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  12. \title{\mbox{\quad} \\ \mbox{\quad} \\ \mbox{\quad} \\ \mbox{\quad} \\
  13. Computer algebra algorithms and routines for the
  14. computation of conservation laws and fixing of gauge
  15. in differential expressions}
  16. \author{Thomas Wolf\\ Queen Mary \& Westfield College, University of London, \\
  17. Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK \\ email: \\ \\
  18. Andreas Brand\\ Institute for Informatik, Friedrich Schiller
  19. Universit\"{a}t Jena\\ email: \\ \\
  20. Majid Mohammadzadeh \\ Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
  21. Engineering \\ University of Teacher Education \\
  22. 49 Mofateh Ave, PB 15614, Tehran \\
  23. email:
  24. }
  25. \begin{document}
  26. \maketitle
  27. \begin{abstract}
  28. Three different approaches for the determination of conservation
  29. laws of differential equations are presented.
  30. For three corresponding {\tt REDUCE} computer algebra programs
  31. {\tt CONLAW1/2/3} the necessary subroutines
  32. are described. One of them simplifies general solutions of overdetermined
  33. PDE systems so that all remaining free functions and constants
  34. correspond to independent conservation laws.
  35. It determines redundant functions and constants in differential expressions
  36. and is equally useful for the determination of symmetries or the
  37. fixing of gauge freedom in differential expressions.
  38. \end{abstract}
  39. %\tableofcontents
  40. %\listoftables
  41. %\listoffigures
  42. \section{Introduction}
  43. The determination of conservation laws (CLs) for single or systems of
  44. partial differential equations (PDEs) and of first integrals for ordinary
  45. differential equations (ODEs) is of interest for the exact solution
  46. of these DEs, for their understanding, classification and for supporting
  47. their numerical solution. In this paper we outline three computer
  48. algebra programs for the computation of CLs and explain
  49. in more detail subroutines to fix gauge freedom in differential
  50. expressions which in this context is used to extract individual CLs
  51. from the general solution of CL-determining equations.
  52. In the following we adopt the notation of the book of Olver \cite{PO}.
  53. Independent variables will be denoted by $x = (x^1, x^2, \ldots , x^p)$.
  54. The differential equations are $\Delta(x,u^{(n)}) = 0
  55. \;\;\;(\mbox{i.e.}\;\, \Delta_1=0, \ldots , \Delta_q=0)$,
  56. for $q$ functions $u = (u^1, u^2, \ldots , u^q),\;\; u^{(n)}$ denoting
  57. $u$-derivatives of order up to $n.$ The conservation law that is to be
  58. fulfilled by solutions of $\Delta = 0$ is $\mbox{Div}\,P = 0$ with conserved
  59. current $P = (P^1, \ldots , P^p).$ We will use $_J$ as a multiple index
  60. denoting partial derivatives, for example, $u^{\alpha}_{J}$ will stand for
  61. an arbitrary partial derivative, like
  62. $\partial^k u^{\alpha}/(\partial x^1\partial x^2\ldots)$.
  63. %, which also may be denoted as $D_J u^{\alpha}$.
  64. If the differential equations $\Delta = 0$ result from a variational
  65. principle then any Lie-symmetry of $\Delta = 0$ provides a conservation
  66. law as is known from Noether's Theorem. Instead, we will not make
  67. any restrictive assumptions which leaves us to solve $\mbox{Div}\,P = 0$
  68. either directly or to determine characteristic functions of conservation
  69. laws or to do both at once. A comparison of these different approaches
  70. with respect to their complexity, and an extension to find non-local
  71. conservation laws and applications to PDEs with parameters will be
  72. described elsewhere \cite{TW}; here we concentrate on the computer
  73. algebra aspects.
  74. \section{The mathematical problem and the three approaches}
  75. In this section we describe three ways to formulate
  76. determining conditions for conservation laws.
  77. The first and most direct approach is to solve
  78. \begin{equation}
  79. \mbox{Div}\,P = 0 \label{a1}
  80. \end{equation}
  81. modulo $\Delta = 0$ directly. The corresponding program is
  82. {\tt CONLAW1}.
  83. The components of the conserved current $P^1,\ldots,P^p$ that are
  84. to be calculated
  85. are functions of all independent variables $x^i$, the dependent variables
  86. $u^{\alpha}$ and their derivatives $u^{\alpha}_{J}$ up to some order.
  87. Because we are not interested in trivial CLs $P = {\tt curl}\; V$
  88. but in CLs that solutions of $\Delta = 0$ obey,
  89. we use $\Delta = 0$ to eliminate some
  90. of the so-called jet-variables
  91. $u^{\alpha}_{J}$ and substitute them
  92. in the determining conditions (\ref{a1}).
  93. By that, the conditions (\ref{a1}) have to be fulfilled identically
  94. in less variables, they become
  95. less restrictive and they may have additional solutions apart from
  96. $P = {\tt curl}\; V$. These extra non-trivial CLs are the
  97. ones of interest.
  98. We therefore assume $\Delta = 0$ can be solved for
  99. leading derivatives $u^{\alpha}_{J}$ so that they and
  100. all their partial derivatives that occur in (\ref{a1}) can be substituted.
  101. We also, w.l.o.g., assume that the $P^i$ do not depend on
  102. $u$-derivatives we substitute, which fixes a kind of
  103. equivalence of CLs.
  104. Other approaches calculate characteristic functions $Q^{\nu}$.
  105. A theorem can be proven (\cite{PO}, p.\ 272) that for a totally
  106. non-degenerate system $\Delta_{\nu}=0$,
  107. each equivalence class of CLs
  108. $\mbox{Div}\,P = 0$ (i.e.\ conserved currents differing only by a curl)
  109. is determined uniquely by characteristic functions
  110. $Q^{\nu}$ satisfying
  111. \begin{equation}
  112. \mbox{Div}\,P = \sum_{\nu} Q^{\nu} \Delta_{\nu} \label{a2}
  113. \end{equation}
  114. identically in {\it all} $x^i,u^{\alpha},u^{\alpha}_{J}$.
  115. Equ.\ (\ref{a2}) is not solved by simply eliminating $Q^1$ in terms
  116. of $P$ and $\Delta$ and other $Q^{\nu}$ as it would be singular for
  117. solutions of $\Delta=0$. To avoid this and because the $Q^{\nu}$ are
  118. unique only modulo $\Delta=0$,
  119. we w.l.o.g.\ ignore dependencies of $Q^\nu$ on
  120. leading $u$-derivatives in $\Delta=0$ and any of their derivatives.
  121. A way to calculate the $Q^{\nu}$ is to use the property of the
  122. Euler operators $E_{\nu} = \sum_J (-D)_J \partial/\partial(u^{\nu}_{J})$
  123. which acting
  124. on an expression gives identically zero iff this expression is a divergence.
  125. The $D$ are total derivatives.
  126. Applying this operator on (\ref{a2}) and using $\Delta_{\nu}=0$ one
  127. obtains as determining conditions for the $Q^{\nu}$:
  128. \begin{equation}
  129. 0 = \sum_{\mu,J} (-D)_J
  130. \left( Q^{\mu} \frac{\partial \Delta_{\mu}}
  131. {\partial(u^{\nu}_{J})}
  132. \right) \;\;\; \forall \nu. \label{a3}
  133. \end{equation}
  134. The second and third approach are to solve identically in
  135. $x^i,u_{\alpha},u^{\alpha}_{J}$ either
  136. (\ref{a3}) for $Q^{\nu}$ or (\ref{a2}) for $P^i, Q^{\nu}$.
  137. The corresponding programs are
  138. {\tt CONLAW2} for (\ref{a3}) and {\tt CONLAW3} for (\ref{a2}).
  139. The three approaches (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3})
  140. differ in the number of equations to be solved or their order or the
  141. number of functions to be determined or the number of independent
  142. jet-variables or the degree of an ansatz for $P,Q$ in order to
  143. obtain the same conservation law.
  144. To obtain solutions of (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}) we assume
  145. bounds on the order of $u$-derivatives on which the $P^i$ and $Q^{\nu}$
  146. may depend. For (\ref{a1}) we assume a bound for $P^1$ and for
  147. (\ref{a2}),(\ref{a3}) we assume a bound for $Q^{\nu}$.
  148. Bounds for the remaining unknown functions follow.
  149. Differentiations done in all three conditions
  150. (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}) introduce jet-variables ($u$-derivatives)
  151. on which the $P^i$ resp.\ $Q^{\nu}$ do not depend so that overdetermined
  152. conditions result in which there is no unknown function $P^i,Q^{\nu}$
  153. of all jet-variables $u^{\alpha}_{J}$
  154. in which the conditions have to be satisfied identically.
  155. The resulting overdetermined
  156. PDE-systems are investigated with the computer algebra
  157. package {\tt CRACK}.
  158. \section{The computer algebra problem}
  159. The main computer algebra problem is to solve the overdetermined
  160. conditions (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}). Steps undertaken
  161. include the separation, integration, application of integrability
  162. conditions (differential Gr\"{o}bner Basis), solution of ODEs and other steps
  163. which are described in \cite{CRACK1},\cite{CRACK2}.
  164. If the overdetermined system is linear ((\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}) are
  165. linear in $P^i,Q^{\nu}$) and not too big - we give an example below
  166. for what is currently possible - then {\tt CRACK} will solve the
  167. system either completely or partially and return unsolved equations
  168. e.g.\ return the heat equation when investigating conservation laws of the
  169. Burgers equation.
  170. In the general solution of the CL-condition(s) a CL is extracted by
  171. collecting all terms involving one of the arbitrary constants or
  172. arbitrary functions in the solution. If some of them were redundant
  173. then CLs extracted would not be independent of each other.
  174. Redundant constants and functions may result because
  175. in the process of solving the overdetermined system there is no general
  176. rule for what should have a higher priority, integrations or
  177. the application of integrability conditions,
  178. as there are examples requiring a higher priority for each of them.
  179. It therefore may happen that
  180. two equations are integrated which are not independent of each
  181. other and therefore the constants or functions of integration are
  182. not independent of each other. As a consequence the final general
  183. solution could have redundant arbitrary constants and functions.
  184. For example, in the expression $c_1(x) t + c_2 x t + c_3$ with
  185. independent variables $x,t$ and arbitrary function $c_1(x)$ and
  186. arbitrary constants $c_2,c_3$ the constant $c_2$ is redundant
  187. as it can be absorbed by $c_1(x)$ through $c_1(x) \rightarrow
  188. c_1(x) - c_2 x$.
  189. Recognizing redundancy can become cumbersome in the case of many
  190. independent variables or if arbitrary constants/functions appear
  191. non-linearly.
  192. Another application of redundancy recognition is the solution of
  193. PDE systems with some gauge freedom where the problem is to eliminate
  194. any gauge freedom from the general solution of this system. This
  195. can be accomplished by including in the solution
  196. terms representing the complete gauge freedom.
  197. For example, in the case of conditions (\ref{a1}) the general
  198. solution could be augmented by ${\tt curl}\; V$ and $V$ be added
  199. to the list of free constants and functions.
  200. In this way trivial CLs could be filtered
  201. out as the free constants and functions corresponding to them
  202. would be redundant to $V$.
  203. Although in the case of computing CLs, one easily could drop
  204. trivial CLs after they have been computed by checking
  205. $\mbox{Div}\,P = 0$ identically in all jet-variables,
  206. such a simple test to eliminate gauge might not be available
  207. for other problems.
  208. \section{Subroutines}
  209. In the following subsections we describe subroutines which
  210. extract CLs from the general solution of conditions
  211. (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}), subroutines that compute $Q^{\nu}$ from
  212. $P^i$ and $P^i$ from $Q^{\nu}$ and subroutines that simplify $P^i$.
  213. \subsection{Identifying redundant constants and functions}
  214. The problem of finding the general solution of a PDE system with
  215. some existing gauge freedom fixed can be reduced to the problem
  216. of finding the general solution of a PDE system without fixing
  217. gauge in the following way.
  218. Given a system of DEs $0 = \Omega(f_a,x^i)$ to be solved for the
  219. functions $f_a(x^i)$, we assume
  220. \begin{equation}
  221. f_b = F_b(x^i,g_c) \label{c0}
  222. \end{equation}
  223. to be a general solution where $F_b$ are differential expressions in
  224. $x^i,g_c$ where $g_c$ are arbitrary constants and functions.
  225. They may include functions from the original set $f_a$
  226. and constants and functions of integration.
  227. The question is to specify the $g_c$ to fix any redundancy but
  228. not to lose generality of the solution. The steps are:
  229. \begin{itemize}
  230. \item Formulate a set of conditions
  231. \begin{equation}
  232. 0 = F_b(x^i,g_c) - F_b(x^i,\bar{g}_c) \label{c1}
  233. \end{equation}
  234. where $\bar{g}_c$ are new functions, each $\bar{g}_c$ having the same variable
  235. dependence as $g_c$. Regard equ.\ (\ref{c1}) as a system
  236. of equations for the set of unknown functions $\{g_c, \bar{g}_c\}$,
  237. to be satisfied identically in the $x^i$.
  238. \item Find the general solution of the system (\ref{c1}) as
  239. \begin{equation}
  240. \tilde{g}_c = G_c(x^i,h_d) \label{c2}
  241. \end{equation}
  242. where $\tilde{g}_c$ is a subset of $\{g_a,\bar{g}_b\}$, and
  243. $G_c$ are algebraic or differential expressions in functions
  244. $h_d$ which are the remaining $\{g_a,\bar{g}_b\}$ and extra constants and functions
  245. of integration. The $h_d$ are arbitrary. Any function $g_a$ or $\bar{g}_a$
  246. appears only once on a left-hand-side (lhs) of (\ref{c2}) or only on
  247. right-hand-sides (rhs's).
  248. \item
  249. If for any index $c$ both, $g_c$ and $\bar{g}_c$ appear only on rhs's
  250. of (\ref{c2}) then $g_c$ is redundant and can be set to zero in all $F_b$
  251. in (\ref{c0}) and all $G_c$ in (\ref{c2}).
  252. \item
  253. If for any index $c$ both, $g_c$ and $\bar{g}_c$ appear only on
  254. lhs's of (\ref{c2}) in the equations $g_c=G_c$ and $\bar{g}_c=\bar{G}_c$
  255. then these two equations are replaced by $\bar{g}_c = g_c-G_c+\bar{G}_c$ in (\ref{c2}).
  256. \item
  257. If for any index $c$, $g_c$ appears on a lhs of (\ref{c2})
  258. and $\bar{g}_c$ appears only on rhs's then the equation with lhs $g_c$ is solved
  259. for $\bar{g}_c$ in terms of $g_c$ and other functions and replaced by the
  260. new equation $\bar{g}_c=\bar{G}_c(g_c,\ldots)$. With this new equation $\bar{g}_c$ is
  261. substituted on any rhs of (\ref{c2}).
  262. \item
  263. There remains only the case of $\bar{g}_c$ being on the lhs of an equation
  264. and $g_c$ being on rhs's such that the system (\ref{c2}) now has the form
  265. \begin{equation}
  266. \bar{g}_c = \bar{G}_c(x^i,g_a,\bar{h}_b) \label{c3}
  267. \end{equation}
  268. where $\bar{h}_b$ are arbitrary constants and functions of integration which
  269. arose during the solution of (\ref{c1}). $\bar{g}_c$ do not occur on rhs's
  270. as they would be redundant and would have been set to zero otherwise.
  271. \item
  272. Finally, free constants and functions $\bar{h}_b$ on rhs's will be chosen
  273. to make as many $\bar{G}_c$ as possible zero
  274. and to set the redundant $g_c$ to zero in (\ref{c0}) and (\ref{c3}).
  275. As we do not have to know $\bar{h}_b$ explicitly, it is enough to find
  276. equations in (\ref{c3}) which include an arbitrary function $\bar{h}_b$
  277. of all variables $x^i$ in this equation. Assuming local solvability
  278. of $0 = \bar{G}_c$ for $\bar{h}_b$ we conclude redundancy of $g_c$.
  279. \item
  280. All remaining $\bar{h}_b$ which cannot be used to make a rhs zero are
  281. set to zero themselves and the final form of (\ref{c3})
  282. $\bar{g}_c = \bar{G}_c(x^i,g_a)$ provides substitutions which turn
  283. $F_b(x^i,\bar{g}_c)$ into the gauge fixed final solution
  284. $f_b = F_b(x^i,g_c)$.
  285. \end{itemize}
  286. \noindent Two comments:
  287. Although the solvability of (\ref{c1}) for $g_a,\bar{g}_b$ and the
  288. solvability of $0 = g_c - G_c(x^i,\bar{g}_c,\ldots)$ for $\bar{g}_c$ cannot
  289. be guaranteed, this should in practice not be a problem for the
  290. following reasons.
  291. \begin{itemize}
  292. \item
  293. Usually there is no arbitrary function $g_a,\bar{g}_b$ depending
  294. on all (jet-) variables
  295. of (\ref{c1}) such that (\ref{c1}) is very overdetermined and
  296. therefore easy to solve.
  297. \item
  298. If the equ.s $0=\Omega$ are linear in $f_a$ then their solution is
  299. linear in the arbitrary functions $g_c$ which is the case for the
  300. computation of CLs \footnote{Conditions become non-linear
  301. if we want to calculate parameter values such that CLs exist.}.
  302. \item
  303. If equ.s $0=\Omega$ are non-linear in $f_a$ then
  304. solving (\ref{c1}) should still be simpler than the solution of $0=\Omega$
  305. which we assume was possible to derive.
  306. \item
  307. Equ.s (\ref{c1}) have the special
  308. solution $\bar{g}_c = g_c, \;\;\forall c$.
  309. \end{itemize}
  310. The above steps for fixing gauge freedom are not only
  311. applicable once a general solution of a PDE(-system)
  312. $0 = \Omega(f_a,x^i)$ has already been found. For example, the
  313. computation of conservation laws for the Burgers equation below
  314. returns the heat equation which remains unsolved.
  315. In order to find redundancies in constants and functions which
  316. turn up in a preliminary solution $f_b = F_b(x^i,g_c)$ and
  317. which additionally have to satisfy remaining differential equations
  318. $0 = D(x^i,g_c)$, one can extend redundancy conditions (\ref{c1})
  319. by $ 0 = D(x^i,g_c) - D(x^i,\bar{g}_c)$. These conditions are sufficient
  320. but not necessary as only equivalence of $0=D(x^i,g_c)$ and
  321. $0=D(x^i,\bar{g}_c)$ is required, not equality.
  322. The possibility to fix at least some gauge freedom even in the
  323. presence of yet unsolved equations opens the possibility to
  324. run a gauge-fixing step during the process of solving
  325. overdetermined PDE-systems. By that the number of unknown
  326. functions could be reduced and the remaining equations be simplified.
  327. \subsection{Computing characteristic functions from \\ conserved currents}
  328. The first approach (\ref{a1}) is attractive compared with (\ref{a2}),(\ref{a3})
  329. as it generates only one PDE to be solved which is of first
  330. order and involves less jet-variables than approach (\ref{a2})
  331. because it is computed modulo $\Delta = 0$. Also, it has less functions
  332. to compute than approach (\ref{a2}). A negative aspect is that
  333. it provides only the conserved current $P$ and not the characteristic
  334. functions $Q$.
  335. If expressions $Q^{\nu J}$ in a relation (\ref{trafo1}) below are known
  336. then partial integrations (\ref{trafo2})
  337. yield the characteristic functions $Q^{\nu}$
  338. and the corresponding conserved current $P-R$:
  339. \begin{eqnarray}
  340. \mbox{Div}\,P = 0 & &\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\mbox{mod}\;\;\Delta_{\nu}=0 \;\;
  341. \leftrightarrow \nonumber \\
  342. \exists\, Q^{\nu J}: \mbox{Div}\,P & = & \sum_{\nu,J} Q^{\nu J}
  343. \Delta_{\nu}^{(J)} \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\,
  344. (\mbox{identically in {\it all}} \;\; x, u^{\alpha}_J ) \label{trafo1} \\
  345. & = & \sum_{\nu,J} D_J(Q^{\nu J} \Delta_{\nu}) - D_J(Q^{\nu J}) \Delta_{\nu}
  346. \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;(\mbox{repeatedly}) \label{trafo2} \\
  347. & = & \mbox{Div}\,R + \sum_{\nu} Q^{\nu} \Delta_{\nu} \nonumber
  348. \end{eqnarray}
  349. Equation (\ref{trafo1}) cannot be regarded as a linear algebraic
  350. equation to determine $Q^{\nu J}$ as
  351. there is the additional requirement that the $Q^{\nu J}$ are non-singular
  352. for solutions of $\Delta=0$. Instead,
  353. $\mbox{Div}\,P$ is calculated
  354. and substitutions of a different form than before
  355. are made. For example, if CLs for the Harry Dym equation
  356. $0 = \Delta = u_{t} - u^3u_{xxx}$ are investigated and if for the
  357. derivation of (\ref{a1}) there had been done substitutions
  358. $u_{t}=u^3u_{xxx},\;\; u_{tx}=(u^3u_{xxx})_{x},\ldots$ before
  359. then now the substitutions would be
  360. $u_{t}=\Delta+u^3u_{xxx},\,$
  361. $u_{tx}=\Delta_{x}+(u^3u_{xxx})_{x},\ldots$
  362. which provide the rhs of (\ref{trafo1}).
  363. The computation of $Q^{\nu}$ and $P^i-R^i$ from $P^i$ is part of {\tt CONLAW1}.
  364. \subsection{Computing conserved currents from \\
  365. characteristic functions}
  366. The inverse computation is necessary in {\tt CONLAW2} where the
  367. conserved current $P^i$ has to be computed from $Q^{\mu}$ by
  368. integrating $\mbox{Div}\,P = \sum_{\nu} Q^{\nu} \Delta_{\nu}$.
  369. A direct way is based on a formula % to compute $P^i$ from $Q^{\mu}$
  370. given by Anco \& Bluman in \cite{AB}:
  371. \begin{eqnarray}
  372. P^i & = & \int^1_0 \frac{d \lambda}{\lambda}
  373. \left(S^i(u) + N^i_{\mu}(u)u^{\mu} + N^{ij}_{\mu}(u)D_ju^{\mu}
  374. + \ldots\right)|_{u\rightarrow \lambda u} \label{ab0} \\
  375. S^i(u) & = & Q^{\nu}\frac{\partial \Delta_{\nu}}{\partial u^{\mu}_i}u^{\mu} +
  376. Q^{\nu}\frac{\partial \Delta_{\nu}}{\partial u^{\mu}_{ij}}u^{\mu}_j -
  377. \left(Q^{\nu}\frac{\partial \Delta_{\nu}}{\partial
  378. u^{\mu}_{ij}}\right)_{j}u^{\mu} + \ldots
  379. \label{ab1} \\
  380. N^i_{\mu}(u) & = & \frac{\partial Q^{\nu}}{\partial u^{\mu}_i}\Delta_{\nu} -
  381. \left(\frac{\partial Q^{\nu}}{\partial u^{\mu}_{ij}}\Delta_{\nu}\right)_{j} +
  382. \left(\frac{\partial Q^{\nu}}{\partial u^{\mu}_{ijk}}\Delta_{\nu}\right)_{jk} - \ldots \label{ab2} \\
  383. N^{ij}_{\mu}(u) & = & \frac{\partial Q^{\nu}}{\partial u^{\mu}_{ij}}\Delta_{\nu} -
  384. \left(\frac{\partial Q^{\nu}}{\partial u^{\mu}_{ijk}}\Delta_{\nu}\right)_{k} +
  385. \left(\frac{\partial Q^{\nu}}{\partial u^{\mu}_{ijkl}}\Delta_{\nu}\right)_{kl} - \ldots \label{ab3}
  386. \end{eqnarray}
  387. where summation is done over double indices.
  388. % in each term including a not shown combinatorical factor .
  389. A slightly more compact formulation (and way to compute $P^i$) is
  390. \begin{eqnarray}
  391. V&=&Q^{\nu} \Delta_{\nu}, \nonumber \\
  392. W^i
  393. &=& n(i) u^{\mu} \frac{\partial V}{\partial u^{\mu}_i} + \nonumber \\
  394. & & n(ij) \left(u^{\mu}_j -u^{\mu}D_j\right) \frac{\partial V}{\partial u^{\mu}_{ij}} + \nonumber \\
  395. & & n(ijk) \left( u^{\mu}_{jk} - u^{\mu}_jD_k + u^{\mu}D_jD_k \right)
  396. \frac{\partial V}{\partial u^{\mu}_{ijk}} + \nonumber \\
  397. & & \vdots \nonumber \\
  398. T^i&=& x^i \int^1_0 d \lambda \lambda^{p-1} V|_{u\rightarrow 0,
  399. x\rightarrow \lambda x} \nonumber \\
  400. P^i&=& T^i + \int^1_0 \frac{d \lambda}{\lambda} W^i|_{u\rightarrow \lambda u}
  401. \label{ab}
  402. \end{eqnarray}
  403. where in $W^i$ it is summed over equal indices (not the $i,j,k,\ldots$ in $n$) and
  404. $n(i,j,\ldots)=\prod_a r_a!/ (\sum_b r_b)! $ with $r_a$ being the multiplicities
  405. of different
  406. arguments $i,j,\ldots$ of $n$ (e.g.\ $n(i)=1, n(i,i)=1, n(1,2)=1/2$)
  407. which also occur in (\ref{ab1}) - (\ref{ab3}).
  408. $p$ is the number of variables $x^i$ and $T^i$ are non-zero only if
  409. $u\equiv 0$ does not solve $\Delta=0$ ($T^i$ have to enter (\ref{ab0})
  410. in that case as well).
  411. Although being an elegant formula there may be problems in computing the
  412. integral analytically. More seriously, the integral may be singular for
  413. $\lambda=0,1$. That is the case, for example, for the non-polynomial
  414. characteristic functions of the Harry-Dym equations in the next section.
  415. Although in some cases it might help do take $P^i = \int^1
  416. \frac{d \lambda}{\lambda} W^i|_{u\rightarrow \lambda u}$
  417. this need not always be the case.
  418. Because of these potential difficulties
  419. the default procedure to compute $P^i$ is to use
  420. the integration module of {\tt CRACK} to
  421. $x^1$-integrate $\sum_{\nu} Q^{\nu} \Delta_{\nu}$, to $x^2$-integrate
  422. the remaining unintegrated terms and so on. In case, terms remain
  423. after the last $x^p$-integration, the process is restarted
  424. on the remaining terms
  425. until all terms are integrated or at most a fixed number of times.
  426. If this method does not work because not all determining conditions had been
  427. solved as, for example, for the Burgers equation
  428. below then (\ref{ab}) is used.
  429. \subsection{The simplification of $P$ in two variables}
  430. After deleting trivial CLs and identifying equivalent CLs
  431. through the computation of characteristic functions $Q$ it remains
  432. to simplify the conserved current $P$ through the addition of
  433. some curl: $P \rightarrow P+\mbox{curl} V$.
  434. This is done if there are only two independent
  435. variables, say $x^1,x^2$. The aim is to lower the order of
  436. $x^2$-derivatives in $P^1$ through changes $P^1 \rightarrow P^1 - D_2 R,\,
  437. P^2 \rightarrow P^2 + D_1 R$. $R$ is found by repeated
  438. partial integration of terms in $P^1$ with highest $x^2$-derivatives
  439. of $u$. For that, partial integration routines of {\tt CRACK} are
  440. used which are limited in applicability
  441. to expressions at most polynomially non-linear
  442. in $u$ and derivatives of $u$.
  443. \section{Examples}
  444. Computation times refer to a 24 MB REDUCE 3.6 session under LINUX
  445. on a 133 MHz Pentium PC with the Jan.\ 1998 version of {\tt CRACK}.
  446. {\it Example 1}: \newline
  447. The advantage of using the package {\tt CRACK} for solving
  448. determining equations is that they can be PDEs and do not have to be
  449. restricted to algebraic equations for coefficients of a polynomial
  450. ansatz for the CL. By that it is possible to find non-polynomial
  451. CLs and CLs that have an explicit $x^i$ dependence.
  452. An example is the Harry Dym equation
  453. \[ \Delta = u_{t} - u^3u_{xxx}, \;\;\;\; u = u(t,x) \]
  454. which was used below to substitute $u_{t}$ and derivatives of
  455. $u_{t}$. These calculations were done with {\tt CONLAW1}.\newline
  456. $P^t$ of order 0: time to formulate (\ref{a1}): 0.32 sec, to solve (\ref{a1}):
  457. 1.34 sec, CLs:
  458. \[ \begin{array}{rclcl}
  459. 2u^{-2} \cdot \Delta & = & D_t(-2u^{-1}) & + & D_x(u_{x}^{\;\,2}-2uu_{xx}) \vspace{1.5mm} \\
  460. 2u^{-3} \cdot \Delta & = & D_t(-u^{-2}) & + & D_x(-2u_{xx}) \vspace{1.5mm} \\
  461. 2xu^{-3} \cdot \Delta & = & D_t(-xu^{-2}) & + & D_x(2u_{x}-2xu_{xx}) \vspace{1.5mm} \\
  462. 2x^2u^{-3} \cdot \Delta & = & D_t(-x^2u^{-2}) & + & D_x(4xu_{x}-2x^2u_{xx}-4u)
  463. \end{array} \]
  464. $P^t$ of order 1: time to formulate (\ref{a1}): 0.32 sec, to solve (\ref{a1}):
  465. 2.6 sec, CLs:
  466. \[(2uu_{xx}-u_{x}^{\;\,2})u^{-2} \cdot \Delta = \]
  467. \[D_t(-u_{x}^{\;\,2}u^{-1}) +
  468. D_x((2u_{t}u_{x}-u_{xx}^{\;\;\,2}u^3+
  469. u_{xx}u_{x}^{\;\,2}u^2-u_{x}^{\;\,4}u/4)u^{-1}) \]
  470. $P^t$ of order 2: time to formulate (\ref{a1}): 0.7 sec, to solve (\ref{a1}):
  471. 158 sec, CL:
  472. \[
  473. (-8u_{xxxx}u^3-16u_{xxx}u_{x}u^2-12u_{xx}^{\;\;\,2}u^2
  474. +12u_{xx}u_{x}^{\;\,2}u-3u_{x}^{\;\,4})u^{-2} \cdot \Delta = \]
  475. \[D_t((-4u_{xx}^{\;\;\,2}u^2-3u_{xx}u_{x}^{\;\,5}tu-u_{x}^{\;\,4})u^{-1}) + \]
  476. \[D_x((8u_{tx}u_{xx}u^2+3u_{tx}u_{x}^{\;\,5}tu-8u_{t}u_{xxx}u^2
  477. -8u_{t}u_{xx}u_{x}u+4u_{t}u_{x}^{\;\,3}+\]
  478. \[\;\;\;\,4u_{xxx}^{\;\;\;\,\,2}u^5
  479. +4u_{xx}^{\;\;\,3}u^4
  480. -6u_{xx}^{\;\;\,2}u_{x}^{\;\,2}u^3+3u_{xx}u_{x}^{\;\,4}u^2
  481. )u^{-1})
  482. \]
  483. {\it Example 2}: \newline
  484. The Burgers equation in the form
  485. \begin{equation}
  486. \Delta = u_t - u_{xx} - \frac{1}{2}u_x^{\,2} = 0, \;\;\;\; u = u(t,x)
  487. \label{BE1}
  488. \end{equation}
  489. is an example for the case that the determining equations cannot be
  490. solved completely. It has zeroth order CLs
  491. \begin{equation}
  492. fe^{u/2}\Delta = D_t(2fe^{u/2}) + D_x(e^{u/2}(2f_x-fu_x)) \label{BE1cl}
  493. \end{equation}
  494. with $f = f(t,x)$ satisfying the linear reverse heat equation
  495. $0 = f_t + f_{xx}.$
  496. This CL is also an example that {\tt CONLAW} allows the computation
  497. of CLs with non-rational terms which is not possible with
  498. approaches based on a polynomial ansatz.
  499. A remaining linear PDE and the occurrence of free
  500. functions in the CL indicates linearizability of $\Delta=0$ which
  501. is the case with the Burgers equation.
  502. {\it Example 3}: \newline
  503. The MVDNLS equations (Modified Vector Derivative Nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger
  504. equations) describe oblique propagation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in
  505. warm plasmas \cite{NS}. For
  506. functions $u = u(t,x), \; v = v(t,x)$ and $b = $ const.\ they are
  507. \begin{eqnarray}
  508. \Delta_1 & = & u_t + [u(u^2+v^2) + bu - v_x]_x \label{mvdnls1} \\
  509. \Delta_2 & = & v_t + [v(u^2+v^2) + u_x]_x. \label{mvdnls2}
  510. \end{eqnarray}
  511. Both equations have the form of CLs. Using the abbreviations (introduced
  512. by hand afterwards)
  513. \begin{eqnarray*}
  514. E & = & - v_x+u(u^2+v^2 ) \\
  515. F & = & \;\;u_x+v(u^2+v^2-b) \\
  516. G & = & 2u_{xx}+6v_x(u^2+v^2)-3u(u^2+v^2)^2-2bu^3 \\
  517. H & = & 2v_{xx}-6u_x(u^2+v^2)-3v(u^2+v^2)^2+2bv^3 \\
  518. I & = & b(u^4-v^4)+(u^2+v^2)^3-2u_x^2-2v_x^2
  519. \end{eqnarray*}
  520. and using equ.s (\ref{mvdnls1}), (\ref{mvdnls2}) to substitute
  521. for $u_t, v_t$,
  522. further CLs calculated by {\tt CONLAW2/3} have the characteristics
  523. $\{Q^1,Q^2\}\;\,$:
  524. \begin{equation} \{u, v\},\;\; \{E, F\},\;\; \{G, H\}, \label{mvdnls3}
  525. \end{equation}
  526. \vspace{-5mm}
  527. \begin{equation} \{(bt-2x)E-2tG+b(bt-x)u+v,\;\, (bt-2x)F-2tH+b(bt-x)v-u\},
  528. \label{mvdnls4} \end{equation}
  529. \vspace{-3mm}
  530. \begin{equation}
  531. \{-H_x+2uvH+(b+2u^2)G+uI,\;\, G_x+2uvG+2v^2H+vI \}.
  532. \label{mvdnls5} \end{equation}
  533. {\tt CONLAW2} can compute one more CL with $Q^1, Q^2$ of 4'th order
  534. and 36 terms each. Run times are listed in table 1.
  535. Apart from (\ref{mvdnls4}) these CLs are given in \cite{NS}
  536. where also a bi-Hamiltonian structure is provided.
  537. Although from the resulting recursion operator, an infinite sequence
  538. of conserved densities can be calculated, the CL (\ref{mvdnls4}) is not
  539. contained in that sequence and is new - it has an explicit
  540. $t,x$-dependence.
  541. \small
  542. \begin{table}
  543. \begin{center}
  544. \begin{tabular}{|c|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|r|} \hline
  545. & \multicolumn{10}{c|}{order of $P^t$ for {\tt CONLAW1},
  546. order of $Q$ for {\tt CONLAW2/3}} \\ \cline{2-11}
  547. {\tt CONLAW} &
  548. \multicolumn{2}{c|}{0} &
  549. \multicolumn{2}{c|}{1} &
  550. \multicolumn{2}{c|}{2} &
  551. \multicolumn{2}{c|}{3} &
  552. \multicolumn{2}{c|}{4} \\ \cline{2-11}
  553. & $t_1$ & $t_2$ & $t_1$ & $t_2$ & $t_1$ & $t_2$ & $t_1$ & $t_2$ & $t_1$ & $t_2$ \\ \hline
  554. 1 & 0.15 & 2.9 & 0.15 & 1977 & & & & & & \\ \hline
  555. 2 & 1.7 & 2.0 & 2.7 & 16 & 4.5 & 194 & 8.5 & 722 & 17 & 2784 \\ \hline
  556. 3 & 0.17 & 4.5 & 0.18 & 11.7 & 0.3 & 28.5 & 0.6 & 377 & 1.9 & low memory \\ \hline
  557. \end{tabular}
  558. \caption{Run times $t_1$ to formulate and $t_2$ to solve
  559. determining conditions of CLs of the MVDNLS equations}
  560. \end{center}
  561. \end{table}
  562. \normalsize
  563. In the scope of
  564. {\tt CONLAW1} to find CLs with $P^1$ of order 1 are CLs
  565. (\ref{mvdnls3}),(\ref{mvdnls4}) and if equations
  566. (\ref{mvdnls1}),(\ref{mvdnls2}) are used to substitute $u_{xx}, v_{xx}$
  567. then also (\ref{mvdnls5}) is included.
  568. Such a run of {\tt CONLAW1} returns a differential Gr\"{o}bner
  569. Basis of 2 equations for one function in 3 variables and 2 equations
  570. for one function in 2 variables,
  571. which could not be solved completely because one of the ODEs is a
  572. second order ODE that could not be solved automatically.
  573. \section{Comparison of the three methods}
  574. The determining equations (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}) differ in the
  575. number of functions, number of variables and their order.
  576. For example, for the MVDNLS equations (\ref{mvdnls1}),(\ref{mvdnls2})
  577. the condition (\ref{a1}) for CLs with $P^1$ of order 2 and
  578. the conditions (\ref{a2}),(\ref{a3}) for CLs with $Q^{\mu}$ of
  579. order 3 have the following characteristics:
  580. (\ref{a1}): 1 condition in 12 variables
  581. $(t,x,u,v,u_x,v_x,\!\ldots\!,u_{4x},v_{4x})$,
  582. 2 of which occur only explicitly $(u_{4x},v_{4x})$,
  583. with 55 terms linear in functions
  584. $P^t$ of 8 variables $(t,x,u,v,u_x,v_x,u_{xx},v_{xx})$ and
  585. $P^x$ of 10 variables $(t,x,u,v,\!\ldots\!,u_{xxx},v_{xxx})$
  586. and their 1st order derivatives. The unsymmetry in the dependencies of
  587. $P^t,P^x$ at the beginning of {\tt CONLAW1}
  588. is necessary because of the unsymmetry in using (\ref{mvdnls1}),
  589. (\ref{mvdnls2}) to substitute a first order $t$-derivative of $u$
  590. by a second order $x$-derivative.
  591. (\ref{a2}): 1 condition in 22 variables $(t,x,u,v,\ldots,u_{(3)},v_{(3)})$,
  592. 6 of which occur only explicitly (2nd order derivatives of $u_t,v_t$),
  593. with 37 terms linear in functions
  594. $P^t,P^x$ of 14 variables $(t,x,u,v,\ldots,u^{(2)},v^{(2)})$
  595. and their 1st order derivatives, and furthermore
  596. functions $Q^1,Q^2$ of 10 variables $(t,x,u,v,\ldots,u_{xxx},$ $v_{xxx})$.
  597. (\ref{a3}): 2 coupled conditions in 14 variables $(t,x,u,v,u_x,v_x,\ldots,u_{5x},v_{5x})$,
  598. 4 of which occur only explicitly $(u_{4x},v_{4x},u_{5x},v_{5x})$,
  599. with 131 and 132 terms linear in
  600. functions $Q^1,Q^2$ of 10 variables $(t,x,u,v,\ldots,u_{xxx},v_{xxx})$
  601. and their 1st and 2nd order derivatives.
  602. The following are general features of equations (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}).\\
  603. Equ.\ (\ref{a1}) is of first order and therefore only highest
  604. order $u$-derivatives which are not substituted due to $0=\Delta$
  605. are not variables to the $P^i$ and can be used for direct separation.
  606. Equ.\ (\ref{a1}) therefore is only weakly overdetermined with
  607. the application of integrability conditions playing an important role.
  608. A general problem with computing a differential Gr\"{o}bner Basis is
  609. that the complexity of these calculations depends
  610. heavily on the total ordering of derivatives of functions $P, Q$
  611. chosen for which there is currently no complete theory available.
  612. Choices made by the program can be particularly good or bad
  613. for the problem at hand.
  614. In contrast, equ.s (\ref{a3}) are of higher order with more
  615. jet-variables that occur only explicitly and that can be used for
  616. direct separation. Although these equations are of higher order
  617. they are highly overdetermined and simpler to solve in general.
  618. An efficient way of doing direct separations and handling
  619. large equations is of importance for this approach.
  620. Finally, in equ.s (\ref{a2})
  621. the $P^i$ depend initially on all jet-variables
  622. (apart from highest order $u$-derivatives), also those
  623. substituted through $0=\Delta$ on which the $Q^{\mu}$
  624. do not depend. On the other hand the $Q^{\mu}$ do
  625. depend on highest order $u$-derivatives initially.
  626. The efficiency in solving (\ref{a2}) therefore depends on the efficiency
  627. of a module for indirect separation, i.e.\ on a module
  628. for handling equations which have no function depending on all variables
  629. but which have also no variable occurring only explicitly so that no direct
  630. separation with respect to any variable is possible. Such a module is
  631. described in \cite{CRACK1}.
  632. To solve the overdetermined system of all three approaches, all
  633. techniques are used, only some are used more often in one approach
  634. than in the other.
  635. There is another issue.
  636. If the order of derivatives w.r.t.\ different variables differs,
  637. like, for the Harry Dym equation $0 = u_{t} - u^3u_{xxx}$,
  638. then it matters whether this equation is used to do substitutions
  639. $u_{t}=u^3u_{xxx}$ or $u_{xxx}=u_{t}/u^3$. Substituting $u_{t}$
  640. gives a lower increase in complexity when successively higher
  641. order ans\"{a}tze for $P$ or $Q$ are made. On the other hand one
  642. has to go to higher orders of $P$ and $Q$ to cover the
  643. same equivalence classes of CLs compared to substituting $u_{xxx}$.
  644. As equ.s (\ref{a3}) involve already higher order $u$-derivatives,
  645. a further increase could explode the size of (\ref{a3}) even more.
  646. Another relation between (\ref{a2}) and (\ref{a3}) is that one could
  647. look at (\ref{a3}) as resulting from a differential-Gr\"{o}bner-Basis
  648. calculation done with (\ref{a2}), with
  649. the aim to eliminate the $P^i$ first. It is of course more efficient to
  650. exploit knowledge of the structure of (\ref{a2}) and to apply the Euler
  651. operator to write down (\ref{a3}) directly rather than to do the differential
  652. Gr\"{o}bner Basis calculation step by step with (\ref{a2}). On the other
  653. hand {\tt CRACK} includes a number of modules to take advantage of
  654. special situations (e.g.\ to integrate exact PDEs or to
  655. recognize and solve PDEs that are ODEs for some partial derivatives
  656. and to solve them using {\tt ODESOLVE} \cite{MM}).
  657. For a concrete problem
  658. it is very likely that there exists a quicker way to solve (\ref{a2})
  659. than to eliminate at first all $P^i$. The question which of the
  660. {\tt CONLAW} programs is more effective depends on the effectiveness of different
  661. submodules of the program {\tt CRACK} which solves (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}).
  662. With the current version of {\tt CRACK} (Jan.\ 1998),
  663. programs {\tt CONLAW1/3} are better for simpler CL problems
  664. and {\tt CONLAW2} is better for larger problems.
  665. \section{Syntax of {\tt CONLAW}}
  666. \noindent
  667. {\it Example:} The input to find CLs with $Q$ of order 0-4 for the MVDNLS
  668. equations (\ref{mvdnls1}),(\ref{mvdnls2}) is
  669. \begin{verbatim}
  670. depend u,x,t;
  671. depend v,x,t;
  672. conlaw2({{df(u,t) = - df( u*(u**2+v**2) + b*u - df(v,x) ,x),
  673. df(v,t) = - df( v*(u**2+v**2) + df(u,x) ,x) },
  674. {u,v}, {t,x}
  675. },
  676. {0, 4, t, {}, {}});
  677. \end{verbatim}
  678. In {\tt REDUCE} lists are enclosed in \verb+{ }+.
  679. The input of {\tt CONLAWi} (i=1,2,3) consists of two lists, the first
  680. encodes the PDE problem. It contains a list of equations with the derivative to
  681. be substituted on the left hand side, a list of functions and a list of
  682. independent variables. The second parameter to {\tt CONLAWi} is a list
  683. that specifies the CLs to be computed. Its first two elements are the
  684. minimum and maximum order of $P^1$ in the case of {\tt CONLAW1} and the
  685. order of $Q^{\mu}$ in the case of {\tt CONLAW2/3}. The third element is
  686. {\tt t} or {\tt nil} and specifies whether the CL may depend explicitly
  687. on the $x^i$ or not. The fourth element is a list of functions to be
  688. determined in an ansatz made for $P^i$ or $Q^{\mu}$ and the last element
  689. is a list of inequalities to be satisfied.
  690. More details about investigating an ansatz is given in a manual file
  691. that comes with the three {\tt CONLAW} files.
  692. \section{Summary}
  693. Supplied with subroutines to fix gauge freedom in differential expressions
  694. the programs {\tt CONLAW1/2/3} proved to be a efficient tool for the
  695. computation of CLs of differential equations. Compared with other
  696. programs, a list of which and a short description is given in \cite{GH1},
  697. the programs {\tt CONLAWi} show the following new features:
  698. \begin{itemize}
  699. \item
  700. By solving systems of overdetermined differential equations
  701. it is possible to find CLs with non-polynomial, even non-rational
  702. $P, Q$.
  703. \item
  704. It is possible to find CLs with an explicit dependence of $P, Q$ on
  705. the independent variables.
  706. \item
  707. There is no limit on the number of DEs nor the number of independent
  708. variables to be investigated for CLs other than a limit through the
  709. complexity of computations.
  710. \item
  711. It is possible to determine values of parameters in the DE such that
  712. CLs exist (examples in \cite{TW}).
  713. \item
  714. For each of the programs {\tt CONLAWi}
  715. an ansatz for $P^i$ and/or $Q^{\mu}$ can be input to specify
  716. CLs to be calculated.
  717. \end{itemize}
  718. Compared with the program of G\"{o}kta\c{s} and Hereman, {\tt CONLAW}
  719. is able to find more general CLs and to make a definitive statement
  720. if local CLs do not exist and the order is not too high to complete
  721. the computations.
  722. The strength of the program described in \cite{GH1} is to get
  723. sometimes higher in the order that still can be handled
  724. by concentrating on polynomial CLs having to solve
  725. algebraic systems for coefficients of a polynomial ansatz.
  726. They were also able to extend applicability to differential-difference
  727. systems \cite{GH2}.
  728. The comparison of the three approaches (\ref{a1})-(\ref{a3}) showed
  729. that each of them has advantages in special circumstances. It also
  730. serves as a comparison between using a general purpose program to find the
  731. quickest way of solving overdetermined PDE systems directly
  732. ({\tt CONLAW1/3}) and an approach to derive integrability
  733. conditions by applying extra information about the structure of
  734. the PDE system ({\tt CONLAW2}).
  735. The programs including a manual and a test file
  736. are available via ftp from {\tt},
  737. directory {\tt pub/compalg}.
  738. %Programs are available from TW and
  739. The package will be submitted to the REDUCE network library.
  740. \section{Acknowledgement}
  741. The authors want to thank Malcolm MacCallum for comments on a first
  742. version of the manuscript. Further, the support
  743. at a research visit of TW at CAN Netherlands/Amsterdam
  744. and discussions with Jan Sanders and Willy Hereman
  745. and multiple visits at the Konrad Zuse Institute/Berlin
  746. and discussions with Winfried Neun are gratefully acknowledged.
  747. Frank Verheest, Willy Sarlet, Micheline Musette and the Relativity group
  748. at Hall University are thanked for suggesting PDEs to test the code.
  749. \begin{thebibliography}{99}
  750. \bibitem{AB} Anco, S.C.\ and Bluman, G.\ (1997).
  751. {\it Direct Construction of Conservation Laws from Field Equations}
  752. Phys.\ Rev.\ Let.\ {\bf 78}, no 15, 2869-2873.
  753. \bibitem{GH1} G\"{o}kta\c{s}, \"{U}. and Hereman, W.\ (1996) {\it Symbolic
  754. Computation of Conserved Densities for Systems of Nonlinear
  755. Evolution Equations.} Journal of Symbolic Computation,
  756. {vol. 24}, pp. 591-621 (1997).
  757. \bibitem{GH2} G\"{o}kta\c{s}, \"{U}., Hereman, W.\ and Erdmann, G.\ (1997)
  758. {\it Computation of conserved densities for systems of nonlinear
  759. differential-difference equations.},
  760. Physics Letters A, {vol. 236}, pp. 30-38 (1997).
  761. %\bibitem{GH1} G\"{o}kta\c{s}, \"{U}. and Hereman, W.\ (1998)
  762. %{\it Computation of conserved densities for nonlinear lattices},
  763. %Physica D (1998) in press.
  764. \bibitem{MM} MacCallum, MAH.\ (1988) {\it An Ordinary Differential Equation
  765. Solver for REDUCE} Proc.\ ISSAC`88, Springer Lect.\ Notes in
  766. Comp.\ Sc., 358, 196-205.
  767. \bibitem{PO} Olver, P.J.\ (1986). {\it Applications of Lie Groups to
  768. Differential Equations.} Grad.\ Texts in Math.\ Berlin:
  769. Springer-Verlag.
  770. \bibitem{NS} Willox, R., Hereman, W.\ and Verheest, F.\ (1995).
  771. {\it Complete Integrability of a Modified Vector Derivative
  772. Nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger Equation.} Physica Scripta {\bf 52}, 21-26.
  773. \bibitem{CRACK1} Wolf, T.\ and Brand, A.\ (1992)
  774. {\it The Computer Algebra Package CRACK for Investigating
  775. PDEs}, manual + software in the {\tt REDUCE} network library.
  776. \bibitem{CRACK2} Wolf, T.\ (1996) {\it The program CRACK for solving PDEs
  777. in General Relativity} in {\it Relativity and Scientific Computing}
  778. Eds.\ F.W.Hehl, R.A.Puntigam, H.Ruder, Springer, 241-257.
  779. \bibitem{TW} Wolf, T. To be published elsewhere.
  780. \end{thebibliography}
  781. \end{document}