تاریخچه Commit ها

نویسنده SHA1 پیام تاریخ
  Francis Wright 6a5979443d v2.41 Finish renaming Run-REDUCE-FX to Run-REDUCE, including JAR and script files for future releases. 4 سال پیش
  Francis Wright 659a30a78d v2.23 Rename texcharwidth to fancy!-symbol!-length. Rename fancy!-special!-symbol!-size (only referenced once!) to fancy!-symbol!-length. Use fancy!-functionsymbol rather than fancy!-special!-symbol for function names and set fancy!-symbol!-length as appropriate for function names. Stop using (ascii n), but retain support for it. Tidy up some of the functions for displaying special functions. This shortens some lines in symbols_and_functions.tst output. Need to test hypergeometric function display. 4 سال پیش
  Francis Wright d17a703dcc Fix a number of problems with the last commit. 4 سال پیش
  Francis Wright 421c26534a Retain compatibility with tmprint so that excalc.tst now runs. Add a test directory containing symbols_and_functions.tst. 4 سال پیش
  Francis Wright 0ee3b2308d Add typeset maths support for Struve, Lommel, Kummer, Whittaker and Spherical Harmonic Functions, and Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. Add a directory of test files to be ignored by git. 4 سال پیش
  Francis Wright 2ec18236c5 PopupKeyboard: handle keyboard headings more elegantly. Commit MANIFEST.MF, which is required to build a JAR file that runs. 4 سال پیش
  fjwright 3dcee571ab Update version and date. Change to a modular project. Revert to using Desktop::open to display PDF documentation files on non-Windows platforms, but run in an independent thread. Accessing the Desktop class causes a GTK warning by default unless the JVM option -Djdk.gtk.version=2 is used. Displaying a PDF documentation file on Ubuntu 18 when running in Intellij IDEA causes multiple dconf-CRITICAL error messages, which I can't avoid. 4 سال پیش
  Francis Wright 5d8aae9d8c Fix an error in REDUCEConfigDialog that dropped the command arg buttons by one row (after I removed a spurious row in the FXML). Add some padding inside the web browser pane. Access the REDUCEConfigDialog class statically and use a StringWriter to construct the HTML string. Include UserGuide.html file. 4 سال پیش
  Francis Wright 960da56446 Add support code for the Help menu. 4 سال پیش
  Francis Wright 0dcff53284 Initial commit for Run-REDUCE re-implemented using JavaFX. This is a skeleton of the main window and menu bar. I have not included any menu tooltips because it appears that JavaFX does not support them, at least not in any straightforward way! RunREDUCEController effectively replaces RRMenuBar. 4 سال پیش