibrary --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.web -jar Run-REDUCE.jar

in the directory containing the file, where JavaFXlibrary represents the full pathname of your JavaFX library.

Because this is a little tedious, I provide two batch files that make it easier to run Run-REDUCE. The file Run-REDUCE.bat is for use on Microsoft Windows and the file Run-REDUCE (no extension) is for use on Unix-like platforms. If you want to use one of these batch files, download it (by right-clicking on the link and selecting Save Link As...) to the same directory to which you downloaded Run-REDUCE.jar. Then you can run Run-REDUCE by executing the simpler shell command


provided you set up the PATH_TO_FX environment variable; please see the additional details for Microsoft Windows and Unix-like platforms below.

There are many ways to run JavaFX applications, but here are my recommendations.

Install OpenJDK JRE

Visit AdoptOpenJDK, scroll towards the bottom of the home page and click on Installation, click on Installers, and follow the instructions for your platform.

On Microsoft Windows, select OpenJDK nn (Latest) with the highest number nn (or you can use Java 11 if you prefer). The default JVM, HotSpot, should be fine. Select your Operating System and Architecture or just scroll down to find your platform. On the right, choose a JRE distribution (a JDK distribution will also work, but is much bigger and irrelevant unless you do Java development), download and run the appropriate .msi file. The default installation settings should be fine although you can remove the Associate .jar option unless you want it for running other Java applications (but keep the Add to PATH option).

On other platforms, install adoptopenjdk-<latest>-hotspot-jre, where <latest> represents the highest number available. If you prefer, you can use Java 11 and/or the non-JRE version (see above).

Install OpenJFX

Visit OpenJFX, scroll down and click on the Download button. Scroll down to Latest Release (or you can use JavaFX 11 if you prefer), download the appropriate JavaFX SDK file (not the jmods file) and save it. Move it somewhere appropriate (anywhere should work) and unzip it. Make a note of the full pathname of the lib sub-directory or copy it, since you need it to set up the PATH_TO_FX environment variable; see below.

Run Run-REDUCE using a Batch File on...

Microsoft Windows

To create the PATH_TO_FX environment variable, open the Start menu, type env and click on Edit the system environment variables. Click on the Environment Variables... button towards the bottom of the dialogue, then create a new user or system variable by clicking on the appropriate New... button. (User variables only affect you, whereas system variables affect all users.) Enter the variable name PATH_TO_FX. To enter the value, either use the Browse Directory... button, or open the JavaFX lib folder in File Explorer, click on the address bar, and copy and paste the folder pathname. Enclose the folder name in double quotes.

An easy way to run Run-REDUCE using a shell command is first to open File Explorer and navigate to the folder to which you downloaded Run-REDUCE.jar. In the address bar, type cmd and then press the Enter key. This will open a Command Prompt window in the current folder; type Run-REDUCE and press the Enter key. Or you can just double-click on the Run-REDUCE Windows Batch File (which is actually called Run-REDUCE.bat but the extension is suppressed by default).

Unix-like Platforms

To create the environment variable, open your profile (or shell configuration) file (e.g. ~/.profile in Ubuntu or ~/.bash_profile in Fedora) in a text editor and add the line

export PATH_TO_FX=path-to-openjfx/lib

where path-to-openjfx represents the full pathname of the JavaFX directory that you have just installed. Log out and then log back in or, until you have done so, prefix the Run-REDUCE command by


followed by a space.

An easy way to run Run-REDUCE using a shell command is first to open Files, navigate to the directory to which you downloaded Run-REDUCE.jar and set the file permissions to make Run-REDUCE executable. Right-click in, or open the drop-down menu for, this directory and select Open in Terminal. You can now run Run-REDUCE as described above by executing the shell command


Known Issues

When running Run-REDUCE.jar on Ubuntu 18 and 20, by default, two warning messages appear and on Ubuntu 18 some dialogues jump when they first appear. The warning about libcanberra-gtk-module can be avoided by using Synaptic to install libcanberra-gtk-module (or you can just ignore the warning). In order to avoid the other problems, I have included the option


in the Run-REDUCE batch file. This may not be necessary on all platforms and will, I hope, cease to be necessary at all at some future date, so you might like to experiment with removing it.

I have been advised that on Kubuntu 18.04.4 it may be necessary to install the Gnome 2 theme Adwaita. You may also find that the About and error dialogue boxes are too small by default.

If Run-REDUCE.jar misbehaves or crashes, try including the option


which tells Java to use software display rendering.

On Fedora, you may find that the Gnome Classic desktop environment works better than Gnome. (One way to select your desktop environment is by using the settings icon on the login screen.) I find that on Fedora 32 and 33 using the default desktop, namely GNOME (Wayland), dialogues jump when opened or closed, whereas using either GNOME Classic or GNOME on Xorg (X11) avoids this problem.

Francis Wright, March 2021