bug-fix.log 10 KB

  1. Bug: Compress doesn't work on a list of ASCII values
  2. Fix: Make it call Lisp2Char on each element of the list.
  3. By: Eric
  4. Date: 4:51pm Tuesday, 12 October 1982
  6. Module: IO in kernel
  7. Remarks: The numbers 0..9 no longer work the same as !0..!9
  8. Bug: In open-coded arithmetic/vector access.
  9. Fix: Added (USESDEST USESDEST) clause to ASSOCPAT
  10. By: Eric
  11. Date: 11:10am Monday, 11 October 1982
  12. Source: P20C:DEC20-COMP.RED and PVC:VAX-COMP.RED; P68C:M68K-COMP.RED should
  13. also be changed.
  14. Module: DEC20-COMP and VAX-COMP
  15. Remarks:
  16. Bug: Catch no longer needed in Read, due to change in EOF handling
  17. Fix: Removed CATCH($READ$, ChannelRead IN*) from READ, similarly for
  19. By: Eric
  20. Date: 1:31pm Friday, 8 October 1982
  22. Module: IO in kernel
  23. Remarks:
  24. Bug: There is no EXPR for reading files
  25. Fix: Change DSKIN from a FEXPR to a one argument EXPR
  26. By: Eric
  27. Date: 12:14pm Tuesday, 5 October 1982
  28. Source: PI:DSKIN.RED
  29. Module: IO in kernel
  30. Remarks: This change is incompatible for those using DSKIN with multiple
  31. arguments. These uses will have to change to multiple DSKINs.
  32. Feature: The printing functions use the variables PRINLEVEL and PRINLENGTH,
  33. as described in the Common Lisp Manual.
  34. By: Eric
  35. Date: 12:12pm Tuesday, 5 October 1982
  36. Source: PI:PRINTERS.RED
  37. Module: IO in kernel
  38. Remarks:
  39. Bug: BIGNUM quotient, re-evaluation errors
  40. Fix: Improved BIGNUM and BIGFACE installed
  41. By: M. L. Griss, for A. C. Norman
  42. Date: 4 October 1982.
  44. Module: BIGNUM
  45. Remarks: Some errors still remain, in BLDIFF, etc. and
  46. minor typo's fixed.
  47. Bug: Scantable in POLY was inherited from CURRENTSCANTABLE!*
  48. not "nice" under PSL
  49. Fix: Added an ALGSCANTABLE!*, similar to RLISP table
  50. By: Martin
  51. Date: 3:41pm Tuesday, 28 September 1982
  52. Source: PU:POLY.RED
  53. Module: POLY
  54. Remarks:
  55. Bug: (REMAINDER (RANDOM) n) wasnet good for 3,7 or 11
  56. Fix: Defined RandomModulus variable and RANDOMMOD(N) function
  57. By: Martin
  58. Date: 3:38pm Tuesday, 28 September 1982
  59. Source: PU:mathlib.red
  60. Module: MATHLIB
  61. Remarks: Maybe just a "quick" fix and needs further examination
  62. Bug: CopyStringToFrom wasn't safe
  63. Fix: Make it safe
  64. By: Cris
  65. Date: 10:37am Tuesday, 28 September 1982
  66. Source: PI:COPIERS.RED
  67. Module: kernel
  68. Remarks:
  69. Bug: *THROW wasn't restoring the outer variable bindings
  70. Fix: Call on RestoreEnvironment.
  71. By: Eric
  72. Date: 8:55am Monday, 27 September 1982
  73. Source: PI:CATCH-THROW.RED
  74. Module: EVAL in kernel
  75. Remarks:
  76. Bug: PRINTX in DEBUG didn't handle circular vectors.
  77. Fix: Now it does.
  78. By: Eric
  79. Date: 5:44pm Friday, 24 September 1982
  80. Source: PU:DEBUG.RED
  81. Module: DEBUG
  82. Remarks: Also made DEBUG use CODE-NUMBER-OF-ARGUMENTS to find out the
  83. # of arguments to a compiled function.
  84. Feature: The printing function for code pointers prints the number of
  85. arguments expected, in the format #<Code 3 284313>, where 3
  86. is the # of arguments and 284313 is the address. The address
  87. part is now printed in the "preferred" radix of the machine,
  88. defined by the WConst CompressedBinaryRadix, which is 8 on the
  89. Dec-20 and Cray, and 16 on the Vax, 68000, and 360.
  90. By: Eric
  91. Date: 5:38pm Friday, 24 September 1982
  92. Source: PI:PRINTERS.RED and PXX:GLOBAL-DATA.RED (for constant definition)
  93. Module: IO in kernel
  94. Remarks:
  95. Bug: No way to find out how many arguments a compiled function gets.
  96. Fix: Put a header above the entry point with the # of arguments,
  97. accessed by the function CODE-NUMBER-OF-ARGUMENTS, which expects
  98. a code pointer as its argument and returns the number of arguments
  99. the code pointer expects, or NIL.
  100. By: Eric
  101. Date: 5:17pm Friday, 24 September 1982
  102. Source: PC:PASS-1-LAP.SL (to add header word), PC:DATA-MACHINE.RED (to define
  103. access macro), PI:PUTD-GETD.RED (to define callable entry point).
  104. Module: PASS-1-LAP, SYSLISP, PROP in kernel
  105. Remarks: Only functions compiled since this change have the header word;
  106. old FASL files will have to be recompiled to make use of this
  107. feature.
  108. Bug: IDs (symbols) are not garbage collected.
  109. Fix: Allocate symbols as a free list linked through the name cell
  110. By: Eric
  111. Date: 5:02pm Friday, 24 September 1982
  114. Module: LAP-TO-ASM, ALLOC in kernel
  115. Remarks:
  116. Bug: "FOO not compiled" messages in compiler are still unclear.
  117. Fix: Now says "Value of FOO not used, therefore not compiled", or
  118. "Top level FOO in (FOO BAR) not used, therefore not compiled"
  119. By: Eric
  120. Date: 11:43am Monday, 20 September 1982
  121. Source: PC:COMPILER.RED
  122. Module: COMPILER
  123. Remarks:
  124. Bug: Printing {99} in ERROR is only noise.
  125. Fix: Only print message, don't print number
  126. By: Eric
  127. Date: 11:32am Monday, 20 September 1982
  129. Module: ERROR in kernel
  130. Remarks:
  131. Bug: Unmatched right paren in a file is not an error.
  132. Fix: Only allow an unmatched right paren from the terminal
  133. By: Eric
  134. Date: 11:26am Monday, 20 September 1982
  135. Source: PI:READ.RED
  136. Module: IO
  137. Remarks:
  138. Bug: CAR of a form is sometimes evaluated; compiler and Eval do not agree.
  139. Fix: CAR of a form is NEVER evaluated; only a LAMBDA form or globally
  140. defined function name is allowed.
  141. By: Eric
  142. Date: 10:41am Monday, 20 September 1982
  144. Module: EVAL in kernel, and COMPILER
  145. Remarks:
  146. Bug: Backtrace is not very helpful
  147. Fix: Suppress printing of interpreter functions; better formatting
  148. By: Eric
  149. Date: 10:24am Monday, 20 September 1982
  150. Source: PI:BACKTRACE.RED
  151. Module: EXTRA
  152. Remarks: It's still not too hot.
  153. Bug: The prettyprinter is weak, and conses a lot.
  154. Fix: Use the IMSSS prettyprinter, with a few modifications.
  155. By: Eric
  156. Date: 9:27am Monday, 20 September 1982
  157. Source: Added PU:PRETTYPRINT.SL and PU:PRETTYPRINT.BUILD. Deleted
  159. Module: Removed PRETTY, added PRETTYPRINT, changed FASL in kernel
  160. Remarks:
  161. Bug: Not all I/O functions have channel-specific counterparts
  162. Fix: Added ChannelTerPri, ChannelLineLength, ChannelPosn, ChannelEject
  163. ChannelReadCH, ChannelPrint, ChannelPrin2T, ChannelSpaces
  164. ChannelTab, ChannelSpaces2, ChannelPrinC
  165. By: Eric
  166. Date: 4:21pm Friday, 17 September 1982
  168. Module: IO and RANDM, in kernel
  169. Remarks:
  170. Bug: DO with no return forms returns T instead of NIL
  171. Fix: Typo in DO, DO*, DO-LOOP, DO-LOOP*, ((null (cdr result) nil))
  172. ==> ((null (cdr result)) nil)
  173. By: Eric
  174. Date: 5:09pm Wednesday, 15 September 1982
  175. Source: PU:ITER-MACROS.SL
  176. Module: USEFUL
  177. Remarks:
  178. Bug: Token scanner won't read 1+ and 1- as symbols
  179. Fix: Patch in ChannelReadToken
  180. By: Eric
  181. Date: 11:01am Wednesday, 15 September 1982
  183. Module: IO in kernel
  184. Remarks: Still doesn't scan -1+ as a symbol
  185. Bug: InternP doesn't work for strings
  186. Fix: Checks to see if a symbol with that pname is interned
  187. By: Eric
  188. Date: 9:36am Wednesday, 15 September 1982
  189. Source: PI:OBLIST.RED
  190. Module: SYMBL in kernel
  191. Remarks:
  192. Bug: (igetv (igetv x 5) y) generates bad code
  193. Fix: Add USESDEST clause to ASSOCPAT in xxx-COMP.RED
  194. By: Eric
  195. Date: 2:11pm Monday, 13 September 1982
  196. Source: P20C:DEC20-COMP.RED and PVC:VAX-COMP.RED (Should also be done to
  197. P68C:M68K-COMP.RED).
  198. Module: DEC20-COMP and VAX-COMP
  199. Remarks:
  200. Bug: in EXP
  201. Fix: Changed 2**N to 2.0**N
  202. By: Eric
  203. Date: 8:50am Monday, 13 September 1982
  204. Source: PU:MATHLIB.RED
  205. Module: MATHLIB
  206. Remarks:
  207. Bug: APPLY(x, list(1,2,3,4,5,6)) doesn't avoid consing
  208. Fix: Add a PA1FN for APPLY so that !&PaList isn't applied to the 2nd arg
  209. By: Eric
  210. Date: 4:26pm Friday, 10 September 1982
  213. Remarks:
  214. Bug: Compiler error and warning messages are confusing
  215. Fix: Use more English, always print the function name
  216. By: Eric
  217. Date: 9:54am Friday, 10 September 1982
  218. Source: PC:COMPILER.RED
  219. Module: COMPILER
  220. Remarks:
  221. Bug: FLUID and MACRO can't have the same name
  222. Fix: Use indicator VARTYPE for variables, instead of sharing TYPE with
  223. functions.
  224. By: Eric
  225. Date: 9:16am Friday, 10 September 1982
  226. Source: PI:FLUID-GLOBAL.RED
  227. Module: PROP in kernel
  228. Remarks:
  229. Bug: DUMPLISP blows away the last page of the stack in rare cases on the 20
  230. Fix: Add some slack in the call to UNMAP-SPACE from DUMPLISP
  231. By: Eric
  232. Date: 10:24am Friday, 3 September 1982
  233. Source: P20:DUMPLISP.RED
  234. Module: EXTRA
  235. Remarks:
  236. Bug: WNOT was not caught by constant folding
  237. Fix: Added PA1REFORMFN = &DOOP for WNOT
  238. By: Eric
  239. Date: 9:47am Friday, 3 September 1982
  240. Source: PC:COMP-DECLS.RED
  241. Module: COMP-DECLS
  242. Remarks:
  243. Bug: CHAR-UPCASE and CHAR-DOWNCASE returned NIL instead of their arguments
  244. if the function didn't modify them.
  245. Fix: Return the argument instead
  246. By: Eric
  247. Date: 2:25pm Thursday, 2 September 1982
  248. Source: PU:CHARS.LSP
  249. Module: CHARS
  250. Remarks:
  251. Bug: Right parens cause an error at the top level
  252. Fix: Make ) a read macro to be ignored outside of list reading
  253. By: Eric
  254. Date: 2:08pm Thursday, 2 September 1982
  255. Source: PI:READ.RED
  256. Module: IO in kernel
  257. Remarks:
  258. Bug: PSL-SAVE.CTL requires that you are connected to P20:
  259. Fix: add a logical name definition def DSK: DSK:,P20:
  260. By: Eric
  261. Date: 1:35pm Thursday, 2 September 1982
  262. Source: P20:PSL-SAVE.CTL
  263. Module: None
  264. Remarks:
  265. Bug: XJsysError and JSYS constants are wrong
  266. Fix: Fixed.
  267. By: Eric
  268. Date: 1:28pm Thursday, 2 September 1982
  269. Source: P20:20-INTERRUPT.RED
  270. Module: INTERRUPT
  271. Remarks:
  272. Bug: MACROEXPAND does not handle multiple argument SETQ
  273. Fix: Removed MACROEXPAND-SETQ, use MACROEXPAND-RANDOM instead
  274. By: Eric
  275. Date: 10:33am Thursday, 2 September 1982
  276. Source: PU:MACROEXPAND.SL
  277. Module: USEFUL
  278. Remarks:
  279. Bug: Functions in Mathlib call REDERR which is only defined in Rlisp
  280. Fix: Have them call StdError instead
  281. By: Eric
  282. Date: 9:20am Thursday, 2 September 1982
  283. Source: PU:MATHLIB.RED
  284. Module: MATHLIB
  285. Remarks:
  286. Bug: Prettyprint returns its argument, which is worse than useless
  287. Fix: Make it return NIL instead
  288. By: Eric
  289. Date: 9:15am Thursday, 2 September 1982
  290. Source: PU:PRETTY.RED
  291. Module: PRETTY
  292. Remarks:
  293. Bug: ContError does not handle atoms as the ReEvalForm
  294. Fix: Now it does.
  295. By: Eric
  296. Date: 9:11am Thursday, 2 September 1982
  297. Source: PI:CONT-ERROR.RED
  298. Module: MACRO in kernel
  299. Remarks:
  300. Bug: (QUOTE x y) is incorrectly printed
  301. Fix: Change ChannelPrintPair so that only (QUOTE x) prints as 'x
  302. By: Eric
  303. Date: 8:59am Thursday, 2 September 1982
  304. Source: PI:PRINTERS.RED
  305. Module: IO in kernel
  306. Remarks: