123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633 |
- module cslrend; % CSL REDUCE "back-end".
- % Authors: Martin L. Griss and Anthony C. Hearn.
- % Modified by Arthur Norman for use with CSL.
- create!-package('(cslrend autopatch csl),nil);
- fluid '(!*break
- !*echo
- !*eolinstringok
- !*int
- !*mode
- !*raise
- !*lower
- !*keepsqrts);
- global '(!$eol!$
- !*extraecho
- cr!*
- crchar!*
- date!*
- esc!*
- ff!*
- ifl!*
- ipl!*
- largest!-small!-modulus
- lispsystem!*
- ofl!*
- spare!*
- statcounter
- crbuflis!*
- tab!*
- version!*
- copyright1!*
- copyright2!*
- loadable!-packages!*
- switches!*
- symchar!*);
- copyright1!* := "Copyright A C Hearn, 2004";
- copyright2!* := "Copyright Codemist Ltd, 2004";
- loadable!-packages!* := '(
- algint applysym arnum assist atensor
- avector boolean cali camal cantens
- cedit cgb changevr cl compact
- conlaw crack cvit defint desir
- dfpart dummy dvfsf eds excalc
- ezgcd factor fide fmprint fps
- ftr gentran geoprover ghyper gnuplot
- groebner hephys ideals ineq int
- invbase laplace lie liepde limits
- linalg mathml matrix meijerg misc
- modsr mrvlimit ncpoly normform numeric
- odesolve ofsf orthovec pf physop
- plot pm polydiv pretty qsum
- randpoly rataprx ratint rcref reacteqn
- redlog reset residue rlfi rlisp88
- rltools roots rprint rsolve rtrace
- scope sets sfgamma solve sparse
- spde specfn sum support susy2
- symmetry taylor tps tri trigint
- trigsimp wu xcolor xideal zeilberg
- ztrans);
- % This amazingly long list of switches was created as a by-product
- % of building the bootstrap version of Reduce 3.8. In that build use of
- % the directive that introduces switches is logged. Not all of these switches
- % are really aimed at the general public, and almost all only apply when
- % some particular module is loaded.
- switches!* := '(
- acinfo adjprec again algint algpri
- allbranch allfac allowdfint allpoly anticom
- arbvars arnum asterisk backtrace balanced_mod
- balanced_was_on batch_mode bcsimp bezout bfspace
- boese both carcheckflag carefuleq centergrid
- cgbcheckg cgbcontred cgbcounthf cgbfullred cgbgen
- cgbgs cgbreal cgbsgreen cgbstat cgbupdb
- cgbverbose coates combineexpt combinelogs commutedf
- commuteint comp complex compxroots contract
- cramer cref cvit debug debug_times
- defn demo derexp detectunits dfint
- dfprint diffsoln dispjacobian distribute div
- double downcase dummypri echo edsdebug
- edsdisjoint edssloppy edsverbose eqfu errcont
- essl evallhseqp exdelt exp expanddf
- expandexpt expandlogs ezgcd f90 factor
- factorprimes factorunits failhard fancy fancy_tex
- fast_la fastfor faststructs fastvector force
- fort fortupper fourier ftch fulleq
- fullpoly fullprec fullprecision fullroots gbltbasis
- gc gcd gendecs genpos gentranopt
- gentranseg getdecs gltbasis groebfac groebfullreduction
- groebopt groebprot groebrm groebstat groebweak
- gsugar hardzerotest heugcd horner hyperbolic
- ifactor imaginary imsl inputc int
- int_test intern intstr keepdecs lasimp
- latex lcm lessspace lexefgb lhyp
- limitedfactors list listargs lmon looking_good
- lower lower_matrix ltrig makecalls mathml
- mcd mod_was_on modular msg multiplicities
- multiroot mymatch nag nat nero
- nested noacn noarg nocommutedf nocompile
- noconvert noetherian noint nointint nolnr
- nonlnr nopowers nosplit nosturm not_negative
- notailcall novarmsg numval odesolve_basis odesolve_check
- odesolve_diff odesolve_equidim_y odesolve_expand odesolve_explicit odesolve_fast
- odesolve_full odesolve_implicit odesolve_noint odesolve_norecurse odesolve_noswap
- odesolve_simp_arbparam odesolve_verbose onespace only_integer optdecs
- ord outerzeroscheck output overview partialint
- partialintdf partialintint period pgwd plap
- plotkeep plotusepipe prapprox precise prefix
- pret prfourmat pri priall primat
- prlinineq psen pvector pwrds qgosper_down
- qgosper_specials qsum_nullspace qsum_trace qsumrecursion_certificate qsumrecursion_down
- qsumrecursion_exp qsumrecursion_profile quotenewnam r2i raise
- ranpos rat ratarg rational rationalize
- ratpri ratroot red_total reduce4 reduced
- revpri rladdcond rlanuexdebug rlanuexdifferentroots rlanuexgcdnormalize
- rlanuexpsremseq rlanuexsgnopt rlanuexverbose rlbnfsac rlbnfsm
- rlbrop rlcadaproj rlcadaprojalways rlcadbaseonly rlcaddebug
- rlcaddecdeg rlcaddnfformula rlcadextonly rlcadfac rlcadfasteval
- rlcadfulldimonly rlcadhongproj rlcadisoallroots rlcadmc3 rlcadmcproj
- rlcadpartial rlcadpbfvs rlcadpreponly rlcadprojonly rlcadrawformula
- rlcadte rlcadtrimtree rlcadverbose rldavgcd rlgsbnf
- rlgserf rlgsprod rlgsrad rlgsred rlgssub
- rlgsutord rlgsvb rlidentify rlisp88 rlnzden
- rlopt1s rlourdet rlparallel rlposden rlpscsgen
- rlqedfs rlqefb rlqegen1 rlqegenct rlqegsd
- rlqeheu rlqepnf rlqeqsc rlqesqsc rlqesr
- rlqevarsel rlrealtime rlsiatadv rlsichk rlsiexpl
- rlsiexpla rlsifac rlsiidem rlsimpl rlsipd
- rlsipo rlsipw rlsism rlsiso rlsitsqspl
- rlsusi rlsusiadd rlsusigs rlsusimult rltabib rltnft
- rlverbose rlvmatvb rlxopt rlxoptpl rlxoptri
- rlxoptric rlxoptrir rlxoptsb rlxoptses rootmsg
- roundall roundbf rounded rtrace saveactives
- savedef savesfs savestructr semantic sfto_musser
- sfto_tobey sfto_yun show_grid sidrel simpnoncomdf
- solvesingular symmetric taylorautocombine taylorautoexpand taylorkeeporiginal
- taylornocache taylorprintorder tdusetorder tensor test_plot
- testecho tex texbreak texindent time
- tr_lie tra tracefps tracelimit traceratint
- tracespecfns tracetrig trallfac trchrstrem trcompact
- trdesir trdint trfac trfield trgroeb
- trgroeb1 trgroebr trgroebs trham trigform
- trint trinvbase trlinineq trlinineqint trlinrec
- trmin trnonlnr trnumeric trode trplot
- trpm trroot trsolve trsum trtaylor
- trwu trxideal trxmod twogrid twosided
- unsafecar upcase upper_matrix useold usetaylor
- usez varopt vectorc verbatim verboseload
- vtrace web windexpri wrchri xfullreduce
- xpartialint xpartialintdf xpartialintint zb_factor zb_inhomogeneous
- zb_proof zb_timer zb_trace zeilberg);
- % Constants used in scanner.
- flag('(define!-constant),'eval);
- cr!* := compress(list('!!, special!-char 6)); % carriage return
- ff!* := compress(list('!!, special!-char 5)); % form feed
- tab!*:= compress(list('!!, special!-char 3)); % tab key
- % One inessential reference to REVERSIP in this module (left unchanged).
- % This file defines the system dependent code necessary to run REDUCE
- % under CSL.
- Comment The following functions, which are referenced in the basic
- REDUCE source (RLISP, ALG1, ALG2, MATR and PHYS) should be defined to
- complete the definition of REDUCE:
- Prototypical descriptions of these functions are as follows;
- remprop('bye,'stat);
- symbolic procedure bye;
- %Returns control to the computer's operating system command level.
- %The current REDUCE job cannot be restarted;
- <<close!-output!-files(); stop 0>>;
- deflist('((bye endstat)),'stat);
- remprop('quit,'stat);
- symbolic procedure quit;
- %Returns control to the computer's operating system command level.
- %The current REDUCE job cannot be restarted;
- <<close!-output!-files(); stop 0>>;
- deflist('((quit endstat)),'stat);
- % evload is now defined in cslprolo.red - this has to be the case
- % so it can be used (via load_package) to load rlisp and cslrend.
- % symbolic procedure evload l;
- % for each m in l do load!-module m;
- symbolic procedure seprp u;
- % Returns true if U is a blank, end-of-line, tab, carriage return or
- % form feed. This definition replaces the one in the BOOT file.
- u eq '! or u eq tab!* or u eq !$eol!$ or u eq ff!* or u eq cr!*;
- symbolic procedure filetype u;
- % Determines if string U has a specific file type.
- begin scalar v,w;
- v := cdr explode u;
- while v and not(car v eq '!.) do
- <<if car v eq '!< then while not(car v eq '!>) do v := cdr v;
- v := cdr v>>;
- if null v then return nil;
- v := cdr v;
- while v and not(car v eq '!") do <<w := car v . w; v := cdr v>>;
- return intern compress reversip w
- end;
- symbolic procedure mkfil u;
- % Converts file descriptor U into valid system filename.
- if stringp u then u
- else if not idp u then typerr(u,"file name")
- else string!-downcase u;
- Comment The following functions are only referenced if various flags are
- set, or the functions are actually defined. They are defined in another
- module, which is not needed to build the basic system. The name of the
- flag follows the function name, enclosed in parentheses:
- CEDIT (?)
- EDIT1 This function provides a link to an editor. However, a
- definition is not necessary, since REDUCE checks to see
- if it has a function value.
- EMBFN (?)
- PRETTYPRINT (DEFN --- also called by DFPRINT)
- This function is used in particular for output of RLISP
- expressions in LISP syntax. If that feature is needed,
- and the prettyprint module is not available, then it
- should be defined as PRINT
- TIME (TIME) returns elapsed time from some arbitrary initial
- point in milliseconds;
- Comment The following operator is used to save a REDUCE session as a
- file for later use;
- symbolic procedure savesession u;
- preserve('begin);
- flag('(savesession),'opfn);
- flag('(savesession),'noval);
- Comment make "system" available as an operator;
- flag('(system),'opfn);
- flag('(system),'noval);
- Comment to make "faslend" an endstat;
- put('faslend,'stat,'endstat);
- Comment The current REDUCE model allows for the availability of fast
- arithmetical operations on small integers (called "inums"). All modern
- LISPs provide such support. However, the program will still run without
- these constructs. The relevant functions that should be defined for
- this purpose are as follows;
- flag('(iplus itimes iplus2 itimes2 iadd1 isub1 iminus iminusp
- idifference iquotient iremainder ilessp igreaterp ileq igeq
- izerop ionep), 'lose);
- Comment There are also a number of system constants required for each
- implementation. In systems that don't support inums, the equivalent
- single precision integers should be used;
- % LARGEST!-SMALL!-MODULUS is the largest power of two that can
- % fit in the fast arithmetic (inum) range of the implementation.
- % This is constant for the life of the system and could be
- % compiled in-line if the compiler permits it.
- largest!-small!-modulus := 2**24 - 1; % I could use up to 2^27-1, but
- % stick to 2^24-1 since that's what Cambridge Lisp used to use.
- flag('(modular!-difference modular!-minus modular!-number
- modular!-plus modular!-quotient modular!-reciprocal
- modular!-times modular!-expt set!-small!-modulus), 'lose);
- % See comments about gensym() below - which apply also to the
- % effects of having different random number generators in different
- % host Lisp systems.
- % From 3.5 onwards (with a new random generator built into the
- % REDUCE sources) I am happy to use the portable version.
- % flag('(random next!-random!-number), 'lose);
- set!-small!-modulus 3;
- % The following are now built into CSL, where by using the C library
- % and (hence?) maybe low level tricks or special floating point
- % microcode things can go fast.
- flag('(acos acosd acosh acot acotd acoth acsc acscd acsch asec asecd
- asech asin asind asinh atan atand atan2 atan2d atanh cbrt cos
- cosd cosh cot cotd coth csc cscd csch exp expt hypot ln log
- logb log10 sec secd sech sin sind sinh sqrt tan tand tanh fix
- ceiling floor round clrhash puthash gethash remhash), 'lose);
- % remflag('(int!-gensym1),'lose);
- % symbolic procedure int!-gensym1 u;
- % In Codemist Lisp compress interns - hence version in int.red may
- % not work. However, it seems to be ok for now.
- % gensym1 u;
- % flag('(int!-gensym1),'lose);
- global '(loaded!-packages!* no!_init!_file personal!-dir!*);
- personal!-dir!* := "$HOME";
- symbolic procedure load!-patches!-file;
- begin scalar !*redefmsg,file,x; % Avoid redefinition messages.
- if memq('demo, lispsystem!*) then return;
- if filep(file := concat(personal!-dir!*,"/patches.fsl")) then nil
- else if filep(file :=
- concat(get!-lisp!-directory(),"/patches.fsl"))
- then nil
- else return nil;
- x := binopen(file,'input);
- for i := 1:16 do readb x; % Skip checksum stuff.
- load!-module x; % Load patches.
- close x;
- if patch!-date!*
- then startup!-banner concat(version!*,concat(", ",concat(date!*,
- concat(", patched to ",concat(patch!-date!*," ...")))));
- for each m in loaded!-packages!* do
- if (x := get(m,'patchfn)) then apply(x,nil)
- end;
- % For compatibility with older versions.
- symbolic procedure load!-latest!-patches;
- load!-patches!-file();
- Comment We need to define a function BEGIN, which acts as the top-level
- call to REDUCE, and sets the appropriate variables;
- remflag('(begin),'go);
- symbolic procedure begin;
- begin
- scalar w,!*redefmsg;
- !*echo := not !*int;
- !*extraecho := t;
- % If invoked from texmacs do something special...
- if modulep 'tmprint and member('texmacs, lispsystem!*) then <<
- w := verbos 0;
- load!-module 'tmprint;
- fmp!-switch t;
- off1 'promptnumbers;
- verbos w >>
- % If the tmprint module is loaded and I have a window that can support it
- % I will display things in a "fancy" way within the CSL world.
- else if getd 'fmp!-switch then
- fmp!-switch member('showmath, lispsystem!*);
- ifl!* := ipl!* := ofl!* := nil;
- if date!* then <<
- verbos nil;
- % The linelength may need to be adjusted if we are running in a window.
- % To cope with this, CSL allows (linelength t) to set a "default" line
- % length that can even vary as window sizes are changed. An attempt
- % will be made to ensure that it is 80 at the start of a run, but
- % (linelength nil) can return varying values as the user re-sizes the
- % main window (in some versions of CSL). However this is still not
- % perfect! The protocol
- % old := linelength nil;
- % <do something, possibly changing linelength as you go>
- % linelength old;
- % can not restore the variability characteristic. However I make
- % old := linelength n; % n numeric or T
- % ...
- % linelength old;
- % preserve things by returning T from (linelength n) in relevant cases.
- linelength t;
- % The next four lines have been migrated into the C code in "restart.c"
- % so that some sort of information gets back to the user nice and early.
- % prin2 version!*;
- % prin2 ", ";
- % prin2 date!*;
- % prin2t " ...";
- if getd 'addsq then <<
- % I assume here that this is an algebra system if ADDSQ is defined, and
- % in that case process an initialisation file. Starting up without ADDSQ
- % defined means I either have just RLISP built or I am in the middle of
- % some bootstrap process. Also if a variable no_init_file is set to TRUE
- % then I avoid init file processing.
- !*mode := 'algebraic;
- if null no!_init!_file then begin
- scalar name;
- name := assoc('shortname, lispsystem!*);
- if atom name then name := "reduce"
- else name := list!-to!-string explode2lc cdr name;
- erfg!* := nil;
- read!-init!-file name end >>
- else !*mode := 'symbolic;
- % date!* := nil;
- >>;
- % If there is a patches module that is later than one that I currently
- % have installed then load it up now.
- if version!* neq "REDUCE Development Version"
- then load!-patches!-file();
- w := assoc('opsys, lispsystem!*);
- if not atom w then w := cdr w;
- % For MOST systems I will let ^G (bell) be the escape character, but
- % under win32 I use that as an interrupt character, and so there I go
- % back and use ESC instead. I do the check at BEGIN time rather than
- % further out so that common checkpoint images can be used across
- % systems.
- esc!*:= compress list('!!,
- special!-char (if w = 'win32 then 10 else 9));
- while errorp errorset('(begin1), !*backtrace, !*backtrace) do nil;
- prin2t "Leaving REDUCE ... "
- end;
- flag('(begin),'go);
- % The following function is used in some CSL-specific operations. It is
- % also defined in util/rprint, but is repeated here to avoid loading
- % that module unnecessarily, and because the definition given there is
- % rather PSL specific.
- remflag('(string!-downcase),'lose);
- symbolic procedure string!-downcase u;
- compress('!" . append(explode2lc u,'(!")));
- % princ!-upcase and princ!-downcase are used for fortran output
- flag('(string!-downcase princ!-upcase princ!-downcase),'lose);
- % This function is used in Rlisp '88.
- symbolic procedure igetv(u,v); getv(u,v);
- symbolic procedure iputv(u,v,w); putv(u,v,w);
- % The following functions are NOT in Standard Lisp and should NOT be
- % used anywhere in the REDUCE sources, but the amount of trouble I have
- % had with places where they do creep in has encouraged me to define
- % them here anyway and put up with the (small) waste of space.
- symbolic procedure first x; car x;
- symbolic procedure second x; cadr x;
- symbolic procedure third x; caddr x;
- symbolic procedure fourth x; cadddr x;
- symbolic procedure rest x; cdr x;
- Comment Initial setups for REDUCE;
- spare!* := 0; % We need this for bootstrapping.
- symchar!* := t; % Changed prompt when in symbolic mode.
- % PSL has gensyms with names g0001, g0002 etc., and in a few places
- % REDUCE will insert gensyms into formulae in such a way that their
- % names can influence the ordering of terms. The next fragment of
- % commented out code make CSL use similar names (but interned). This
- % is not sufficient to guarantee a match with PSL though, since in (for
- % instance) the code
- % list(gensym(), gensym(), gensym())
- % there is no guarantee which gensym will have the smallest serial
- % number. Also if !*comp is true and the user defines a procedure it is
- % probable that the compiler does a number (just how many we do not
- % wish to say) of calls to gensym, upsetting the serial number
- % sequence. Thus other ways of ensuring consistent output from REDUCE
- % are needed.
- %- global '(gensym!-counter);
- %- gensym!-counter := 1;
- %- symbolic procedure reduce!-gensym();
- %- begin
- %- scalar w;
- %- w := explode gensym!-counter;
- %- gensym!-counter := gensym!-counter+1;
- %- while length w < 4 do w := '!0 . w;
- %- return compress ('g . w)
- %- end;
- %- remflag('(gensym), 'lose);
- %- remprop('gensym, 's!:builtin0);
- %- smacro procedure gensym();
- %- reduce!-gensym();
- % However, the current CSL gensym uses an upper case G as the root,
- % which causes inconsistencies in some tests (e.g., int and qsum).
- % This definition cures that.
- symbolic smacro procedure gensym; gensym1 'g;
- symbolic procedure initreduce;
- initrlisp(); % For compatibility.
- symbolic procedure initrlisp;
- % Initial declarations for REDUCE
- <<statcounter := 0;
- %- gensym!-counter := 1;
- crbuflis!* := nil;
- spare!* := 0;
- % !*int := not batchp();
- !*int := t;
- >>;
- symbolic procedure rlispmain;
- lispeval '(begin);
- flag('(rdf preserve reclaim),'opfn);
- flag('(rdf preserve),'noval);
- flag('(load reload),'noform);
- deflist('((load rlis) (reload rlis)),'stat);
- symbolic macro procedure load x; PSL!-load(cdr x, nil);
- symbolic macro procedure reload x; PSL!-load(cdr x, t);
- global '(PSL!-loaded!*);
- PSL!-loaded!* := nil;
- symbolic procedure PSL!-load(mods, reloadp);
- for each x in mods do <<
- if reloadp or not member(x, PSL!-loaded!*) then <<
- % load!-module x;
- load!-package x;
- PSL!-loaded!* := union(list x, PSL!-loaded!*) >> >>;
- symbolic macro procedure tr x;
- list('trace, list('quote, cdr x));
- symbolic macro procedure untr x;
- list('untrace, list('quote, cdr x));
- symbolic macro procedure trst x;
- list('traceset, list('quote, cdr x));
- symbolic macro procedure untrst x;
- list('untraceset, list('quote, cdr x));
- flag('(tr untr
- trst untrst
- ),'noform);
- deflist('((tr rlis) (trst rlis)
- (untr rlis) (untrst rlis)
- ),'stat);
- symbolic procedure prop x; plist x; % Yukky PSL compatibility.
- Comment The following declarations are needed to build various modules;
- flag('(mkquote spaces subla boundp error1),'lose);
- % The exact order of items in the lists produced by these is important
- % to REDUCE.
- flag('(union intersection), 'lose);
- flag('(safe!-fp!-plus safe!-fp!-times safe!-fp!-quot
- % safe!-fp!-pl safe!-fp!-pl0
- ), 'lose);
- flag('(threevectorp ordp), 'lose);
- deflist('((imports rlis)),'stat);
- flag('(sort stable!-sort stable!-sortip),'lose);
- % We also need this.
- flag('(lengthc),'lose);
- symbolic procedure concat2(u,v); concat(u,v);
- symbolic procedure concat(u,v);
- % This would be better supported at a lower level.
- compress('!" . append(explode2 u,nconc(explode2 v,list '!")));
- % Used by patching mechanism.
- %
- % Note that DESPITE the name this MUST be an interned symbol not a
- % gensym since it will be used as the name of a function written out
- % using FASLOUT and later re-loaded: gensym identities can not survive
- % this transition. The symbols created by dated!-name are almost
- % always going to avoid clashes - see commentary in the CSL source file
- % "extras.red" for an explanation.
- symbolic procedure dated!-gensym u; dated!-name u;
- endmodule;
- end;