mkpckge 1.2 KB

  1. #!/bin/csh -f
  2. # Compile a single package.
  3. # Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
  4. rm -f $reduce/log/$1.blg
  5. $reduce/reduce.$lisp >& $reduce/log/$1.blg << EOF
  6. symbolic;
  7. if getenv "lisp" = "csl" % 'csl memq lispsystem!*
  8. then <<on backtrace; % In case something goes wrong.
  9. !*savedef := nil>>
  10. else <<load compiler;
  11. errorset('(load compat),nil,nil); % PSL compiler support.
  12. on verboseload;
  13. % Specific package loads to avoid BPS problems.
  14. if '$1 eq 'susy2 then flag('(susy2),'lap)
  15. else if '$1 eq 'fps
  16. then load_package limits,factor,specfn,sfgamma
  17. else if '$1 eq 'mrvlimit then load_package taylor
  18. % Memory increases to avoid heap allocation problems.
  19. else if getenv "MACHINE" neq "sunos" then nil
  20. else if '$1 eq 'defint
  21. then set_heap_size 1200000 % 1000000 too small.
  22. else if '$1 memq '(specfn ztrans)
  23. then set_heap_size 1000000 % 700000 is too small.
  24. % else if '$1 eq 'conlaw % Needs more ID space.
  25. % then <<load big!-faslend; initcodemax!* := 200>>
  26. >>;
  27. load remake;
  28. !*argnochk := t;
  29. in "$reduce/"\$
  30. package!-remake '$1;
  31. if !*faslp and flagp('$1,'core_package)
  32. then system "touch $reduce/lisp/$lisp/$MACHINE/mkreduce";
  33. bye;
  34. EOF