frames.lpt 55 KB

  1. ###0
  2. Action Type Explanation: Alter Display Format
  3. This type of command alters how text is displayed without altering the contents
  4. of existing buffers.
  5. ###1
  6. Action Type Explanation: Alter Existing Text
  7. This type of command alters some part of the existing text, generally
  8. transforming and/or moving text rather than just inserting or deleting it.
  9. ###2
  10. Action Type Explanation: Change Mode
  11. This type of command turns some feature(s) of the editor on or off. This may
  12. include major modes, minor modes, timing, or scripting.
  13. ###3
  14. Action Type Explanation: Escape
  15. Escape from the current level.
  16. ###4
  17. Action Type Explanation: Inform
  18. This type of command informs the user of some property of the text being worked
  19. with, or of the state of the editor (including where point is, what the existing
  20. buffer(s) is(are), what is in the documentation, etc.).
  21. ###5
  22. Action Type Explanation: Insert Constant
  23. This type of command inserts a character constant like tab or space or a
  24. multiple thereof.
  25. ###6
  26. Action Type Explanation: Mark
  27. This type of command sets mark.
  28. ###7
  29. Action Type Explanation: Move Data
  30. This command copies some data (which is not a constant wired into the program)
  31. from one place to another.
  32. ###8
  33. Action Type Explanation: Move Point
  34. This type of command moves point. It may move it within a buffer or from buffer
  35. to buffer.
  36. ###9
  37. Action Type Explanation: Preserve
  38. Make a copy of something current and put it somewhere else (usually disc).
  39. ###10
  40. Action Type Explanation: Remove
  41. This type of command allows a user to get rid of data, either killing or
  42. deleting text or removing files or directory entries.
  43. ###11
  44. Action Type Explanation: Select
  45. This type of command finds particular strings in text, and may perform some
  46. action upon them, such as counting, replacement, or deletion.
  47. ###12
  48. Action Type Explanation: Set Global Variable
  49. This type of command sets some global variable which tends to remain stable for
  50. some time, such as prefix variables and key bindings.
  51. ###13
  52. Action Type Explanation: Subsequent Command Modifier
  53. This type of command modifies the meaning of the keys that immediately follow
  54. it, as the prefix commands and the argument commands do.
  55. ###14
  56. Definition: Defun
  57. A defun is a list whose ( falls in column 0. Its end is after the CRLF
  58. following its ).
  59. ###15
  60. Definition: Paragraph
  61. Paragraphs are delimited by blank lines and psuedo-blank lines, which are lines
  62. which don't match the existing fill prefix (when there is one), and, when in
  63. text mode, also by indentation and by text justifier command lines, which are
  64. currently defined as lines starting with a period and which are treated as
  65. another type of psuedo-blank line. Paragraphs contain the final CRLF after
  66. their last test, and contain any immediately preceding empty line.
  67. ###16
  68. Definition: Region
  69. The region is that portion of text between point, the current buffer position,
  70. and mark.
  71. ###17
  72. Definition: Sentence
  73. A sentence is ended by a ., ? or ! followed by two spaces or a CRLF (with
  74. optional space), with any number of "closing characters" ", ', ) and ] between.
  75. A sentence also starts at the start of a paragraph. A sentence also ends at the
  76. end of a paragraph.
  77. ###18
  78. Global Explanation: Fill Column
  79. The fill column is the column beyond which all the fill commands: auto fill,
  80. fill paragraph, fill region, and fill comment, will try to break up lines. The
  81. fill column can be set by the Set Fill Column command.
  82. ###19
  83. Global Explanation: Fill Prefix
  84. The fill prefix, if present, is a string that the fill paragraph and fill region
  85. commands expect to see on the areas that they are filling. It is useful, for
  86. instance, in filling indented text. Only the indented area will be filled, and
  87. any new lines created by the filling will be properly indented. Autofill will
  88. also insert it on each new line it starts.
  89. ###20
  90. Global Explanation: Goal Column
  91. This is not yet correctly implemented
  92. ###21
  93. Global Explanation: Kill Ring
  94. The kill ring is a stack of the 16 most recently killed pieces of text. The
  95. Insert Kill Buffer command reads text on the top of the kill ring and inserts it
  96. back into the buffer. It can accept an argument, specifying an argument other
  97. than the top one. If one knows that the text one wants is on the kill ring, but
  98. is not certain how deeply it is buried, one can retrieve the top item with the
  99. Insert Kill Buffer command, then look through the other items one by one with
  100. the Unkill Previous command. This rotates the items on the kill ring,
  101. displaying them one by one in a cycle.
  102. Most kill commands push their text onto the top of the kill ring. If two kill
  103. commands are performed right after each other, the text they kill is
  104. concatenated. Commands the kill forward add onto the end of the previously
  105. killed text. Commands that kill backward add onto the beginning. That way, the
  106. text is assembled in its original order. If intervening commands have taken
  107. place one can issue an Append Next Kill command before the next kill in order to
  108. assemble the next killed text together with the text on top of the kill ring.
  109. ###22
  110. Command: Append Next Kill
  111. Function: append-next-kill-command
  112. Key: C-M-W
  113. See Global: Kill Ring
  114. Action Type: Move Data
  115. Make following kill commands append to last batch. Thus, C-K C-K, cursor
  116. motion, this command, and C-K C-K, generate one block of killed stuff,
  117. containing two lines.
  118. ###23
  119. Command: Append To Buffer
  120. Function: append-to-buffer-command
  121. Key: C-X A
  122. Topic: Buffers
  123. See Definition: Region
  124. Action Type: Move Data
  125. Append region to specified buffer. The buffer's name is read from the keyboard;
  126. the buffer is created if nonexistent. A numeric argument causes us to "prepend"
  127. instead. We always insert the text at that buffer's pointer, but when
  128. "prepending" we leave the pointer before the inserted text.
  129. ###24
  130. Command: Append To File
  131. Function: append-to-file-command
  132. Key: M-X Append To File
  133. Topic: Files
  134. See Definition: Region
  135. Action Type: Move Data
  136. Append region to end of specified file.
  137. ###25
  138. Command: Apropos
  139. Function: apropos-command
  140. Key: M-X Apropos
  141. Action Type: Inform
  142. M-X Apropos lists functions with names containing a string for which the user is
  143. prompted.
  144. ###26
  145. Command: Argument Digit
  146. Function: argument-digit
  147. Key: C-0
  148. Key: C-1
  149. Key: C-2
  150. Key: C-3
  151. Key: C-4
  152. Key: C-5
  153. Key: C-6
  154. Key: C-7
  155. Key: C-8
  156. Key: C-9
  157. Key: C-M-0
  158. Key: C-M-1
  159. Key: C-M-2
  160. Key: C-M-3
  161. Key: C-M-4
  162. Key: C-M-5
  163. Key: C-M-6
  164. Key: C-M-7
  165. Key: C-M-8
  166. Key: C-M-9
  167. Key: M-0
  168. Key: M-1
  169. Key: M-2
  170. Key: M-3
  171. Key: M-4
  172. Key: M-5
  173. Key: M-6
  174. Key: M-7
  175. Key: M-8
  176. Key: M-9
  177. Action Type: Subsequent Command Modifier
  178. Specify numeric argument for next command. Several such digits typed in a row
  179. all accumulate.
  180. ###27
  181. Command: Auto Fill Mode
  182. Function: auto-fill-mode-command
  183. Key: M-X Auto Fill Mode
  184. See Command: Set Fill Column
  185. Action Type: Change Mode
  186. Break lines between words at the right margin. A positive argument turns Auto
  187. Fill mode on; zero or negative, turns it off. With no argument, the mode is
  188. toggled. When Auto Fill mode is on, lines are broken at spaces to fit the right
  189. margin (position controlled by Fill Column). You can set the Fill Column with
  190. the Set Fill Column command.
  191. ###28
  192. Command: Back To Indentation
  193. Function: back-to-indentation-command
  194. Key: C-M-M
  195. Key: C-M-RETURN
  196. Key: M-M
  197. Key: M-RETURN
  198. Action Type: Move Point
  199. Move to end of this line's indentation.
  200. ###29
  201. Command: Backward Kill Sentence
  202. Function: backward-kill-sentence-command
  203. Key: C-X RUBOUT
  204. See Global: Kill Ring
  205. See Definition: Sentence
  206. Action Type: Remove
  207. Kill back to beginning of sentence. With a command argument n kills backward
  208. (n>0) or forward (n>0) by |n| sentences.
  209. ###30
  210. Command: Backward Paragraph
  211. Function: backward-paragraph-command
  212. Key: M-[
  213. See Definition: Paragraph
  214. Action Type: Move Point
  215. Move backward to start of paragraph. When given argument moves backward (n>0)
  216. or forward (n<0) by |n| paragraphs where n is the command argument.
  217. ###31
  218. Command: Backward Sentence
  219. Function: backward-sentence-command
  220. Key: M-A
  221. See Definition: Sentence
  222. Action Type: Move Point
  223. Move to beginning of sentence. When given argument moves backward (n>0) or
  224. forward (n<0) by |n| sentences where n is the command argument.
  225. ###32
  226. Command: Backward Up List
  227. Function: backward-up-list-command
  228. Key: C-(
  229. Key: C-M-(
  230. Key: C-M-U
  231. Mode: Lisp
  232. Topic: Lisp
  233. Action Type: Move Point
  234. Move up one level of list structure, backward. Given a command argument n move
  235. up |n| levels backward (n>0) or forward (n<0).
  236. ###33
  237. Command: Buffer Browser
  238. Function: buffer-browser-command
  239. Key: C-X C-B
  240. Key: M-X List Buffers
  241. Topic: Buffers
  242. Action Type: Inform
  243. Put up a buffer browser subsystem. If an argument is given, then include buffers
  244. whose names begin with "+".
  245. ###34
  246. Command: Buffer Not Modified
  247. Function: buffer-not-modified-command
  248. Key: M-~
  249. Topic: Buffers
  250. Action Type: Set Global Variable
  251. Pretend that this buffer hasn't been altered.
  252. ###35
  253. Command: C-X Prefix
  254. Function: c-x-prefix
  255. Key: C-X
  256. Action Type: Subsequent Command Modifier
  257. The command Control-X is an escape-prefix for more commands. It reads a
  258. character (subcommand) and dispatches on it.
  259. ###36
  260. Command: Center Line
  261. Function: center-line-command
  262. Key: M-S
  263. Topic: Text
  264. See Global: Fill Column
  265. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  266. Center this line's text within the line. With argument, centers that many lines
  267. and moves past. Centers current and preceding lines with negative argument.
  268. The width is Fill Column.
  269. ###37
  270. Command: Copy Region
  271. Function: copy-region
  272. Key: M-W
  273. See Global: Kill Ring
  274. See Definition: Region
  275. Action Type: Preserve
  276. Stick region into kill-ring without killing it. Like killing and getting back,
  277. but doesn't mark buffer modified.
  278. ###38
  279. Command: Count Occurrences
  280. Function: count-occurrences-command
  281. Key: M-X Count Occurrences
  282. Key: M-X How Many
  283. Action Type: Inform
  284. Counts occurrences of a string, after point. The user is prompted for the
  285. string. Case is ignored in the count.
  286. ###39
  287. Command: Delete And Expunge File
  288. Function: delete-and-expunge-file-command
  289. Key: M-X Delete And Expunge File
  290. Topic: Files
  291. Action Type: Remove
  292. This command prompts the user for the name of the file. NMODE will fill in
  293. defaults in a partly specified filename (eg filetype can be defaulted). If
  294. possible, the file will then be deleted and expunged, and a message to that
  295. effect will be displayed. If the operation fails, the bell will sound.
  296. ###40
  297. Command: Delete Backward Hacking Tabs
  298. Function: delete-backward-hacking-tabs-command
  299. Key: BACKSPACE
  300. Key: C-RUBOUT
  301. Key: RUBOUT
  302. Mode: Lisp
  303. Action Type: Remove
  304. Delete character before point, turning tabs into spaces. Rather than deleting a
  305. whole tab, the tab is converted into the appropriate number of spaces and then
  306. one space is deleted. With positive arguments this operation is performed
  307. multiple times on the text before point. With negative arguments this operation
  308. is performed multiple times on the text after point.
  309. ###41
  310. Command: Delete Blank Lines
  311. Function: delete-blank-lines-command
  312. Key: C-X C-O
  313. Action Type: Remove
  314. Delete all blank lines around this line's end. If done on a non-blank line,
  315. deletes all spaces and tabs at the end of it, and all following blank lines
  316. (Lines are blank if they contain only spaces and tabs). If done on a blank
  317. line, deletes all preceding blank lines as well.
  318. ###42
  319. Command: Delete File
  320. Function: delete-file-command
  321. Key: M-X Delete File
  322. Key: M-X Kill File
  323. Topic: Files
  324. Action Type: Remove
  325. Delete a file. Prompts for filename.
  326. ###43
  327. Command: Delete Forward Character
  328. Function: delete-forward-character-command
  329. Key: C-D
  330. Key: ESC-P
  331. See Global: Kill Ring
  332. Action Type: Remove
  333. Delete character after point. With argument, kill that many characters (saving
  334. them). Negative args kill characters backward.
  335. ###44
  336. Command: Delete Horizontal Space
  337. Function: delete-horizontal-space-command
  338. Key: M-\
  339. Action Type: Remove
  340. Delete all spaces and tabs around point.
  341. ###45
  342. Command: Delete Indentation
  343. Function: delete-indentation-command
  344. Key: M-^
  345. Action Type: Remove
  346. Delete CRLF and indentation at front of line. Leaves one space in place of
  347. them. With argument, moves down one line first (deleting CRLF after current
  348. line).
  349. ###46
  350. Command: Delete Matching Lines
  351. Function: delete-matching-lines-command
  352. Key: M-X Delete Matching Lines
  353. Key: M-X Flush Lines
  354. Action Type: Select
  355. Action Type: Remove
  356. Delete Matching Lines: Prompts user for string. Deletes all lines containing
  357. specified string.
  358. ###47
  359. Command: Delete Non-Matching Lines
  360. Function: delete-non-matching-lines-command
  361. Key: M-X Delete Non-Matching Lines
  362. Key: M-X Keep Lines
  363. Action Type: Select
  364. Action Type: Remove
  365. Delete Non-Matching Lines: Prompts user for string. Deletes all lines not
  366. containing specified string.
  367. ###48
  368. Command: Dired
  369. Function: dired-command
  370. Key: C-X D
  371. Run Dired on the directory of the current buffer file. With no argument, edits
  372. that directory. With an argument of 1, shows only the versions of the file in
  373. the buffer. With an argument of 4, asks for input, only versions of that file
  374. are shown.
  375. ###49
  376. Command: Down List
  377. Function: down-list
  378. Key: C-M-D
  379. Mode: Lisp
  380. Topic: Lisp
  381. Action Type: Move Point
  382. Move down one level of list structure, forward. Command argument sensitivity
  383. not yet implemented.
  384. ###50
  385. Command: Edit Directory
  386. Function: edit-directory-command
  387. Key: M-X Dired
  388. Key: M-X Edit Directory
  389. DIRED: Edit a directory. The string argument may contain the filespec (with
  390. wildcards of course)
  391. D deletes the file which is on the current line. (also K,^D,^K)
  392. U undeletes the current line file.
  393. Rubout undeletes the previous line file.
  394. Space is like ^N - moves down a line.
  395. E edit the file.
  396. S sorts files according to size, read or write date.
  397. R does a reverse sort.
  398. ? types a list of commands.
  399. Q lists files to be deleted and asks for confirmation:
  400. Typing YES deletes them; X aborts; N resumes DIRED.
  401. ###51
  402. Command: End Of Defun
  403. Function: end-of-defun-command
  404. Key: C-M-E
  405. Key: C-M-]
  406. Mode: Lisp
  407. Topic: Lisp
  408. See Definition: Defun
  409. Action Type: Move Point
  410. Move to end of this or next defun. With argument of 2, finds end of following
  411. defun. With argument of -1, finds end of previous defun, etc.
  412. ###52
  413. Command: Esc Prefix
  414. Function: esc-prefix
  415. Key: ESCAPE
  416. Action Type: Subsequent Command Modifier
  417. The command esc-prefix is an escape-prefix for more commands. It reads a
  418. character (subcommand) and dispatches on it. Used for escape sequences sent by
  419. function keys on the keyboard.
  420. ###53
  421. Command: Exchange Point And Mark
  422. Function: exchange-point-and-mark
  423. Key: C-X C-X
  424. Action Type: Mark
  425. Action Type: Move Point
  426. Exchange positions of point and mark.
  427. ###54
  428. Command: Exchange Windows
  429. Function: exchange-windows-command
  430. Key: C-X E
  431. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  432. Exchanges the current window with the other window, which becomes current. In
  433. two window mode, the windows swap physical positions.
  434. ###55
  435. Command: Execute Buffer
  436. Function: execute-buffer-command
  437. Key: M-X Execute Buffer
  438. Topic: Buffers
  439. This command makes NMODE take input from the specified buffer as if it were
  440. typed in. This command supercedes any such previous request. Newline
  441. characters are ignored when reading from a buffer. If a command argument is
  442. given then only the last refresh of the screen triggered by the commands
  443. actually occurs, otherwise all of the updating of the screen is visible.
  444. ###56
  445. Command: Execute File
  446. Function: execute-file-command
  447. Key: M-X Execute File
  448. Topic: Files
  449. This command makes NMODE take input from the specified file as if it were typed
  450. in. This command supercedes any such previous request. Newline characters are
  451. ignored when reading from a buffer. If a command argument is given then only
  452. the last refresh of the screen triggered by the commands actually occurs,
  453. otherwise all of the updating of the screen is visible.
  454. ###57
  455. Command: Execute Form
  456. Function: execute-form-command
  457. Key: Lisp-E
  458. Mode: Lisp
  459. Topic: Lisp
  460. Action Type: Mark
  461. Causes the Lisp reader to read and evaluate a form starting at the beginning of
  462. the current line. We arrange for output to go to the end of the output buffer.
  463. The mark is set at the current location in the input buffer, in case user wants
  464. to go back.
  465. ###58
  466. Command: Exit Nmode
  467. Function: exit-nmode
  468. Key: Lisp-L
  469. Mode: Lisp
  470. Topic: Lisp
  471. Action Type: Escape
  472. Leave NMODE, return to normal listen loop.
  473. ###59
  474. Command: Fill Comment
  475. Function: fill-comment-command
  476. Key: M-Z
  477. See Global: Fill Prefix
  478. See Global: Fill Column
  479. See Definition: Paragraph
  480. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  481. This command creates a temporary fill prefix from the start of the current line.
  482. It replaces the surrounding paragraph (determined using fill-prefix) with a
  483. filled version. It leaves point at the a position bearing the same relation to
  484. the filled text that the old point did to the old text.
  485. ###60
  486. Command: Fill Paragraph
  487. Function: fill-paragraph-command
  488. Key: M-Q
  489. Topic: Text
  490. See Global: Fill Prefix
  491. See Global: Fill Column
  492. See Definition: Paragraph
  493. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  494. This fills (or justifies) this (or next) paragraph. It leaves point at the a
  495. position bearing the same relation to the filled text that the old point did to
  496. the old text. A numeric argument triggers justification rather than filling.
  497. ###61
  498. Command: Fill Region
  499. Function: fill-region-command
  500. Key: M-G
  501. Topic: Text
  502. See Command: Set Fill Column
  503. See Command: Set Fill Prefix
  504. See Global: Fill Prefix
  505. See Global: Fill Column
  506. See Definition: Paragraph
  507. See Definition: Sentence
  508. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  509. Fill text from point to mark. Fill Column specifies the desired text width.
  510. Fill Prefix if present is a string that goes at the front of each line and is
  511. not included in the filling. See Set Fill Column and Set Fill Prefix. An
  512. explicit argument causes justification instead of filling. Each sentence which
  513. ends within a line is followed by two spaces.
  514. ###62
  515. Command: Find File
  516. Function: find-file-command
  517. Key: C-X C-F
  518. Key: M-X Find File
  519. Topic: Files
  520. Topic: Buffers
  521. Action Type: Move Data
  522. Action Type: Move Point
  523. Visit a file in its own buffer. If the file is already in some buffer, select
  524. that buffer. Otherwise, visit the file in a buffer named after the file.
  525. ###63
  526. Command: Forward Paragraph
  527. Function: forward-paragraph-command
  528. Key: M-]
  529. Topic: Text
  530. See Definition: Paragraph
  531. Action Type: Move Point
  532. Move forward to end of this or the next paragraph. When given argument moves
  533. forward (n>0) or backward (n<0) by |n| paragraphs where n is the command
  534. argument.
  535. ###64
  536. Command: Forward Sentence
  537. Function: forward-sentence-command
  538. Key: M-E
  539. Topic: Text
  540. See Definition: Sentence
  541. Action Type: Move Point
  542. Move forward to end of this or the next sentence. When given argument moves
  543. forward (n>0) or backward (n<0) by |n| sentences. where n is the command
  544. argument.
  545. ###65
  546. Command: Forward Up List
  547. Function: forward-up-list-command
  548. Key: C-)
  549. Key: C-M-)
  550. Mode: Lisp
  551. Topic: Lisp
  552. Action Type: Move Point
  553. Move up one level of list structure, forward. Given a command argument n move
  554. up |n| levels forward (n>0) or backward (n<0).
  555. ###66
  556. Command: Get Register
  557. Function: get-register-command
  558. Key: C-X G
  559. Action Type: Move Data
  560. Action Type: Mark
  561. Get contents of register (reads name from keyboard). The name is a single
  562. letter or digit. Usually leaves the pointer before, and the mark after, the
  563. text. With argument, puts point after and mark before.
  564. ###67
  565. Command: Grow Window
  566. Function: grow-window-command
  567. Key: C-X ^
  568. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  569. Make this window use more lines. Argument is number of extra lines (can be
  570. negative).
  571. ###68
  572. Command: Help Dispatch
  573. Function: help-dispatch
  574. Key: C-?
  575. Key: M-/
  576. Key: M-?
  577. Action Type: Inform
  578. Prints the documentation of a command (not a function). The command character
  579. is read from the terminal.
  580. ###69
  581. Command: Incremental Search
  582. Function: incremental-search-command
  583. Key: C-S
  584. Action Type: Move Point
  585. Action Type: Select
  586. Search for character string as you type it. C-Q quotes special characters.
  587. Rubout cancels last character. C-S repeats the search, forward, and C-R repeats
  588. it backward. C-R or C-S with search string empty changes the direction of
  589. search or brings back search string from previous search. Altmode exits the
  590. search. Other Control and Meta chars exit the search and then are executed. If
  591. not all the input string can be found, the rest is not discarded. You can rub
  592. it out, discard it all with C-G, exit, or use C-R or C-S to search the other
  593. way. Quitting a successful search aborts the search and moves point back;
  594. quitting a failing search just discards whatever input wasn't found.
  595. ###70
  596. Command: Indent New line
  597. Function: indent-new-line-command
  598. Key: NEWLINE
  599. Action Type: Insert Constant
  600. This function performs the following actions: Executes whatever function, if
  601. any, is associated with <CR>. Executes whatever function, if any, is associated
  602. with TAB, as if no command argument was given.
  603. ###71
  604. Command: Insert Buffer
  605. Function: insert-buffer-command
  606. Key: M-X Insert Buffer
  607. Topic: Buffers
  608. Action Type: Move Data
  609. Insert contents of another buffer into existing text. The user is prompted for
  610. the buffer name. Point is left just before the inserted material, and mark is
  611. left just after it.
  612. ###72
  613. Command: Insert Closing bracket
  614. Function: insert-closing-bracket
  615. Key: )
  616. Key: ]
  617. Mode: Lisp
  618. Topic: Lisp
  619. Action Type: Insert Constant
  620. Insert the character typed, which should be a closing bracket, then display the
  621. matching opening bracket.
  622. ###73
  623. Command: Insert Comment
  624. Function: insert-comment-command
  625. Key: M-;
  626. Mode: Lisp
  627. Topic: Lisp
  628. Action Type: Insert Constant
  629. Move to the end of the current line, then add a "%" and a space at its end.
  630. Leave point after the space.
  631. ###74
  632. Command: Insert Date
  633. Function: insert-date-command
  634. Key: M-X Insert Date
  635. Action Type: Move Data
  636. Insert the current time and date after point. The mark is put after the
  637. inserted text.
  638. ###75
  639. Command: Insert File
  640. Function: insert-file-command
  641. Key: M-X Insert File
  642. Topic: Files
  643. Action Type: Move Data
  644. Insert contents of file into existing text. File name is string argument. The
  645. pointer is left at the beginning, and the mark at the end.
  646. ###76
  647. Command: Insert Kill Buffer
  648. Function: insert-kill-buffer
  649. Key: C-Y
  650. See Global: Kill Ring
  651. Action Type: Move Data
  652. Action Type: Mark
  653. Re-insert the last stuff killed. Puts point after it and the mark before it.
  654. An argument n says un-kill the n'th most recent string of killed stuff (1 = most
  655. recent). A null argument (just C-U) means leave point before, mark after.
  656. ###77
  657. Command: Insert Next Character
  658. Function: insert-next-character-command
  659. Key: C-Q
  660. Action Type: Move Data
  661. Reads a character and inserts it.
  662. ###78
  663. Command: Insert Parens
  664. Function: insert-parens
  665. Key: M-(
  666. Mode: Lisp
  667. Topic: Lisp
  668. Action Type: Insert Constant
  669. Insert () putting point between them. Also make a space before them if
  670. appropriate. With argument, put the ) after the specified number of already
  671. existing s-expressions. Thus, with argument 1, puts extra parens around the
  672. following s-expression.
  673. ###79
  674. Command: Kill Backward Form
  675. Function: kill-backward-form-command
  676. Key: C-M-RUBOUT
  677. Mode: Lisp
  678. Topic: Lisp
  679. See Global: Kill Ring
  680. Action Type: Remove
  681. Kill the last form. With a command argument kill the last (n>0) or next (n<0)
  682. |n| forms, where n is the command argument.
  683. ###80
  684. Command: Kill Backward Word
  685. Function: kill-backward-word-command
  686. Key: M-RUBOUT
  687. Topic: Text
  688. See Global: Kill Ring
  689. Action Type: Remove
  690. Kill last word. With a command argument kill the last (n>0) or next (n<0) |n|
  691. words, where n is the command argument.
  692. ###81
  693. Command: Kill Buffer
  694. Function: kill-buffer-command
  695. Key: C-X K
  696. Key: M-X Kill Buffer
  697. Topic: Buffers
  698. Action Type: Remove
  699. Kill the buffer with specified name. The buffer name is taken from the
  700. keyboard. Name completion is performed by SPACE and RETURN. If the buffer has
  701. changes in it, the user is asked for confirmation.
  702. ###82
  703. Command: Kill Forward Form
  704. Function: kill-forward-form-command
  705. Key: C-M-K
  706. Mode: Lisp
  707. Topic: Lisp
  708. See Global: Kill Ring
  709. Action Type: Remove
  710. Kill the next form. With a command argument kill the next (n>0) or last (n<0)
  711. |n| forms, where n is the command argument.
  712. ###83
  713. Command: Kill Forward Word
  714. Function: kill-forward-word-command
  715. Key: M-D
  716. Topic: Text
  717. See Global: Kill Ring
  718. Action Type: Remove
  719. Kill the next word. With a command argument kill the next (n>0) or last (n<0)
  720. |n| words, where n is the command argument.
  721. ###84
  722. Command: Kill Line
  723. Function: kill-line
  724. Key: C-K
  725. Key: ESC-M
  726. See Global: Kill Ring
  727. Action Type: Remove
  728. Kill to end of line, or kill an end of line. At the end of a line (only blanks
  729. following) kill through the CRLF. Otherwise, kill the rest of the line but not
  730. the CRLF. With argument (positive or negative), kill specified number of lines
  731. forward or backward respectively. An argument of zero means kill to the
  732. beginning of the ine, nothing if at the beginning. Killed text is pushed onto
  733. the kill ring for retrieval.
  734. ###85
  735. Command: Kill Region
  736. Function: kill-region
  737. Key: C-W
  738. See Global: Kill Ring
  739. See Definition: Region
  740. Action Type: Remove
  741. Kill from point to mark. Use Control-Y and Meta-Y to get it back.
  742. ###86
  743. Command: Kill Sentence
  744. Function: kill-sentence-command
  745. Key: M-K
  746. Topic: Text
  747. See Global: Kill Ring
  748. See Definition: Sentence
  749. Action Type: Remove
  750. Kill forward to end of sentence. With minus one as an argument it kills back to
  751. the beginning of the sentence. Positive or negative arguments mean to kill that
  752. many sentences forward or backward respectively.
  753. ###87
  754. Command: Kill Some Buffers
  755. Function: kill-some-buffers-command
  756. Key: M-X Kill Some Buffers
  757. Topic: Buffers
  758. Action Type: Remove
  759. Kill Some Buffers: Offer to kill each buffer, one by one. If the buffer
  760. contains a modified file and you say to kill it, you are asked for confirmation.
  761. ###88
  762. Command: Lisp Abort
  763. Function: lisp-abort-command
  764. Key: Lisp-A
  765. Mode: Lisp
  766. Topic: Lisp
  767. Action Type: Escape
  768. This command will pop out of an arbitrarily deep break loop.
  769. ###89
  770. Command: Lisp Backtrace
  771. Function: lisp-backtrace-command
  772. Key: Lisp-B
  773. Mode: Lisp
  774. Topic: Lisp
  775. Action Type: Inform
  776. This lists all the function calls on the stack. It is a good way to see how the
  777. offending expression got generated.
  778. ###90
  779. Command: Lisp Continue
  780. Function: lisp-continue-command
  781. Key: Lisp-C
  782. Mode: Lisp
  783. Topic: Lisp
  784. Action Type: Escape
  785. This causes the expression last printed to be returned as the value of the
  786. offending expression. This allows a user to recover from a low level error in
  787. an involved calculation if they know what should have been returned by the
  788. offending expression. This is also often useful as an automatic stub: If an
  789. expression containing an undefined function is evaluated, a Break loop is
  790. entered, and this may be used to return the value of the function call.
  791. ###91
  792. Command: Lisp Help
  793. Function: lisp-help-command
  794. Key: Lisp-?
  795. Mode: Lisp
  796. Topic: Lisp
  797. Action Type: Inform
  798. If in break print:
  799. "Lisp break commands: Q-quit;A-abort;R-retry;C-continue;B-backtrace" else
  800. print:
  801. "Lisp commands: E-execute form;Y-yank last output;L-invoke Lisp Listener"
  802. ###92
  803. Command: Lisp Indent Region
  804. Function: lisp-indent-region-command
  805. Key: C-M-\
  806. Mode: Lisp
  807. Topic: Lisp
  808. Indent all lines between point and mark. With argument, indents each line to
  809. exactly that column. Otherwise, lisp indents each line. A line is processed if
  810. its first character is in the region. It tries to preserve the textual context
  811. of point and mark.
  812. ###93
  813. Command: Lisp Indent sexpr
  814. Function: lisp-indent-sexpr
  815. Key: C-M-Q
  816. Mode: Lisp
  817. Topic: Lisp
  818. Lisp Indent each line contained in the next form. This command does NOT respond
  819. to command arguments.
  820. ###94
  821. Command: Lisp Mode
  822. Function: lisp-mode-command
  823. Key: M-X Lisp Mode
  824. Topic: Lisp
  825. Action Type: Change Mode
  826. Set things up for editing Lisp code. Tab indents for Lisp. Rubout hacks tabs.
  827. Lisp execution commands availible. Paragraphs are delimited only by blank
  828. lines.
  829. ###95
  830. Command: Lisp Prefix
  831. Function: lisp-prefix
  832. Key: C-]
  833. Mode: Lisp
  834. Topic: Lisp
  835. Action Type: Subsequent Command Modifier
  836. The command lisp-prefix is an escape-prefix for more commands. It reads a
  837. character (subcommand) and dispatches on it.
  838. ###96
  839. Command: Lisp Quit
  840. Function: lisp-quit-command
  841. Key: Lisp-Q
  842. Mode: Lisp
  843. Topic: Lisp
  844. Action Type: Escape
  845. This exits the current break loop. It only pops up one level, unlike abort.
  846. ###97
  847. Command: Lisp Retry
  848. Function: lisp-retry-command
  849. Key: Lisp-R
  850. Mode: Lisp
  851. Topic: Lisp
  852. Action Type: Escape
  853. This tries to evaluate the offending expression again, and to continue the
  854. computation. This is often useful after defining a missing function, or
  855. assigning a value to a variable.
  856. ###98
  857. Command: Lisp Tab
  858. Function: lisp-tab-command
  859. Key: C-M-I
  860. Key: C-M-TAB
  861. Key: TAB
  862. Mode: Lisp
  863. Topic: Lisp
  864. See Command: Tab To Tab Stop
  865. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  866. Indent this line for a Lisp-like language. With arg, moves over and indents
  867. that many lines. With negative argument, indents preceding lines.
  868. Note that the binding of TAB to this function holds only in Lisp mode. In text
  869. mode TAB is bound to the Tab To Tab Stop command and the other keys bound to
  870. this function are undefined.
  871. ###99
  872. Command: Lowercase Region
  873. Function: lowercase-region-command
  874. Key: C-X C-L
  875. See Definition: Region
  876. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  877. Convert region to lower case.
  878. ###100
  879. Command: Lowercase Word
  880. Function: lowercase-word-command
  881. Key: M-L
  882. Topic: Text
  883. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  884. Convert one word to lower case, moving past it. With arg, applies to that many
  885. words backward or forward. If backward, the cursor does not move.
  886. ###101
  887. Command: M-X Prefix
  888. Function: m-x-prefix
  889. Key: C-M-X
  890. Key: M-X
  891. Action Type: Subsequent Command Modifier
  892. Read an extended command from the terminal with completion. Completion is
  893. performed by SPACE and RETURN. This command reads the name of an extended
  894. command, with completion, then executes that command. The command may itself
  895. prompt for input.
  896. ###102
  897. Command: Mark Beginning
  898. Function: mark-beginning-command
  899. Key: C-<
  900. Action Type: Mark
  901. Set mark at beginning of buffer.
  902. ###103
  903. Command: Mark Defun
  904. Function: mark-defun-command
  905. Key: C-M-BACKSPACE
  906. Key: C-M-H
  907. Key: M-BACKSPACE
  908. Mode: Lisp
  909. Topic: Lisp
  910. See Definition: Defun
  911. Action Type: Mark
  912. Put point and mark around this defun (or next).
  913. ###104
  914. Command: Mark End
  915. Function: mark-end-command
  916. Key: C->
  917. Action Type: Mark
  918. Set mark at end of buffer.
  919. ###105
  920. Command: Mark Form
  921. Function: mark-form-command
  922. Key: C-M-@
  923. Mode: Lisp
  924. Topic: Lisp
  925. Action Type: Mark
  926. Set mark after (n>0) or before (n<0) |n| forms from point where n is the command
  927. argument.
  928. ###106
  929. Command: Mark Paragraph
  930. Function: mark-paragraph-command
  931. Key: M-H
  932. Topic: Text
  933. See Definition: Paragraph
  934. Action Type: Mark
  935. Action Type: Move Point
  936. Put point and mark around this paragraph. In between paragraphs, puts it around
  937. the next one.
  938. ###107
  939. Command: Mark Whole Buffer
  940. Function: mark-whole-buffer-command
  941. Key: C-X H
  942. Action Type: Mark
  943. Action Type: Move Point
  944. Set point at beginning and mark at end of buffer. Pushes the old point on the
  945. mark first, so two pops restore it.
  946. ###108
  947. Command: Mark Word
  948. Function: mark-word-command
  949. Key: M-@
  950. Topic: Text
  951. Action Type: Mark
  952. Set mark after (n>0) or before (n<0) |n| words from point where n is the command
  953. argument.
  954. ###109
  955. Command: Move Backward Character
  956. Function: move-backward-character-command
  957. Key: C-B
  958. Key: ESC-D
  959. Action Type: Move Point
  960. Move back one character. With argument, move that many characters backward.
  961. Negative arguments move forward.
  962. ###110
  963. Command: Move Backward Defun
  964. Function: move-backward-defun-command
  965. Key: C-M-A
  966. Key: C-M-[
  967. Mode: Lisp
  968. Topic: Lisp
  969. See Definition: Defun
  970. Action Type: Move Point
  971. Move to beginning of this or previous defun. With a negative argument, moves
  972. forward to the beginning of a defun.
  973. ###111
  974. Command: Move Backward Form
  975. Function: move-backward-form-command
  976. Key: C-M-B
  977. Mode: Lisp
  978. Topic: Lisp
  979. Action Type: Move Point
  980. Move back one form. With argument, move that many forms backward. Negative
  981. arguments move forward.
  982. ###112
  983. Command: Move Backward List
  984. Function: move-backward-list-command
  985. Key: C-M-P
  986. Mode: Lisp
  987. Topic: Lisp
  988. Action Type: Move Point
  989. Move back one list. With argument, move that many lists backward. Negative
  990. arguments move forward.
  991. ###113
  992. Command: Move Backward Word
  993. Function: move-backward-word-command
  994. Key: ESC-4
  995. Key: M-B
  996. Topic: Text
  997. Action Type: Move Point
  998. Move back one word. With argument, move that many words backward. Negative
  999. arguments move forward.
  1000. ###114
  1001. Command: Move Down
  1002. Function: move-down-command
  1003. Key: ESC-B
  1004. See Global: Goal Column
  1005. Action Type: Move Point
  1006. Move point down a line. If a command argument n is given, move point down (n>0)
  1007. or up (n<0) by |n| lines.
  1008. ###115
  1009. Command: Move Down Extending
  1010. Function: move-down-extending-command
  1011. Key: C-N
  1012. See Global: Goal Column
  1013. Action Type: Move Point
  1014. Move down vertically to next line. If given an argument moves down (n>0) or up
  1015. (n<0) |n| lines where n is the command argument. If given without an argument
  1016. after the last LF in the buffer, makes a new one at the end.
  1017. ###116
  1018. Command: Move Forward Character
  1019. Function: move-forward-character-command
  1020. Key: C-F
  1021. Key: ESC-C
  1022. Action Type: Move Point
  1023. Move forward one character. With argument, move that many characters forward.
  1024. Negative args move backward.
  1025. ###117
  1026. Command: Move Forward Form
  1027. Function: move-forward-form-command
  1028. Key: C-M-F
  1029. Mode: Lisp
  1030. Topic: Lisp
  1031. Action Type: Move Point
  1032. Move forward one form. With argument, move that many forms forward. Negative
  1033. args move backward.
  1034. ###118
  1035. Command: Move Forward List
  1036. Function: move-forward-list-command
  1037. Key: C-M-N
  1038. Mode: Lisp
  1039. Topic: Lisp
  1040. Action Type: Move Point
  1041. Move forward one list. With argument, move that many lists forward. Negative
  1042. args move backward.
  1043. ###119
  1044. Command: Move Forward Word
  1045. Function: move-forward-word-command
  1046. Key: ESC-5
  1047. Key: M-F
  1048. Topic: Text
  1049. Action Type: Move Point
  1050. Move forward one word. With argument, move that many words forward. Negative
  1051. args move backward.
  1052. ###120
  1053. Command: Move To Buffer End
  1054. Function: move-to-buffer-end-command
  1055. Key: ESC-F
  1056. Key: M->
  1057. Action Type: Move Point
  1058. Go to end of buffer (leaving mark behind).
  1059. ###121
  1060. Command: Move To Buffer Start
  1061. Function: move-to-buffer-start-command
  1062. Key: ESC-H
  1063. Key: M-<
  1064. Action Type: Move Point
  1065. Go to beginning of buffer (leaving mark behind).
  1066. ###122
  1067. Command: Move To End Of Line
  1068. Function: move-to-end-of-line-command
  1069. Key: C-E
  1070. Action Type: Move Point
  1071. Move point to end of line. With positive argument n goes down n-1 lines, then
  1072. to the end of line. With zero argument goes up a line, then to line end. With
  1073. negative argument n goes up |n|+1 lines, then to the end of line.
  1074. ###123
  1075. Command: Move To Screen Edge
  1076. Function: move-to-screen-edge-command
  1077. Key: M-R
  1078. Action Type: Move Point
  1079. Jump to top or bottom of screen. Like Control-L except that point is changed
  1080. instead of the window. With no argument, jumps to the center. An argument
  1081. specifies the number of lines from the top, (negative args count from the
  1082. bottom).
  1083. ###124
  1084. Command: Move To Start Of Line
  1085. Function: move-to-start-of-line-command
  1086. Key: C-A
  1087. Action Type: Move Point
  1088. Move point to beginning of line. With positive argument n goes down n-1 lines,
  1089. then to the beginning of line. With zero argument goes up a line, then to line
  1090. beginning. With negative argument n goes up |n|+1 lines, then to the beginning
  1091. of line.
  1092. ###125
  1093. Command: Move Up
  1094. Function: move-up-command
  1095. Key: C-P
  1096. Key: ESC-A
  1097. See Global: Goal Column
  1098. Action Type: Move Point
  1099. Move up vertically to next line. If given an argument moves up (n>0) or down
  1100. (n<0) |n| lines where n is the command argument.
  1101. ###126
  1102. Command: Negative Argument
  1103. Function: negative-argument
  1104. Key: C--
  1105. Key: C-M--
  1106. Key: M--
  1107. Action Type: Subsequent Command Modifier
  1108. Make argument to next command negative.
  1109. ###127
  1110. Command: Next Screen
  1111. Function: next-screen-command
  1112. Key: C-V
  1113. Action Type: Move Point
  1114. Move down to display next screenful of text. With argument, moves window down
  1115. <arg> lines (negative moves up). Just minus as an argument moves up a full
  1116. screen.
  1117. ###128
  1118. Command: Nmode Abort
  1119. Function: nmode-abort-command
  1120. Key: C-G
  1121. Action Type: Escape
  1122. This command provides a way of aborting input requests.
  1123. ###129
  1124. Command: Nmode Exit To Superior
  1125. Function: nmode-exit-to-superior
  1126. Key: C-X C-Z
  1127. Action Type: Escape
  1128. Go back to EMACS's superior job.
  1129. ###130
  1130. Command: Nmode Full Refresh
  1131. Function: nmode-full-refresh
  1132. Key: ESC-J
  1133. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1134. This function refreshes the screen after first clearing the display. It it used
  1135. when the state of the display is in doubt.
  1136. ###131
  1137. Command: Nmode Gc
  1138. Function: nmode-gc
  1139. Key: M-X Make Space
  1140. Reclaims any internal wasted space.
  1141. ###132
  1142. Command: Nmode Invert Video
  1143. Function: nmode-invert-video
  1144. Key: C-X V
  1145. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1146. Toggle between normal and inverse video.
  1147. ###133
  1148. Command: Nmode Refresh
  1149. Function: nmode-refresh-command
  1150. Key: C-L
  1151. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1152. Choose new window putting point at center, top or bottom. With no argument,
  1153. chooses a window to put point at the center. An argument gives the line to put
  1154. point on; negative args count from the bottom.
  1155. ###134
  1156. Command: One Window
  1157. Function: one-window-command
  1158. Key: C-X 1
  1159. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1160. Display only one window. Normally, we display what used to be in the top
  1161. window, but a numeric argument says to display what was in the bottom one.
  1162. ###135
  1163. Command: Open Line
  1164. Function: open-line-command
  1165. Key: C-O
  1166. Key: ESC-L
  1167. Action Type: Insert Constant
  1168. Insert a CRLF after point. Differs from ordinary insertion in that point
  1169. remains before the inserted characters. With positive argument, inserts several
  1170. CRLFs. With negative argument does nothing.
  1171. ###136
  1172. Command: Other Window
  1173. Function: other-window-command
  1174. Key: C-X O
  1175. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1176. Action Type: Move Point
  1177. Switch to the other window. In two-window mode, moves cursor to other window.
  1178. In one-window mode, exchanges contents of visible window with remembered
  1179. contents of (invisible) window two. An argument means switch windows but select
  1180. the same buffer in the other window.
  1181. ###137
  1182. Command: Prepend To File
  1183. Function: prepend-to-file-command
  1184. Key: M-X Prepend To File
  1185. Topic: Files
  1186. See Definition: Region
  1187. Action Type: Move Data
  1188. Append region to start of specified file.
  1189. ###138
  1190. Command: Previous Screen
  1191. Function: previous-screen-command
  1192. Key: M-V
  1193. Action Type: Move Point
  1194. Move up to display previous screenful of text. When an argument is present,
  1195. move the window back (n>0) or forward (n<0) |n| lines, where n is the command
  1196. argument.
  1197. ###139
  1198. Command: Put Register
  1199. Function: put-register-command
  1200. Key: C-X X
  1201. Action Type: Preserve
  1202. Put point to mark into register (reads name from keyboard). With an argument,
  1203. the text is also deleted.
  1204. ###140
  1205. Command: Query Replace
  1206. Function: query-replace-command
  1207. Key: M-%
  1208. Key: M-X Query Replace
  1209. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1210. Action Type: Select
  1211. Replace occurrences of a string from point to the end of the buffer, asking
  1212. about each occurrence. Query Replace prompts for the string to be replaced and
  1213. for its potential replacement. Query Replace displays each occurrence of the
  1214. string to be replaced, you then type a character to say what to do. Space =>
  1215. replace it with the potential replacement and show the next copy. Rubout =>
  1216. don't replace, but show next copy. Comma => replace this copy and show result,
  1217. waiting for next command. ^ => return to site of previous copy. ^L =>
  1218. redisplay screen. Exclamation mark => replace all remaining copys without
  1219. asking. Period => replace this copy and exit. Escape => just exit.
  1220. ###141
  1221. Command: Rename Buffer
  1222. Function: rename-buffer-command
  1223. Key: M-X Rename Buffer
  1224. Topic: Buffers
  1225. Action Type: Set Global Variable
  1226. Change the name of the current buffer. The new name is read from the keyboard.
  1227. If the user provides an empty string, the buffer name will be set to a truncated
  1228. version of the filename associated with the buffer.
  1229. ###142
  1230. Command: Replace String
  1231. Function: replace-string-command
  1232. Key: C-%
  1233. Key: M-X Replace String
  1234. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1235. Action Type: Select
  1236. Replace string with another from point to buffer end.
  1237. ###143
  1238. Command: Reposition Window
  1239. Function: reposition-window-command
  1240. Key: C-M-R
  1241. Mode: Lisp
  1242. Topic: Lisp
  1243. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1244. Reposition screen window appropriately. Tries to get all of current defun on
  1245. screen. Never moves the pointer.
  1246. ###144
  1247. Command: Return
  1248. Function: return-command
  1249. Key: RETURN
  1250. Action Type: Insert Constant
  1251. Insert CRLF, or move onto empty line. Repeated by positive argument. No action
  1252. with negative argument.
  1253. ###145
  1254. Command: Reverse Search
  1255. Function: reverse-search-command
  1256. Key: C-R
  1257. See Command: Incremental Search
  1258. Action Type: Move Point
  1259. Action Type: Select
  1260. Incremental Search Backwards. Like Control-S but in reverse.
  1261. ###146
  1262. Command: Revert File
  1263. Function: revert-file-command
  1264. Key: M-X Revert File
  1265. Topic: Files
  1266. Action Type: Remove
  1267. Undo changes to a file. Reads back the file being edited from disk
  1268. ###147
  1269. Command: Save All Files
  1270. Function: save-all-files-command
  1271. Key: M-X Save All Files
  1272. Topic: Buffers
  1273. Topic: Files
  1274. Action Type: Preserve
  1275. Offer to write back each buffer which may need it. For each buffer which is
  1276. visiting a file and which has been modified, you are asked whether to save it.
  1277. A numeric arg means don't ask; save everything.
  1278. ###148
  1279. Command: Save File
  1280. Function: save-file-command
  1281. Key: C-X C-S
  1282. Topic: Files
  1283. Action Type: Preserve
  1284. Save visited file on disk if modified.
  1285. ###149
  1286. Command: Scroll Other Window
  1287. Function: scroll-other-window-command
  1288. Key: C-M-V
  1289. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1290. Scroll other window up several lines. Specify the number as a numeric argument,
  1291. negative for down. The default is a whole screenful up. Just Meta-Minus as
  1292. argument means scroll a whole screenful down.
  1293. ###150
  1294. Command: Scroll Window Down Line
  1295. Function: scroll-window-down-line-command
  1296. Key: ESC-T
  1297. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1298. Scroll the contents of the window down (n > 0) or up (n < 0) by |n| lines where
  1299. n is the command argument. The "window position" may be adjusted to keep it
  1300. within the window. Ding if the window contents does not move.
  1301. ###151
  1302. Command: Scroll Window Down Page
  1303. Function: scroll-window-down-page-command
  1304. Key: ESC-V
  1305. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1306. Scroll the contents of the window down (n > 0) or up (n < 0) by |n| screenfuls
  1307. where n is the command argument. The "window position" may be adjusted to keep
  1308. it within the window. Ding if the window contents does not move.
  1309. ###152
  1310. Command: Scroll Window Left
  1311. Function: scroll-window-left-command
  1312. Key: C-X <
  1313. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1314. Scroll the contents of the specified window right (n > 0) or left (n < 0) by |n|
  1315. columns where n is the command argument.
  1316. ###153
  1317. Command: Scroll Window Right
  1318. Function: scroll-window-right-command
  1319. Key: C-X >
  1320. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1321. Scroll the contents of the specified window left (n > 0) or right (n < 0) by |n|
  1322. columns where n is the command argument.
  1323. ###154
  1324. Command: Scroll Window Up Line
  1325. Function: scroll-window-up-line-command
  1326. Key: ESC-S
  1327. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1328. Scroll the contents of the window up (n > 0) or down (n < 0) by |n| lines where
  1329. n is the command argument. The "window position" may be adjusted to keep it
  1330. within the window. Ding if the window contents does not move.
  1331. ###155
  1332. Command: Scroll Window Up Page
  1333. Function: scroll-window-up-page-command
  1334. Key: ESC-U
  1335. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1336. Scroll the contents of the window up (n > 0) or down (n < 0) by |n| screenfuls
  1337. where n is the command argument. The "window position" may be adjusted to keep
  1338. it within the window. Ding if the window contents does not move.
  1339. ###156
  1340. Command: Select Buffer
  1341. Function: select-buffer-command
  1342. Key: C-X B
  1343. Key: M-X Select Buffer
  1344. Topic: Buffers
  1345. Action Type: Move Point
  1346. Select or create buffer with specified name. Buffer name is read from keyboard.
  1347. Name completion is performed by SPACE and RETURN.
  1348. ###157
  1349. Command: Select Previous Buffer
  1350. Function: select-previous-buffer-command
  1351. Key: C-M-L
  1352. Topic: Buffers
  1353. Action Type: Move Point
  1354. Select the previous buffer of the current buffer, if it exists and is
  1355. selectable. Otherwise, select the MAIN buffer.
  1356. ###158
  1357. Command: Set Fill Column
  1358. Function: set-fill-column-command
  1359. Key: C-X F
  1360. See Global: Fill Column
  1361. Action Type: Set Global Variable
  1362. Set fill column to numeric arg or current column. If there is an argument, that
  1363. is used. Otherwise, the current position of the cursor is used. The Fill
  1364. Column variable controls where Auto Fill mode and the fill commands put the
  1365. right margin.
  1366. ###159
  1367. Command: Set Fill Prefix
  1368. Function: set-fill-prefix-command
  1369. Key: C-X .
  1370. See Global: Fill Prefix
  1371. Action Type: Set Global Variable
  1372. Defines Fill Prefix from current line. All of the current line up to point
  1373. becomes the value of Fill Prefix. Auto Fill Mode inserts the prefix on each
  1374. line; the Fill Paragraph command assumes that each non-blank line starts with
  1375. the prefix (which is ignored for filling purposes). To stop using a Fill
  1376. Prefix, do Control-X . at the front of a line.
  1377. ###160
  1378. Command: Set Goal Column
  1379. Function: set-goal-column-command
  1380. Key: C-X C-N
  1381. Action Type: Set Global Variable
  1382. Set (or flush) a permanent goal for vertical motion. With no argument, makes
  1383. the current column the goal for vertical motion commands. They will always try
  1384. to go to that column. With argument, clears out any previously set goal. Only
  1385. Control-P and Control-N are affected.
  1386. ###161
  1387. Command: Set Key
  1388. Function: set-key-command
  1389. Key: M-X Set Key
  1390. Action Type: Set Global Variable
  1391. Put a function on a key. The function name is a string argument. The key is
  1392. always read from the terminal (not a string argument). It may contain metizers
  1393. and other prefix characters.
  1394. ###162
  1395. Command: Set Mark
  1396. Function: set-mark-command
  1397. Key: C-@
  1398. Key: C-SPACE
  1399. Action Type: Mark
  1400. Sets or pops the mark. With no ^U's, pushes point as the mark. With one ^U,
  1401. pops the mark into point. With two ^U's, pops the mark and throws it away.
  1402. ###163
  1403. Command: Set Visited Filename
  1404. Function: set-visited-filename-command
  1405. Key: M-X Set Visited Filename
  1406. Topic: Files
  1407. Action Type: Set Global Variable
  1408. Change visited filename, without writing file. The user is prompted for a
  1409. filename. What NMODE believes to be the name of the visited file associated
  1410. with the current buffer is set from the user's input. No file's name is
  1411. actually changed.
  1412. ###164
  1413. Command: Split Line
  1414. Function: split-line-command
  1415. Key: C-M-O
  1416. Action Type: Insert Constant
  1417. Move rest of this line vertically down. Inserts a CRLF, and then enough
  1418. tabs/spaces so that what had been the rest of the current line is indented as
  1419. much as it had been. Point does not move, except to skip over indentation that
  1420. originally followed it. With positive argument, makes extra blank lines in
  1421. between. No action with negative argument.
  1422. ###165
  1423. Command: Start Scripting
  1424. Function: start-scripting-command
  1425. Key: M-X Start Scripting
  1426. Action Type: Change Mode
  1427. This function prompts the user for a buffer name, into which it will copy all
  1428. the user's commands (as well as executing them) until the stop-scripting-command
  1429. is invoked. This command supercedes any such previous request. Note that to
  1430. keep the lines of reasonable length, free Newlines will be inserted from time to
  1431. time. Because of this, and because many file systems cannot represent stray
  1432. Newlines, the Newline character is itself scripted as a CR followed by a TAB,
  1433. since this is its normal definition. Someday, perhaps, this hack will be
  1434. replaced by a better one.
  1435. ###166
  1436. Command: Start Timing
  1437. Function: start-timing-command
  1438. Key: M-X Start Timing Nmode
  1439. Action Type: Change Mode
  1440. This cleans up a number of global variables associated with timing, prompts for
  1441. a file in which to put the timing data (or defaults to a file named "timing", of
  1442. type "txt"), and starts the timing. Information is collected on the total time,
  1443. refresh time, read time, command execution time, total number of cons cells
  1444. built, and total number of garbage collections performed.
  1445. ###167
  1446. Command: Stop Scripting
  1447. Function: stop-scripting-command
  1448. Key: M-X Stop Scripting
  1449. Action Type: Change Mode
  1450. This command stops the echoing of user commands into a script buffer. This
  1451. command is itself echoed before the creation of the script stops.
  1452. ###168
  1453. Command: Stop Timing
  1454. Function: stop-timing-command
  1455. Key: M-X Stop Timing Nmode
  1456. Action Type: Change Mode
  1457. This stops the timing, formats the output data, and closes the file into which
  1458. the timing information is going. Information is collected on the total time,
  1459. refresh time, read time, command execution time, total number of cons cells
  1460. built, and total number of garbage collections performed. In addition to these
  1461. numbers, some ratios are printed.
  1462. ###169
  1463. Command: Tab To Tab Stop
  1464. Function: tab-to-tab-stop-command
  1465. Key: M-I
  1466. Key: M-TAB
  1467. Key: TAB
  1468. See Command: Lisp Tab
  1469. Action Type: Insert Constant
  1470. Insert a tab character. Note that the binding of TAB to this command only holds
  1471. in text mode, not in lisp mode, where it is bound to the Lisp Tab command. In
  1472. lisp mode, the other keys continue to be bound to this command.
  1473. ###170
  1474. Command: Text Mode
  1475. Function: text-mode-command
  1476. Key: M-X Text Mode
  1477. Topic: Text
  1478. Action Type: Change Mode
  1479. Set things up for editing English text. Tab inserts tab characters. There are
  1480. no comments. Auto Fill does not indent new lines.
  1481. ###171
  1482. Command: Transpose Characters
  1483. Function: transpose-characters-command
  1484. Key: C-T
  1485. See Command: Transpose Words
  1486. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1487. Transpose the characters before and after the cursor. For more details, see
  1488. Meta-T, reading "character" for "word". However: at the end of a line, with no
  1489. argument, the preceding two characters are transposed.
  1490. ###172
  1491. Command: Transpose Forms
  1492. Function: transpose-forms
  1493. Key: C-M-T
  1494. Mode: Lisp
  1495. Topic: Lisp
  1496. See Command: Transpose Words
  1497. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1498. Transpose the forms before and after the cursor. For more details, see Meta-T,
  1499. reading "Form" for "Word".
  1500. ###173
  1501. Command: Transpose Lines
  1502. Function: transpose-lines
  1503. Key: C-X C-T
  1504. See Command: Transpose Words
  1505. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1506. Transpose the lines before and after the cursor. For more details, see Meta-T,
  1507. reading "Line" for "Word".
  1508. ###174
  1509. Command: Transpose Regions
  1510. Function: transpose-regions
  1511. Key: C-X T
  1512. See Definition: Region
  1513. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1514. Transpose regions defined by cursor and last 3 marks. To transpose two
  1515. non-overlapping regions, set the mark successively at three of the four
  1516. boundaries, put point at the fourth, and call this function.
  1517. ###175
  1518. Command: Transpose Words
  1519. Function: transpose-words
  1520. Key: M-T
  1521. Topic: Text
  1522. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1523. Transpose the words before and after the cursor. With a positive argument it
  1524. transposes the words before and after the cursor, moves right, and repeats the
  1525. specified number of times, dragging the word to the left of the cursor right.
  1526. With a negative argument, it transposes the two words to the left of the cursor,
  1527. moves between them, and repeats the specified number of times, exactly undoing
  1528. the positive argument form. With a zero argument, it transposes the words at
  1529. point and mark.
  1530. ###176
  1531. Command: Two Windows
  1532. Function: two-windows-command
  1533. Key: C-X 2
  1534. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1535. Show two windows and select window two. An argument > 1 means give window 2 the
  1536. same buffer as in Window 1.
  1537. ###177
  1538. Command: Undelete File
  1539. Function: undelete-file-command
  1540. Key: M-X Undelete File
  1541. Topic: Files
  1542. Action Type: Move Data
  1543. Action Type: Preserve
  1544. This command prompts the user for the name of the file. NMODE will fill in a
  1545. partly specified filename (eg filetype can be defaulted). If possible, the file
  1546. will then be undeleted, and a message to that effect will be displayed. If the
  1547. operation fails, the bell will sound.
  1548. ###178
  1549. Command: Universal Argument
  1550. Function: universal-argument
  1551. Key: C-U
  1552. Action Type: Subsequent Command Modifier
  1553. Sets argument or multiplies it by four. Followed by digits, uses them to
  1554. specify the argument for the command after the digits. If not followed by
  1555. digits, multiplies the argument by four.
  1556. ###179
  1557. Command: Unkill Previous
  1558. Function: unkill-previous
  1559. Key: M-Y
  1560. See Global: Kill Ring
  1561. See Definition: Region
  1562. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1563. Delete (without saving away) the current region, and then unkill (yank) the
  1564. specified entry in the kill ring. "Ding" if the current region does not contain
  1565. the same text as the current entry in the kill ring. If one has just retrieved
  1566. the top entry from the kill ring this has the effect of displaying the item just
  1567. beneath it, then the item beneath that and so on until the original top entry
  1568. rotates back into view.
  1569. ###180
  1570. Command: Upcase Digit
  1571. Function: upcase-digit-command
  1572. Key: M-'
  1573. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1574. Convert last digit to shifted character. Looks on current line back from point,
  1575. and previous line. The first time you use this command, it asks you to type the
  1576. row of digits from 1 to 9 and then 0, holding down Shift, to determine how your
  1577. keyboard is set up.
  1578. ###181
  1579. Command: Uppercase Initial
  1580. Function: uppercase-initial-command
  1581. Key: M-C
  1582. Topic: Text
  1583. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1584. Put next word in lower case, but capitalize initial. With arg, applies to that
  1585. many words backward or forward. If backward, the cursor does not move.
  1586. ###182
  1587. Command: Uppercase Region
  1588. Function: uppercase-region-command
  1589. Key: C-X C-U
  1590. See Definition: Region
  1591. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1592. Convert region to upper case.
  1593. ###183
  1594. Command: Uppercase Word
  1595. Function: uppercase-word-command
  1596. Key: M-U
  1597. Topic: Text
  1598. Action Type: Alter Existing Text
  1599. Convert one word to upper case, moving past it. With arg, applies to that many
  1600. words backward or forward. If backward, the cursor does not move.
  1601. ###184
  1602. Command: View Two Windows
  1603. Function: view-two-windows-command
  1604. Key: C-X 3
  1605. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1606. Show two windows but stay in first.
  1607. ###185
  1608. Command: Visit File
  1609. Function: visit-file-command
  1610. Key: C-X C-V
  1611. Key: M-X Visit File
  1612. Topic: Files
  1613. Action Type: Move Data
  1614. Action Type: Move Point
  1615. Visit new file in current buffer. The user is prompted for the filename. If
  1616. the current buffer is modified, the user is asked whether to write it out.
  1617. ###186
  1618. Command: Visit In Other Window
  1619. Function: visit-in-other-window-command
  1620. Key: C-X 4
  1621. Topic: Files
  1622. Topic: Buffers
  1623. Action Type: Move Point
  1624. Action Type: Alter Display Format
  1625. Find buffer or file in other window. Follow this command by B and a buffer
  1626. name, or by F and a file name. We find the buffer or file in the other window,
  1627. creating the other window if necessary.
  1628. ###187
  1629. Command: What Cursor Position
  1630. Function: what-cursor-position-command
  1631. Key: C-=
  1632. Key: C-X =
  1633. Action Type: Inform
  1634. Print various things about where cursor is. Print the X position, the Y
  1635. position, the octal code for the following character, point absolutely and as a
  1636. percentage of the total file size, and the virtual boundaries, if any. If a
  1637. positive argument is given point will jump to the line number specified by the
  1638. argument. A negative argument triggers a jump to the first line in the buffer.
  1639. ###188
  1640. Command: Write File
  1641. Function: write-file-command
  1642. Key: C-X C-W
  1643. Key: M-X Write File
  1644. Topic: Files
  1645. Action Type: Preserve
  1646. Prompts for file name. Stores the current buffer in specified file. This file
  1647. becomes the one being visited.
  1648. ###189
  1649. Command: Write Region
  1650. Function: write-region-command
  1651. Key: M-X Write Region
  1652. Topic: Files
  1653. See Definition: Region
  1654. Action Type: Preserve
  1655. Write region to file. Prompts for file name.
  1656. ###190
  1657. Command: Write Screen Photo
  1658. Function: write-screen-photo-command
  1659. Key: C-X P
  1660. Topic: Files
  1661. Action Type: Preserve
  1662. Ask for filename, write out the screen to the file.
  1663. ###191
  1664. Command: Yank Last Output
  1665. Function: yank-last-output-command
  1666. Key: Lisp-Y
  1667. Mode: Lisp
  1668. Topic: Lisp
  1669. Action Type: Move Data
  1670. Insert "last output" typed in the OUTPUT buffer.