123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629 |
- module limits;
- %% A fast limit package for REDUCE for functions which are continuous
- %% except for computable poles and singularities.
- %% Author: Stanley L. Kameny.
- %% Revised 23 Mar 1993. Version 1.4.
- %% Added capability for using either the Taylor series package or the
- %% Truncated Power Series Package.
- %% Added provisions for transformation of certain irrational functions
- %% into rational functions before limit calculation in order to be able
- %% to compute series.
- %% Changed the algebraic interface so that if limit package fails, an
- %% equivalent of the original expression is returned.
- %% Allowed for limited recursion through limsimp.
- %% Corrected several bugs.
- %% Date: 10 Oct 1990. Original version.
- %% The Truncated Power Series package is used for non-critical points.
- %% L'Hopital's rule is used in critical cases, with preprocessing of
- %% <infinity - infinity> forms and reformatting of product forms in
- %% order to be able to apply l'Hopital's rule. A limited amount of
- %% bounded arithmetic is also employed where applicable.
- %% This limits package makes use of the ideas embodied in the
- %% limit.red package, by Ian Cohen and John Fitch, 11 July 1990
- %% that is in reduce-netlib; in fact, some code is lifted bodily.
- %% The idea of using the Truncated Power Series package to compute
- %% limits at non-critical points, and the substitutions used in limit!+
- %% and limit!- come from there.
- load!-package 'tps; %load!-package 'taylor;
- lisp(ps!:order!-limit := 100);
- switch usetaylor; off usetaylor;
- fluid '(!*precise lhop!# lplus!# !*protfg !*msg !*rounded !*complex
- !#nnn lim00!# !*crlimtest !*lim00rec);
- !*lim00rec := t; % Default value.
- global '(erfg!* exptconv!#);
- global '(abslims!#);
- symbolic(abslims!# := {0,1,-1,'infinity,'(minus infinity)});
- % others may be added.
- fluid '(lsimpdpth); global '(ld0!#); symbolic(ld0!# := 3);
- flag('(limit limit!+ limit!- limit2),'full);
- symbolic
- for each c in '(limit limit!+ limit!- limit2) do
- <<remflag({c},'opfn); put(c,'simpfn,'simplimit)>>;
- symbolic procedure limit2(top,bot,xxx,a);
- lhopital(top,bot,xxx,a) where lhop!#=0;
- symbolic procedure limit!+(ex,x,a);
- <<ex := simp!* limlogsort ex;
- if a = 'infinity then rederr "Cannot approach infinity from above"
- else if a = '(minus infinity) then
- limit(prepsq subsq(ex,list(x .
- list('quotient,-1,list('expt,'!*eps!*,2)))),'!*eps!*,0)
- else limit(prepsq subsq(ex,list(x .
- list('plus,a,list('expt,'!*eps!*,2)))),'!*eps!*,0)>>;
- symbolic procedure limit!-(ex,x,a);
- <<ex := simp!* limlogsort ex;
- if a = 'infinity then
- limit(prepsq subsq(ex,list(x .
- list('quotient,1,list('expt,'!*eps!*,2)))),'!*eps!*,0)
- else if a = '(minus infinity) then
- rederr "Cannot approach -infinity from below"
- else limit(prepsq subsq(ex,list(x .
- list('difference,a,list('expt,'!*eps!*,2)))),'!*eps!*,0)>>;
- symbolic procedure limit(ex,xxx,a); limit0(limlogsort ex,xxx,a)
- where !*combinelogs=nil,lhop!#=0,lplus!#=0,lim00!#=nil,lsimpdpth=0;
- symbolic procedure limlogsort x;
- begin scalar !*precise;
- x := prepsq simp!* x;
- return if countof('log,x)>1 then logsort x else x
- end;
- symbolic procedure countof(u,v);
- if u = v then 1 else if atom v then 0
- else countof(u,car v)+countof(u,cdr v);
- symbolic procedure simplimit u;
- % The kludgey handling of cot needs to be fixed some day.
- begin scalar fn,exprn,var,val,old,v,!*precise,!*protfg;
- if length u neq 4
- then rerror(limit,1,
- "Improper number of arguments to limit operator");
- fn:= car u; exprn := cadr u; var := !*a2k caddr u; val := cadddr u;
- !*protfg := t; % ACH: I'm not sure why this is needed.
- old := get('cot,'opmtch);
- put('cot,'opmtch,
- '(((!~x) (nil . t) (quotient (cos !~x) (sin !~x)) nil)));
- v := errorset!*({'apply,mkquote fn,mkquote {exprn,var,val}},nil);
- put('cot,'opmtch,old);
- !*protfg := nil;
- return if errorp v or (v := car v) = aeval 'failed then mksq(u,1)
- else simp!* v
- end;
- symbolic procedure limit0(exp,x,a);
- begin scalar exp1;
- exp1 := simp!* exp;
- if a = 'infinity then
- return limit00(subsq(exp1,{x . {'quotient,1,{'expt,x,2}}}),x);
- if a = '(minus infinity) then
- return limit00(subsq(exp1,{x . {'quotient,-1,{'expt,x,2}}}),x);
- return
- (<<!*protfg := t;
- y := errorset!*
- ({'subsq,mkquote(exp := simp!* exp),mkquote{(x . a)}},nil)
- where !*expandlogs=t;
- !*protfg := nil;
- if not (errorp y) and not ((y := car y) = aeval 'failed)
- then mk!*sq y
- else if neq(a,0) then limit00(subsq(exp1,{x .
- {'plus,a,x}}),x)
- else limit00(exp1,x)>> where y=nil) end;
- symbolic procedure limit00(ex,x);
- begin scalar p,p1,z,xpwrlcm,lim,ls;
- if (lim := crlimitset(p := prepsq ex,x)) then go to ret;
- if not lim00!# then
- <<lim00!# := not !*lim00rec;
- p1 := factrprep prepsq ex;
- if (xpwrlcm := xpwrlcmp(p1,x)) neq 1 then
- <<ex := subsq(ex,{x . {'expt,x,xpwrlcm}});
- p1 := factrprep prepsq ex>>;
- if (z := pwrdenp(p1,x)) neq 1 then
- ex := simp!*{'expt,p1,z};
- if (lim := crlimitset(p := prepsq ex,x)) then go to ret>>;
- % tps has failed because ex has a branch point at a or is undefined
- % at a or tps itself has failed or Reduce has not recognized the
- % numeric value of an expression.
- if %xpwrlcm and xpwrlcm>1 or
- lsimpdpth>ld0!#
- then lim := aeval 'failed else
- <<lsimpdpth := lsimpdpth + 1; ls := t;
- lim := limsimp(p,x);
- if prepsq simp!* lim = 'failed and lsimpdpth=1 then
- <<exptconv!# := nil; p := expt2exp(p,x);
- if exptconv!# then lim := limsimp(p,x)>> >>;
- ret: return
- <<if ls then lsimpdpth := lsimpdpth - 1;
- if not z or z = 1 or lim=0 then lim
- else if (ls := prepsq simp!* lim) = '(minus infinity)
- then if (-1)^z = 1 then aeval 'infinity else lim
- else if ls member '(infinity failed) then lim
- else mk!*sq simp!* {'expt,prepsq simp!* lim,{'quotient,1,z}}>>
- end;
- symbolic procedure factrprep p;
- begin scalar !*factor;
- !*factor := t;
- return prepsq simp!* p end;
- symbolic procedure expt2exp(p,x);
- if atom p then p
- else if eqcar(p,'expt)
- and not freeof(cadr p,x) and not freeof(caddr p,x) then
- <<exptconv!# := t; {'expt,'e,{'times,{'log,cadr p},caddr p}}>>
- else expt2exp(car p,x) . expt2exp(cdr p,x);
- symbolic procedure xpwrlcmp(p,x);
- if atom p then 1
- else if eqcar(p,'expt) and cadr p = x then getdenom caddr p
- else if eqcar(p,'sqrt) then getdenomx(cadr p,x)
- else lcm(xpwrlcmp(car p,x),xpwrlcmp(cdr p,x));
- symbolic procedure getdenomx(p,x);
- if freeof(p,x) then 1
- else if eqcar(p,'minus) then getdenomx(cadr p,x)
- else if p = x or eqcar(p,'times) and x member cdr p then 2
- else xpwrlcmp(p,x);
- symbolic procedure getdenom p;
- if eqcar(p,'minus) then getdenom cadr p
- else if eqcar(p,'quotient) and numberp caddr p then caddr p
- else 1;
- symbolic procedure pwrdenp(p,x);
- if atom p then 1
- else if eqcar(p,'expt) and not freeof(cadr p,x)
- then getdenom caddr p
- else if eqcar(p,'sqrt) and not freeof(cadr p,x) then 2
- else if eqcar(p,'minus) then pwrdenp(cadr p,x)
- else if car p member '(times quotient) then
- (<<for each c in cdr p do m := lcm(m,pwrdenp(c,x)); m>>
- where m=1)
- else if atom car p then 1
- else lcm(pwrdenp(car p,x),pwrdenp(cdr p,x));
- symbolic procedure limitset(ex,x,a);
- if !*usetaylor then
- <<!*protfg := t;
- ex := errorset!*({'limit1t,mkquote ex,mkquote x,mkquote a},nil);
- !*protfg := nil;
- if errorp ex then nil else car ex>>
- else % use tps.
- begin scalar oldpslim;
- !*protfg := t; oldpslim := simppsexplim '(1);
- ex := errorset!*({'limit1p,mkquote ex,mkquote x,mkquote a},nil);
- !*protfg := nil; simppsexplim list car oldpslim;
- return if errorp ex then nil else car ex
- end;
- symbolic procedure limit1t(ex,x,a);
- begin scalar nnn, vvv,oldklist;
- oldklist := get('taylor!*,'klist);
- ex := {ex,x,a,0};
- vvv := errorset!*({'simptaylor,mkquote ex},!*backtrace);
- put('taylor!*,'klist,oldklist);
- if errorp vvv then <<if !*backtrace then break();return nil>>
- else ex := car vvv;
- if kernp ex then ex := mvar numr ex
- else return nil;
- if not eqcar(ex,'taylor!*) then return nil
- else ex := cadr ex;
- % ex is now the list of coefs and values, but we need the lowest
- % order non-zero value, which may not be the first of these.
- % if this list is empty the result is zero
- while ex and null numr cdr car ex do ex := cdr ex;
- if null ex then return (!#nnn := 0) else
- !#nnn := nnn := caaaar ex;
- vvv := cdar ex;
- return
- if tayexp!-greaterp(nnn,0) then 0
- else if nnn=0 then mk!*sq vvv
- else if !*complex then 'infinity
- else if domainp(nnn := numr vvv) then
- (if !:minusp nnn
- then aeval '(minus infinity) else 'infinity)
- else aeval{'times,{'sign,prepsq vvv},'infinity}
- end;
- symbolic procedure limit1p(ex,x,a);
- begin scalar aaa, nnn, vvv;
- aaa := mk!*sq simpps1(ex,x,a);
- !#nnn := nnn := mk!*sq simppsorder list aaa;
- vvv := simppsterm1(aaa,min(nnn,0));
- return
- if nnn>0 then 0
- else if nnn=0 then mk!*sq vvv
- else if !*complex then 'infinity
- else if domainp(nnn := car vvv) then
- (if !:minusp nnn then aeval '(minus infinity)
- else 'infinity)
- else aeval{'times,{'sign,prepsq vvv},'infinity}
- end;
- symbolic procedure crlimitset(ex,x);
- (begin scalar lim1,lim2,n1,fg,limcr,!#nnn;
- lim1 := limitset(ex,x,0);
- if null lim1 then if r and c then return nil else go to a;
- if (n1 := !#nnn) < 0 or lim1 member abslims!#
- or r and c then return lim1;
- a: if not !*crlimtest then return lim1;
- if not r then on rounded; if not c then on complex;
- if not (lim2 := limitset(ex,x,0))
- or !#nnn > n1 then <<fg := t; go to ret>>;
- if !#nnn < n1 or lim2 member abslims!# then go to ret;
- % at this point, both lim1 and lim2 have values. If they are
- % equivalent, we want lim1; otherwise lim2.
- if (limcr := topevalsetsq lim1) and
- evalequal(prepsq simp!* lim2,prepsq limcr)
- then fg := t;
- ret:if not r then off rounded; if not c then off complex;
- return if fg then lim1 else lim2 end)
- where r=!*rounded,c=!*complex,!*msg=nil;
- symbolic procedure topevalsetsq u;
- <<!*protfg := t;
- if not r then on rounded; if not c then on complex;
- u := errorset!*({'simp!*,{'aeval,{'prepsq,{'simp!*,mkquote u}}}},
- nil);
- !*protfg := nil;
- if not r then off rounded;if not c then off complex;
- if errorp u then nil else car u>>
- where r=!*rounded,c=!*complex,!*msg=nil;
- put('times,'limsfn,'ltimesfn);
- put('quotient,'limsfn,'lquotfn);
- put('plus,'limsfn,'lplusfn);
- put('expt,'limsfn,'lexptfn);
- symbolic procedure limsimp(ex,x);
- % called when limit1 has failed, to apply more sophisticated methods.
- % output must be aeval form.
- begin scalar y,c,z,m,ex0;
- if eqcar(ex,'minus) then <<m := t; ex := cadr ex>>;
- ex0 := ex;
- if not atom ex then % check for plus, times, or quotient.
- <<if(z := get(y := car ex,'limsfn))
- then ex := apply(z,list(ex,x))>>
- else <<if ex eq x then ex := 0; go to ret>>;
- if y eq 'plus then go to ret;
- if y eq 'expt then if ex then return ex else ex := ex0 . 1;
- if z then<<z := car ex; c := cdr ex>>
- else <<z := prepsq !*f2q numr(ex := simp!* ex);
- c := prepsq !*f2q denr ex>>;
- ex := lhopital(z,c,x,0);
- ret: if m and prepsq simp!* ex neq 'failed then
- ex := aeval lminus2 ex;
- return ex end;
- symbolic procedure lminus2 ex;
- if numberp ex then -ex
- else if eqcar(ex,'minus) then cadr ex
- else list('minus,ex);
- symbolic procedure ltimesfn(ex,x); specchk(ex,1,x);
- symbolic procedure lquotfn(ex,x);
- % (if eqcar(n,'expt) and (nlim :=lexptfn(n,x))
- specchk(cadr ex,caddr ex,x);
- symbolic procedure lexptfn(ex,x);
- if not evalequal(cadr ex,0) and limit00(simp!* caddr ex,x)=0
- then 1;
- symbolic procedure specchk(top,bot,x);
- begin scalar tlist,blist,tinfs,binfs,tlogs,blogs,tzros,bzros,
- tnrms,bnrms,m;
- if eqcar(top,'minus) then <<m := t; top := cadr top>>;
- if eqcar(bot,'minus) then <<m := not m; bot := cadr bot>>;
- tlist := limsort(timsift(top,x),x);
- blist := limsort(timsift(bot,x),x);
- tinfs := cdr(tlogs := logcomb(cadr tlist,x)); tlogs := car tlogs;
- binfs := cdr(blogs := logcomb(cadr blist,x)); blogs := car blogs;
- tzros := car tlist; tnrms := caddr tlist;
- bzros := car blist; bnrms := caddr blist;
- if tlogs and not blogs then
- <<top := triml append(tlogs,tnrms);
- bot := triml append(bzros,append(binfs,
- append(bnrms,trimq append(tinfs,tzros))))>>
- else if blogs and not tlogs then
- <<bot := triml append(blogs,bnrms);
- top := triml append(tzros,append(tinfs,
- append(tnrms,trimq append(binfs,bzros))))>>
- else
- <<top := triml append(cadr tlist,trimq bzros);
- bot := triml append(cadr blist,
- append(bnrms,trimq append(tzros,tnrms)))>>;
- if m then top := list('minus,top);
- return top . bot end;
- symbolic procedure trimq l;
- if l then list list('quotient,1,
- if length l>1 then 'times . l else car l);
- symbolic procedure triml l;
- if null l then 1 else if length l>1 then 'times . l else car l;
- symbolic procedure limsort(ex,x);
- begin scalar zros,infs,nrms,q,s;
- for each c in ex do
- if (q := numr(s := simp!* limit00(simp!* c,x)))
- and numberp q and not zerop q then nrms := q . nrms
- else if null q or zerop q then zros := c . zros
- else if caaar q memq '(failed infinity) then infs := c.infs
- else nrms := (prepsq s) . nrms;
- return list(zros,infs,nrms) end;
- symbolic procedure logcomb(tinf,x);
- % separate product list into log terms and others.
- begin scalar tlog,c,z;
- while tinf do
- <<c := car tinf; tinf := cdr tinf;
- if eqcar(c,'log)
- or eqcar(c,'expt) and eqcar(cadr c,'log)
- or eqcar(c,'plus) and
- (eqcar(cadr(c := logjoin(c,x)),'log)
- or eqcar(cadr c,'minus) and eqcar(cadadr c,'log))
- and freeof(cddr c,x)
- then tlog := c . tlog else z := c . z>>;
- return tlog . reversip z end;
- symbolic procedure logjoin(p,x);
- % combine log terms in sum list into a single log.
- begin scalar ll,z;
- for each c in cdr p do
- if freeof(c,x) then z := c . z
- else if eqcar(c,'log) then ll := (cadr c) . ll
- else if eqcar(c,'minus) and eqcar(cadr c,'log) then
- ll := list('quotient,1,cadadr c) . ll
- else z := c . z;
- if ll then ll := list list('log,'times . ll);
- return (car p) . append(ll,reversip z) end;
- symbolic procedure timsift(ex,x);
- if eqcar(ex,'times) then cdr ex
- else if eqcar(ex,'plus) then list logjoin(ex,x)
- % for plus, combine log terms, change infinity - infinity to
- % inner quotient.
- else list ex;
- symbolic procedure lplusfn(ex,x);
- % combine logs and evaluate each limit term. if infinity - infinity
- % is found, attempt conversion to quotient form for lhopital.
- begin scalar z,infs,nrms,vals,vp,vm,cz,vnix;
- lplus!# := lplus!# + 1;
- % write "lplus#=",lplus!#; terpri();
- if lplus!#>4 then return aeval 'failed;
- z := limsort(cdr ex,x); % ignore car z, a list of 0's.
- nrms := caddr z; infs := cadr z;
- if length infs>1 then
- <<infs := logjoin('plus . infs,x);
- infs := if eqcar(infs,'plus) then cdr infs else list infs>>;
- % at this point, only infs needs to be evaluated.
- vals := for each c in infs collect
- minfix prepsq simp!* limit00(simp!* c,x);
- z := infs;
- for each c in vals do
- <<cz := car z; z := cdr z;
- if c eq 'infinity then vp := cz . vp
- else if c = '(minus infinity) then vm := cz . vm
- else if c eq 'failed then vnix := cz . vnix
- else nrms := cz . nrms>>;
- if vm and not vp or vp and not vm or length vnix = 1
- or length vm > 1 or length vp > 1 then return aeval 'failed;
- if vm then vm := qform(car vp,vm);
- if vnix then vnix := qform(car vnix,cdr vnix);
- vm := append(nrms,append(vm,vnix));
- return if null vm then 0 else
- limit00(simp!* if length vm>1 then 'plus . vm else car vm,x)
- end;
- symbolic procedure minfix v;
- if eqcar(v,'minus) and numberp cadr v then -cadr v else v;
- symbolic procedure qform(a,b);
- list list('quotient,list('plus,1,
- list('quotient,if length b = 1 then car b else 'plus . b,a)),
- list ('quotient,1,a));
- symbolic procedure lhopital(top,bot,xxx,a);
- begin scalar limt, limb, nvt, nvb;
- nvt := notval(limt := limfix(top,xxx,a));
- nvb := notval(limb := limfix(bot,xxx,a));
- % possibilities for lims are {failed, infinity, -infinity, bounded,
- % nonzero, zero} and each combination of cases has to be handled.
- if limt=0 and limb=0 or nvt and nvb then go to lhop;
- if specval limt or specval limb then return speccomb(limt,limb);
- if limb=0 then return aeval 'infinity; % maybe impossible.
- return aeval list('quotient,limt,limb);
- lhop: lhop!# := lhop!#+1;
- % write "lhop#=",lhop!#; terpri();
- if lhop!#>6 then return aeval 'failed;
- return limit0(prepsq quotsq(diffsq(simp!* top,xxx),
- diffsq(simp!* bot,xxx)),xxx,a) end;
- symbolic procedure notval lim;
- not lim or infinp prepsq simp!* lim;
- symbolic procedure infinp x; member(x,'(infinity (minus infinity)));
- symbolic procedure specval lim;
- notval lim or lim eq 'bounded;
- symbolic procedure speccomb(a,b);
- aeval
- (if not a or not b or b eq 'bounded then 'failed
- else if notval b then 0
- else if notval a then
- if numberp b then
- if b>=0 then a
- else if a eq 'infinity then '(minus infinity) else 'infinity
- else ((if c then
- <<c := prepsq c;
- if evalgreaterp(c,0) then cc := 1 else if evallessp(c,0)
- then cc := -1;
- if cc then c := if a eq 'infinity then 1 else -1;
- if cc then
- if c*cc = 1 then 'infinity else '(minus infinity)
- else {'times,{'sgn,b},a}>> else {'quotient,a,b})
- where c=topevalsetsq prepsq simp!* b,cc=nil)
- else 'failed);
- symbolic procedure limfix(ex,x,a);
- (if val then val
- else limitest(ex,x,a))
- where val=limitset(ex,x,a);
- symbolic procedure limitest(ex,x,a);
- if ex then if atom ex then if ex eq x then a else ex else
- begin scalar y,arg,val;
- if eqcar(ex,'expt) then
- if cadr ex eq 'e then ex := list('exp,caddr ex)
- else return exptest(cadr ex,caddr ex,x,a);
- if (y := get(car ex,'fixfn)) then
- <<arg := cadr ex; val := limitset(arg,x,a);
- return apply1(y,
- if val then val else limitest(arg,x,a))>>
- else if (y := get(car ex,'limcomb)) then
- return apply3(y,cdr ex,x,a) end;
- symbolic procedure exptest(b,n,x,a);
- if numberp n then
- if n<0 then limquot1(1,exptest(b,-n,x,a))
- else if n=0 then 1 else
- ((if 2*y=n then limlabs limitest(b,x,a) else limitest(b,x,a))
- where y=n/2)
- else if numberp b and b>1 then limitest(list('exp,n),x,a);
- symbolic procedure limlabs a;
- if null a then nil
- else if infinp a then 'infinity
- else if a eq 'bounded then 'bounded else
- begin scalar n,d; d := denr(n := simp!* a); n := numr n;
- return if null n then a else if not numberp n then nil
- else mk!*sq abs a ./ d end;
- symbolic procedure limplus(exl,x,a);
- if null exl then 0
- else limplus1(mkalg limfix(car exl,x,a),limplus(cdr exl,x,a));
- symbolic procedure limplus1(a,b);
- if null a or null b then nil
- else if infinp a
- then if infinp b
- then if a eq b then a else nil else a
- else if infinp b then b
- else if a eq 'bounded or b eq 'bounded then 'bounded
- else mk!*sq addsq(simp!* a,simp!* b);
- symbolic procedure limtimes(exl,x,a);
- if null exl then 1
- else ltimes1(mkalg limfix(car exl,x,a),limtimes(cdr exl,x,a));
- symbolic procedure mkalg x;
- minfix if eqcar(x,'!*sq) then prepsq simp!* x else x;
- symbolic procedure ltimes1(a,b);
- begin scalar c;
- return if null a or null b then nil
- else if infinp a then
- if infinp b then
- if a = b then 'infinity else '(minus infinity)
- else if b eq 'bounded or b=0 then nil
- else if (c := limposp b) eq 'failed then nil
- else if c then a else lminus1 a
- else if infinp b then
- if a eq 'bounded or a=0 then nil
- else if (c := limposp a) eq 'failed then nil
- else if c then b else lminus1 b
- else if a eq 'bounded or b eq 'bounded then 'bounded
- else mk!*sq multsq(simp!* a,simp!* b) end;
- symbolic procedure limposp a;
- (if n and not numberp n then 'failed else n and n>0)
- where n=numr simp!* a;
- symbolic procedure lminus(exl,x,a);
- lminus1 mkalg limfix(car exl,x,a);
- symbolic procedure lminus1 a; if a then
- if a eq 'infinity then '(minus infinity)
- else if a = '(minus infinity) then 'infinity
- else if a eq 'bounded then a
- else mk!*sq negsq simp!* a;
- symbolic procedure limquot(exl,x,a);
- limquot1(mkalg limfix(car exl,x,a),mkalg limfix(cadr exl,x,a));
- symbolic procedure limquot1(a,b);
- begin scalar c;
- return if null a or null b then nil
- else if infinp a then
- if infinp b then nil
- else if b eq 'bounded then nil
- else if b=0 then a
- else if (c := limposp b) eq 'failed then nil
- else if c then a else lminus1 a
- else if infinp b then 0
- else if a eq 'bounded then if b=0 then nil else 'bounded
- else if b=0 or b eq 'bounded then nil
- else mk!*sq quotsq(simp!* a,simp!* b) end;
- put('log,'fixfn,'fixlog);
- put('sin,'fixfn,'fixsin);
- put('cos,'fixfn,'fixsin);
- put('sqrt,'fixfn,'fixsqrt);
- put('cosh,'fixfn,'fixcosh);
- put('sinh,'fixfn,'fixsinh);
- put('exp,'fixfn,'fixexp);
- put('plus,'limcomb,'limplus);
- put('minus,'limcomb,'lminus);
- put('times,'limcomb,'limtimes);
- put('quotient,'limcomb,'limquot);
- symbolic procedure fixlog x;
- if zerop x then '(minus infinity) else if infinp x then 'infinity;
- symbolic procedure fixsqrt x;
- if zerop x then 0 else if infinp x then 'infinity;
- symbolic procedure fixsin x;
- if infinp x then 'bounded;
- symbolic procedure fixcosh x;
- if infinp x then 'infinity;
- symbolic procedure fixsinh x;
- if infinp x then x;
- symbolic procedure fixexp x;
- if x eq 'infinity then x else if x = '(minus infinity) then 0;
- endmodule;
- end;