790 B

  1. %
  2. % "makefile" style code for CSL for the recompilation of parts of REDUCE
  3. %
  4. % A C Norman. July 1995
  5. module 'make;
  6. fluid '(r36_modules source_directory);
  7. if null source_directory then source_directory := "..";
  8. r36_modules := '(
  9. (module "src/")
  10. (patches "src/")
  11. (arith "src/")
  12. (alg "src/")
  13. );
  14. symbolic procedure bring_up_to_date();
  15. begin
  16. scalar done, m, s;
  17. for each w in r36_modules do <<
  18. m := car w;
  19. s := cadr w;
  20. file := bldmsg("""%w/%w""", source_directory, m);
  21. file_date := datestamp file;
  22. module_date := modulep m;
  23. prin m; ttab 15; prin file; ttab 40; prin module_date;
  24. ttab 60; print file_date >>;
  25. % eval '(begin)
  26. nil
  27. end;
  28. endmodule;
  29. end;