123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358 |
- module for88; % Definition of Rlisp88 FOR statement.
- % Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
- fluid '(!*fastfor binops!* loopdelimslist!*);
- global '(forkeywords!*);
- flag('(fastfor),'switch); % Since switch may not yet be defined.
- Comment The FOR statement defined here has a very rich syntax with many
- different options. The parsing and macro expansion are under the control
- of keywords that are activated during parsing once FOR has been read.
- The keywords are deactivated at the end of the FOR statement, enabling
- them to be used as regular ID's in other parts of the program.
- The next ID after FOR may define a different type of FOR loop. Such
- different loops are indicated by the presence of the ID in the list
- forloops!*;
- deflist('((all forallstat)),'forloops!*);
- Comment
- Keywords are defined by their presence in the global list FORKEYWORDS!*.
- For each keyword, a parsing construct is also defined under the
- indicator FOR-KEYWORD.
- The parsing phase of the analysis returns a form:
- (FOR (<keyword> . <expression>) ... (<keyword> . <expression>));
- forkeywords!* := '(collect count do each every finally in initially
- join on product returns some step sum unless until
- when with maximize minimize);
- % Note: append used to be on the above list, but was removed since it
- % couldn't be distinguished from the function "append".
- remflag(forkeywords!*,'delim); % For bootstrapping purposes.
- Comment some of the keywords denote actions (e.g., PRODUCT, SUM) with
- which a binary function is associated. To associate such a function with
- an action, one says;
- forbinops!* := '((append append) (collect cons) (count plus2)
- (join nconc) (maximize max2!*) (minimize min2!*)
- (product times2) (sum plus2));
- % NB: We need to reset FOR and LET delims if an error occurs. It's
- % probably best to do this in the begin1 loop.
- symbolic procedure forstat88;
- begin scalar !*blockp,x;
- if x := get(scan(),'forloops!*) then return lispapply(x,nil);
- loopdelimslist!* := forkeywords!* . loopdelimslist!*;
- flag(forkeywords!*,'delim);
- return 'for . if cursym!* neq 'each
- then progn(x := forfrag(), x . fortail())
- else fortail()
- end;
- symbolic procedure forfrag;
- begin scalar incr,var,x;
- x := erroreval '(xread1 'for);
- if not eqcar(x,'setq) or not idp(var := cadr x)
- then symerr('for,t);
- x := caddr x;
- if cursym!* eq 'step
- then <<incr := erroreval '(xread t);
- if not(cursym!* eq 'until) then symerr('for,t)>>
- else if cursym!* eq '!*colon!* then incr := 1
- else symerr('for,t);
- return list('incr,var,x,erroreval '(xread t),incr)
- % if numberp incr and incr>0
- % then incr := list('from,var,x,erroreval '(xread t),incr)
- % else if eqcar(incr,'minus) and numberp cadr incr and cadr incr>0
- % then incr := list('down,var,x,erroreval '(xread t),cadr incr)
- % else rederr list("Increment",incr,"not supported");
- % return incr
- end;
- symbolic procedure erroreval u;
- begin scalar x;
- x := errorset!*(u,t);
- if errorp x then error1() else return car x
- end;
- symbolic procedure eachfrag;
- begin scalar x,y;
- if not idp(x := scan()) or not((y := scan()) memq '(in on))
- then symerr("For each",t);
- return list(y,x,erroreval '(xread t));
- end;
- symbolic procedure fortail;
- begin scalar x,y,z,z1;
- a: z1 := cursym!*;
- if z1 eq 'each
- then if not idp(x := scan())
- or not((y := scan()) memq '(in on))
- then symerr("FOR EACH",t)
- else <<z := list(y,x,erroreval '(xread t)) . z;
- go to a>>
- else if z1 eq 'with
- then z := (z1 . erroreval '(xread 'lambda)) . z
- else if z1 eq '!*semicol!* then symerr("FOR EACH",t)
- else z := (z1 . erroreval '(xread t)) . z;
- if cursym!* memq forkeywords!* then go to a;
- remflag(car loopdelimslist!*,'delim);
- loopdelimslist!* := cdr loopdelimslist!*;
- if loopdelimslist!* then flag(car loopdelimslist!*,'delim);
- return reversip z
- end;
- symbolic procedure formfor88(u,vars,mode);
- begin scalar x,y,z;
- u := z := cdr u;
- % First check for local vars.
- a: if null z then go to b;
- x := car z;
- if car x memq '(down from incr in on)
- then vars := (cadr x . 'scalar) . vars;
- if null(car x eq 'with) then progn(z := cdr z,go to a);
- x := remcomma cdr x;
- a0: if x then progn(y := (car x . 'scalar) . y, x := cdr x, go to a0);
- vars := nconc(reversip!* y,vars);
- z := cdr z;
- go to a;
- % Now do actual analysis.
- b: if null u then return 'for . reversip z;
- x := car u;
- if car x memq '(down from incr)
- % We could optimize this by recognizing integers.
- then z := (car x . cadr x . formclis(cddr x,vars,mode)) . z
- else if car x eq 'with then z := (car x . remcomma cdr x) . z
- else if car x memq '(in on)
- then z := (car x . list(cadr x,formc(caddr x,vars,mode))) . z
- else z := (car x . formc(cdr x,vars,mode)) . z;
- u := cdr u;
- go to b
- end;
- symbolic macro procedure for88 x;
- begin scalar lvars,init,init2,final,body,!$cond,rets,cur,!$when,
- !*maxminflag,next,!$label2,!$while,cx,iv,action,curvar,
- valuevar,y;
- x := cdr x;
- action := caar x;
- !$label2 := gensym();
- loop:
- if null x
- then <<final := mkfn(final,'progn);
- next := mkfn(next,'progn);
- !$cond := mkfn(!$cond,'or);
- cur := mkfn(cur,'progn);
- body := mkfn(body,'progn);
- if !$while
- then !$while := forcond
- sublis(pair('(!$while final rets),
- list(mkfn(!$while,'or),
- final,rets)),
- '(!$while final
- (return rets)));
- if !$when
- then body := forcond list(!$when,body);
- if !*maxminflag then rets := list('null2zero,rets);
- return forprog(lvars .
- nconc(init,
- nconc(init2,
- sublis(pair('(final body !$cond rets cur next
- !$label !$label2 !$while),
- list(final,body,!$cond,rets,cur,next,
- gensym(),!$label2,!$while)),
- if final then
- '(!$label
- (cond (!$cond
- (progn final (return rets))))
- cur
- !$while
- body
- !$label2
- next
- (go !$label))
- else
- '(!$label
- (cond (!$cond (return rets)))
- cur
- !$while
- body
- !$label2
- next
- (go !$label))))))>>;
- cx := car x;
- if atom cx then rederr list(cx,"invalid in FOR form")
- % WITH tacks its variables onto the !$LVARS list
- else if car cx eq 'with
- then lvars := append(lvars,cdr cx)
- % INITIALLY takes its expressions and tacks them onto the list of
- % INIT. This will later be built into a PROGN.
- else if car cx eq 'initially
- then init := aconc(init,cdr cx)
- % FINALLY puts its expressions on the list of FINAL.
- % This becomes a PROGN that is created just before the RETURN.
- else if car cx eq 'finally
- then final := aconc(final,cdr cx)
- % ON
- else if car cx eq 'on
- then <<valuevar := cadr cx;
- lvars := valuevar . lvars;
- !$cond := list('null,valuevar) . !$cond;
- init := list('setq,valuevar,caddr cx) . init;
- if cdddr cx
- then next := list('setq,valuevar,cadddr x) . next
- else next := list('setq, valuevar,list('cdr,valuevar))
- . next>>
- % IN
- else if car cx eq 'in
- then <<valuevar := gensym();
- iv := cadr cx;
- lvars := valuevar . iv . lvars;
- init := list('setq,valuevar,caddr cx) . init;
- !$cond := list('null,valuevar) . !$cond;
- cur := list('setq,iv,list('car,valuevar)) . cur;
- if cdddr cx
- then next := list('setq,valuevar,list cadddr cx) . next
- else next := list('setq,valuevar,list('cdr,valuevar))
- . next>>
- % INCR
- else if car cx eq 'incr
- then begin scalar incr,incrvar;
- valuevar := cadr cx;
- cx := cddr cx;
- lvars := valuevar . lvars;
- init := list('setq,valuevar,car cx) . init;
- incr := caddr cx;
- if numberp incr then nil % Assume positive?
- else if eqcar(incr,'minus) and numberp cadr incr
- then incr := - cadr incr
- else <<incrvar := gensym();
- lvars := incrvar . lvars;
- init := list('setq,incrvar,incr) . init;
- incr := incrvar>>;
- !$cond :=
- (if incrvar
- then list('cond,list(list('minusp,incr),
- list('lessp,valuevar,cadr cx)),
- list('t,list('greaterp,valuevar,
- cadr cx)))
- else if minusp incr
- then if !*fastfor
- then list('ilessp,valuevar,cadr cx)
- else list('lessp,valuevar,cadr cx)
- else if !*fastfor
- then list('igreaterp,valuevar,cadr cx)
- else list('greaterp,valuevar,cadr cx))
- . !$cond;
- next := list('setq,valuevar,
- list(if incrvar or not !*fastfor
- then 'plus2
- else 'iplus2,
- valuevar,incr)) . next
- end
- % SUM, PRODUCT etc.
- else if car cx memq '(sum product append join count collect
- maximize minimize)
- then <<curvar := gensym();
- lvars := curvar . lvars;
- % Set up initial value for loop.
- if car cx eq 'product
- then init := aconc!*(init,list('setq,curvar,1))
- else if car cx memq '(count sum)
- then init := aconc!*(init,list('setq,curvar,0))
- else if car cx memq '(maximize minimize)
- then <<!*maxminflag := t;
- %y := list(list('setq,curvar,cdr cx),
- % list('go,!$label2));
- if action eq 'in
- then y :=
- list('setq,iv,list('car,valuevar)); % . y;
- if action memq '(in on)
- then y :=
- list('cond,list(list('null,valuevar),
- '(return 0)))
- . y;
- nconc!*(init,y)>>;
- if car cx eq 'collect
- then rets := list('reversip,curvar)
- else rets := curvar;
- body := list('setq,curvar,
- list(get(car cx,'bin),
- if car cx memq '(append count join) then curvar
- else cdr cx,
- if car cx memq '(append join) then cdr cx
- else if car cx eq 'count
- then list('cond,list(cdr cx,1),'(t 0))
- else curvar))
- . body>>
- else if car cx eq 'returns then rets := cdr cx
- % DO
- else if car cx eq 'do then body := aconc(body,cdr cx)
- % WHEN
- else if car cx eq 'when
- then if !$when
- then symerr("Redundant WHEN or UNLESS in FOR statement",
- nil)
- else !$when := cdr cx
- else if car cx eq 'unless
- then if !$when
- then symerr("Redundant WHEN or UNLESS in FOR statement",
- nil)
- else !$when := list('not,cdr cx)
- % else if car cx eq 'while
- % then !$while := append(!$while,list list('not,cdr cx))
- else if car cx eq 'until
- then !$while := append(!$while,list cdr cx)
- % SOME
- else if car cx eq 'some
- then cur := append(cur,
- list list('cond,list(cdr cx,list('return,t))))
- else if car cx eq 'every
- then <<if not rets then rets := t;
- cur := append(cur,
- list list('cond,list(list('null,cdr cx),
- list('return,nil))))>>
- else rederr list(car cx,"invalid in FOR form");
- x := cdr x;
- go to loop
- end;
- symbolic procedure forcond u;
- list('cond,list(car u,if cddr u then 'progn . cdr u else cadr u));
- symbolic procedure forprog u;
- 'prog . fornilchk u;
- symbolic procedure fornilchk u;
- if null u then nil
- else if null car u then fornilchk cdr u
- else car u . fornilchk cdr u;
- symbolic procedure max2!*(u,v); if null v then u else max2(u,v);
- symbolic procedure min2!*(u,v); if null v then u else min2(u,v);
- symbolic procedure null2zero u; if null u then 0 else u;
- symbolic procedure mkfn(x,fn);
- if atom x then x else if length x>1 then fn . x else car x;
- endmodule;
- end;