news-8-oct-82.txt 4.1 KB

  1. New PSL Changes (8 November 1982)
  2. ---- PSL Changes -------------------------------------------------------------
  3. * The major change in PSL is that CATCH/THROW has been reimplemented to
  4. conform to the Common Lisp definition (see Section 7.10 of the Common
  5. Lisp manual). In particular, CATCH has been changed to a special form
  6. so that its second argument is evaluated only once, instead of twice.
  7. THIS IS AN INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: if you use CATCH, you must change your
  8. programs. For example, if you wrote:
  9. (catch 'foo (list 'frobnicate x y z))
  10. you should change it to:
  11. (catch 'foo (frobnicate x y z))
  12. One aspect of this change is that an "unhandled" throw is now reported
  13. as an error in the context of the throw, rather than (as before) aborting
  14. to top-level and restarting the job.
  15. Also implemented are UNWIND-PROTECT, CATCH-ALL, and UNWIND-ALL, as
  16. described in the Common Lisp manual, with the exception that the
  17. catch-function in CATCH-ALL and UNWIND-ALL should expect exactly 2 arguments.
  18. Note that in Common Lisp, the proper way to catch any throw is to
  19. use CATCH-ALL, not CATCH with a tag of NIL.
  20. * A related change is that the RESET function is now implemented by
  21. THROWing 'RESET, which is caught at the top-level. Thus, UNWIND-PROTECTs
  22. cannot be circumvented by RESET.
  23. ---- NMODE Changes -----------------------------------------------------------
  24. New Features:
  25. * C-X C-B now enters a DIRED-like "Buffer Browser" that allows you to
  26. select a buffer, delete buffers, etc.
  27. * DIRED and the Buffer Browser can now operate in a split-screen mode, where
  28. the upper window is used for displaying the buffer/file list and the bottom
  29. window is used to examine a particular buffer/file. This mode is enabled
  30. by setting the variable BROWSER-SPLIT-SCREEN to T. If this variable is
  31. NIL, then DIRED and the Buffer Browser will automatically start up in
  32. one window mode.
  33. * M-X Apropos has been implemented. It will show you all commands whose
  34. corresponding function names contain a given string. Thus, if you
  35. enter "window", you will see all commands whose names include the string
  36. "window", such as "ONE-WINDOW-COMMAND".
  37. * M-X Auto Fill Mode has been implemented by Jeff Soreff, along with
  38. C-X . (Set Fill Prefix) and C-X F (Set Fill Column). If you want NMODE
  39. to start up in Auto Fill mode, put the following in your NMODE.INIT file:
  40. (activate-minor-mode auto-fill-mode)
  41. * NMODE now attempts to display a message whenever PSL is garbage-collecting.
  42. This feature is not 100% reliable: sometimes a garbage collect will happen
  43. and no message will be displayed.
  44. Minor Improvements:
  45. * C-N now extends the buffer (like EMACS) if typed without a command argument
  46. while on the last line of the buffer.
  47. * Lisp break handling has been made more robust. In particular, NMODE now
  48. ensures that IN* and OUT* are set to reasonable values.
  49. * The OUTPUT buffer now starts out with the "modified" attribute ("*") off.
  50. * The implementation of command prefix characters (i.e., C-X, M-X, C-], and
  51. Escape) and command arguments (i.e., C-U, etc.) has changed. The most
  52. visible changes are that C-U, etc. echo differently, and that Escape can
  53. now be followed by bit-prefix characters. (In other words, NMODE will
  54. recognize "Escape ^\ E" as Esc-M-E, rather than "Esc-C-\ E"; the 9836
  55. terminal emulator has been modified to generate such escape sequences
  56. under some circumstances.) NMODE customizers may be interested to know
  57. that all of these previously-magic characters can now be redefined (on a
  58. per-mode basis, even), just like any other character.
  59. * If you are at or near the end of the buffer, NMODE will put the current
  60. line closer to the bottom of the screen when it adjusts the window.
  61. * C-X C-F (Find File) and the Dired 'E' command will no longer "find" an
  62. incorrect version of the specified file, should one happen to already be in
  63. a buffer.
  64. * The 'C' (continue) command to the PSL break loop now works again.
  65. * The "NMODE" indicator on the current window's mode line no longer
  66. disappears when the user is entering string input.
  67. * The command C-X 4 F (Find File in Other Window) now sets the buffer's
  68. file name properly.