test.dat 722 B

  1. % Author: Anthony C. Hearn.
  2. % Modified by FJW for testing odesolve entirely within current directory.
  3. on errcont; % So that computation continues after an error.
  4. symbolic <<!*_xxx_!* := time(); !*_yyy_!* := gctime()>>$
  5. linelength 80$ % So that logs match Unix versions better.
  6. symbolic load!-package 'odesolve;
  7. algebraic ODESolve_version;
  8. in "$testfile.tst";
  9. % The +- construct in the following is required to finesse Orthovec's
  10. % renaming of -.
  11. symbolic <<terpri(); terpri(); prin2 "Time for test: ";
  12. prin2 (time()+-!*_xxx_!*); prin2 " ms";
  13. if (!*_yyy_!* := gctime()+-!*_yyy_!*)>0
  14. then <<prin2 ", plus GC time: "; prin2 !*_yyy_!*;
  15. prin2 " ms"; terpri()>>>>$
  16. bye;