23-biblio.lpt 11 KB

  1. PSL Manual 14 January 1983 Bibliography
  2. section 23.0 page 23.1
  5. The following books and articles either are directly referred to in the
  6. manual text, or will be helpful for supplementary reading.
  7. [Allen 79] Allen, J. R.
  8. ___ _______ __ ____ The Anatomy of LISP.
  9. McGraw-Hill, New York, New York, 1979.
  10. [Baker 78] Baker, H. G.
  11. Shallow Binding in LISP 1.5.
  12. ____ CACM 21(7):565, July, 1978.
  13. [Benson 81] Benson, E. and Griss, M. L.
  14. _______ _ ________ ____ _____ _______ ______________ SYSLISP: A Portable LISP Based Systems Implementation
  15. ________ Language.
  16. Utah Symbolic Computation Group Report UCP-81, University
  17. of Utah, Department of Computer Science, February,
  18. 1981.
  19. [Bobrow 76] Bobrow, R. J.; Burton, R. R.; Jacobs, J. M.; and Lewis, D.
  20. ___ ____ ______ _______ UCI LISP MANUAL (revised).
  21. Online Manual RS:UCLSP.MAN, University of California,
  22. Irvine, ??, 1976.
  23. [Charniak 80] Charniak, E.; Riesbeck, C. K.; and McDermott, D. V.
  24. __________ ____________ ___________ Artificial Intelligence Programming.
  25. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1980.
  26. [Fitch 77] Fitch, J. and Norman, A.
  27. Implementing LISP in a High Level Language.
  28. ________ ________ ___ __________ Software: Practise and Experience 7:713-xx, 1977.
  29. [Foderaro 81] Foderaro, J. K. and Sklower, K. L.
  30. ___ _____ ____ ______ The Franz LISP Manual
  31. 1981.
  32. [Frick 78] Frick, I. B.
  33. ______ ___ ________ ____ __ ___ _________ __ ___ __ Manual for Standard LISP on the DECSYSTEM 10 and 20.
  34. Utah Symbolic Computation Group Technical Report TR-2,
  35. University of Utah, Department of Computer Science,
  36. July, 1978.
  37. [Griss 77a] Griss, M. L.
  38. ___ _ ________ ______________ ________ ___ ____ ____ BIL: A Portable Implementation Language for LISP-Like
  39. _______ Systems.
  40. Utah Symbolic Computation Group Opnote No. 36, University
  41. of Utah, Department of Computer Science, 1977. Bibliography 14 January 1983 PSL Manual
  42. page 23.2 section 23.0
  43. [Griss 77b] Griss, M. L. and Swanson, M. R.
  44. MBALM/1700 : A Micro-coded LISP Machine for the Burroughs
  45. B1726.
  46. ___________ __ _____ __ ___ In Proceedings of Micro-10 ACM, pages 15. ACM, 1977.
  47. [Griss 78a] Griss, M. L. and Kessler, R. R.
  48. REDUCE 1700: A Micro-coded Algebra System.
  49. ___________ __ ___ ____ ______ ________________ In Proceedings of The 11th Annual Microprogramming
  50. ________ Workshop, pages 130-138. IEEE, November, 1978.
  51. [Griss 78b] Griss, M. L.
  52. _____ ___ _ ________ ____ ___________ MBALM/BIL: A Portable LISP Interpreter.
  53. Utah Symbolic Computation Group Opnote No. 38, University
  54. of Utah, Department of Computer Science, 1978.
  55. [Griss 79a] Griss, M. L.; Kessler, R. R.; and Maguire, G. Q. Jr.
  56. TLISP - A Portable LISP Implemented in P-code.
  57. ___________ __ _______ __ In Proceedings of EUROSAM 79, pages 490-502. ACM, June,
  58. 1979.
  59. [Griss 79b] Griss, M. L. and Kessler, R. R.
  60. _ _______________ ______________ __ ____ ___ ______ __ ___ A Microprogrammed Implementation of LISP and REDUCE on the
  61. _________ _____ _____ ________ Burroughs B1700/B1800 Computer.
  62. Utah Symbolic Computation Group Report UCP 70, University
  63. of Utah, Department of Computer Science, 1979.
  64. [Griss 81] Griss, M. L. and Hearn, A. C.
  65. A Portable LISP Compiler.
  66. ________ ________ ___ __________ Software - Practice and Experience 11:541-605, June, 1981.
  67. [Griss 82] Griss, M. L.; Benson. E.; and Hearn, A. C.
  68. Current Status of a Portable LISP Compiler.
  69. ___________ __ ___ _______ ____ _________ __ ________ In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN 1982 Symposium on Compiler
  70. ____________ Construction, pages 276-283. ACM SIGPLAN, June, 1982.
  71. Also: Utah Symbolic Computation Group, Report UCP-82.
  72. [Harrison 73] Harrison, M. C.
  73. ____ __________ ___ ___________ Data structures and Programming.
  74. Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois, 1973.
  75. [Harrison 74] Harrison, M. C.
  76. A Language Oriented Instruction Set for BALM.
  77. ___________ __ _______ ________ _ In Proceedings of SIGPLAN/SIGMICRO 9, pages 161. ACM,
  78. 1974.
  79. [Hearn 66] Hearn, A. C.
  80. Standard LISP.
  81. _______ _______ _______ SIGPLAN Notices Notices 4(9):xx, September, 1966.
  82. Also Published in SIGSAM Bulletin, ACM Vol. 13, 1969,
  83. p. 28-49. . PSL Manual 14 January 1983 Bibliography
  84. section 23.0 page 23.3
  85. [Hearn 73] Hearn, A. C.
  86. ______ _ _____ ______ REDUCE 2 Users Manual.
  87. Utah Symbolic Computation Group Report UCP-19, University
  88. of Utah, Department of Computer Science, 1973.
  89. [Kessler 79] Kessler, R. R.
  90. _____ _______ ________ ____ ______ PMETA - Pattern Matching META/REDUCE.
  91. Utah Symbolic Computation Group Opnote No. 40, University
  92. of Utah, Department of Computer Science, January, 1979.
  93. [Lefaivre 78] Lefaivre, R.
  94. _______ ___ ____ ______ RUTGERS/UCI LISP MANUAL.
  95. Online Manual, RS:RUTLSP.MAN, Rutgers University,
  96. Computer Science Department, May, 1978.
  97. [LISP360 xx] xx.
  98. ____ ___ _________ ______ LISP/360 Reference Manual.
  99. Technical Report, Stanford Centre for Information
  100. Processing, Stanford University, xx.
  101. [MACLISP 76] xx.
  102. _______ _________ ______ MACLISP Reference Manual.
  103. Technical Report, MIT, March, 1976.
  104. [Marti 79] Marti, J. B., et al.
  105. Standard LISP Report.
  106. _______ _______ SIGPLAN Notices 14(10):48-68, October, 1979.
  107. [McCarthy 73] McCarthy, J. C. et al.
  108. ____ _ _ __________ _ ______ LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual.
  109. M.I.T. Press, 1973.
  110. 7th Printing January 1973.
  111. [Moore 76] J. Strother Moore II.
  112. ___ _________ _______ _______ _____________ The INTERLISP Virtual Machine Specification.
  113. CSL 76-5, Xerox, Palo Alto Research Center, 3333 Coyote
  114. Road,etc, September, 1976.
  115. [Nordstrom 73] Nordstrom, M.
  116. _ _______ _________ A Parsing Technique.
  117. Utah Computational Physics Group Opnote No. 12, University
  118. of Utah, Department of Computer Science, November,
  119. 1973.
  120. [Nordstrom 78] Nordstrom, M.; Sandewall, E.; and Breslaw, D.
  121. ____ __ _ _______ ______________ __ _________ LISP F3 : A FORTRAN Implementation of InterLISP.
  122. Manual, Datalogilaboratoriet, Sturegatan 2 B, S 752 23,
  123. Uppsala, SWEDEN, 1978.
  124. Mentioned by M. Nordstrom in 'Short Announcement of LISP
  125. F3', a handout at LISP80. Bibliography 14 January 1983 PSL Manual
  126. page 23.4 section 23.0
  127. [Norman 81] Norman, A.C. and Morrison, D. F.
  128. ___ ______ _________ _______ The REDUCE Debugging Package.
  129. Utah Symbolic Computation Group Opnote No. 49, University
  130. of Utah, Department of Computer Science, February,
  131. 1981.
  132. [Pratt 73] Pratt, V.
  133. Top Down Operator Precedence.
  134. ___________ __ ____ _ In Proceedings of POPL-1, pages ??-??. ACM, 1973.
  135. [Quam 69] Quam, L. H. and Diffie, W.
  136. ________ ____ _ _ ______ Stanford LISP 1.6 Manual.
  137. Operating Note 28.7, Stanford Artificial Intelligence
  138. Laboratory, 1969.
  139. [Sandewall 78] Sandewall, E.
  140. Programming in an Interactive Environment : The LISP
  141. Experience.
  142. _________ _______ Computing Surveys 10(1):35-72, March, 1978.
  143. [Steele 81] Steele, G. L. and Fahlman, S. E.
  144. _____ ____ _________ ______ Spice LISP Reference Manual.
  145. Manual , Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
  146. September, 1981.
  147. (Preliminary Common LISP Report).
  148. [Teitelman 78] Teitelman, W.; et al.
  149. _________ _________ ______ ___ ________ Interlisp Reference Manual, (3rd Revision).
  150. Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 3333 Coyote Hill Road,
  151. Palo Alto,Calif. 94304, 1978.
  152. [Teitelman 81] Teitleman, W. and Masinter, L.
  153. The InterLISP Programming Environment.
  154. ____ ________ IEEE Computer 14(4):25-34, 1981.
  155. [Terashima 78] Terashima, M. and Goto, E.
  156. Genetic Order and Compactifying Garbage Collectors.
  157. ___________ __________ _______ Information Processing Letters 7(1):27-32, 1978.
  158. [Weinreb 81] Weinreb, D. and Moon, D.
  159. ____ _______ ______ LISP Machine Manual
  160. 1981.
  161. Fourth edition.
  162. [Weissman 67] Weissman.
  163. ____ _ _ ______ LISP 1.5 Primer.
  164. Dickenson Publishing Company, Inc., 1967.
  165. [Winston 81] Winston, P. H., and Horn, B. K. P.
  166. ____ LISP.
  167. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Mass., 1981.