dipoly.txt 1000 B

  1. The following modules comprise a complete distributive polynomial package:
  2. a2dip Converts a prefix form to distributive polynomial
  3. bcoeff Base coefficient arithmetic assuming rationals
  4. consel Constructors and selectors
  5. dip2a Converts distributive polynomials to distributive form
  6. dipoly Distributive polynomial arithmetic
  7. dipprint Distributive polynomial print routines
  8. dipvars Determines distributive polynomial variables in a form
  9. expvec Exponent vector arithmetic assuming generic operations
  10. expvec1 Exponent vector arithmetic assuming fast integers
  11. The following other modules are needed to complete the distributive
  12. polynomial package:
  13. farith (arith) Support for fast arithmetic operators
  14. gcdn (arith) Numerical gcd routine using binary division
  15. module (rlisp) Support for "module", "endmodule", etc.
  16. sort (util) Sorting routines
  17. where (rlisp) Support for "where" construct