123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333 |
- module dipoly1; % Distributive polynomial algorithms.
- % Authors: R. Gebauer, A. C. Hearn, H. Kredel.
- % Modification for REDUCE > 3.3: H. Melenk.
- fluid '(dipvars!* dipzero);
- symbolic procedure dipconst!? p;
- not dipzero!? p
- and dipzero!? dipmred p
- and evzero!? dipevlmon p;
- symbolic procedure terprit n;
- for i:=1:n do terpri();
- symbolic procedure dfcprint pl;
- % h polynomial factor list of distributive polynomials print.
- for each p in pl do dfcprintin p;
- symbolic procedure dfcprintin p;
- % factor with exponent print.
- ( if cdr p neq 1 then << prin2 " ( "; dipprint1(p1,nil); prin2 " )** ";
- prin2 cdr p; terprit 2 >> else << prin2 " "; dipprint p1>> )
- where p1:= dipmonic a2dip prepf car p;
- symbolic procedure dfcprin p;
- % print content, factors and exponents of factorized polynomial p.
- << terpri(); prin2 " content of factorized polynomials = ";
- prin2 car p;
- terprit 2; dfcprint cdr p >>;
- symbolic procedure diplcm p;
- % Distributive polynomial least common multiple of denominators.
- % p is a distributive rational polynomial. diplcm(p) calculates
- % the least common multiple of the denominators and returns a
- % base coefficient of the form 1/lcm(denom bc1,.....,denom bci).
- if dipzero!? p then mkbc(1,1)
- else bclcmd(diplbc p, diplcm dipmred p);
- symbolic procedure diprectoint(p,u);
- % Distributive polynomial conversion rational to integral.
- % p is a distributive rational polynomial, u is a base coefficient
- % ( 1/lcm denom p ). diprectoint(p,u) returns a primitive
- % associate pseudo integral ( denominators are 1 ) distributive
- % polynomial.
- if bczero!? u then dipzero
- else if bcone!? u then p
- else diprectoint1(p,u);
- symbolic procedure diprectoint1(p,u);
- % Distributive polynomial conversion rational to integral internal 1.
- % diprectoint1 is used in diprectoint.
- if dipzero!? p then dipzero
- else dipmoncomp(bclcmdprod(u,diplbc p),dipevlmon p,
- diprectoint1(dipmred p,u));
- symbolic procedure dipresul(p1,p2);
- % test for fast downwards calculation
- % p1 and p2 are two bivariate distributive polynomials.
- % dipresul(p1,p2) returns the resultant of p1 and p2 with respect
- % respect to the first variable of the variable list (car dipvars!*).
- begin scalar q1,q2,q,ct;
- q1:=dip2a diprectoint(p1,diplcm p1);
- q2:=dip2a diprectoint(p2,diplcm p2);
- ct := time();
- q:= a2dip prepsq simpresultant list(q1,q2,car dipvars!*);
- ct := time() - ct;
- prin2 " resultant : "; dipprint dipmonic q; terpri();
- prin2 " time resultant : "; prin2 ct; terpri();
- end;
- symbolic procedure dipbcprod (p,a);
- % /* Distributive polynomial base coefficient product.
- % p is a distributive polynomial, a is a base coefficient.
- % dipbcprod(p,a) computes p*a, a distributive polynomial. */
- if bczero!? a then dipzero
- else if bcone!? a then p
- else dipbcprodin(p,a);
- symbolic procedure dipbcprodin (p,a);
- % /* Distributive polynomial base coefficient product internal.
- % p is a distributive polynomial, a is a base coefficient,
- % where a is not equal 0 and not equal 1.
- % dipbcprodin(p,a) computes p*a, a distributive polynomial. */
- if dipzero!? p then dipzero
- else dipmoncomp(bcprod(a, diplbc p),
- dipevlmon p,
- dipbcprodin(dipmred p, a));
- symbolic procedure dipdif (p1,p2);
- % /* Distributive polynomial difference. p1 and p2 are distributive
- % polynomials. dipdif(p1,p2) calculates the difference of the
- % two distributive polynomials p1 and p2, a distributive polynomial*/
- if dipzero!? p1 then dipneg p2
- else if dipzero!? p2 then p1
- else ( if sl = 1 then dipmoncomp(diplbc p1,
- ep1,
- dipdif(dipmred p1, p2) )
- else if sl = -1 then dipmoncomp(bcneg diplbc p2,
- ep2,
- dipdif(p1,dipmred p2))
- else ( if bczero!? al
- then dipdif(dipmred p1, dipmred p2)
- else dipmoncomp(al,
- ep1,
- dipdif(dipmred p1,
- dipmred p2) )
- ) where al = bcdif(diplbc p1, diplbc p2)
- ) where sl = evcomp(ep1, ep2)
- where ep1 = dipevlmon p1, ep2 = dipevlmon p2;
- symbolic procedure diplength p;
- % /* Distributive polynomial length. p is a distributive
- % polynomial. diplength(p) returns the number of terms
- % of the distributive polynomial p, a digit.*/
- if dipzero!? p then 0 else 1 + diplength dipmred p;
- symbolic procedure diplistsum pl;
- % /* Distributive polynomial list sum. pl is a list of distributive
- % polynomials. diplistsum(pl) calculates the sum of all polynomials
- % and returns a list of one distributive polynomial. */
- if null pl or null cdr pl then pl
- else diplistsum(dipsum(car pl, cadr pl) . diplistsum cddr pl);
- symbolic procedure diplmerge (pl1,pl2);
- % /* Distributive polynomial list merge. pl1 and pl2 are lists
- % of distributive polynomials where pl1 and pl2 are in non
- % decreasing order. diplmerge(pl1,pl2) returns the merged
- % distributive polynomial list of pl1 and pl2. */
- if null pl1 then pl2
- else if null pl2 then pl1
- else ( if sl >= 0 then cpl1 . diplmerge(cdr pl1, pl2)
- else cpl2 . diplmerge(cdr pl2, pl1)
- ) where sl = evcomp(ep1, ep2)
- where ep1 = dipevlmon cpl1, ep2 = dipevlmon cpl2
- where cpl1 = car pl1, cpl2 = car pl2;
- symbolic procedure diplsort pl;
- % /* Distributive polynomial list sort. pl is a list of
- % distributive polynomials. diplsort(pl) returns the
- % sorted distributive polynomial list of pl.
- sort(pl, function dipevlcomp);
- symbolic procedure dipevlcomp (p1,p2);
- % /* Distributive polynomial exponent vector leading monomial
- % compare. p1 and p2 are distributive polynomials.
- % dipevlcomp(p1,p2) returns a boolean expression true if the
- % distributive polynomial p1 is smaller or equal the distributive
- % polynomial p2 else false. */
- not evcompless!?(dipevlmon p1, dipevlmon p2);
- symbolic procedure dipmonic p;
- % /* Distributive polynomial monic. p is a distributive
- % polynomial. dipmonic(p) computes p/lbc(p) if p is
- % not equal dipzero and returns a distributive
- % polynomial, else dipmonic(p) returns dipzero. */
- if dipzero!? p then p
- else dipbcprod(p, bcinv diplbc p);
- symbolic procedure dipneg p;
- % /* Distributive polynomial negative. p is a distributive
- % polynomial. dipneg(p) returns the negative of the distributive
- % polynomial p, a distributive polynomial. */
- if dipzero!? p then p
- else dipmoncomp ( bcneg diplbc p,
- dipevlmon p,
- dipneg dipmred p );
- symbolic procedure dipone!? p;
- % /* Distributive polynomial one. p is a distributive polynomial.
- % dipone!?(p) returns a boolean value. If p is the distributive
- % polynomial one then true else false. */
- not dipzero!? p
- and dipzero!? dipmred p
- and evzero!? dipevlmon p
- and bcone!? diplbc p;
- symbolic procedure dippairsort pl;
- % /* Distributive polynomial list pair merge sort. pl is a list
- % of distributive polynomials. dippairsort(pl) returns the
- % list of merged and in non decreasing order sorted
- % distributive polynomials. */
- if null pl or null cdr pl then pl
- else diplmerge(diplmerge( car(pl) . nil, cadr(pl) . nil ),
- dippairsort cddr pl);
- symbolic procedure dipprod (p1,p2);
- % /* Distributive polynomial product. p1 and p2 are distributive
- % polynomials. dipprod(p1,p2) calculates the product of the
- % two distributive polynomials p1 and p2, a distributive polynomial*/
- if diplength p1 <= diplength p2 then dipprodin(p1, p2)
- else dipprodin(p2, p1);
- symbolic procedure dipprodin (p1,p2);
- % /* Distributive polynomial product internal. p1 and p2 are distrib
- % polynomials. dipprod(p1,p2) calculates the product of the
- % two distributive polynomials p1 and p2, a distributive polynomial*/
- if dipzero!? p1 or dipzero!? p2 then dipzero
- else ( dipmoncomp(bcprod(bp1, diplbc p2),
- evsum(ep1, dipevlmon p2),
- dipsum(dipprodin(dipfmon(bp1, ep1),
- dipmred p2),
- dipprodin(dipmred p1, p2) ) )
- ) where bp1 = diplbc p1,
- ep1 = dipevlmon p1;
- symbolic procedure dipprodls (p1,p2);
- % /* Distributive polynomial product. p1 and p2 are distributive
- % polynomials. dipprod(p1,p2) calculates the product of the
- % two distributive polynomials p1 and p2, a distributive polynomial
- % using distributive polynomials list sum (diplistsum). */
- if dipzero!? p1 or dipzero!? p2 then dipzero
- else car diplistsum if diplength p1 <= diplength p2
- then dipprodlsin(p1, p2)
- else dipprodlsin(p2, p1);
- symbolic procedure dipprodlsin (p1,p2);
- % /* Distributive polynomial product. p1 and p2 are distributive
- % polynomials. dipprod(p1,p2) calculates the product of the
- % two distributive polynomials p1 and p2, a distributive polynomial
- % using distributive polynomials list sum (diplistsum). */
- if dipzero!? p1 or dipzero!? p2 then nil
- else ( dipmoncomp(bcprod(bp1, diplbc p2),
- evsum(ep1, dipevlmon p2),
- car dipprodlsin(dipfmon(bp1, ep1),
- dipmred p2))
- . dipprodlsin(dipmred p1, p2)
- ) where bp1 = diplbc p1,
- ep1 = dipevlmon p1;
- %symbolic procedure dipsum (p1,p2);
- % /* Distributive polynomial sum. p1 and p2 are distributive
- % polynomials. dipsum(p1,p2) calculates the sum of the
- % two distributive polynomials p1 and p2, a distributive polynomial*/
- %
- % if dipzero!? p1 then p2
- % else if dipzero!? p2 then p1
- % else ( if sl = 1 then dipmoncomp(diplbc p1,
- % ep1,
- % dipsum(dipmred p1, p2) )
- % else if sl = -1 then dipmoncomp(diplbc p2,
- % ep2,
- % dipsum(p1,dipmred p2))
- % else ( if bczero!? al then dipsum(dipmred p1,
- % dipmred p2)
- % else dipmoncomp(al,
- % ep1,
- % dipsum(dipmred p1,
- % dipmred p2) )
- % ) where al = bcsum(diplbc p1, diplbc p2)
- % ) where sl = evcomp(ep1, ep2)
- % where ep1 = dipevlmon p1, ep2 = dipevlmon p2;
- symbolic procedure dipsum (p1,p2);
- % Distributive polynomial sum. p1 and p2 are distributive
- % polynomials. dipsum(p1,p2) calculates the sum of the
- % two distributive polynomials p1 and p2.
- % Iterative version, better suited for very long polynomials.
- % Warning: this routine uses "dipmred" == "cdr cdr" for a
- % destructive concatenation.
- begin scalar w,rw,sl,ep1,ep2,nt,al,done;
- while not done do
- <<if dipzero!? p1 then <<nt:=p2; done:=t>>
- else
- if dipzero!? p2 then <<nt:=p1; done:=t>>
- else
- <<ep1 := dipevlmon p1;
- ep2 := dipevlmon p2;
- sl := evcomp(ep1, ep2);
- % Compute the next term.
- if sl #= 1 then
- <<nt := dipmoncomp(diplbc p1, ep1, nil);
- p1 := dipmred p1>>
- else
- if sl #= -1 then
- <<nt := dipmoncomp(diplbc p2, ep2, nil);
- p2 := dipmred p2>>
- else
- <<al := bcsum(diplbc p1, diplbc p2);
- nt := if not bczero!? al then dipmoncomp(al,ep1,nil);
- p1 := dipmred p1; p2 := dipmred p2>>;
- >>;
- % Append the term to the sum polynomial.
- if nt then
- if null w then w:=rw:=nt
- else <<cdr cdr rw := nt; rw := nt>>;
- >>;
- return w;
- end;
- endmodule;
- end;