123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290 |
- module reval; % Functions for algebraic evaluation of prefix forms.
- % Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
- % Copyright (c) 1991 RAND. All rights reserved.
- fluid '(!*exp !*intstr !*listargs !*resimp alglist!* dmode!* subfg!*
- varstack!*);
- switch listargs;
- global '(!*resubs !*sqvar!* !*val);
- symbolic procedure reval u;
- reval1(u,t);
- symbolic procedure aeval u;
- reval1(u,nil);
- symbolic procedure aeval!* u;
- % This version rebinds alglist!* to avoid invalid computation in
- % loops.
- begin scalar alglist!*;
- return reval1(u,nil)
- end;
- symbolic procedure reval1(u,v);
- (begin scalar x,y;
- if null u then return nil % this may give trouble
- else if stringp u then return u
- else if fixp u
- then return if flagp(dmode!*,'convert) then reval2(u,v) else u
- else if atom u
- then if null subfg!* then return u
- else if idp u and (x := get(u,'avalue))
- then if u memq varstack!* then recursiveerror u
- else <<varstack!* := u . varstack!*;
- return if y := get(car x,'evfn)
- then apply2(y,u,v)
- else reval1(cadr x,v)>>
- else nil
- else if not idp car u % or car u eq '!*comma!*
- then errpri2(u,t)
- else if car u eq '!*sq
- then return if caddr u and null !*resimp
- then if null v then u else prepsqxx cadr u
- else reval2(u,v)
- else if flagp(car u,'remember) then return rmmbreval(u,v)
- else if flagp(car u,'opfn) then return reval1(opfneval u,v)
- else if x := get(car u,'psopfn)
- then <<u := apply1(x,cdr u);
- if x := get(x,'cleanupfn) then u := apply2(x,u,v);
- return u>>
- % Note that we assume that the results of such functions are
- % always returned in evaluated form.
- else if arrayp car u then return reval1(getelv u,v);
- return if x := getrtype u then
- if y := get(x,'evfn) then apply2(y,u,v)
- else rerror(alg,101,
- list("Missing evaluation for type",x))
- else if not atom u
- and not atom cdr u
- and null cddr u % Don't pass opr to list if
- % there is more than one arg.
- and (y := getrtype cadr u) eq 'list % Only lists
- and (x := get(y,'aggregatefn)) % for now.
- and not flagp(car u,'boolean)
- and not !*listargs and not flagp(car u,'listargp)
- then apply2(x,u,v)
- else reval2(u,v)
- end) where varstack!* := varstack!*;
- flagop listargp;
- symbolic procedure rmmbreval(u,v);
- % The leading operator of u is flagged 'remember.
- begin scalar fn,x,w,u1,u2;
- fn := car u;
- u1:={fn}; u2:={fn};
- for each y in cdr u do
- <<w:=reval1(y,nil); u2:=aconc(u2,w);
- if eqcar(w,'!*sq) then w:=!*q2a(cadr w);
- u1:=aconc(u1,w)>>;
- if (x:=assoc(u1,w:=get(fn,'kvalue))) then<<x:=cadr x; go to a>>;
- % Evaluate "algebraic procedure" and "algebraic operator" directly.
- if flagp(fn,'opfn) then x:= reval1(opfneval u2,v)
- else if get(fn,'simpfn) then x:=!*q2a1(simp!* u2,v)
- else % All others are passed to reval.
- << remflag({fn},'remember);
- x:=reval1(u2,v);
- flag({fn},'remember);
- >>;
- if not smember(u1,x) and not smember(u2,x)
- then put!-kvalue(fn,get(fn,'kvalue),(car u)
- . foreach uuu in cdr u collect reval uuu,x);
- a: return x;
- end;
- symbolic procedure remember u;
- % Remember declaration for operator and procedure names.
- for each fn in u do
- <<if not flagp(fn,'opfn) and null get(fn,'simpfn)
- then <<redmsg(fn,"operator"); mkop fn>>;
- if flagp(fn,'noval) or flagp(fn,'listargp)
- then typerr(fn,"remember operator");
- flag({fn},'remember);
- >>;
- put('remember,'stat,'rlis);
- symbolic procedure recursiveerror u;
- msgpri(nil,u,"improperly defined in terms of itself",nil,t);
- put('quote,'psopfn,'car); % Since we don't want this evaluated.
- symbolic procedure opfneval u;
- if flagp(car u ,'remember) then
- begin scalar interm,resul,x;
- interm := for each j in
- (if flagp(car u,'noval) then cdr u else revlis cdr u)
- collect if fixp j then j else mkquote j;
- if (x:=assoc(car u . interm ,get(car u,'kvalue)))
- then return cadr x;
- resul := lispeval(car u . interm);
- put!-kvalue(car u,get(car u,'kvalue), car u . interm, resul);
- return resul;
- end
- else
- lispeval(car u . for each j in
- (if flagp(car u,'noval) then cdr u else revlis cdr u)
- collect mkquote j);
- flag('(reval),'opfn); % to make it a symbolic operator.
- symbolic procedure reval2(u,v); !*q2a1(simp!* u,v);
- symbolic procedure getrtype u;
- % Returns overall algebraic type of u (or NIL is expression is a
- % scalar). Analysis is incomplete for efficiency reasons.
- % Type conflicts will later be resolved when expression is evaluated.
- begin scalar x,y;
- return
- if null u then nil % Suggested by P.K.H. Gragert to avoid the
- % loop caused if NIL has a share flag.
- else if atom u
- then if not idp u then not numberp u and getrtype1 u
- else if flagp(u,'share) % then getrtype lispeval u
- then if (x := eval u) eq u then nil else getrtype x
- else if (x := get(u,'avalue)) and
- not(car x memq '(scalar generic))
- or (x := get(u,'rtype)) and (x := list x)
- then if y := get(car x,'rtypefn) then apply1(y,nil)
- else car x
- else nil
- else if not idp car u then nil
- else if (x := get(car u,'avalue)) and (x := get(car x,'rtypefn))
- then apply1(x,cdr u)
- else getrtype2 u
- end;
- symbolic procedure getrtype1 u;
- % Placeholder for packages that use vectors.
- nil;
- symbolic procedure getrtype2 u;
- % Placeholder for packages that key expression type to the operator.
- begin scalar x;
- % Next line is maybe only needed by EXCALC.
- return if (x := get(car u,'rtype)) and (x := get(x,'rtypefn))
- then apply1(x,cdr u)
- else if x := get(car u,'rtypefn) then apply1(x,cdr u)
- else nil
- end;
- remprop('rtypecar,'stat);
- symbolic procedure rtypecar u;
- for each j in u do put(j,'rtypefn,'getrtypecar);
- deflist('((rtypecar rlis)),'stat);
- rtypecar difference,expt,minus,plus,recip;
- deflist('
- ((quotient getrtypeor)
- (times getrtypeor)
- (!*sq (lambda (x) nil))
- ),'rtypefn);
- symbolic procedure getrtypecar u; getrtype car u;
- symbolic procedure getrtypeor u;
- u and (getrtype car u or getrtypeor cdr u);
- symbolic procedure !*eqn2a u;
- % If u is an equation a=b, it is converted to an equivalent equation
- % a-b=0, or if a=0, b=0. Otherwise u is returned converted to true
- % prefix form.
- if not eqexpr u then prepsqyy u
- else if null cdr u or null cddr u or cdddr u
- then typerr(u,"equation")
- else (if rh=0 then lh else if lh=0 then rh else{'difference,lh,rh})
- where lh=prepsqyy cadr u,rh=prepsqyy caddr u;
- symbolic procedure prepsqyy u;
- if eqcar(u,'!*sq) then prepsqxx cadr u else u;
- symbolic procedure getelv u;
- % Returns the value of the array element U.
- % getel(car u . for each x in cdr u collect ieval x);
- getel(car u . for each x in cdr u collect reval_without_mod x);
- symbolic procedure setelv(u,v);
- % setel(car u . for each x in cdr u collect ieval x,v);
- setel(car u . for each x in cdr u collect reval_without_mod x,v);
- symbolic procedure reval_without_mod u;
- % Evaluate u without a modulus.
- if dmode!* eq '!:mod!: then (reval u where dmode!* = nil)
- else reval u;
- symbolic procedure revlis u; for each j in u collect reval j;
- symbolic procedure revop1 u;
- if !*val then car u . revlis cdr u else u;
- symbolic procedure mk!*sq u;
- % Modified by Francis J. Wright to return a list correctly.
- % if null numr u then 0
- % else if atom numr u and denr u=1 then numr u
- % else '!*sq . expchk u . if !*resubs then !*sqvar!* else list nil;
- (if null numr u then 0
- else if atom numr u and denr u=1 then numr u
- else if kernp u and eqcar(mvar numr u,'list) then mvar numr u
- else '!*sq . u . if !*resubs then !*sqvar!* else list nil)
- where u=expchk u;
- symbolic macro procedure !*sq u;
- % Provide an interface to symbolic mode.
- prepsq cadr u;
- symbolic procedure expchk u; if !*exp then u else offexpchk u;
- symbolic procedure lengthreval u;
- begin scalar v,w,x;
- if length u neq 1
- then rerror(alg,11,
- "LENGTH called with wrong number of arguments");
- u := car u;
- if idp u and arrayp u then return 'list . get(u,'dimension);
- v := aeval u;
- if (w := getrtype v) and (x := get(w,'lengthfn))
- then return apply1(x,v)
- else if atom v then return 1
- else if not idp car v or not(x := get(car v,'lengthfn))
- then if w
- then lprie list("LENGTH not defined for argument of type",w)
- else typerr(u,"LENGTH argument")
- else return apply1(x,cdr v)
- end;
- put('length,'psopfn,'lengthreval);
- % Code for evaluation of expressions whose type can only be
- % infered after partial evaluation.
- symbolic procedure yetunknowntypeeval(u,v);
- % Assumes that only psopfn's can produce yet unknown types.
- reval1(eval!-yetunknowntypeexpr(u,v),v);
- symbolic procedure eval!-yetunknowntypeexpr(u,v);
- if atom u
- then ((if w then eval!-yetunknowntypeexpr(cadr w,v)
- else u)
- where w = get(u,'avalue))
- else if car u eq '!*sq or get(car u,'dname) or car u eq '!:dn!:
- then u
- else ((if x and (getrtype u eq 'yetunknowntype)
- then apply1(x,cdr u)
- else car u . for each j in cdr u collect
- eval!-yetunknowntypeexpr(j,v))
- where x = get(car u,'psopfn));
- put('yetunknowntype,'evfn,'yetunknowntypeeval);
- endmodule;
- end;