make.jl 1.5 KB

  1. # This file is part of Reduce.jl. It is licensed under the MIT license
  2. # Copyright (C) 2017 Michael Reed
  3. using Documenter, SyntaxTree, ForceImport, Reduce
  4. makedocs(
  5. # options
  6. modules = [Reduce,SyntaxTree,ForceImport],
  7. doctest = false,
  8. format = Documenter.HTML(prettyurls = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true"),
  9. sitename = "Reduce.jl",
  10. authors = "Michael Reed",
  11. pages = Any[
  12. "Home" => "",
  13. "Library" => "",
  14. "User's Manual" => Any[
  15. "man/",
  16. "man/",
  17. "man/",
  18. "man/",
  19. "man/",
  20. "man/",
  21. "man/",
  22. "man/",
  23. "man/",
  24. "man/",
  25. "man/",
  26. "man/",
  27. "man/",
  28. "man/",
  29. "man/",
  30. "man/",
  31. "man/",
  32. "man/",
  33. "man/",
  34. "man/",
  35. "man/",
  36. "man/",
  37. "man/",
  38. "man/",
  39. "man/"
  40. ]
  41. ]
  42. )
  43. deploydocs(
  44. repo = "",
  45. target = "build",
  46. deps = nothing,
  47. make = nothing
  48. )