123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323 |
- % READ-MACROS.SL - some specilized reader macros
- %
- % Author: Don Morrison
- % Symbolic Computation Group
- % Computer Science Dept.
- % University of Utah
- % Date: Wednesday, 12 May 1982
- % Copyright (c) 1981 University of Utah
- % Edit by Cris Perdue, 1 Feb 1983 1400-PST
- % Dochar moved into "nonkernel", "C" for "CONTROL", etc. commented out.
- % Many miscellaneous symbolic names for characters removed.
- ((lambda (o-table)
- (setq LispScanTable* (TotalCopy o-table)) % in case it's in pure space
- (cond ((eq CurrentScanTable* o-table)
- (setq CurrentScanTable* LispScanTable*))))
- LispScanTable*)
- % plug backquote and friends into the lisp reader via read macros
- % ` for backquote, , for unquote, ,@ for unquotel, and ,. for unquoted
- (de backquote-read-macro (channel qt)
- (list 'backquote (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- (de unquote-read-macro (channel qt)
- (list 'unquote (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- (de unquotel-read-macro (channel qt)
- (list 'unquotel (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- (de unquoted-read-macro (channel qt)
- (list 'unquoted (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- (putv LispScanTable* (char !`) 11)
- (putv LispScanTable* (char !,) 13)
- (put '!, (getv LispScanTable* 128) '((!@ . !,!@)(!. . !,!.)))
- (deflist
- '((!` backquote-read-macro)
- (!, unquote-read-macro)
- (!,!@ unquotel-read-macro)
- (!,!. unquoted-read-macro))
- 'LispReadMacro)
- % A couple of MACLISP style sharp sign read macros...
- (putv LispScanTable* (char !#) 13)
- (put '!# (getv LispScanTable* 128) '((!. . !#!.)
- (!/ . !#!/)
- (!' . !#!')
- (!+ . !#!+)
- (!- . !#!-)
- (!\ . !#!\)))
- (deflist
- `((!#!' ,(function function-read-macro))
- (!#!. ,(function eval-read-macro))
- (!#!\ ,(function char-read-macro))
- (!#!+ ,(function if-system-read-macro))
- (!#!- ,(function if-not-system-read-macro))
- (!#!/ ,(function single-char-read-macro)))
- 'LispReadMacro)
- (de function-read-macro (channel qt)
- `(function ,(ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- (de eval-read-macro (channel qt)
- (eval (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- % (imports '(if-system)) % actually doesn't use the code, just the convention
- (fluid '(system_list*))
- (de if-system-read-macro (channel qt)
- ((lambda (system)
- ((lambda (when_true)
- (cond ((memq system system_list*) when_true)
- (t (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel))))
- (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- (de if-not-system-read-macro (channel qt)
- ((lambda (system)
- ((lambda (when_false)
- (cond ((not (memq system system_list*)) when_false)
- (t (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel))))
- (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- %(de when-read-macro (channel qt)
- % (let ((a (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- % (let ((b (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel))
- % (fn (and (idp a) (get a 'when-macro))))
- % (if fn
- % (apply fn (list b))
- % (StdError (BldMsg "Can't evaluate %r at %r time" b a))))))
- % CompileTime and friends have to be made to work from LISP before these
- % will be of much use.
- %(foreach u in '(compile c CompileTime compile-time comp) do
- % (put u 'when-macro #'(lambda(x) `(CompileTime ,x))))
- %(foreach u in '(load l LoadTime load-time) do
- % (put u 'when-macro #'(lambda(x) `(LoadTime ,x))))
- %(foreach u in '(both b BothTimes both-times BothTime both-time) do
- % (put u 'when-macro #'(lambda(x) `(BothTimes ,x))))
- %(foreach u in '(read r ReadTime read-time) do
- % (put u 'when-macro #'eval))
- (de single-char-read-macro (channel qt)
- (ChannelReadChar channel))
- % % Frightfully kludgey. Anybody know how to just read the one character?
- % ((lambda (*raise)
- % ((lambda (ch)
- % ((lambda (n)
- % (if (lessp n 128)
- % n
- % (StdError (BldMsg "%r is illegal after #/" ch))))
- % (dochar ch)))
- % (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- % nil))
- (de char-read-macro (channel qt)
- (dochar (ChannelReadTokenWithHooks channel)))
- % Definition of dochar moved to char-macro.sl in the kernel /csp
- % Alternative modifiers (below) removed, hope they aren't needed (yuk) /csp
- % (put 'c 'char-prefix-function (get 'control 'char-prefix-function))
- % (put '!^ 'char-prefix-function (get 'control 'char-prefix-function))
- % (put 'm 'char-prefix-function (get 'meta 'char-prefix-function))
- (commentoutcode
- (deflist
- % let char know all about the "standard" two and three letter names for
- % non-printing ASCII characters.
- '((NUL 0)
- (SOH 1)
- (STX 2)
- (ETX 3)
- (EOT 4)
- (ENQ 5)
- (ACK 6)
- (BEL 7)
- (BS 8)
- (HT 9)
- (NL 10)
- (VT 11)
- (NP 12)
- (CR 13)
- (SO 14)
- (SI 15)
- (DLE 16)
- (DC1 17)
- (DC2 18)
- (DC3 19)
- (DC4 20)
- (NAK 21)
- (SYN 22)
- (ETB 23)
- (CAN 24)
- (EM 25)
- (SUB 26)
- (ESC 27)
- (FS 28)
- (GS 29)
- (RS 30)
- (US 31)
- (SP 32)
- (DEL 127))
- 'charconst)
- )
- (commentoutcode
- (deflist
- '((!^!@ 0) % "creeping featurism" here for sure...
- (!^A 1)
- (!^B 2)
- (!^C 3)
- (!^D 4)
- (!^E 5)
- (!^F 6)
- (!^G 7)
- (!^H 8)
- (!^I 9)
- (!^J 10)
- (!^K 11)
- (!^L 12)
- (!^M 13)
- (!^N 14)
- (!^O 15)
- (!^P 16)
- (!^Q 17)
- (!^R 18)
- (!^S 19)
- (!^T 20)
- (!^U 21)
- (!^V 22)
- (!^W 23)
- (!^X 24)
- (!^Y 25)
- (!^Z 26)
- (!^![ 8#33)
- (!^!\ 8#34)
- (!^!] 8#35)
- (!^!^ 8#36)
- (!^!~ 8#36) % for telerays...
- (!^!_ 8#37)
- (!^!/ 8#37) % for telerays...
- (!^!? 8#177))
- 'charconst)
- )
- (commentoutcode
- % It has been suggested that nice names for printing characters would be good,
- % too, so here are some. I don't really see that they're all that much use,
- % but I guess they don't do any harm. I doubt I'll ever use them, though.
- % If this isn't "creeping featurism" I don't know what is....
- (foreach u in
- '((BANG !!)
- (AT !@)
- (ATSIGN !@)
- (SHARP !#)
- (POUND !#)
- (NUMBER !#)
- (HASH !#)
- (NOT-EQUAL !#) % For Algol 60 fans...
- (DOLLAR !$)
- (PERCENT !%)
- (CARET !^)
- (UPARROW !^)
- (AND !&)
- (STAR !*)
- (TIMES !*)
- (LPAREN !( )
- (LEFT-PAREN !( )
- (LPAR !( )
- (OPEN !( )
- (RPAREN !) )
- (RPAR !) )
- (CLOSE !) )
- (MINUS !-)
- (DASH !-)
- (PLUS !+)
- (EQUAL !=)
- (EQUALS !=)
- (TILDE !~)
- (LBRACE !{)
- (RBRACE !})
- (LBRA ![)
- (RBRA !])
- % (QUOTE should this be ' or " -- I'll play it safe and not use either
- (COLON !:)
- (SEMI !;)
- (SEMICOL !;)
- (LESS !<)
- (LESS-THAN !<)
- (LANGLE !<)
- (GREATER !>)
- (GRTR !>)
- (RANGLE !>)
- (COMMA !,)
- (DOT !.)
- (PERIOD !.)
- (FULL-STOP !.) % For the English among us...
- (SLASH !/)
- (SOLIDUS !/)
- (DIVIDE !/)
- (BAR !|)
- (ZERO !0)
- (NAUGHT !0) % For the English among us...
- (ONE !1)
- (TWO !2)
- (THREE !3)
- (FOUR !4)
- (FIVE !5)
- (SIX !6)
- (SEVEN !7)
- (EIGHT !8)
- (NINE !9))
- do (put (car u) 'charconst (dochar (cadr u))))
- )