readme 963 B

  1. The following are support files, not part of the reference manual
  2. guide.tex
  3. help.tex
  4. mktable % produces list of all keywords.
  5. redref.tex
  6. rhelp.tex
  7. The following are not normally included in the general reference manual
  8. deferred.tex
  9. obsolete.tex
  10. rdebug.tex
  11. sl.tex
  12. symbolic.tex
  13. The following are support for building the reference manual
  14. array.sty
  15. mkhelp
  16. redhelp.tex % Used to build paper copy of reference manual
  17. redindex.sty
  18. xredhelp.tex % Copy of redhelp.tex (so you can do rm redhelp.*
  19. % after building reference manual
  20. The following are reference manual text
  21. algebra.tex
  22. arith.tex
  23. boolean.tex
  24. command.tex
  25. concept.tex
  26. declare.tex
  27. elemfn.tex
  28. hephys.tex
  29. intro.tex
  30. io.tex
  31. linalg.tex
  32. matrix.tex
  33. normform.tex
  34. outmode.tex
  35. pk-gplot.tex
  36. pk-groeb.tex
  37. pk-misc.tex
  38. pk-numer.tex
  39. pk-roots.tex
  40. pk-specf.tex
  41. switch.tex
  42. symbolic.tex
  43. syntax.tex
  44. taylor.tex
  45. variable.tex