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- GEV Inspector/Editor for Lisp Data
- GEV (for GLISP Edit Value) is a display-based program which displays
- Lisp data in a window according to its GLISP datatype description.
- The user can "zoom in" on data of interest, display computed properties
- of objects by menu selection, send messages to objects, and write
- looping programs interactively using menu selection. GEV is available
- for Interlisp-D and for Interlisp-10 using a Heath-19 terminal.
- A demonstration file for GEV is available. From Interlisp, enter
- The commands which can be entered at the "GEV:" prompt are as follows:
- Q Quit.
- POP Pop up to the earlier GEV edit window.
- E Edit the current item using the Lisp editor.
- PR Write a looping program using menu selection.
- P Display a menu of computed PROPerties for selection.
- A Display a menu of ADJectives for selection.
- I Display a menu of ISA adjectives for selection.
- M Display a menu of Messages to the object for selection.
- R Redraw the current window.
- T n Print the data type of item n.
- n Push down to "zoom in" on data item n.
- When a menu option is selected, a separate menu is displayed and a
- "Menu:" prompt is given. Menu selections are made by entering the
- number of the desired menu item (followed by a carriage return). "Q"
- may be entered instead of a number to leave the menu mode without making
- any selection.
- The data used for the demonstration is contained in the file GEVDEMO.LSP.
- Documentation on GEV is contained in HPP Memo HPP-82-34, copies of which
- may be obtained in MJH 225. While designed for use with GLISP, GEV may
- be used for any Lisp data which is described by a GLISP structure
- description.