123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- environment:
- matrix:
- # - JULIA_URL: "https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/winnt/x86/0.5/julia-0.5-latest-win32.exe"
- - JULIA_URL: "https://julialang-s3.julialang.org/bin/winnt/x64/0.5/julia-0.5-latest-win64.exe"
- # - JULIA_URL: "https://julialangnightlies-s3.julialang.org/bin/winnt/x86/julia-latest-win32.exe"
- # - JULIA_URL: "https://julialangnightlies-s3.julialang.org/bin/winnt/x64/julia-latest-win64.exe"
- branches:
- only:
- - master
- - /release-.*/
- notifications:
- - provider: Email
- on_build_success: false
- on_build_failure: false
- on_build_status_changed: false
- install:
- - ps: "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12"
- # Download most recent Julia Windows binary
- - ps: (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile(
- $env:JULIA_URL,
- "C:\projects\julia-binary.exe")
- # Run installer silently, output to C:\projects\julia
- - C:\projects\julia-binary.exe /S /D=C:\projects\julia
- build_script:
- # Need to convert from shallow to complete for Pkg.clone to work
- - IF EXIST .git\shallow (git fetch --unshallow)
- - C:\projects\julia\bin\julia -e "versioninfo();
- Pkg.clone(pwd(), \"Reduce\"); Pkg.build(\"Reduce\")"
- test_script:
- - C:\projects\julia\bin\julia -e "Pkg.test(\"Reduce\")"