123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409 |
- @Make(article)
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- @LibraryFile(PSLMacrosNames)
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- @pageheading(Left "Utah Symbolic Computation Group",
- Right "July 1982",
- Line "Operating Note No. 71"
- )
- @set(page=1)
- @newpage()
- @Begin(TitlePage)
- @begin(TitleBox)
- @center[
- @b(The PSL Bootstrap Test Files)
- M. L. Griss, S. Lowder, E. Gibson, E. Benson,
- R. R. Kessler, and G. Q. Maguire Jr.
- Utah Symbolic Computation Group
- Computer Science Department
- University of Utah
- Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
- (801)-581-5017
- @value(date)]
- @end(TitleBox)
- @begin(abstract)
- This note describes how use a suite of tests designed to exhaustively
- exercise all facets of the PSL bootstrap sequence. Each test is a step
- towards boostrapping a complete mini-LISP and then complete PSL.
- @end(abstract)
- @begin(ResearchCredit)
- Work supported in part by the National Science Foundation
- under Grant No. MCS-8204247, and by Lawrence Livermore Laboratories under
- Subcontract No. 7752601.
- @end(ResearchCredit)
- @end(TitlePage)
- @pageheading(Left "PSL Testing",
- Right "Page @Value(Page)"
- )
- @set(Page=1)
- @newpage()
- @section(Introduction)
- In order to accomplish the PSL bootstrap with a minimum of fuss, a carefully
- graded set of tests is being developed, to help pinpoint each error as
- rapidly as possible. This preliminary note describes the current status
- of the test files. The first phase requires the coding of an initial
- machine dependent I/O package and its testing using a familar system language.
- Then the code-generator macros can be succesively tested, making calls on this
- I/O package as needed. Following this is a series of graded SYSLISP files,
- each relying on the correct working of a large set of SYSLISP constructs.
- At the end of this sequence, a fairly complete "mini-LISP" is obtained.
- At last the complete PSL interpreter is bootstrapped, and a variety of
- PSL functional and timing tests are run.
- @section(Basic I/O Support)
- The test suite requires a package of I/O routines to read and print
- characters, and print integers. These support routines are usually written
- in a "foreign" language (call it "F"), such as PASCAL, C or FORTRAN; they
- could also be coded in LAP, using CMACROs to call operating system
- commands, if simple enough. (E.g., JSYS's on DEC-20, Traps on 68000, etc.).
- These routines typically are limited to using the user's terminal/console
- for input and output. Later steps in the bootstraping sequence introduce a
- more complete stream based I/O module, with file-IO.
- On some systems, it is appropriate to have a main routine written in "F"
- which initializes various things, and then calls the "LISP" entry point; on
- others, it is better to have "LISP" as the main routine, and have it call
- the initialization routines itself. In any event, it is best to first write
- a MAIN routine in "F", have it call a subroutine (called, say TEST), which
- then calls the basic I/O routines to test them. The documentation for the
- operating system should be consulted to determine the subroutine calling
- conventions. Often, the "F" compiler has an "ASSEMBLY Listing switch",
- which can be turned on to see how the standard "F" to "F" calling sequence
- is constructed, and to give some useful guidance to writing correct
- assembly code. This can also be misleading, if the assembler switch only
- shows part of the assembly code, thus the user is cautioned to examine
- both the code and the documentation.
- On directory PT: (which stands for /psl/tests or <PSL.TESTS>), or its
- subdirectories, we have a number of sample I/O packages, written in various
- languages: PASCAL, FORTRAN, C and DEC20 assembly code. Each has been used
- successfully with some PSL bootstrap. The primitives provided in these
- files are often named XXX-yyyy, where XXX is the machine name, and yyyy is
- the primitive, provided that these are legal symbols. Of course, the name
- XXX-yyyy may have to be changed to conform to "F" and the associated linker
- symbol conventions. Each name XXX-yyyy will be flagged as a
- "ForeignFunction", and called by a non-LISP convention.
- The following is a brief description of each primitive, and its use. For
- uniformity we assume each "foreign" primitive gets a single integer
- argument, which it may use, ignore, or change (VAR c:integer in PASCAL).
- @Comment{Is this assumed to be a WORD size quantity, i.e. on the 68000 a 32
- bit quantity or can it be a small integer???}
- The following routines ("yyyy") in LISP, will be associated with the
- corresponding "foreign" routine "XXX-yyyy" in an appropriate way:
- @begin(description)
- init(C)@\Called once to set up I/O channels, open devices, print welcome
- message, initialize timer. Ignores the argument C.
- Quit()@\Called to terminate execution; may close all open files. C is
- ignored.
- PutC(C)@\C is the ASCII equivalent of a character, and is printed out
- without line termination (I/O buffering may be needed). C=EOL=10 (ASCII LF)
- @Comment{does this mean that the character should appear right away, or can
- it wait till the EOL is sent???}
- will be used to signal end-of-line, C=EOF=26 (ASCII SUB) will be used to
- signal end of file.
- GetC()@\Returns the ASCII equivalent of the next input character;
- C=EOL=10 for end of line, and C=EOF=26 for end of file. Note it is
- assumed that GetC does not echo the character.
- TimC()@\Returns the runtime since the start of this program, in
- milli-seconds, unless micro-seconds is more appropriate. For testing
- purposes this routine could also print out the time since last called.
- PutI(C)@\Print C as an integer, until a SYSLISP based Integer printer that
- calls XXX-PutC works. This function is used to print integers in the
- initial tests before the full I/O implementation is ready.
- Err(C)@\Called in test code if an error occurs, and prints C as an
- error number. It should then call Quit() .
- @end(description)
- As a simple test of these routines implement in "F" the following. Based on
- the "MainEntryPointName!*" set in XXX-ASM.RED, and the decision as to
- whether the Main toutine is in "F" or in "LISP", XXX-MAIN() is the main
- routine or first subroutine called:
- @begin(verbatim)
- CALL XXX-PUTI(1); % Print a 1 for first test
- CALL XXX-PUTC(10); % EOL to flush line
- CALL XXX-PUTI(2); % Second test
- CALL XXX-PUTC(65); % A capital "A"
- CALL XXX-PUTC(66); % A capital "B"
- CALL XXX-PUTC(97); % A lowercase "a"
- CALL XXX-PUTC(98); % A lowercase "b"
- CALL XXX-PUTC(10); % EOL to flush line
- CALL XXX-PUTI(3); % Third test, type in "AB<cr>"
- CALL XXX-PUTC(C); % Should print A65
- CALL XXX-PUTC(C); % Should print B66
- CALL XXX-PUTI(C); % should print 10 and EOL
- CALL XXX-PUTI(4); % Last Test
- CALL XXX-ERR(100);
- CALL XXX-PUTC(26); % EOF to flush buffer
- % END
- @end(verbatim)
- For examples, see PT20:20IO.MAC for DEC-20 version, PHP:HP.TEXT for HP9836
- PASCAL version, PCR:shell for CRAY fortran version.
- @section(LAP and CMACRO Tests)
- After the basic XXX-ASM.RED file has been written and the XXX-CROSS.EXE has
- been built, and seems to be working, an exhastive set of CMACRO tests
- should be run. The emitted code should be carefully examined, and the
- XXX-CMAC.SL adjusted as seems necessary. Part of the CMACRO tests are to
- ensure that !*MOVEs in and out of the registers, and the ForeignFunction
- calling mechanism work.
- @section(SysLisp Tests)
- This set of tests involve the compilation to target assmbly code, the
- linking and execution of a series of increasingly more complex tests. The
- tests are organized as a set of modules, called by a main driver. Two of
- these files are machine dependent, associating convenient LISP names and
- calling conventions with the "Foreign" XXX-yyyy function, define
- basic data-spaces, define external definitions of them for inclusion, and
- also provide the appropriate MAIN routine, if needed. These files
- should probably be put on a separte subdirectory of PT: (e.g., PT20:,
- PT68:, etc.)
- The machine dependent files are:
- @begin(description)
- XXX-HEADER.RED@\Is a machine dependent "main" include file, read into each
- MAINn.RED file, to define the data-spaces needed, and perhaps define a main
- routine in LAP, and have the appropriate XXX-MAIN call the "FirstCall"
- function, used to start the body of the test. Also included are the
- interface routines to the "F" coded I/O package. providing a set of LISP
- entry-points to the XXX-yyy functions. This should be copied and edited
- for the new target machine as needed. Notice that in most cases, it simply
- defines "procedure yyyy(x); XXX-yyyy(x);", relying on "ForeignFunction"
- declaration of XXX-yyyy. Notice that "UndefinedFunction" is defined in
- LAP, to call Err, as appropriate. This will trap some erroneous calls,
- since a call to it is planted in all "unused" SYMFNC cells. Some effort to
- make it pick up the ID number of the offending undefined function (by
- carefully choosing the instructions to be planted in the function cell),
- will be a great help. Once coded and tested by running MAIN1, it need not
- be changed for the subsequent MAINn/SUBn combinations to work.
- XXX-TEST-GLOBAL-DATA.RED@\This contains a series of external declarations
- to correspond to the Global Data definitions in the above header file
- file. It is automatically included in all but the MAINn module via the
- "GlobalDataFileName!*" option of XXX-ASM.RED.
- @end(description)
- The machine independent test files and drivers are:
- @begin(description)
- MAIN1.RED@\Is a very simple driver, that calls Getc and Putc, does a few
- tests. It does an 'IN "XXX-HEADER.RED";'. The "FirstCall" procedure
- then calls "init", uses "putc" to print AB on one
- line. It should then print factorial 10, and some timings for 1000 calls
- on Factorial 9 and Tak(18,12,6). Build by iteself, and run with IO.
- @Comment{This seems to hide the assumption that 10! can be done in the
- integer size of the test implementation.??? }
- SUB2.RED@\Defines a simple print function, to print ID's, Integer's,
- Strings and Dotted pairs in terms of repeated calls on PutC. Defines
- TERPRI, PRIN1, PRIN2, PRINT, PRIN2T and a few other auxilliary print functions
- used in other tests. Tries to print "nice" list notation.
- MAIN2.RED@\Uses Prin2String to print a welcome message, solicit a sequence of
- characters to be input, terminated by "#". Watch how end-of-line is handled.
- Then Print is called, to check that TAG's are correctly recognized,
- by printing a LISP integer, an ID and 2 dotted pairs. Requires SUB2 and IO modules.
- SUB3.RED@\Defines a mini-allocator, with the functions CONS, XCONS and NCONS,
- GTHEAP, GTSTR. Requires primitives in SUB2 module.
- MAIN3.RED@\First Executes a Casetest, trying a variety of Branches and
- Defaults in the case staement. There a number of calls on Ctest with an
- integer from -1 to 12; Ctest tries to classify its argument using a case
- statement. ConsTest simply calls the mini-allocator version of CONS to build
- up a list and then prints it. Requires SUB2, SUB3 and IO modules.
- SUB4.RED@\Defines a mini-reader, with RATOM and READ. This mini-READ
- does not read vectors, and does not know about the escape character, ! .
- Requires SUB3, SUB2, and IO modules.
- MAIN4.RED@\The test loop calls
- RATOM, printing the internal representation of each token.
- Type in a series of id's, integer's, string'ss etc. Watch that same ID goes
- to same place. After typing a Q, goes into a READ-PRINT loop, until Q is
- again input. Requires SUB3, SUB2 and IO modules.
- SUB5.RED@\Defines a mini-EVAL. Does not permit user define functions.
- Can eval ID's, numbers, and simple forms. No LAMBDA expressions.
- FEXPR Functions known are: QUOTE, SETQ and LIST.
- Can call any compiled EXPR, with upto 4 arguments. Rather inefficient, but
- could be used for quick bootstrap.
- Requires SUB4, SUB3, SUB2 and I/O.
- MAIN5.RED@\Tests the IDAPPLY constructs, and FUNBOUNDP. Then starts a
- mini-READ-EVAL-PRINT loop. Requires SUB5, SUB4, SUB3, SUB2 and IO modules.
- Note that input ID's are not case raised, so input should be in UPPERCASE
- for builtin functions. Terminates on Q input.
- SUB6.RED@\Defines a more extensive set of primitives to support the
- mini-EVAL, including LAMBDA expressions, and user defined EXPR and FEXPR
- functions. Can call any compiled EXPR, with up to 4 arguments. COND,
- WHILE, etc. are defined. Requires SUB5, SUB4, SUB3, SUB2 and I/O.
- MAIN6.RED@\Tests the full PSL BINDING module (PI:BINDING.RED).
- Also includes the standard PSL-TIMER.RED (describd below), which must be
- driven by hand, since file I/O is not yet present.
- Requires SUB6,SUB5, SUB4, SUB3, SUB2 and IO modules.
- Note that input ID's are not case raised, so input should be in UPPERCASE
- for builtin functions. Terminates on Q input.
- SUB7.RED@\A set of routines to define a minimal file-io package, loading
- the machine independent files: PT:SYSTEM-IO.RED and PT:IO-DATA.RED, and a
- machine dependent file XXX-SYSTEM-IO.RED. The latter file defines
- primitives to OPEN and CLOSE files, and read and write RECORDS of some
- size. The following definitions are used in the routines:
- @begin(verbatim)
- FileDescriptor: A machine dependent word to
- references an open file.
- FileName: A Lisp string
- @end(verbatim)
- @begin(description)
- SYSCLEARIO()@\Called by Cleario to do any machine specific initialization
- needed, such as clearing buffers, initialization tables, setting interrupt
- characters, etc.
- SysOpenRead(Channel,FileName)@\Open FileName for input and return a file
- descriptor used in later references to the file. Channel may be used to
- index a table of "unit" numbers in FORTRAN-like systems.
- SysOpenWrite(Channel,FileName)@\Open FileName for Output and return a file
- descriptor used in later references to the file. Channel may be used to
- index a table of "unit" numbers in FORTRAN-like systems.
- SysReadRec(FileDescriptor,StringBuffer)@\Read from the FileDescriptor, a
- record into the StringBuffer. Return the length of the string read.
- SysWriteRec (FileDescriptor, StringToWrite, StringLength)@\ StringLength
- characters from StringToWrite from the first position.
- SysClose (FileDescriptor)@\Close FileDescriptor, allowing
- it to be reused.
- SysMaxBuffer(FileDesc)@\Return a number to allocate the file-buffer
- as a string; this should be maximum for this descriptor.
- @end(description)
- MAIN7.RED@\Is an interface to the Mini-Eval in SUB5.RED and SUB6.RED
- and defines an (IOTEST) function that should be called. Other functions to
- try are (OPEN "foo" 'OUTPUT), (WRS n), (RDS n) etc. Note also that
- XXX-HEADER will have to be changed at this point to have GETC and PUTC
- use the IndependentReadChar and IndependentWriteChar.
- FIELD.RED@\A a set of extensive tests of the Field and Shift functions.
- Needs a WCONST BitsPerWord defined in XXX-HEADER.RED. Build by itself,
- and execute with the IO support.
- @end(description)
- Test set "n" is run by using a set of command files to set up
- a multi-module program. These files are stored on the
- approriate subdirectory (PT20: for the DEC20). Note that each module
- usually produces 2-3 files ("code", "data" and "init")
- @begin(Enumerate)
- First Connect to the Test subdirectory for XXX:
- @verbatim[
- @@CONN PTxxx:]
- Then initialize a fresh symbol table for program MAINn, MAINn.SYM:
- @verbatim[
- Now successively compile each module, SUB2..SUBn
- @verbatim[
- Now compile the MAIN program itself
- @verbatim[
- As appropriate, compile or assemble the output "F" language modules
- (after shipping to the remote machine, removing tabs, etc..). Then
- "link" the modules, with the XXX-IO support, and execute. On the
- DEC-20, the
- @verbatim[
- @@EX @@MAINn.CMD
- command files are provided as a guide]
- See the Appendix (file PT20:20-TEST.OUTPUT) for an example of the
- output on the DEC-20.
- @end(enumerate)
- @section(Mini PSL Tests)
- The next step is to start incorporating portions of the PSL kernel into the
- test series (the "full" Printer, the "full" reader, the "full" Allocator,
- the "full" Eval, etc.), driving each with more comprehensive tests. Most of
- these should just "immediately" run. There some peices of Machine specific
- code that have to be written (in LAP or SYSLISP), to do channel I/O,
- replacing the simple XXX-IO; to do fast APPLY; Fluid Binding and
- Arithmetic. This set of tests will help check these peices out before
- getting involved with large files.
- @section(Full PSL Tests)
- Now that PSL seems to be running, a spectrum of functional tests and timing
- tests should be run to catch any oversights, missing modules or bugs, and as a
- guide to optimization. The following tests exist:
- @Description[
- PSLTEST.SL@\A fairly comprehensive test of the Standard LISP subset of PSL.
- Do (DSKIN "pt:psltest.sl"). There are a few tests of the error mechanism that
- have to be "pushed" through for a full test.
- MATHLIB.TST@\A series of tests of MATHLIB. First LAOD MATHLIB; into RLISP,
- then do IN "MATHLIB.TST"; .
- PSL-TIMER.SL, TIME-PSL.SL@\A standard timimg test covering PSL basics.
- Compile PSL-TIMER.SL into kernel, or with resident compiler, then
- ]
- @section(References)
- @bibliography
- @NewPage()
- @appendix(Sample DEC-20 Output)
- @begin(verbatim)
- @include(PT20:20-TEST.OUTPUT)
- @end(verbatim)