123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531 |
- %********************************************************************
- module shortening$
- %********************************************************************
- % Routines for algebraically combining de's to reduce their length
- % Author: Thomas Wolf
- % Jan 1998
- %
- symbolic procedure length_reduction_1(arglist)$
- % Do one length-reducing combination of two equations
- begin scalar pdes,l,l1,cpu,gc$
- cpu:=time()$ gc:=gctime()$
- pdes:=car arglist$
- if expert_mode then l:=selectpdes(pdes,2)
- else l:=pdes$
- if (l1:=shorten_pdes(l,caddr arglist)) then
- <<for each a in cdr l1 do pdes:=delete(a,pdes)$
- for each a in car l1 do
- if a then pdes:=eqinsert(a,pdes)$
- for each a in car l1 do
- if a then dec_fct_check(a,pdes)$
- l:=list(pdes,cadr arglist)>>
- else l:=nil$
- %if print_ and !*time then <<
- % write " time : ", time() - cpu,
- % " ms GC time : ", gctime() - gc," ms "
- %>>$
- return l$
- end$
- %-------------------
- symbolic procedure shorten_pdes(des,vl)$
- begin scalar mi,h,p1,p1rl,p1le,p2,pc,newp$
- if pairp des and pairp cdr des then <<
- repeat <<
- % find the pair of pdes not yet reduced with each other
- % with the lowest product of their number of terms % printlength's
- mi:=nil;
- pc:=des;
- while cdr pc do <<
- p1:=car pc;pc:=cdr pc;
- if flagp(p1,'to_eval) then <<
- p1rl:=get(p1,'rl_with);
- % p1le:=get(p1,'printlength);
- p1le:=get(p1,'terms);
- for each p2 in pc do
- if flagp(p2,'to_eval) and
- (not member(p2,p1rl)) and
- ((null mi) or
- % (car mi > (p1le*get(p2,'printlength))))
- % then mi:=list(p1le*get(p2,'printlength),p1,p2)
- (car mi > (p1le*get(p2,'terms))))
- then mi:=list(p1le*get(p2,'terms),p1,p2)
- >>
- >>$
- if mi then <<
- newp:=shorten(cadr mi,caddr mi);
- if null newp then add_rl_with(cadr mi,caddr mi);
- >>
- >> until (null mi) or newp; % if not possible then already returned with nil
- if mi then <<
- p1:=0;
- % for each pc in cdr newp do p1:=p1+get(pc,'length);
- for each pc in cdr newp do p1:=p1+get(pc,'terms);
- mi:=(<<h:=for each pc in car newp collect
- if zerop pc then <<nequ_:=add1 nequ_;nil>> else
- mkeq(pc,fctsort union(get(cadr mi,'fcts),
- get(caddr mi,'fcts)),
- vl,allflags_,t);
- % for each pc in h do if pc then p1:=p1-get(pc,'length);
- for each pc in h do if pc then p1:=p1-get(pc,'terms);
- h
- >> . cdr newp);
- if print_ then <<
- for each h in cdr newp do <<write h," "$typeeq h>>$
- for each h in car mi do if null h then
- <<write "This gives identity 0=0."$terpri()>>
- else
- <<write h," "$typeeq h>>$
- write "Length reduction is ",p1," term"$
- if p1 neq 1 then write"s"
- >>;
- for each pc in cdr newp do setprop(pc,nil);
- >>;
- >>;
- return mi
- end$
- %-------------------
- symbolic procedure partition_1(l,la)$
- % l is an equation,
- % returning (l1 . l2) where
- % l1=partitioning of equation l into ((lpow1.lc1),(lpow2.lc2),...)
- % l2=(lpow1,lpow2,...)
- % This works currently only for l that are linear in elem. of la
- begin scalar l1,l3;
- l:=reorder !*a2f l;
- while pairp l and member(l3:=car lpow l,la) do <<
- l1:=cons((l3 . !*f2a lc l), l1)$
- l:= red l;
- >>;
- return if l then (append(l1,list(1 . !*f2a l)) .
- append(la,list(1))) % inhomogeneous case
- else (l1 . la) % homogeneous case
- end$
- %-------------------
- symbolic procedure partition_2(de,l)$
- % dropping from de all parts that can not be matched by the other
- % equation, a list of ftem-functions and their derivatives from
- % the other equation is l
- begin scalar newde,dropped,n;
- % dropped is the number of terms that can not be matched and
- % which are therefore dropped
- dropped:=0$
- while de do <<
- n:=no_of_terms cdar de$
- if member(caar de,l) then newde:=cons(cons(n,car de),newde)
- else dropped:=dropped+n;
- de:=cdr de
- >>;
- return (dropped . newde)
- end$
- %-------------------
- symbolic procedure strip(d)$
- begin
- scalar h;
- d:= if not pairp d then list d else
- if car d='QUOTIENT then cadr d else
- if car d = 'PLUS then cdr d
- else list(d)$
- return
- for each h in d collect !*a2f h
- end$
- %-------------------
- symbolic procedure shorten(de1,de2)$
- % shorten the two pdes with each other
- % returns a dotted pair, where car is a list of the values of new pdes
- % and cdr is a list of names of pdes to be dropped
- begin scalar a,b,l1,l2,l1ul2,l1ml2,l2ml1,l1il2,oldorder,
- de1p,de2p,dropped1,dropped2,termsof1,termsof2,tr_short,
- dne,flip,n1,n2,ql,maxcancel;
- %tr_short:=t;
- l1:=for each a in get(de1,'derivs) collect
- if length car a = 1 then caar a else cons('DF,car a)$ % all derivs of de1
- l2:=for each a in get(de2,'derivs) collect
- if length car a = 1 then caar a else cons('DF,car a)$ % all derivs of de2
- de1p:=get(de1,'val)$
- de2p:=get(de2,'val)$
- l1ml2:=setdiff(l1,l2); % l1 - l2
- l2ml1:=setdiff(l2,l1); % l2 - l1
- l1il2:=setdiff(l1,l1ml2); % intersection
- l1ul2:=union(l1,l2); % union
- if tr_short then <<
- write"before substitution:"$terpri()$
- write"l1=",l1$ terpri()$
- write"l2=",l2$ terpri()$
- write"de1p=",de1p$terpri()$
- write"de2p=",de2p$terpri()$
- write"l1ml2=",l1ml2$terpri()$
- write"l2ml1=",l2ml1$terpri()$
- write"l1il2=",l1il2$terpri()$
- write"l1ul2=",l1ul2$terpri()$
- >>;
- % substituting derivatives by a new variable to become kernels
- for each a in l1ml2 do if pairp a then <<
- b:=gensym()$
- l1:=subst(b,a,l1)$
- l1ul2:=subst(b,a,l1ul2)$
- de1p:=subst(b,a,de1p)
- >>$
- for each a in l2ml1 do if pairp a then <<
- b:=gensym()$
- l2:=subst(b,a,l2)$
- l1ul2:=subst(b,a,l1ul2)$
- de2p:=subst(b,a,de2p)
- >>$
- for each a in l1il2 do if pairp a then <<
- b:=gensym()$
- l1:=subst(b,a,l1)$
- l2:=subst(b,a,l2)$
- l1ul2:=subst(b,a,l1ul2)$
- de1p:=subst(b,a,de1p)$
- de2p:=subst(b,a,de2p)
- >>$
- if tr_short then <<
- write"after substitution:"$terpri()$
- write"l1=",l1$ terpri()$
- write"l2=",l2$ terpri()$
- write"de1p=",de1p$terpri()$
- write"de2p=",de2p$terpri()$
- write"l1ml2=",l1ml2$terpri()$
- write"l2ml1=",l2ml1$terpri()$
- write"l1il2=",l1il2$terpri()$
- write"l1ul2=",l1ul2$terpri()$
- >>;
- %--- writing both equations as polynomials in elements of l1ul2
- oldorder:=setkorder l1ul2;
- de1p:=partition_1(de1p,l1); l1:=cdr de1p; de1p:=car de1p;
- de2p:=partition_1(de2p,l2); l2:=cdr de2p; de2p:=car de2p;
- setkorder oldorder;
- %--- l1,l2 can now have the element 1 in case of inhomogeneous de's
- l1ul2:=nil;
- l1il2:=nil;
- %--- Partitioning each equation into 2 parts, one part that can
- %--- be matched by the other equation and one that can not.
- de1p:=partition_2(de1p,l2)$ dropped1:=car de1p; de1p:=cdr de1p;
- de2p:=partition_2(de2p,l1)$ dropped2:=car de2p; de2p:=cdr de2p;
- termsof1:=no_of_terms get(de1,'val)$
- termsof2:=no_of_terms get(de2,'val)$
- if tr_short then <<
- write"---------"$terpri()$
- write"de1:",de1," with ",termsof1," terms"$terpri()$
- write"dropped:",dropped1$terpri()$
- a:=de1p;
- while a do <<
- write "caar =",caar a;terpri()$
- write "cadar=",cadar a;terpri()$
- write "cddar=", algebraic write lisp cddar a;terpri()$
- a:=cdr a;
- >>;terpri()$
- write"de2:",de2," with ",termsof2," terms"$terpri()$
- write"dropped:",dropped2$terpri()$
- a:=de2p;
- while a do <<
- write "caar =",caar a;terpri()$
- write "cadar=",cadar a;terpri()$
- write "cddar=",algebraic write lisp cddar a;terpri()$
- a:=cdr a;
- >>;terpri()$
- >>;
- % One can do a stronger restriction:% The maximum that can be
- % canceled is sum of min of terms ofthe de1p,de2p sublists
- % corresponding to the coefficients of different ftem functions/deriv.
- a:=de1p; b:=de2p; n2:=nil;
- while a do <<
- n1:=if (caar a)<(caar b) then caar a else caar b;
- % n1 is min of terms of the coefficients of the same ftem function/der.
- n2:=cons(2*n1,n2);
- a:=cdr a; b:=cdr b;
- >>$
- % maxcancel is the maximal number of cancellations in all the
- % remaining runs of short depending on the current run.
- maxcancel:=list(0);
- n1:=0;
- while n2 do <<
- n1:=n1+car n2;
- n2:=cdr n2;
- maxcancel:=cons(n1,maxcancel);
- >>;
- if (null de1p) or (null de2p) or
- (((car maxcancel)<termsof1) and
- ((car maxcancel)<termsof2) ) then return nil;
- if termsof1<termsof2 then <<
- dne:=dropped1;
- n1:=termsof1;
- n2:=termsof2
- >> else <<
- flip:=t;
- a:=de1p; de1p:=de2p; de2p:=a;
- dne:=dropped2;
- n1:=termsof2;
- n2:=termsof1
- >>$
- if n1=1 then << % one equation has only a single term
- a:=cadar de1p; % e.g. g0030
- b:=de2p;
- while b and (cadar b neq a) do b:=cdr b;
- a:=if null b then nil % that term does not turn up in other equation
- else << % it does turn up --> success
- de1p:=cddar de1p;
- de2p:=cddar b;
- t
- >>
- >> else
- repeat << % one shortening
- if tr_short then <<write"cadar de1p=",cadar de1p$terpri()>>$
- b:=short(ql,strip cddar de1p,strip cddar de2p,n1,
- 2*(caar de1p),car maxcancel-cadr maxcancel,cadr maxcancel)$
- if b then <<
- ql:=car b;
- a:=cdr b;
- if a then << % the result
- de1p:=!*f2a car a;
- de2p:=!*f2a cdr a;
- >> else <<
- de1p:=cdr de1p;
- de2p:=cdr de2p;
- >>;
- maxcancel:=cdr maxcancel;
- >> else a:=nil;
- >> until (null b) or % failure
- a or % success
- null de1p$ % the case of exact balance
- return
- if null a then nil
- else << % numerator and denominator are de1p, de2p
- %--- computing the shorter new equation
- if flip then <<a:=get(de2,'val); b:=get(de1,'val)>>
- else <<a:=get(de1,'val); b:=get(de2,'val)>>$
- ql:=if termsof1>termsof2 then de1
- else de2;
- if print_ then <<
- n1:=mkid(reval eqname_,reval nequ_)$
- algebraic write"The new equation ",n1," := ",
- de2p*(if flip then de2 else de1) -
- de1p*(if flip then de1 else de2)," replaces "
- >>$
- a:=reval list('PLUS,
- list('MINUS,
- if de1p=1 then b
- else list('TIMES,de1p,b)),
- if de2p=1 then a
- else list('TIMES,de2p,a) )$
- (list a . list(ql))
- >>
- end$
- %-------------------
- symbolic procedure clean_num(qc,j)$
- begin
- scalar qc1,nall$
- return
- if 2*(cdaar qc)<=j then t else <<
- qc1:=car qc; % the representative and list to proportional factors
- nall:=cdar qc1;
- while cdr qc1 do
- if (cdadr qc1)+nall<=j then rplacd(qc1,cddr qc1)
- else qc1:=cdr qc1;
- if qc1=car qc then t else nil % whether empty or not after cleaning
- >>
- end$
- %--------------------
- symbolic procedure clean_den(qc,j)$
- begin
- scalar qcc$
- qcc:=qc$
- while cdr qc do
- if clean_num(cdr qc,j) then rplacd(qc,cddr qc)
- else qc:=cdr qc$
- return null cdr qcc % Are there any numerators left?
- end$
- %--------------------
- symbolic procedure short(ql,d1,d2,n1,n1_now,max_save_now,
- max_save_later)$
- begin
- % d1,d2 are two subexpressions of two expressions with n1,n2 terms
- % ql is the list of quotients
- % drp is the number of terms dropped as they can not cancel anything
- % dne is the number terms of d1 already done, including those dropped
- % mi is the minimum of n1,n2
- scalar nall,d1cop,d2cop,m,j,e1,q,qq,qc,dcl,nu,preqc,ldcl,lnu,tr_short,mi$
- %tr_short:=t;
- mi:=n1;
- m:=0;
- nall:=0;
- d1cop:=d1;
- % n1_now is the maximum number of terms cancelling each other
- % in this run of short based on 2*(number of remaining terms of d1
- % still to check).
- % max_save_now is the maximum number of cancellations based
- % on 2*min(terms of d1, min terms of d2)
- j:=if n1_now<max_save_now then n1_now
- else max_save_now$
- % The following j-value is the minimal number of cancellations
- % of a quotient by now in order to lead to a reduction.
- % mi is the minimal umber of cancelled terms at the end = number
- % of terms of the shorter equation.
- % max_save_later is the maximal number of cancelling terms in all
- % later runs of short.
- j:=mi-j-max_save_later$
- repeat << % for each term of d1
- n1_now:=n1_now-2;
- e1:=car d1cop; d1cop:=cdr d1cop;
- d2cop:=d2;
- while d2cop and (nall+m<=n1) do << % for each term of d2
- q:=cancel(e1 ./ car d2cop); % otherwise already successful
- d2cop:=cdr d2cop;
- %--- dropping a numerical factors
- dcl:=cdr q; % dcl is the denominator of the current quotient
- if numberp dcl then <<ldcl:=dcl;dcl:=1>>
- else <<
- ldcl:=dcl;
- repeat ldcl:=lc ldcl until numberp ldcl$% or car ldcl = '!:RN!:$
- dcl:=car cancel(dcl ./ ldcl)
- >>;
- nu:=car q; % nu is the numerator of the current quotient
- if numberp nu then <<lnu:=nu;nu:=1>>
- else <<
- lnu:=nu;
- repeat lnu:=lc lnu until numberp lnu$% or car ldcl = '!:RN!:$
- nu:=car cancel(nu ./ lnu)
- >>;
- % - ql is a list of denominator classes: (dcl1 dcl2 dcl3 ...)
- % - each denominator class dcli is a dotted pair (di . nclist) where
- % - di is the denominator and
- % - nclist is a list of numerator classes.
- % Each numerator class is a list with
- % - first element: (ncl . n) where ncl is the numerator
- % up to a rational numerical factor and n is the number of
- % occurences of ncl (up to a rational numerical factor)
- % - further elements: (nfi . ni) where nfi is the numerical
- % proportionality factor and ni the number of occurences
- % of this factor
- %---- search for the denominator class
- qc:=ql;
- while qc and (dcl neq caar qc) do qc:=cdr qc;
- if null qc then % denominator class not found
- if j <= 0 then % add denominator class, here nall,m are not
- % assigned as it would only play a role if
- % one equation had only one term but that
- % is covered as special case
- ql:=cons((dcl . list(list((nu . 1),((lnu . ldcl) . 1)))), ql)
- else % too late to add this denominator
- else << % denominator class has been found
- %---- now search of the numerator class
- qc:=cdar qc; % qc is the list of numerator classes nclist
- while qc and (nu neq caaar qc) do <<preqc:=qc; qc:=cdr qc>>;
- if null qc then % numerator class not found
- if j leq 0 then % add numerator class
- rplacd(preqc,list(list((nu . 1),((lnu . ldcl) . 1))) )
- else % too late to add this numerator
- else <<% numerator class found
- nall:=cdaar qc + 1; % increasing the total number of occur.
- rplacd(caar qc,nall);
- %---- now search for the numerical factor
- qq:=(lnu . ldcl);
- qc:=cdar qc;
- while qc and (qq neq caar qc) do <<preqc:=qc;qc:=cdr qc>>;
- if null qc then << % numerical factor not found
- m:=1; rplacd(preqc,list((qq . 1)))
- >> else <<
- m:=add1 cdar qc$ rplacd(car qc,m)
- >>
- >> % numerator class found
- >> % denominator class found
- >>$ % all terms of d2
- j:=if n1_now<max_save_now then n1_now
- else max_save_now$
- j:=mi-j-max_save_later$
- if j>0 then <<
- while ql and clean_den(car ql,j) do ql:=cdr ql;
- if ql then <<
- qc:=ql;
- while cdr qc do
- if clean_den(cadr qc,j) then rplacd(qc,cddr qc)
- else qc:=cdr qc
- >>
- >>;
- if tr_short then <<
- terpri();write length ql," denominators";
- >>
- >> % all terms of d1
- until (null d1cop) or % everything divided
- (nall+m>n1) or % successful: saving > cost
- ((j > 0) and (null ql))$
- % all denominators are too rare and are canceled
- return
- if ((j > 0) and (null ql)) then nil
- else
- if m+nall<=mi then (ql . nil)
- else (ql . q)
- end$ % of short
- endmodule$
- %tr length_reduction_1$
- %tr shorten_pdes$
- %tr shorten$
- %tr short$
- %tr partition_1,partition_2$
- end$
- % moegliche Verbesserungen:
- % - auch subtrahieren, wenn 0 Gewinn (Zyklus!)
- % - kann Zyklus mit decoupling geben
- % - evtl erst alle Quotienten bestimmen, dann die Heuristik:
- % . erst wo nur die kleinere Gleichung mit ftem-Funktionen multipliziert
- % wird
- % . wo nur die kleinere Gleichung multipliziert wird
- % . alle Quotienten werden auf Hauptnenner gebracht und der mit der
- % groessten Potenz mit der die kuerzere Gleichung multipliziert wird,
- % ist der erste
- % - Erweiterung auf nichtlin. Probleme
- % - Erweiterung auf mehrere Gleichungen
- % - counter example:
- % 0 = +a+b+c
- % 0 = -b +d+e
- % 0 = -c-d +f
- % 0 = -a -e-f
- % combining any 2 gives a longer one
- % the sum of all 4 is even zero.
- % - In order not to run into a cycle with decouple one could use
- % dec_hist_list but that costs memory.