123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572 |
- %***********************************************************************
- %***** ******
- %***** M O D U L E R L F I Ver. 1.1 27/05/1991 ******
- %***** Ver. 1.01 17/11/1989 ******
- %***** ******
- %***********************************************************************
- %***** Program for LATEX syntax of REDUCE output formulas, ******
- %***** to activate it, turn the LATEX switch ON. ******
- %***** Program can be used only on systems supporting lower ******
- %***** case characters through OFF RAISE. ******
- %***********************************************************************
- module rlfi;
- % Author: Richard Liska
- % Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering
- % Czech Technical University in Prague
- % Brehova 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Czechoslovakia
- % E-mail: tjerl@cspuni12.bitnet (EARN)
- % Program RLFI, Version REDUCE 3.4 05/1991
- symbolic;
- % Global variables and their default values
- global '(mstyle!* nochar1!* laline!* ncharspr!* mstyles!*);
- nochar1!*:=nil; % List of identifiers longer than one character
- laline!*:=72; % Linelength of output file
- ncharspr!*:=0; % Position on output line
- off raise;
- MSTYLE!*:='displaymath; % Default mathematical style
- MSTYLES!*:= '(math displaymath equation); % Possible math. styles
- % Declaration of symbols and operators for LaTeX
- FLAG('(alpha beta gamma delta epsilon varepsilon zeta eta theta vartheta
- iota kappa lambda mu nu xi pi varpi rho varrho sigma varsigma tau
- upsilon phi varphi chi psi omega Gamma Delta Theta Lambda Xi Pi
- Sigma Upsilon Phi Psi Omega infty hbar nabla perp),'SYMBOL);
- FLAG('(hat check breve acute grave tilde bar vec dot ddot),'ACCDEF);
- DEFLIST('((bold !{!\bf! )(roman !{!\rm! )),'FONTDEF);
- DEFLIST('((!( !\left!()(!) !\right!))(PI !\pi! )(pi !\pi! )),'NAME);
- DEFLIST('((TIMES ! )(SETQ !=)(GEQ !\geq! )(LEQ !\leq! )),'LAPR);
- DEFLIST('((SIN !\sin)(sin !\sin)(COS !\cos)(cos !\cos)(TAN !\tan)
- (tan !\tan)(COT !\cot)(cot !\cot)(ASIN !\arcsin)
- (asin !\arcsin)(ACOS !\arccos) (acos !\arccos)(ATAN !\arctan)
- (atan !\arctan)(EXP !\exp)(exp !\exp) (LOG !\ln)(log !\log)
- (ln !\ln)(SUM !\sum)(PRODUCT !\prod)),'LAPOP);
- symbolic procedure get!*(u,v);
- if numberp u then nil else get(u,v);
- fluid '(!*latex !*lasimp !*verbatim !*!*a2sfn);
- switch latex,lasimp,verbatim;
- !*lasimp := !*verbatim := t;
- symbolic put('latex,'simpfg,'((t (latexon)) (nil(latexoff)) ));
- symbolic put('verbatim,'simpfg,'((t (verbatimon)) (nil (verbatimoff))));
- symbolic procedure latexon;
- % Procedure called after ON LATEX
- <<!*!*a2sfn:='texaeval;
- !*raise:=nil;
- prin2t "\documentstyle{article}";
- prin2t "\begin{document}";
- if !*verbatim then prin2t "\begin{verbatim}";
- put('tex,'rtypefn,'(lambda(x) 'tex)) >>;
- symbolic procedure latexoff;
- % Procedure called after OFF LATEX
- <<!*!*a2sfn:='aeval;
- !*raise:=t;
- remprop('tex,'rtypefn);
- if !*verbatim then
- <<terpri();
- prin2t "\end{verbatim}" >>;
- prin2t "\end{document}";
- rmsubs() >>;
- procedure verbatimon;
- <<if !*latex and null !*verbatim then prin2t "\begin{verbatim}";
- !*echo:=t>>;
- procedure verbatimoff;
- <<if !*latex and !*verbatim then
- <<terpri();
- prin2t "\end{verbatim}">>;
- !*echo:=nil >>;
- symbolic procedure texaeval u;
- % Procedure replaces the AEVAL procedure in the LATEX mode
- if !*lasimp then list('tex,aeval u)
- else list('tex,u);
- % deklarace latex modu;
- put('tex,'tag,'tex);
- put('tex,'simpfn,'simp);
- put('tex,'typeletfn,'texlet);
- put('tex,'prifn,'latexprint);
- put('tex,'setprifn,'setlaprin);
- flag('(tex),'sprifn);
- symbolic procedure texlet(u,v,tu,b,tv);
- % Assignment procedure for LATEX mode
- % !!! match can be evaluated like let!!!!;
- if eqcar(v,'tex) then let2(u,cadr v,nil,b)
- else msgpri(" value for ",u," not assigned ",v,nil);
- symbolic procedure latexprint u;
- % Prints expression U in the LaTeX syntax
- <<prinlabegin();
- latexprin u;
- prinlaend() >>;
- symbolic procedure setlaprin(u,v);
- % Prints assignment command in LaTeX syntax
- <<prinlabegin();
- latexprin u;
- oprinla 'setq;
- latexprin v;
- prinlaend() >>;
- symbolic procedure mathstyle u;
- % Defines the output mathematical style
- if car u memq mstyles!* then <<mstyle!*:=car u;nil>>
- else msgpri(" mathematical style ",car u," not supported ",nil,nil);
- put('mathstyle,'stat,'rlis);
- symbolic procedure prinlabegin;
- % Initializes the output
- <<if !*verbatim then
- <<terpri();
- prin2t "\end{verbatim}">>;
- prin2 "\begin{";
- prin2 mstyle!*;
- prin2t "}" >>;
- symbolic procedure prinlaend;
- % Ends the output of one expression
- <<terpri();
- prin2 "\end{";
- prin2 mstyle!*;
- prin2t "}";
- if !*verbatim then prin2t "\begin{verbatim}";
- ncharspr!*:=0;
- if nochar1!*
- then msgpri(" Longer than one character identifiers used ",
- nil,nochar1!*,nil,nil);
- nochar1!*:=nil >>;
- symbolic procedure latexprin u;
- % Prints expression U in the LaTeX syntax
- if eqcar(u,'tex) then maprintla(cadr u,0)
- else maprintla(u,0);
- symbolic procedure texprla(u,p);
- maprintla(car u,p);
- put('tex,'laprifn,'texprla);
- symbolic procedure maprintla(l,p);
- % L is printed expression, P is the infix precedence of infix operator
- % Procedure is similar to that one in the REDUCE source
- begin
- scalar x;
- if null l then return nil
- else if numberp l then go to c
- else if atom l then return prinlatom l
- else if stringp l then return prin2la l
- else if not atom car l then return maprintla(car l,p)
- else if (x:=get(car l,'laprifn)) and
- ((not flagp(car l,'fulla)
- and not (apply(x,list(cdr l,p)) eq 'failed))
- or (flagp(car l,'fulla) and not(apply(x,list(l,p)) eq 'failed)))
- then return l
- else if (x:=get(car l,'indexed)) then return prinidop(car l,cdr l,x)
- else if x:=get(car l,'infix) then go to a;
- oprinla(car l);
- prinpopargs(car l,cdr l,p);
- return l;
- a:p:=x>p;
- if null p and car l eq 'equal then p:=t;
- if p then go to b;
- prinlatom '!(;
- b:inprinla(car l,x,cdr l);
- if p then return l;
- prinlatom '!);
- return l;
- c:if not l<0 or p<get('minus,'infix) then return prin2la l;
- prin2la '!(;
- prin2la l;
- prin2la '!);
- return l
- end;
- symbolic procedure prinpopargs(op,args,p);
- % Prints argument(s) of prefix operator, decides if arg(s) will be
- % enclosed in parantheses
- begin
- scalar x;
- x:=null args or cdr args or not atom car args;
- % x:=x or null get(op,'lapop);
- if x then prinlatom '!( else prin2la "\,";
- if args then inprinla('!*comma!*,0,args);
- if x then prinlatom '!);
- if null x and p=get('times,'infix) then prin2la "\:";
- return args
- end;
- symbolic procedure prinlatom u;
- % Prints atom or the symbol associated to the atom in given font
- % and with given accent
- begin
- scalar n,f,a;
- if f:=get(u,'font) then prin2la f;
- if a:=get(u,'accent) then prin2la a;
- if n:=get(u,'name) then prin2la n
- else prin2la testchar1 u;
- if a then prin2la "}";
- if f then prin2la "}";
- return u
- end;
- symbolic procedure defid u;
- % Defines the statement DEFID for defining symbol, font and accent
- % associated to given atom
- begin
- scalar at,x,y;
- at:=car u;
- if not atom at or null car u then go to er;
- a:u:=cdr u;
- x:=car u;
- if eqcar(x,'equal) then x:=cdr x
- else go to er;
- if car x eq 'name then
- if flagp(cadr x,'symbol)
- then put(at,'name,incompe3('!\,cadr x,'! ))
- else put(at,'name,testchar1 cadr x)
- else if car x eq 'font then
- if y:=get(cadr x,'fontdef) then put(at,'font,y)
- else go to er
- else if car x eq 'accent then
- if flagp(cadr x,'accdef)
- then put(at,'accent,incompe3('!\,cadr x,'!{))
- else go to er
- else go to er;
- if cdr u then go to a;
- return nil;
- er:lprie(" Syntax error ")
- end;
- put('defid,'stat,'rlis);
- symbolic procedure incompe3(a,b,c);
- % Constructs new atom by concatenating A,B,C
- intern compress append(explode a,append(explode b,explode c));
- symbolic procedure testchar1 u;
- % Checks if U has only one character
- if fixp u then u
- else if null cdr explode2 u then u
- else if member(u,nochar1!*) then u
- else <<nochar1!*:=u . nochar1!*; u>>;
- symbolic procedure inprinla(op,p,l);
- % Prints infix operator OP with arguments in the list L
- begin
- if get(op,'alt) then go to a;
- maprintla(car l,p);
- a0:l:=cdr l;
- a:if null l then return nil
- else if atom car l or not(op eq get!*(caar l,'alt)) then
- <<oprinla op;
- maprintla(negnumberchk car l,p)>>
- else maprintla(car l,p);
- go to a0;
- end;
- symbolic procedure oprinla op;
- % Prints operator OP
- begin
- scalar x;
- if x:=get(op,'lapr) then prin2la x
- else if x:=get(op,'prtch) then prin2la x
- else if x:=get(op,'lapop) then <<prin2la x; prin2la '! >>
- else prinlatom op
- end;
- % Definition of new operator of division --> horizontal division line
- newtok '((!\) backslash);
- deflist('((backslash recip)),'unary);
- algebraic infix \;
- precedence 'backslash,'quotient;
- put('backslash,'simpfn,'simpiden);
- symbolic procedure prin2la u;
- % Prints atom or string U, checks the length of line
- begin
- scalar l;
- l:=lengthc u;
- if ncharspr!* + l > laline!* then <<terpri(); ncharspr!*:=0 >>;
- prin2 u;
- ncharspr!*:=ncharspr!* + l
- end;
- symbolic procedure prinfrac(l,p);
- % Prints the fraction with horizontal division line
- <<prin2la "\frac{";
- maprintla(car l,0);
- prin2la "}{";
- maprintla(cadr l,0);
- prin2la "}" >>;
- put('backslash,'laprifn,'prinfrac);
- symbolic procedure defindex u;
- % Defines the placing of indices of an operator
- for each a in u do defindex1 a;
- put('defindex,'stat,'rlis);
- symbolic procedure defindex1 u;
- begin
- scalar at,x;
- at:=car u;
- for each a in cdr u do if not a memq '(arg up down leftup leftdown)
- then x:=t;
- if not atom at or null cdr u then x:=t;
- return if x then msgpri(" Syntax error ",u,nil,nil,'hold)
- else put(at,'indexed,cdr u)
- end;
- symbolic procedure prinidop(op,args,mask);
- % Prints operator with indices. MASK describe the place of indices
- begin
- scalar arg,up,down,lup,ldown;
- if null args then return prinlatom op;
- a:if car mask eq 'arg then arg:=car args . arg
- else if car mask eq 'up then up:=car args . up
- else if car mask eq 'down then down:=car args . down
- else if car mask eq 'leftup then lup:=car args . lup
- else if car mask eq 'leftdown then ldown:=car args . ldown;
- mask:=cdr mask;
- args:=cdr args;
- if mask and args then go to a;
- mask:='(arg);
- if args then go to a;
- arg:=reverse arg;
- up:=reverse up;
- down:=reverse down;
- lup:=reverse lup;
- ldown:=reverse ldown;
- if lup or ldown then prin2la "\:";
- if lup then
- <<prin2la '!^!{;
- prinindexs lup;
- prin2la "}" >>;
- if ldown then
- <<prin2la "_{";
- prinindexs ldown;
- prin2la "}" >>;
- prinlatom op;
- if up then
- <<prin2la '!^!{;
- prinindexs up;
- prin2la "}" >>;
- if down then
- <<prin2la "_{";
- prinindexs down;
- prin2la "}" >>;
- if arg then
- <<prinlatom '!(;
- inprinla('!*comma!*,0,arg);
- prinlatom '!) >>;
- return op
- end;
- symbolic procedure prinindexs ndxs;
- % Prints indexces NDXS, if all indices are atoms prints them withouth
- % separating commas
- begin
- scalar b;
- for each a in ndxs do if not atom a then b:=t;
- if not b then for each a in ndxs do prinlatom a
- else inprinla('!*comma!*,0,ndxs)
- end;
- symbolic procedure exptprla(args,p);
- % Prints powers
- begin
- scalar arg,exp,ilist;
- arg:=car args;
- exp:=cadr args;
- if not atom exp and car exp eq 'quotient and cadr exp = 1
- and atom caddr exp
- then if caddr exp = 2 then
- <<prin2la "\sqrt{";
- maprintla(arg,0);
- prin2la "}" >>
- else
- <<prin2la "\sqrt[";
- prinlatom caddr exp;
- prin2la "]{";
- maprintla(arg,0);
- prin2la "}" >>
- else if atom arg then
- <<prinlatom arg;
- prin2la '!^!{;
- maprintla(exp,0);
- prin2la "}" >>
- else if atom car arg and not (ilist:=get(car arg,'indexed)) and
- not get(car arg,'laprifn) and
- not get(car arg,'infix) and atom exp then
- <<oprinla car arg;
- prin2la '!^!{;
- prinlatom exp;
- prin2la "}";
- prinpopargs(car arg,cdr arg,p) >>
- else if atom car arg and (ilist:=get(car arg,'indexed)) and
- not memq('up,ilist) then
- <<maprintla(arg,0);
- prin2la '!^!{;
- maprintla(exp,0);
- prin2la '!} >>
- else
- <<prinlatom '!(;
- maprintla(arg,0);
- prinlatom '!);
- prin2la '!^!{;
- maprintla(exp,0);
- prin2la "}" >>;
- return args
- end;
- put('expt,'laprifn,'exptprla);
- procedure sqrtprla(arg,p);
- % Prints square root
- <<prin2la "\sqrt {";
- maprintla(car arg,0);
- prin2la "}" >>;
- put('sqrt,'laprifn,'sqrtprla);
- symbolic procedure intprla(args,p);
- % Prints indefinite itegral
- begin
- scalar arg,var;
- if null args or null cdr args or not atom cadr args
- then return 'failed;
- arg:=car args;
- var:=cadr args;
- prin2la "\int ";
- maprintla(arg,0);
- prin2la "\:d\,";
- prinlatom var;
- return args
- end;
- put('int,'laprifn,'intprla);
- symbolic procedure dintprla(args,p);
- % Prints definite integral
- begin
- scalar down,up,arg,var;
- if null args or null cdr args or null cddr args or null cdddr args or
- not atom (var:=cadddr args) then return 'failed;
- down:=car args;
- up:=cadr args;
- arg:=caddr args;
- prin2la "\int_{";
- maprintla(down,0);
- prin2la '!}!^!{;
- maprintla(up,0);
- prin2la "}";
- maprintla(arg,0);
- prin2la "\:d\,";
- prinlatom var;
- return args
- end;
- put('dint,'laprifn,'dintprla);
- symbolic procedure sumprla(ex,p);
- % Prints a sum
- begin
- scalar op,down,up,arg;
- if not get(op:=car ex,'lapop) or null cdr ex or null cddr ex
- or null cdddr ex
- then return 'failed;
- down:=cadr ex;
- up:=caddr ex;
- arg:=cadddr ex;
- oprinla op;
- if down then
- <<prin2la"_{";
- maprintla(down,0);
- prin2la "}" >>;
- if up then
- <<prin2la '!^!{;
- maprintla(up,0);
- prin2la "}" >>;
- maprintla(arg,get('times,'infix) - 1);
- return ex
- end;
- put('sum,'laprifn,'sumprla);
- put('product,'laprifn,'sumprla);
- flag('(sum product),'fulla);
- symbolic procedure sqprla(args,p);
- % Prints standard quotient
- maprintla(prepsq!* car args,p);
- put('!*sq,'laprifn,'sqprla);
- symbolic procedure dfprla(dfex,p);
- % Prints derivaves
- begin
- scalar op,ord,arg,x,argup;
- op:=get(car dfex,'lapop);
- arg:=cadr dfex;
- dfex:=cddr dfex;
- x:=dfex;
- ord:=0;
- a:if null cdr x then
- <<x:=cdr x;
- ord:=ord+1 >>
- else if fixp cadr x then
- <<ord:=ord+cadr x;
- x:=cddr x >>
- else
- <<x:=cdr x;
- ord:=ord+1 >>;
- if x then go to a;
- if atom arg or (not get(car arg,'infix) and not get(car arg,'laprifn))
- then argup:=t;
- prin2la "\frac{";
- prin2la op;
- if ord=1 then prin2la "\,"
- else
- <<prin2la '!^!{;
- prin2la ord;
- prin2la "}" >>;
- if argup then maprintla(arg,0);
- prin2la "}{";
- x:=dfex;
- b:if not atom car x and cdr x and fixp cadr x then prin2la "(";
- prin2la op;
- if null cdr x or not fixp cadr x then
- <<prin2la "\,";
- maprintla(car x,0);
- x:=cdr x >>
- else
- <<maprintla(car x,0);
- if not atom car x then prin2la ")";
- prin2la '!^!{;
- prin2la cadr x;
- prin2la "}";
- x:=cddr x >>;
- if x then go to b;
- prin2la "}";
- if null argup then maprintla(arg,get('quotient,'infix));
- return arg
- end;
- put('df,'laprifn,'dfprla);
- put('pdf,'laprifn,'dfprla);
- flag('(df pdf),'fulla);
- put('df,'lapop,"{\rm d}");
- put('pdf,'lapop,"\partial ");
- algebraic;
- operator pdf,dint,product;
- endmodule;
- end;