sparsify.l 1.2 KB

  1. .PU
  2. .TH SPARSIFY 1 local
  3. .SH NAME
  4. sparsify \- sparsify files with blocks of zeros in them
  6. .ll +8
  7. .B sparsify
  8. [
  9. .I "name"
  10. ]
  12. .I Sparsify
  13. reduces the size of the named file using the "sparse file" feature of
  14. the Unix file system. The file will read identically after it has been
  15. processed by sparsify.
  16. This process is useful on files containing a large number of contiguous
  17. zeros, such as PSL images, TeX dumped images and so on.
  18. Sparsifyed files can be restored to their original form using
  19. .I cp
  20. or
  21. .I tar.
  22. Sparsify is normally used after these operations (or
  23. .I compress/uncompress)
  24. have destroyed the sparse nature of a file.
  25. Major savings can be made by using this on PSL images, bps.o and
  26. dmain.o files, and indeed on any .o file which allocates a large
  27. static area filled with zeros.
  28. It preserves access and modification times, and modes.
  29. If run by the super-user, it also preserves ownership and group information.
  30. .SH "SEE ALSO"
  31. pack(1), compact(1)
  33. Usage: sparsify file
  34. .in +8
  35. No file name was specified
  36. .in -8
  37. .SH "AUTHOR"
  38. J.H. Davenport, University of Bath, UK.
  39. Modifications by
  40. J.H. Davenport at the RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, USA.
  41. .SH "BUGS"
  42. Does not recover very gracefully if the directories are not writable.