123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242 |
- module xread; % Routines for parsing RLISP input.
- % Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
- % Copyright (c) 1991 The RAND Corporation. All rights reserved.
- fluid '(!*blockp !*eoldelimp !*reduce4); % !*ignoreeol
- global '(cursym!* nxtsym!*);
- % The conversion of an RLISP expression to LISP prefix form is carried
- % out by the function XREAD. This function initiates the scanning
- % process, and then calls the auxiliary function XREAD1 to perform the
- % actual parsing. Both XREAD and XREAD1 are used by many functions
- % whenever an expression must be read;
- flag ('(end !*colon!* !*semicol!*),'delim);
- symbolic procedure chknewnam u;
- % Check to see if U has a newnam, and return it else return U.
- begin scalar x;
- return if null(x := get(u,'newnam)) or x eq u then u
- else if idp x then chknewnam x
- else x
- end;
- symbolic procedure mkvar(u,v); u;
- symbolic procedure remcomma u;
- if eqcar(u,'!*comma!*) then cdr u else list u;
- symbolic procedure eolcheck;
- if null !*eoldelimp then nil
- else begin
- a: if nxtsym!* eq !$eol!$
- then progn(nxtsym!* := (if cursym!* eq 'end then '!;
- else token()),
- go to a)
- end;
- symbolic procedure xread1 u;
- begin scalar v,w,x,y,z,z1,z2;
- % This is the basic function for parsing RLISP input, once
- % tokens have been read by TOKEN and SCAN. Its one argument
- % U can take a number of values:
- % FOR: Parsing of FOR statements
- % GROUP: Parsing of group statements after keyword <<
- % LAMBDA: Parsing of lambda expressions after keyword lambda
- % NIL: Parsing of expressions which can have a comma at
- % the end for example.
- % PROC: Parsing of procedures after keyword PROCEDURE
- % T: Default case with standard parsing.
- % Also, if U is flagged STRUCT, it is assumed that the arguments
- % are lists of lists, and so commas are removed. At present,
- % only MAT is tagged in this manner.
- % The local variables are used as follows:
- % v: expression being built
- % w: prefix operator stack
- % x: infix operator stack
- % y: infix value or stat property
- % z: current symbol
- % z1: next symbol
- % z2: temporary storage;
- a: z := cursym!*;
- a1: if null idp z then nil
- else if z eq '!*lpar!* then go to lparen
- else if z eq '!*rpar!* then go to rparen
- else if y := get(z,'infix) then go to infx
- % The next line now commented out was intended to allow a STAT
- % to be used as a label. However, it prevents the definition of
- % a diphthong whose first character is a colon.
- % else if nxtsym!* eq '!: then nil
- else if flagp(z,'delim) then go to delimit
- else if y := get(z,'stat) then go to stat
- else if null !*reduce4 and flagp(z,'type)
- then progn(w := lispapply('decstat,nil) . w, go to a);
- a2: y := nil;
- a3: w := z . w;
- % allow for implicit * after a number.
- if toknump z
- and null(z1 eq !$eol!$)
- and idp (z1 := chknewnam nxtsym!*)
- and null flagp(z1,'delim)
- and null(get(z1,'switch!*) and null(z1 eq '!())
- and null get(z1,'infix)
- and null (!*eoldelimp and z1 eq !$eol!$)
- then progn(cursym!* := 'times, go to a)
- else if u eq 'proc and length w > 2
- then symerr("Syntax error in procedure header",nil);
- next: z := scan();
- go to a1;
- lparen:
- eolcheck();
- y := nil;
- if scan() eq '!*rpar!* then go to lp1 % no args
- else if flagpcar(w,'struct) then z := xread1 car w
- else z := xread1 'paren;
- if flagp(u,'struct) then progn(z := remcomma z, go to a3)
- else if null eqcar(z,'!*comma!*) then go to a3
- else if null w % then go to a3
- then (if u eq 'lambda then go to a3
- else symerr("Improper delimiter",nil))
- else w := (car w . cdr z) . cdr w;
- go to next;
- lp1: if w then w := list car w . cdr w; % Function of no args.
- go to next;
- rparen:
- if null u or u eq 'group
- or u eq 'proc % and null !*reduce4
- then symerr("Too many right parentheses",nil)
- else go to end1;
- infx: eolcheck();
- if z eq '!*comma!* or null atom (z1 := scan())
- or toknump z1 then go to in1
- else if z1 eq '!*rpar!* % Infix operator used as variable.
- or z1 eq '!*comma!*
- or flagp(z1,'delim)
- then go to in2
- else if z1 eq '!*lpar!* % Infix operator in prefix position.
- and null eolcheck() % Side effect important
- and null atom(z1 := xread 'paren)
- and car z1 eq '!*comma!*
- and (z := z . cdr z1)
- then go to a1;
- in1: if w then go to unwind
- else if null(z := get(z,'unary))
- then symerr("Redundant operator",nil);
- v := '!*!*un!*!* . v;
- go to pr1;
- % in2: if y then if !*ignoreeol then y := nil
- % else symerr("Redundant operator",nil);
- in2: if y then y := nil;
- w := z . w;
- in3: z := z1;
- go to a1;
- unwind:
- % Null w implies a delimiter was found, say, after a comma.
- if null w then symerr("Improper delimiter",nil);
- z2 := mkvar(car w,z);
- un1: w:= cdr w;
- if null w then go to un2
- % Next line used to be toknump car w, but this test catches more
- % else if null idp car w and null eqcar(car w,'lambda)
- else if atom car w and null idp car w
- % and null eqcar(car w,'lambda)
- then symerr("Missing operator",nil);
- z2 := list(car w,z2);
- go to un1;
- un2: v:= z2 . v;
- preced:
- if null x then if y=0 then go to end2 else nil
- % else if z eq 'setq then nil
- % Makes parsing a + b := c more natural.
- else if y<caar x
- or (y=caar x
- and ((z eq cdar x and null flagp(z,'nary)
- and null flagp(z,'right))
- or get(cdar x,'alt)))
- then go to pr2;
- pr1: x:= (y . z) . x;
- if null(z eq '!*comma!*) then go to in3
- else if cdr x or null u or u memq '(lambda paren)
- or flagp(u,'struct)
- then go to next
- else go to end2;
- pr2: %if cdar x eq 'setq then go to assign else;
- % Check for NOT used as infix operator.
- if eqcar(cadr v,'not) and caar x >= get('member,'infix)
- then typerr("NOT","infix operator");
- if cadr v eq '!*!*un!*!*
- then (if car v eq '!*!*un!*!* then go to pr1
- else z2 := list(cdar x,car v))
- else z2 := cdar x .
- if eqcar(car v,cdar x) and flagp(cdar x,'nary)
- then (cadr v . cdar v)
- else list(cadr v,car v);
- x:= cdr x;
- v := z2 . cddr v;
- go to preced;
- stat: if null(y eq 'endstat) then eolcheck();
- if null(flagp(z,'go)
- % or (flagp(y,'endstatfn)
- or null(u eq 'proc) and (flagp(y,'endstatfn)
- or (null delcp nxtsym!* and null (nxtsym!* eq '!,))))
- then go to a2;
- if z eq 'procedure and !*reduce4
- then if w then if cdr w or !*reduce4
- then symerr("proc form",nil)
- else w := list procstat1 car w
- else w := list procstat1 nil
- else w := lispapply(y,nil) . w;
- y := nil;
- go to a;
- delimit:
- if null(cursym!* eq '!*semicol!*) then eolcheck();
- if z eq '!*colon!* and null(u eq 'for)
- and (null !*blockp or null w or null atom car w or cdr w)
- or flagp(z,'nodel)
- and (null u
- or u eq 'group
- and null(z memq
- '(!*rsqbkt!* !*rcbkt!* !*rsqb!*)))
- then symerr("Improper delimiter",nil)
- else if idp u and (u eq 'paren or flagp(u,'struct))
- then symerr("Too few right parentheses",nil);
- end1:
- if y then symerr("Improper delimiter",nil) % Probably ,).
- else if null v and null w and null x then return nil;
- y := 0;
- go to unwind;
- end2: if null cdr v then return car v
- else print "Please send hearn@rand.org your program!!";
- symerr("Improper delimiter",nil)
- end;
- %symbolic procedure getels u;
- % getel(car u . !*evlis cdr u);
- %symbolic procedure !*evlis u;
- % mapcar(u,function lispeval);
- flag ('(endstat retstat),'endstatfn);
- flag ('(else then until),'nodel);
- flag ('(begin),'go);
- symbolic procedure xread u;
- begin
- a: scan();
- if !*eoldelimp and cursym!* eq '!*semicol!* then go to a;
- return xread1 u
- end;
- symbolic procedure expread; xread t;
- flag('(expread xread),'opfn); % To make them operators.
- endmodule;
- end;