inspect.hlp 971 B

  1. INSPECT M.L. Griss, Monday, 31 May 1982
  2. -------
  3. This is a simple utility to scan the contents of a source file to tell
  4. what functions are defined in it. It will be embellished slightly to
  5. permit the on-line querying of certain attributes of files. INSPECT
  6. reads one or more files, printing and collecting information on
  7. defined functions.
  8. Usage:
  10. INSPECT "file-name"; % Scans the file, and prints proc names.
  11. % It also builds the lists ProcedureList!*
  12. % FileList!* and ProcFileList!*
  13. % File-Name can IN other files
  14. On the Fly printing is controlled by !*PrintInspect, default is T.
  15. Other lists built include FileList!* and ProcFileList!*, which
  16. is a list of (procedure . filename) for multi-file processing.
  17. For more complete process, do:
  18. LOAD Inspect;
  19. Off PrintInspect;
  20. InspectOut(); % Later will get a file Name
  21. IN ....;
  22. IN ...;
  23. InspectEnd;
  24. Now use Gsort etc. to process the lists