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- % STUBS4.RED - Stubs to support more automatic testing from TEST4 and on
- procedure SpaceD(M);
- <<Prin2 " ";
- Prin2t M>>;
- procedure DasheD(M);
- <<Terpri();
- Prin2 "---------- ";
- Prin2T M>>;
- procedure DotteD(M);
- <<Terpri();
- Prin2 " ....... ";
- Prin2T M>>;
- Procedure ShouldBe(M,v,e);
- % test if V eq e;
- <<Prin2 " ....... For ";Prin2 M; Prin2 '" ";
- Prin1 v; Prin2 '" should be "; Prin1 e;
- if v eq e then Prin2T '" [OK ]"
- else Prin2T '" [BAD] *******">>;
- End;