nbigtest.doc 750 B

  1. 15-Mar-83 08:09:34-MST,000000728;000000000001
  2. Date: 15 Mar 1983 0809-MST
  3. From: Martin.Griss <Griss@UTAH-20>
  4. To: kessLER
  5. cc: griss
  6. Need to experiment with NBIG0 on Apollo. There may be still a small bug.
  7. Test as follows. Ship that latest NBIG0.RED that I sent you, rebuild it.
  8. Then ship and built PT:nbtest stuff.
  9. Load NBIG.LAP and NBTEST.B, call NTEST1 40; show1 40.
  10. This should work, and you should see a smooth range of INTEGERS, NEG intergers
  11. and correspnding floats (good test of WRUTE-FLOAT)
  12. Then call SETBITS 32; rerun NTEST1 40; SHOW1 40; I get signs incorrectly
  13. flipping at FIXNUM/BIGNUM transition points.
  14. I belive its related to a possibel BUG in 32-bit arith.
  15. Also compare <griss>32-bit.red with what lowder is running.
  16. M
  17. -------