123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508 |
- \documentstyle[11pt,epsfig]{article}
- \title{{\bf Turtle Graphics Interface for REDUCE \\
- Version 3}}
- \author{Caroline Cotter \\ Konrad--Zuse--Zentrum f\"ur Informationstechnik
- Berlin \\ E--mail: cotter@zib.de}
- \date{October 1998}
- \newcommand{\syntax}{\textsl{SYNTAX: }}
- \newcommand{\abb}{\textsl{Abbreviated form: }}
- \begin{document}
- \maketitle
- \section{Introduction}
- This program is a simple implementation of the ``Turtle Graphics''
- style of drawing graphs in {\small REDUCE}. The background and ideas of
- ``Turtle Graphics'' are outlined below.
- \subsection{Turtle Graphics}
- Turtle Graphics was originally developed in the 1960's as part of the
- LOGO system, and used in the classroom as an introduction to graphics
- and using computers to help with mathematics.
- The LOGO language was created as part of an experiment to test the idea
- that programming may be used as an educational discipline to teach children.
- It was first intended to be used for problem solving, for illustrating
- mathematical concepts usually difficult to grasp, and for creation of
- experiments with abstract ideas.
- At first LOGO had no graphics capabilities, but fast development enabled
- the incorporation of graphics, known as ``Turtle Graphics'' into the
- language. ``Turtle Graphics'' is regarded by many as the main use of
- {\bf Main Idea:}\ \ To use simple commands directing a turtle, such as
- forward, back, turnleft, in order to construct pictures as opposed to
- drawing lines connecting cartesian coordinate points.
- The `turtle' is at all times determined by its state \{$x$,$y$,$a$,$p$\}-
- where $x$,$y$ determine its position in the {\mbox (x,y)-plane}, $a$
- determines the angle (which describes the direction the turtle is
- facing) and $p$ signals whether the pen is up or down (i.\ e.\ \ whether or
- not it is drawing on the paper).
- \section{Implementation}
- Some alterations to the original ``Turtle Graphics'' commands have been
- made in this implementation due to the design of the graphics package
- {\em gnuplot} used in {\small REDUCE}.
- \begin{itemize}
- \item It is not possible to draw lines individually and to see each
- seperate line as it is added to the graph since gnuplot
- automatically replaces the last graph each time it calls on
- the plot function.
- Thus the whole sequence of commands must be input together if
- the complete picture is to be seen.
- \item This implementation does not make use of the standard turtle
- commands `pen-up' or `pen-down' . Instead, `set' commands are
- included which allow the turtle to move without drawing a line.
- \item No facility is provided here to change the pen-colour, but gnuplot
- does have the capability to handle a few different colours (which
- could be included later).
- \item Many of the commands are long and difficult to type out repeatedly,
- therefore all the commands included under {\em `Turtle Functions'}
- (below) are listed alongside an equivalent abbreviated form.
- \item The user has no control over the range of output that can be seen
- on the screen since the gnuplot program automatically adjusts the
- picture to fit the window. Hence the size of each specified `step'
- the turtle takes in any direction is not a fixed unit of length,
- rather it is relative to the scale chosen by gnuplot.
- \end{itemize}
- \section{Turtle Functions}
- As previously mentioned, the turtle is determined at all times by its
- state \{$x$,$y$,$a$\}: its position on the \mbox{(x,y)-plane} and its
- angle($a$) - its {\em heading} - which determines the direction the
- turtle is facing, in degrees, relative anticlockwise to the positive
- x-axis.
- \subsection{User Setting Functions}
- \begin{description}
- \item[setheading] Takes a number as its argument and resets the heading
- to this number. If the number entered is negative or greater than
- or equal to 360 then it is automatically checked to lie between 0
- and 360.
- Returns the turtle position \{$x$,$y$\}
- \syntax\ {\tt setheading($\theta$)}
- \abb\ {\tt sh($\theta$)}
- \item[leftturn] The turtle is turned anticlockwise through the
- stated number of degrees. Takes a number as its argument and
- resets the heading by adding this number to the previous heading
- setting.
- Returns the turtle position \{$x$,$y$\}
- \syntax\ {\tt leftturn($\alpha$)}
- \abb\ {\tt slt($\alpha$)}
- \item[rightturn] Similar to {\tt leftturn}, but the turtle is turned
- clockwise through the stated number of degrees. Takes a number as
- its argument and resets the heading by subtracting this number from
- the previous heading setting.
- Returns the turtle position \{$x$,$y$\}
- \syntax\ {\tt rightturn($\beta$)}
- \abb\ {\tt srt($\beta$)}
- \item[setx] Relocates the turtle in the x direction. Takes a number as
- its argument and repositions the state of the turtle by changing its
- x-coordinate.
- Returns \{\}
- \syntax\ {\tt setx($x$)}
- \abb\ {\tt sx($x$)}
- \item[sety] Relocates the turtle in the y direction. Takes a number as
- its argument and repositions the state of the turtle by changing its
- y-coordinate.
- Returns \{\}
- \syntax\ {\tt sety($y$)}
- \abb\ {\tt sy($y$)}
- \item[setposition] Relocates the turtle from its current position to the
- new cartesian coordinate position described. Takes a pair of
- numbers as its arguments and repositions the state of the turtle by
- changing the x and y coordinates.
- Returns \{\}
- \syntax\ {\tt setposition($x$,$y$)}
- \abb\ {\tt spn($x$,$y$)}
- \item[setheadingtowards] Resets the heading so that the turtle is facing
- towards the given point, with respect to its current position on
- the coordinate axes. Takes a pair of numbers as its arguments and
- changes the heading, but the turtle stays in the same place.
- Returns the turtle position \{$x$,$y$\}
- \syntax\ {\tt setheadingtowards($x$,$y$)}
- \abb\ {\tt shto($x$,$y$)}
- \item[setforward] Relocates the turtle from its current position by
- moving forward (in the direction of its heading) the number of
- steps given. Takes a number as its argument and repositions the
- state of the turtle by changing the x and y coordinates.
- Returns \{\}
- \syntax\ {\tt setforward($n$)}
- \abb\ {\tt sfwd($n$)}
- \item[setback] As with {\tt setforward}, but moves back (in the opposite
- direction of its heading) the number of steps given.
- Returns \{\}
- \syntax\ {\tt setback($n$)}
- \abb\ {\tt sbk($n$)}
- \end{description}
- \subsection{Line-Drawing Functions}
- \begin{description}
- \item[forward] Moves the turtle forward (in the direction its heading)
- the number of steps given. Takes a number as its argument and draws
- a line from its current position to a new position on the
- coordinate plane. The x and y coordinates are reset to the new
- values.
- Returns the list of points
- \{ \{{\it old} $x$,{\it old} $y$\}, \{{\it new} $x$,{\it new} $y$\} \}
- \syntax\ {\tt forward($s$)}
- \abb\ {\tt fwd($s$)}
- \item[back] As with {\tt forward} except the turtle moves back (in the
- opposite direction to its heading) the number of steps given.
- Returns the list of points
- \{ \{{\it old} $x$,{\it old} $y$\}, \{{\it new} $x$,{\it new} $y$\} \}
- \syntax\ {\tt back($s$)}
- \abb\ {\tt bk($s$)}
- \item[move] Moves the turtle to a specified point on the coordinate
- plane. Takes a pair of numbers as its arguments and draws a line
- from its current position to the position described. The x and y
- coordinates are set to these new values.
- Returns the list of points
- \{ \{{\it old} $x$,{\it old} $y$\}, \{{\it new} $x$,{\it new} $y$\} \}
- \syntax\ {\tt move($x$,$y$)}
- \abb\ {\tt mv($x$,$y$)}
- \end{description}
- \subsection{Plotting Functions}
- \begin{description}
- \item[draw] This is the function the user calls within {\small REDUCE} to
- draw the list of turtle commands given into a picture. Takes a list
- as its argument, with each seperate command being seperated by a
- comma, and returns the graph drawn by following the commands.
- \syntax\ {\tt draw\{}{\it command(command\_args)}{\tt ,\ldots,}
- {\it command(command\_args)}{\tt \}}
- \underline{Note:} all commands may be entered in either long or
- shorthand form, and with a space
- before the arguments instead of parentheses only
- if just one argument is needed. Commands taking
- more than one argument must be written in
- parentheses and arguments seperated by a comma.
- \item[fdraw] This function is also called in {\small REDUCE} by the user
- and outputs the same as the {\tt draw} command, but it takes a
- filename as its argument. The file which is called upon by {\tt
- fdraw} must contain only the turtle commands and other functions
- defined by the user for turtle graphics. (This is intended to make
- it easier for the user to make small changes without constantly
- typing out long series of commands.)
- \syntax\ {\tt fdraw\{"}{\it filename}{\tt "\}}
- \underline{Note:} commands may be entered in long or shorthand form
- but each command must be written on a separate
- line of the file. Also, arguments are to be
- written without parentheses and separated with a
- space, not a comma, regardless of the number of
- arguments given to the function.
- \end{description}
- \subsection{Other Important Functions}
- \begin{description}
- \item[info] This function is called on its own in {\small REDUCE} to tell
- user the current state of the turtle. Takes no arguments but
- returns a list containing the current values of the x and y
- coordinates and the heading variable.
- Returns the list \{{\it x\_coord},{\it y\_coord},{\it heading}\}
- \syntax\ {\tt info()} or simply {\tt info}
- \item[clearscreen] This is also called on its own in {\small REDUCE} to
- get rid of the last gnuplot window, displaying the last turtle
- graphics picture, and to reset all the variables to 0. Takes no
- arguments and returns no printed output to the screen but the
- graphics window is simply cleared.
- \syntax\ {\tt clearscreen()} or simply {\tt clearscreen}
- \abb\ {\tt cls()} or {\tt cls}
- \item[home] This is a command which can be called within a plot function
- as well as outside of one. Takes no arguments, and simply resets
- the x and y coordinates and the heading variable to 0. When used in
- a series of turtle commands, it moves the turtle from its current
- position to the origin and sets the direction of the turtle along
- the x-axis, without drawing a line.
- Returns \{0,0\}
- \syntax\ {\tt home()} or simply {\tt home}
- \end{description}
- \subsection{Defining Functions}
- It is possible to use conditional statements (if \ldots\ then \ldots\
- else \ldots) and `for' statements (for i:=\ldots collect\{\ldots\}) in
- calls to draw. However, care must be taken - when using conditional
- statements the final else statement must return a point or at least
- \{x\_coord,y\_coord\} if the picture is to be continued at that point.
- Also, `for' statements {\em must} include `collect' followed by a list of
- turtle commands (in addition, the variable must begin counting from 0 if
- it is to be joined to the previous list of turtle commands at that point
- exactly, e.\ g.\ \ for i:=0:10 collect \{\ldots\}).
- \syntax\ \{\small {(For user-defined Turtle functions)}\}
- \begin{tabbing}
- \ \ \= set \ \ \ \=tabs\= \kill
- \> {\tt procedure {\it func\_name(func\_args)};} \\
- \> {\tt begin [scalar {\it additional variables}];} \\
- \> \> \vdots \\
- \> \> {\it (the procedure body containing some turtle commands)} \\
- \> \> \vdots \\
- \> \> {\tt return} {\it (a list, or label to a list, of turtle commands}\\
- \> \> \>{\it as accepted by {\tt draw})}\\
- \> {\tt end;} \\
- \end{tabbing}
- For convenience, it is recommended that all user defined functions, such
- as those involving {\tt if\ldots then\ldots else\ldots} or {\tt for
- i:=\ldots collect\{\ldots\}} are defined together in a separate file, then
- called into {\small REDUCE} using the {\tt in "{\it filename}"} command.
- \newpage
- \section{Examples}
- The following examples are taken from the tur.tst file.
- Examples 1,2,5 \& 6 are simple calls to draw. Examples 3 \& 4 show how
- more complicated commands can be built (which can take their own set of
- arguments) using procedures. Examples 7 \& 8 show the difference between
- the draw and fdraw commands.
- \begin{verbatim}
- % (1) Draw 36 rays of length 100
- draw {for i:=1:36 collect{setheading(i*10), forward 100, back 100} };
- \end{verbatim}
- \unitlength=1cm
- \begin{picture}(8,8)(0,0)
- \put (0,8){\rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{8cm}{8cm}{\epsfbox{eg1.ps}}}}
- \end{picture}
- \begin{verbatim}
- % (2) Draw 12 regular polygons with 12 sides of length 40,each polygon
- %forming an angle of 360/n degrees with the previous one.
- draw {for i:=1:12 collect
- {leftturn(30), for j:=1:12 collect
- {forward 40, leftturn(30)}} };
- \end{verbatim}
- \unitlength=1cm
- \begin{picture}(8,8)(0,0)
- \put (0,8){\rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{8cm}{8cm}{\epsfbox{eg4.ps}}}}
- \end{picture}
- \begin{verbatim}
- % (3) A "peak" pattern - an example of a recursive procedure.
- procedure peak(r);
- begin;
- return for i:=0:r collect
- {move(x_coord+5,y_coord-10), move(x_coord+10,y_coord+60),
- move(x_coord+10,y_coord-60),move(x_coord+5,y_coord+10)};
- end;
- draw {home(), peak(3)};
- \end{verbatim}
- \unitlength=1cm
- \begin{picture}(8,8)(0,0)
- \put (0,8){\rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{8cm}{8cm}{\epsfbox{eg5a.ps}}}}
- \end{picture}
- \begin{verbatim}
- %This procedure can then be part of a longer chain of commands:
- draw {home(), move(5,50), peak(3), move(x_coord+10,-100),
- peak(2), move(x_coord+10,0)};
- \end{verbatim}
- \unitlength=1cm
- \begin{picture}(8,8)(0,0)
- \put (0,8){\rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{8cm}{8cm}{\epsfbox{eg5b.ps}}}}
- \end{picture}
- \begin{verbatim}
- % (4) Write a recursive procedure which draws "trees" such that every
- %branch is half the length of the previous branch.
- procedure tree(a,b); %Here: a is the start length, b is the
- %number of levels
- begin;
- return if fixpb and b>0 %checking b is a positive integer
- then {leftturn(45), forward a, tree(a/2,b-1),
- back a, rightturn(90), forward a, tree(a/2,b-1),
- back a, leftturn(45)}
- else {x_coord,y_coord}; %default: Turtle stays still
- end;
- draw {home(), tree(130,7)};
- \end{verbatim}
- \unitlength=1cm
- \begin{picture}(8,8)(0,0)
- \put(0,8){\rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{8cm}{8cm}{\epsfbox{eg6a.ps}}}}
- \end{picture}
- \begin{verbatim}
- % (5) A 36-point star.
- draw {home(), for i:=1:36 collect
- {leftturn(10), forward 100, leftturn(10), back 100} };
- \end{verbatim}
- \unitlength=1cm
- \begin{picture}(8,8)(0,0)
- \put(0,8){\rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{8cm}{8cm}{\epsfbox{eg7.ps}}}}
- \end{picture}
- \begin{verbatim}
- % (6) Draw 100 equilateral triangles with the leading points
- %equally spaced on a circular path.
- draw {home(), for i:=1:100 collect
- {forward 150, rightturn(60), back(150),
- rightturn(60), forward 150, setheading(i*3.6)} };
- \end{verbatim}
- \unitlength=1cm
- \begin{picture}(8,8)(0,0)
- \put(0,8){\rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{8cm}{8cm}{\epsfbox{eg8.ps}}}}
- \end{picture}
- \begin{verbatim}
- % (7) Two or more graphs can be drawn together (this is easier
- %if the graphs are named). Here we show graphs 2 and 6 on top of one
- %another:
- gr2:={home(), for i:=1:12 collect
- {leftturn(30), for j:=1:12 collect
- {forward 40, leftturn(30)}} }$
- gr6:={home(), for i:=1:100 collect
- {forward 150, rightturn(60), back(150),
- rightturn(60), forward 150, setheading(i*3.6)} }$
- draw {gr2, gr6};
- \end{verbatim}
- \unitlength=1cm
- \begin{picture}(8,8)(0,0)
- \put(0,8){\rotatebox{270}{\resizebox{8cm}{8cm}{\epsfbox{eg9.ps}}}}
- \end{picture}
- \begin{verbatim}
- % (8) Example 7 could have been tackled another way, which makes use of
- %the fdraw command.
- %By inputting gr2 and gr6 as procedures into reduce, they can then be
- %used at any time in the same reduce session in a call to draw and even
- %fdraw.
- %First save the procedures in a file, say fxp (fdraw example procedures):
- procedure gr2;
- begin;
- return {home, for i:=1:12 collect
- {leftturn(30), for j:=1:12 collect
- {forward 40, leftturn(30)}} };
- end;
- procedure gr6;
- begin;
- return {home(), for i:=1:100 collect
- {forward 150, rightturn(60), back(150),
- rightturn(60), forward 150, setheading(i*3.6)} };
- end;
- %Then create another file where the functions may be called to fdraw,
- %e.g. fx:
- gr2
- gr6
- %Now in reduce, after loading the turtle package just type the following:
- in "fxp";
- fdraw '"fx";
- %..and the graphs will appear.
- %This method is useful if the user wants to define many of their own
- %functions, and, using fdraw, subtle changes can be made quickly without
- %having to type out the whole string of commands to plot each time. It
- %is particularly useful if there are several pictures to plot at once and
- %it is an easy way to build pictures so that the difference an extra
- %command makes to the overall picture can be clearly seen.
- %(In the above example, the file called to fdraw was only 2 lines long,
- %so this method did not have any advantage over the normal draw command.
- %However, when the list of commands is longer it is clearly advantageous
- %to use fdraw)
- \end{verbatim}
- \section{References}
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item {\bf An Implementation of Turtle Graphics for Teaching Purposes}\\
- Zoran I. Putnik \& Zoram d.Budimac
- \item {\bf Mapletech -} Maple in Mathematics and the Sciences,\\
- Special Issue 1994\\
- {\bf An Implementation of ``Turtle Graphics'' in Maple V}\\
- Eugenio Roanes Lozano \& Eugenio Roanes Macias
- \end{enumerate}
- \end{document}