title.tex 684 B

  1. \begin{titlepage}
  2. \vspace*{\fill}
  3. \begin{center}
  4. {\Huge\bf {\REDUCE}} \\ [0.2cm]
  5. {\LARGE\bf User's Manual\vspace{0.4cm} \\
  6. Version 3.7}
  7. \vspace{0.5in}\large\bf
  8. Anthony C.\ Hearn \\
  9. Santa Monica, CA, USA
  10. \vspace{0.1in}
  11. \bf Email: reduce@rand.org
  12. \vspace{0.5in}
  13. \large\bf March 1999
  14. \end{center}
  15. \end{titlepage}
  16. \newpage
  17. \vspace*{3.0in}
  18. \noindent Copyright \copyright 1999 Anthony C. Hearn. All rights reserved. \\
  19. \mbox{}\\
  20. %
  21. \noindent Registered system holders may reproduce all or any part of this
  22. publication for internal purposes, provided that the source of the
  23. material is clearly acknowledged, and the copyright notice is retained.