123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505 |
- module partitns;
- % definitions of particular tensors.
- global '(dimex!* sgn!* signat!* spaces!* numindxl!* pair_id_num!*);
- fluid('(dummy_id!* g_dvnames epsilon!*));
- % epsilon!* keeps track of the various epsilon tensors
- % which may be defined when onespace is OFF
- % It is a list pairs (<space-name> . <name>)
- switch exdelt; % default is OFF
- switch onespace;
- !*onespace:=t; % working inside a unique space is the default.
- flag(list('delta,'epsilon,'del,'eta,'metric), 'reserved); % they are keywords.
- symbolic flag(list('make_partic_tens),'opfn);
- symbolic procedure make_partic_tens(u,v);
- % u is a bare identifier (free of properties)
- % the result is T(rue) when it suceeds to create
- % the properties of being a particular tensor on u.
- % can be trivially generalized to other tensors.
- if v memq {'delta,'eta,'epsilon,'del,'metric} then
- <<
- if get(u,'avalue)
- % or (get(u,'reserved) and null flagp(u,'tensor))
- or getrtype u or (gettype u eq 'procedure) or
- % is this necessary?
- (u memq list('sin,'cos,'tan,'atan,'acos,'asin,'df,'int)) then
- rerror(cantens,5,list(u,"may not be defined as tensor"))
- else
- if flagp(u,'tensor) then
- <<lpri {"*** Warning:", u,"redefined as particular tensor"};
- remprop(u,'kvalue);
- remprop(u,'simpfn);
- remprop(u,'bloc_diagonal);
- remflag(list u,'generic);
- >>;
- % the 'name' indicator allows to find
- % the name chosen for a particular tensor from the keyword
- % associated to it.
- % Only ONE tensor of type 'delta' and 'eta' are allowed so:
- (if x and v memq {'delta,'eta,'del} then rem_tensor1 x)where x=get(v,'name);
- make_tensor(u,nil); % contains the action of rem_tensor
- put(u,'partic_tens, if v = 'delta then 'simpdelt
- else
- if v = 'eta then 'simpeta
- else
- if v = 'epsilon then 'simpepsi
- else
- if v = 'del then 'simpdel
- else
- if v= 'metric then 'simpmetric);
- if null !*onespace and v = 'epsilon
- then
- if epsilon!*
- then <<put(v,'name,u);
- lpri {"*** Warning:", u,"MUST belong to a space"};>>
- else nil;
- put(v,'name, u);
- if v memq {'metric,'delta} then <<flag(list u,'generic);
- make_bloc_diagonal u>>;
- t
- >>
- else "unknown keyword";
- symbolic procedure find_name u;
- % find the name of a particular tensor whose keyword is u.
- % Must still be extended for u=epsilon
- (if null x then
- rerror(cantens,6,{" no name found for", list u})
- else x)where x=get(u,'name);
- % **** Simplification functions for particular tensors
- symbolic procedure simpdelt (x,varl);
- % x is is a list {<tensor> indices}
- % for instance (tt a (minus b)) for tt(a,-b)
- % varl is the set of variables {v1,v2, ...}
- % result is the simplified form of the Dirac delta function if varl is nil
- % and cdr x is nil.
- If varl and null cdr x then !*k2f(car x . varl . nil) else
- if null varl or null cdr varl then
- begin scalar delt,ind,y,yv,yc;
- delt := car x; ind:= cdr x;
- y:=split_cov_cont_ids ind;
- if (length car y * length cadr y) neq 1 then
- rerror(cantens,7, "bad choice of indices for DELTA tensor");
- yv:=caar y;
- yc:=caadr y;
- % The conditional statement below can be suppressed if
- % 'wholespace' can be defined with an indexrange.
- % if get(delt,'belong_to_space) eq 'wholespace then
- % if get_sign_space('wholespace) = 0 then
- % if yv='!0 or yc ='!0 then
- % rerror(cantens,2,"bad value of indices for DELTA tensor");
- if !*id2num yv and !*id2num yc then return
- if yv=yc then 1
- else 0
- else
- if !*onespace then return
- if yv eq yc then dimex!*
- else !*k2f(delt . append(cadr y,lowerind_lst car y))
- else return
- if null get(yv,'space) and yv eq yc then
- if assoc('wholespace,spaces!*) then !*k2f get_dim_space 'wholespace
- else "not meaningful"
- else
- if yv eq yc then !*k2f space_dim_of_idx yv
- else !*k2f(delt . append(cadr y,lowerind_lst car y))
- end
- else "not meaningful";
- symbolic procedure simpdel u;
- % u is the list {<del-name> <covariant indices>
- % <contravariant indices>}
- % when 'DEL' is used by the system through simpepsi,
- % indices are already ordered and, when 'canonical' is entered,
- % they are again ordered after contractions. So ordering is
- % necessary only if the user enters it from the start.
- % in spite of this, the procedure is made to order them
- % in all cases. REFINEMENTS to avoid that are possible.
- % returns a standard form.
- begin scalar del,ind,x,idv,idc,idvn,idcn,bool,spweight;
- integer free_ind,tot_ind,dim_space;
- del:= car u;
- ind:=cdr u;
- spweight:=1;
- % though it is antisymmetric separately with respect to the cov
- % and cont indices we do not declare it as such for the time being.
- x:=split_cov_cont_ids ind;
- idv:= car x; idc:=cadr x;
- if length idv neq length idc then
- rerror(cantens,7, "bad choice of indices for DEL tensor")
- else
- if null !*onespace then
- if null symb_ids_belong_same_space!:(
- append(idv,idc),nil) then
- rerror(cantens,7, "all indices should belong to the SAME space")
- else
- if repeats idv or repeats idc then return 0
- else
- if length idc =1 then return
- apply2('simpdelt, find_name('delta) . append(lowerind_lst idv,idc),nil);
- % here we shall start to find the dummy indices which are internal
- % to 'del' as in the case del(a,b,a1..an, -a,-b,-c1, ...-cn) which
- % can be simplified to del(a1,...an,-c1, ...,-cn)*polynomial in the
- % space-dimension or a number if N_space=number
- % first arrange each list so that dummy indices are at the beginning
- % of idv and idc.
- idv:=for each y in idv collect %au lieu de idvn
- if null !*id2num y and memq(y,idc) then list('dum,y)
- else y;
- idc:=for each y in idc collect
- if null !*id2num y and memq(y,car x) then list('dum,y)
- else y;
- if permp!:(idvn:=ordn idv,idv)=permp!:(idcn:=ordn idc,idc) then bool:=t;
- % the form of these new lists is ((dum a) (dum b) ..ak..) etc ...
- % 1. they contain only numeric indices:
- if num_indlistp append(idvn,idcn) then
- return simpdelnum(idvn,idcn,bool);
- % 2. some indices are symbolic:
- tot_ind:=length idvn;
- % dummy indices can be present:
- idv:=splitlist!:(idvn,'dum); % if no dummy indices, it is nil.
- free_ind:=tot_ind - length idv;
- % now search the space in which we are working.
- dim_space:= if idv then %% since, may be, no dummy indices
- if null spaces!* then dimex!*
- else !*k2f space_dim_of_idx cadar idv;
- for i:=free_ind : (tot_ind -1) do
- <<spweight:=multf(addf(dim_space,negf !*n2f i),spweight);
- idvn:=cdr idvn; idcn:=cdr idcn;
- >>;
- spweight:=!*a2f reval prepf spweight;
- if null idvn then
- return
- if bool then spweight
- else negf spweight;
- % left indices can again be all numeric indices
- if num_indlistp append(idvn,idcn) then
- return
- multf(spweight,simpdelnum(idvn,idcn,bool));
- % 3. There is no more internal dummy indices, so
- return
- % if !*exdelt then
- % if bool then
- % multf(spweight,extract_delt(del,idvn,idcn,1))
- % else negf multf(spweight,extract_delt(del,idvn,idcn,1))
- % else
- if !*exdelt then
- if bool then
- multf(spweight,extract_delt(del,idvn,idcn,'full))
- else negf multf(spweight,extract_delt(del,idvn,idcn,'full))
- else
- if length idvn=1 then
- if bool then
- multf(spweight,
- !*k2f(find_name('delta) . append(lowerind_lst idvn,idcn)))
- else
- negf multf(spweight,
- !*k2f(find_name('delta) . append(lowerind_lst idvn,idcn)))
- else
- if bool then
- multf(spweight,!*k2f(del . append(lowerind_lst idvn ,idcn)))
- else
- multf(spweight,negf
- !*k2f(del . append(lowerind_lst idvn , idcn)))
- end;
- symbolic procedure simpdelnum(idvn,idcn,bool);
- % simplification of 'DEL' when all indices are numeric.
- if idvn=idcn then
- if bool then 1
- else -1
- else 0;
- symbolic procedure extract_delt(del,idvn,idcn,depth);
- % we deal with already ordered lists. Numeric indices
- % come first like (!1 !2 a). So, extraction is done from
- % the left because the result simplify more.
- if length idcn =1 then
- apply2(function simpdelt,
- get('delta,'name) . lowerind car idvn . car idcn . nil,nil)
- else
- begin scalar uu,x,ind;
- ind:=car idcn;
- idcn:=cdr idcn;
- if depth =1 then
- for i:=1:length idvn do
- <<x:=multf(exptf(-1,i-1),
- multf(apply2(function simpdelt,
- get('delta,'name) . (ind . list lowerind nth(idvn,i)),nil),
- !*q2f mksq((if length idvn=2 then get('delta,'name)
- else del) . append(idcn,
- lowerind_lst remove(idvn,i)),1)
- )
- );
- uu:=addf(x,uu)
- >>
- else
- if depth='full then
- for i:=1:length idvn do
- <<x:= multf(exptf(-1,i-1),
- multf(apply2(function simpdelt,
- get('delta,'name) . (ind . list lowerind nth(idvn,i)),nil),
- extract_delt(del,remove(idvn,i),idcn,depth)
- )
- );
- uu:=addf(x,uu)
- >>;
- return uu
- end;
- symbolic procedure idx_not_member_whosp u;
- % u is an index
- (if x then x neq 'wholespace) where x=get(u,'space);
- symbolic procedure ids_not_member_whosp u;
- % U is a list of indices.
- if null u then t
- else
- if idx_not_member_whosp car u then ids_not_member_whosp cdr u
- else nil;
- symbolic procedure simpeta u;
- % u is a list {<tensor> indices}
- % for instance tt(a b) or tt(a -b) or tt(-a,-b)
- % result is the simplified form of the Minkowski metric tensor.
- if (!*onespace and signat!*=0)
- then msgpri(nil,nil,
- "signature must be defined equal to 1 for ETA tensor",nil,t)
- else
- if
- (null !*onespace and null get_sign_space get(car u,'belong_to_space))
- then
- msgpri(nil,nil,
- "ETA tensor not properly assigned to a space",nil,nil)
- else
- begin scalar eta,ind,x;
- eta := car u; ind:= cdr u;
- flag(list eta,'symmetric);
- x:=split_cov_cont_ids ind;
- if car x and cadr x then return
- apply2('simpdelt,find_name('delta) . ind,nil);
- % Now BOTH indices are up or down, so
- x:=if null car x then cadr x else car x;
- if length x neq 2 then
- rerror(cantens,8, "bad choice of indices for ETA tensor");
- x:=for each y in x collect !*id2num y;
- return if numlis x then num_eta x
- else
- if !*onespace then !*k2f(eta . ordn ind)
- else
- if ids_not_member_whosp {car ind,cadr ind} and
- get(car ind,'space) neq get(cadr ind,'space) then 0
- else !*k2f(eta . ordn ind)
- end;
- symbolic procedure num_eta u;
- % u is the list of covariant or contravariant indices of ETA.
- if car u = cadr u then
- if car u = 0 then sgn!*
- else negf sgn!*
- else 0;
- symbolic procedure simpepsi u;
- % Simplification procedure for the epsilon tensor.
- begin scalar epsi,ind,x,spx,bool;
- epsi := car u;
- % spx is the space epsi belongs to.
- % so we can define SEVERAL epsi tensors.
- spx:= get(epsi,'belong_to_space); % In case several spaces are used.
- % otherwise it is nil
- ind:= cdr u;
- flag(list epsi,'antisymmetric);
- x:=split_cov_cont_ids ind;
- if null car x then x:='cont . cadr x
- else
- if null cadr x then x:= 'cov . car x
- else
- x:= 'mixed . append(car x, cadr x);
- % If the space has a definite dimension we must take care of the number
- % of indices:
- (if fixp y and y neq length cdr x then
- rerror(cantens,9,
- list("bad number of indices for ", list car u," tensor"))
- )where y= if spx then get_dim_space spx
- else (if fixp z then z)where z=wholespace_dim '?;
- if repeats x then return 0;
- % if null !*onespace then one must verify that all
- % indices belong to the same space as epsi.
- if null !*onespace and spx then
- if null ind_same_space_tens(cdr u,car u) then
- rerror(cantens,9, list("some indices are not in the space of",epsi));
- return
- if car x eq 'mixed or not num_indlistp cdr x then
- begin scalar xx,xy;
- xx:=ordn ind;
- bool:=permp!:(xx,ind);
- if car x eq 'mixed then
- <<xy:=cont_before_cov ind;
- if null permp!:(xy,xx) then bool:=not bool>>;
- return if bool then
- !*k2f(epsi . if car x eq 'mixed then
- xy else xx)
- else negf !*k2f(epsi . if car x eq 'mixed then
- xy else xx)
- end
- else
- % cases where all indices are numeric ones must be handled separately
- % Take the case where either no space is defined or declared. Then
- % space is euclidean.
- % look out ! spx is EUCLIDEAN by default. To avoid it, use
- % 'make_tensor_belong_space'.
- if !*onespace or null spx then
- if signat!* =0 then num_epsi_euclid(x)
- else
- if signat!* =1 then num_epsi_non_euclid (epsi,x)
- else nil
- else
- if null get_sign_space spx or get_sign_space spx=0
- then num_epsi_euclid (cdr x)
- else
- if get_sign_space spx =1 then num_epsi_non_euclid (epsi,x)
- else
- "undetermined signature or signature bigger then 1";
- end;
- symbolic procedure num_epsi_non_euclid(epsi,ind);
- % epsi is the name of the epsilon tensor
- % ind is the list (cont n1 n2 nk) or (cov n1 n2 .. nk)
- % result is either 0 OR +- (epsi 0 1 2 .... k))
- % i.e. in terms of contravariant indices.
- % So, in case of covariant indices we must take care of the
- % product eta(0,0)*... *eta(spx,spx) and the convention
- % sgn!* enters the game.
- begin scalar x;
- x:=ordn cdr ind;
- return if car ind eq 'cont then
- (if y then y
- else if permp!:(x,cdr ind) then !*k2f(epsi . x)
- else negf !*k2f(epsi . x))where
- y=!*q2f match_kvalue(epsi,x,nil)
- else
- if car ind eq 'cov then
- if sgn!* = 1 then
- if evenp length cdr x then
- (if y then y
- else if permp!:(x,cdr ind) then !*k2f(epsi . x)
- else negf !*k2f(epsi . x))where
- y=!*q2f match_kvalue(epsi,x,nil)
- else
- (if y then negf y
- else if permp!:(x,cdr ind) then negf !*k2f(epsi . x)
- else !*k2f(epsi . x))where
- y=!*q2f match_kvalue(epsi,x,nil)
- else
- if sgn!* =-1 then
- (if y then negf y
- else if permp!:(x,cdr ind) then negf !*k2f(epsi . x)
- else !*k2f(epsi . x))where
- y=!*q2f match_kvalue(epsi,x,nil)
- else nil
- else nil;
- end;
- flag({'show_epsilons},'opfn);
- symbolic procedure show_epsilons();
- (if null x then {'list}
- else 'list . for each y in x collect
- list('list,mk!*sq !*k2q car y,mk!*sq !*k2q cdr y))where x=epsilon!*;
- symbolic procedure match_kvalue(te,ind,varl);
- % te is a tensor, result is nil or a standard form.
- % Must return a standard quotient.
- (if x then simp!* cadr x)where
- x= if varl then
- assoc(te . varl . ind,get(te,'kvalue))
- else assoc(te . ind,get(te,'kvalue));
- symbolic procedure num_epsi_euclid(ind);
- % ind is the list (i1, ...,in), therefore
- % here epsi(1,2, n)=1=epsi(-1,-2, ... -n)
- begin scalar x;
- x:=ordn ind;
- return if permp!:(x,ind) then 1
- else -1
- end;
- symbolic procedure simpmetric(u,var);
- % generic definition of the metric tensor
- % covers the possibility of several spaces.
- % may depend of any number of variables if needed.
- % 'var' is {x1, .. xn}.
- % receives an SF and sends back an SQ.
- begin scalar g,ind,x;
- if x:=opmtch u then return simp x;
- g:=car u; ind:=cdr u;
- flag(list g,'symmetric);
- x:=split_cov_cont_ids ind;
- if car x and cadr x then return
- apply2('simpdelt,find_name('delta) . ind,nil) ./ 1;
- % Now BOTH indices are up or down, so
- x:=if null car x then cadr x else car x;
- if length x neq 2 then
- rerror(cantens,10, "bad choice of indices for a METRIC tensor");
- % case of numeric indices.
- x:=for each y in x collect !*id2num y;
- return if numlis x then
- if !*onespace then
- if x:= match_kvalue(g,ordn ind,var) then x
- else !*k2f(g . if var then var . ordn ind
- else ordn ind) ./ 1
- else mult_spaces_num_metric(g,ind,var) ./ 1
- else
- if !*onespace then
- if x:= match_kvalue(g,ordn ind,var) then x
- else !*k2f(g . if var then var . ordn ind
- else ordn ind) ./ 1
- else
- if get(car ind,'space) neq get(cadr ind,'space) then 0
- else
- if x:= match_kvalue(g,ordn ind,var) then x
- else !*k2f(g . if var then var . ordn ind
- else ordn ind) ./ 1
- end;
- symbolic procedure mult_spaces_num_metric(g,ind,var);
- % g, is the name of the metric tensor
- % ind its numeric indices (both covariant or contravariant)
- begin scalar x,y;
- x:=if pairp car ind then raiseind_lst ind else ind;
- return
- if numindxl!* and null numids2_belong_same_space(car x,cadr x,g) then 0
- else
- if y:= match_kvalue(g,if var then var . ordn ind
- else ordn ind,var) then y
- else !*k2f(g . if var then var . ordn ind
- else ordn ind)
- end;
- endmodule;
- end;