123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472 |
- module glexconv; % Newbase-Algorithm:
- % Faugere, Gianni, Lazard, Mora
- fluid '(!*factor !*complex !*exp !*gcd !*ezgcd); % REDUCE switch
- fluid '( % switches from the user interface
- !*groebopt !*groebfac !*groebres !*trgroeb !*trgroebs !*groebrm
- !*trgroeb1 !*trgroebr !*groebprereduce groebrestriction!*
- !*fullreduction !*groebstat !*groebprot !*gltbasis
- !*groebsubs
- !*vdpinteger !*vdpmodular % indicating type of algorithm
- !*gsugar % sugar mode
- vdpsortmode!* % term ordering mode
- secondvalue!* thirdvalue!* % auxiliary: multiple return values
- fourthvalue!*
- factortime!* % computing time spent in factoring
- factorlvevel!* % bookkeeping of factor tree
- pairsdone!* % list of pairs already calculated
- probcount!* % counting subproblems
- vbccurrentmode!* % current domain for base coeffs.
- vbcmodule!* % for modular calculation: current prime
- glexdomain!* % information wrt current domain
- !*gsugar
- );
- global '(groebrestriction % interface: name of function
- groebresmax % maximum number of internal results
- gvarslast % output: variable list
- groebprotfile
- gltb
- );
- flag ('(groebrestriction groebresmax gvarslast groebprotfile
- gltb),'share);
- switch groebopt,groebfac,groebres,trgroeb,trgroebs,trgroeb1,
- trgroebr,groebstat,gltbasis;
- % variables for counting and numbering
- fluid '(hcount!* pcount!* mcount!* fcount!* bcount!* b4count!*
- basecount!* hzerocount!*);
- % control of the polynomial arithmetic actually loaded
- fluid '(currentvdpmodule!*);
- fluid '(glexmat!*); % matrix for the indirect lex ordering
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %
- % interface functions
- % parameters;
- % glexconvert(basis,[vars],[maxdeg=n],[newvars={x,y,..}])
- symbolic procedure glexconverteval u;
- begin integer n; scalar !*groebfac,!*groebrm,!*factor,!*gsugar,
- v, bas,vars,maxdeg,newvars,!*exp; !*exp := t;
- u := for each p in u collect reval p;
- bas := car u ; u := cdr u;
- while u do
- << v := car u; u := cdr u;
- if eqcar(v,'list) and null vars then vars := v
- else if eqcar(v,'equal) then
- if(v := cdr v)and eqcar(v,'maxdeg) then maxdeg := cadr v
- else if eqcar(v,'newvars) then newvars := cadr v
- else <<prin2 (car v);
- rerror(groebnr2,4,"Glexconvert, keyword unknown")>>
- else rerror(groebnr2,5,
- "Glexconvert, too many positional parameters")>>;
- return glexbase1(bas,vars,maxdeg,newvars);
- end;
- put('glexconvert,'psopfn,'glexconverteval);
- symbolic procedure glexbase1(u,v,maxdeg,nv);
- begin scalar vars,w,nd,oldorder,!*gcd,!*ezgcd,!*gsugar;
- integer pcount!*;
- !*gcd := t;
- w := for each j in groerevlist u
- collect if eqexpr j then !*eqn2a j else j;
- if null w then rerror(groebnr2,6,"Empty list in Groebner");
- vars := groebnervars(w,v);
- !*vdpinteger := !*vdpmodular := nil;
- if not flagp(dmode!*,'field) then !*vdpinteger := t
- else
- if !*modular then !*vdpmodular := t;
- if null vars then vdperr 'groebner;
- oldorder := vdpinit vars;
- % cancel common denominators
- w := for each j in w collect reorder numr simp j;
- % optimize varable sequence if desired
- w := for each j in w collect f2vdp j;
- for each p in w do
- nd := nd or not vdpcoeffcientsfromdomain!? p;
- if nd then <<!*vdpmodular:= nil;
- !*vdpinteger := t;
- glexdomain!* := 2>>
- else glexdomain!* := 1;
- if glexdomain!*=1 and not !*vdpmodular then !*ezgcd:=t;
- if null maxdeg then maxdeg := 200;
- if nv then nv := groerevlist nv;
- if null nv then nv := vars else
- for each x in nv do if not member(x,vars) then
- <<rerror(groebnr2,7,list("new variable ",x,
- " is not a basis variable"))>>;
- u := for each v in nv collect a2vdp v;
- gbtest w;
- w := glexbase2(w,u,maxdeg);
- w := 'list . for each j in w collect prepf j;
- setkorder oldorder;
- gvarslast := 'list . vars;
- return w;
- end;
- fluid '(glexeqsys!* glexvars!* glexcount!* glexsub!*);
- symbolic procedure glexbase2(oldbase,vars,maxdeg);
- % in contrast to documented algorithm monbase ist a list of
- % triplets (mon.cof.vect)
- % such that cof * mon == vect modulo oldbase
- % (cof is needed because of the integer algoritm)
- begin scalar lexbase, staircase, monbase;
- scalar monom, listofnexts, vect,q,glexeqsys!*,glexvars!*,
- glexsub!*;
- integer n;
- if not groezerodim!?(oldbase,length vars) then
- prin2t "####### warning: ideal is not zerodimensional ######";
- % prepare matrix for the indirect lex ordering
- glexmat!* := for each u in vars collect vdpevlmon u;
- monbase := staircase := lexbase := nil;
- monom := a2vdp 1;
- listofnexts := nil;
- while not(monom = nil) do
- <<
- if not glexmultipletest(monom,staircase) then
- << vect := glexnormalform(monom,oldbase);
- q := glexlinrel(monom,vect,monbase);
- if q then
- <<lexbase := q . lexbase; maxdeg := nil;
- staircase := monom . staircase;
- >>
- else
- <<monbase := glexaddtomonbase(monom,vect,monbase);
- n := n #+1;
- if maxdeg and n#> maxdeg then
- rerror(groebnr2,8,
- "No univar. polynomial within degree bound");
- listofnexts :=
- glexinsernexts(monom,listofnexts,vars)>>;
- >>;
- if null listofnexts then monom := nil
- else << monom := car listofnexts ;
- listofnexts := cdr listofnexts >>;
- >>;
- return lexbase;
- end;
- symbolic procedure glexinsernexts(monom,l,vars);
- begin scalar x;
- for each v in vars do
- << x := vdpprod(monom,v);
- if not vdpmember(x,l) then
- <<vdpputprop(x,'factor,monom); vdpputprop(x,'monfac,v);
- l := glexinsernexts1(x,l);
- >>;
- >>;
- return l;
- end;
- symbolic procedure glexmultipletest(monom,staircase);
- if null staircase then nil
- else if vevmtest!?(vdpevlmon monom, vdpevlmon car staircase)
- then t
- else glexmultipletest(monom, cdr staircase);
- symbolic procedure glexinsernexts1(m,l);
- if null l then list m
- else if glexcomp(vdpevlmon m,vdpevlmon car l) then m.l
- else car l . glexinsernexts1(m,cdr l);
- symbolic procedure glexcomp(ev1,ev2);
- % true if ev1 is greater than ev2
- % we use an indirect ordering here (mapping via newbase variables)
- glexcomp0(glexcompmap(ev1,glexmat!*),
- glexcompmap(ev2,glexmat!*));
- symbolic procedure glexcomp0(ev1,ev2);
- if null ev1 then nil
- else if null ev2 then glexcomp0(ev1,'(0))
- else if (car ev1 #- car ev2) = 0
- then glexcomp0(cdr ev1,cdr ev2)
- else if car ev1 #< car ev2 then t
- else nil;
- symbolic procedure glexcompmap (ev,ma);
- if null ma then nil
- else glexcompmap1(ev,car ma) . glexcompmap(ev,cdr ma);
- symbolic procedure glexcompmap1(ev1,ev2);
- % the dot product of two vectors
- if null ev1 or null ev2 then 0
- else (car ev1 #* car ev2) #+ glexcompmap1(cdr ev1,cdr ev2);
- symbolic procedure glexaddtomonbase(monom,vect,monbase);
- % primary effect: (monom . vect) . monbase
- % secondary effect: builds the equation system
- begin scalar x;
- if null glexeqsys!* then
- <<glexeqsys!* := a2vdp 0; glexcount!*:=-1>>;
- x := mkid('gunivar,glexcount!*:=glexcount!*+1);
- glexeqsys!* := vdpsum(glexeqsys!*,vdpprod(a2vdp x,cdr vect));
- glexsub!* := (x .(monom . vect)) . glexsub!*;
- glexvars!* := x . glexvars!*;
- return (monom . vect) . monbase;
- end;
- symbolic procedure glexlinrelold(monom,vect,monbase);
- if monbase then
- begin scalar sys,sub,auxvars,r,v,x;
- integer n;
- v := cdr vect;
- for each b in reverse monbase do
- <<x := mkid('gunivar,n); n := n+1;
- v := vdpsum(v,vdpprod(a2vdp x,cddr b));
- sub := (x . b) . sub;
- auxvars := x . auxvars>>;
- while not vdpzero!? v do
- <<sys := vdp2f vdpfmon(vdplbc v,nil) . sys; v := vdpred v>>;
- x := sys;
- sys := groelinsolve(sys,auxvars);
- if null sys then return nil;
- % construct the lex polynomial
- if !*trgroeb
- then prin2t " ======= constructing new basis polynomial";
- r := vdp2f vdpprod(monom,car vect) ./ 1;
- for each s in sub do
- r:= addsq(r,multsq(vdp2f vdpprod(cadr s,caddr s) ./ 1,
- cdr assoc(car s,sys)));
- r := vdp2f vdpsimpcont f2vdp numr r;
- return r;
- end;
- symbolic procedure glexlinrel(monom,vect,monbase);
- if monbase then
- begin scalar sys,r,v,x;
- v := vdpsum(cdr vect,glexeqsys!*);
- while not vdpzero!? v do
- <<sys := vdp2f vdpfmon(vdplbc v,nil) . sys; v := vdpred v>>;
- x := sys;
- sys := groelinsolve(sys,glexvars!*);
- if null sys then return nil;
- % construct the lex polynomial
- r := vdp2f vdpprod(monom,car vect) ./ 1;
- for each s in glexsub!* do
- r:= addsq(r,multsq(vdp2f vdpprod(cadr s,caddr s) ./ 1,
- cdr assoc(car s,sys)));
- r := vdp2f vdpsimpcont f2vdp numr r;
- return r;
- end;
- symbolic procedure glexnormalform(m,g);
- % reduce m wrt basis G;
- % the reduction product is preserved in m for later usage
- begin scalar cof,vect,r,f,fac1;
- if !*trgroeb then prin2t " ======= reducing ";
- fac1 := vdpgetprop(m,'factor);
- if fac1 then vect := vdpgetprop(fac1,'vector);
- if vect then
- << f := vdpprod(cdr vect,vdpgetprop(m,'monfac));
- cof := car vect>>
- else
- << f := m; cof := a2vdp 1>>;
- r := glexnormalform1(f,g,cof);
- vdpputprop(m,'vector,r);
- if !*trgroeb then
- <<vdpprint vdpprod(car r,m); prin2t " =====> ";
- vdpprint cdr r>>;
- return r;
- end;
- symbolic procedure glexnormalform1(f,g,cof);
- begin scalar f1,c,vev,divisor,done,fold,a,b;
- fold := f; f1 := vdpzero(); a:= a2vdp 1;
- while not vdpzero!? f do
- begin
- vev:=vdpevlmon f; c:=vdplbc f;
- divisor := groebsearchinlist (vev,g);
- if divisor then done := t;
- if divisor then
- if !*vdpinteger then
- << f:=groebreduceonestepint(f,a,c,vev,divisor);
- b := secondvalue!*;
- cof := vdpprod(b,cof);
- if not vdpzero!? f1 then
- f1 := vdpprod(b,f1);
- >>
- else
- f := groebreduceonesteprat(f,nil,c,vev,divisor)
- else
- <<f1 := vdpappendmon (f1,vdplbc f,vdpevlmon f);
- f := vdpred f;
- >>;
- end;
- if not done then return cof . fold;
- f := groebsimpcont2(f1,cof); cof := secondvalue!*;
- return cof . f;
- end;
- symbolic procedure groelinsolve(equations,xvars);
- (begin scalar r,q,test,oldmod,oldmodulus;
- if !*trgroeb then prin2t " ======= testing linear dependency ";
- r := t;
- if not !*modular and glexdomain!*=1 then
- <<oldmod := dmode!*;
- if oldmod then setdmode(get(oldmod,'dname),nil);
- oldmodulus := current!-modulus;
- setmod list 16381; % = 2**14-3
- setdmode('modular,t);
- r := groelinsolve1(for each u in equations collect
- numr simp prepf u, xvars);
- setdmode('modular,nil);
- setmod list oldmodulus;
- if oldmod then setdmode(get(oldmod,'dname),t);
- >> where !*ezgcd=nil;
- if null r then return nil;
- r := groelinsolve1(equations,xvars);
- if null r then return nil;
- % divide out the common content
- for each s in r do
- if not(denr cdr s = 1) then test := t;
- if test then return r;
- q := numr cdr car r;
- % for each s in cdr r do
- % if q neq 1 then
- % q := gcdf!*(q,numr cdr s);
- % if q=1 then return r;
- % r := for each s in r collect
- % car s . (quotf(numr cdr s, q) ./ 1);
- return r;
- end) where !*ezgcd=!*ezgcd; % stack old value
- symbolic procedure groelinsolve1(equations,xvars);
- % Gaussian elimination in integer mode
- % free of unexact divisions (see Davenport et al,CA, pp86-87
- % special cases: trivial equations are ruled out early
- % INPUT:
- % equations: list of standard forms
- % xvars: variables for the solution
- % list of pairs (var . solu) where solu is a standard quotient
- %
- % internal data structure: standard forms as polynomials in xvars
- begin scalar oldorder,x,p,solutions,val,later,break,gc,field;
- oldorder := setkorder xvars;
- field := dmode!* and flagp(dmode!*,'field);
- equations := for each eqa in equations collect reorder eqa;
- for each eqa in equations do
- if eqa and domainp eqa then break:= t;
- if break then goto empty;
- equations := sort(equations,function grloelinord);
- again:
- break := nil;
- for each eqa in equations do if not break then
- % car step: eliminate equations of type 23 = 0
- % and 17 * u = 0
- % and 17 * u + 22 = 0;
- << if null eqa then equations := delete(eqa,equations)
- else if domainp eqa then break := t % inconsistent system
- else if not member(mvar eqa,xvars) then break := t
- else if domainp red eqa or not member(mvar red eqa,xvars) then
- <<equations := delete (eqa,equations);
- x := mvar eqa;
- val := if lc eqa = 1 then negf red eqa ./ 1
- else multsq(negf red eqa ./ 1, 1 ./lc eqa);
- solutions := (x . val) . solutions;
- equations := for each q in equations collect
- groelinsub(q,list(x.val));
- later :=
- for each q in later collect groelinsub(q,list(x.val));
- break := 0;
- >>;
- >>;
- if break = 0 then goto again else if break then goto empty;
- % perform an elimination loop
- if null equations then goto ready;
- equations := sort(equations,function grloelinord);
- p := car equations; x := mvar p;
- equations := for each eqa in cdr equations collect
- if mvar eqa = x then
- << if field then
- eqa := addf(eqa, negf multf(quotf(lc eqa,lc p),p))
- else
- <<gc := gcdf(lc p,lc eqa);
- eqa := addf(multf(quotf(lc p,gc),eqa),
- negf multf(quotf(lc eqa,gc),p))>>;
- if not domainp eqa then
- eqa := numr multsq(eqa ./ 1, 1 ./ lc eqa);
- %%%%%%eqa := groelinscont(eqa,xvars);
- eqa>>
- else eqa;
- later := p . later;
- goto again;
- ready: % do backsubstitutions
- while later do
- <<p := car later; later := cdr later;
- p := groelinsub(p,solutions);
- if domainp p or not member(mvar p,xvars) or
- (not domainp red p and member(mvar red p,xvars)) then
- <<break := t; later := nil>>;
- x := mvar p;
- val := if lc p = 1 then negf red p ./ 1
- else quotsq(negf red p ./ 1 , lc p ./ 1);
- solutions := (x . val) . solutions;
- >>;
- if break then goto empty else goto finis;
- empty: solutions := nil;
- finis: setkorder oldorder;
- solutions := for each s in solutions collect
- car s . (reorder numr cdr s ./ reorder denr cdr s);
- return solutions;
- end;
- symbolic procedure grloelinord(u,v);
- % apply ordop to the mainvars of u and v
- ordop(mvar u, mvar v);
- symbolic procedure groelinscont(f,vars);
- % reduce content from standard form f
- if domainp f then f else
- begin scalar c;
- c := groelinscont1(lc f,red f,vars);
- if c=1 then return f;
- prin2 "*************content: ";print c;
- return quotf(f,c);
- end;
- symbolic procedure groelinscont1(q,f,vars);
- % calculate the contents of standard form f
- if null f or q=1 then q
- else if domainp f or not member(mvar f,vars) then gcdf!*(q,f)
- else groelinscont1(gcdf!*(q,lc f),red f,vars);
- symbolic procedure groelinsub(s,a);
- % s is a standard form linear in the top level variables
- % a is an assiciation list (variable . sq) . ...
- % The value is the standard form, where all substitutions
- % from a are done in s (common denominator ignored).
- numr groelinsub1(s,a);
- symbolic procedure groelinsub1(s,a);
- if domainp s then s ./ 1
- else (if x then addsq(multsq(cdr x,lc s ./ 1),y)
- else addsq(lt s .+ nil ./ 1,y))
- where x=assoc(mvar s,a),y=groelinsub1(red s,a);
- endmodule;
- end;