123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628 |
- module rcref; % Cross reference program.
- % Author: Martin L. Griss, with modifications by Anthony C. Hearn.
- % Requires REDIO and SORT support.
- create!-package('(rcref redio),'(util));
- fluid '(!*backtrace !*cref !*defn !*mode !*nocrefpri calls!* curfun!*
- dfprint!* globs!* locls!* toplv!*);
- global '(undefg!* gseen!* btime!* expand!* haveargs!* notuse!* nolist!*
- dclglb!* entpts!* undefns!* seen!* tseen!* xseen!* op!*!* cloc!*
- pfiles!* curlin!* pretitl!* !*creftime !*saveprops maxarg!*
- !*crefsummary !*comp !*raise !*rlisp !*globals !*algebraics);
- switch cref;
- !*algebraics:='t; % Default is normal parse of algebraic.
- !*globals:='t; % Do analyze globals.
- % !*rlisp:=nil; % REDUCE as default.
- maxarg!*:=15; % Maximum args in Standard Lisp.
- deflist('((anlfn procstat) (crflapo procstat)),'stat);
- flag('(anlfn crflapo),'compile);
- comment EXPAND flag on these forces expansion of MACROS;
- expand!* := '(for foreach repeat while);
- nolist!* := nconc(for each j in slfns!* collect car j,nolist!*);
- nolist!* := append('(and cond endmodule lambda list max min module or
- plus prog prog2 progn putc switch times),
- nolist!*);
- flag ('(plus times and or lambda progn max min cond prog case list),
- 'naryargs);
- dclglb!*:='(!*comp emsg!* !*raise);
- if not getd 'begin then
- flag('(rds deflist flag fluid global remprop remflag unfluid
- setq crefoff),'eval);
- symbolic procedure crefon;
- begin btime!*:=time();
- dfprint!* := 'refprint;
- !*defn := t;
- if not !*algebraics then put('algebraic,'newnam,'symbolic);
- flag(nolist!*,'nolist);
- flag(expand!*,'expand);
- flag(dclglb!*,'dclglb);
- % Global lists.
- entpts!*:=nil; % Entry points to package.
- undefns!*:=nil; % Functions undefined in package.
- seen!*:=nil; % List of all encountered functions.
- tseen!*:=nil; % List of all encountered types not flagged
- gseen!*:=nil; % All encountered globals.
- pfiles!*:=nil; % Processed files.
- undefg!*:=nil; % Undeclared globals encountered.
- curlin!*:=nil; % Position in file(s) of current command.
- pretitl!*:=nil; % T if error or questionables found.
- % Usages in specific function under analysis.
- globs!*:=nil; % Globals refered to in this.
- calls!*:=nil; % Functions called by this.
- locls!*:=nil; % Defined local variables in this.
- toplv!*:=t; % NIL if inside function body.
- curfun!*:=nil; % Current function beeing analyzed.
- op!*!*:=nil; % Current op. in LAP code.
- if not !*nocrefpri
- then setpage(" Errors or questionables",nil);
- if not getd 'begin then crefonlsp() % In Lisp.
- end;
- symbolic procedure undefdchk fn;
- if not flagp(fn,'defd) then undefns!* := fn . undefns!*;
- symbolic procedure princng u;
- princn getes u;
- symbolic procedure crefoff;
- % Main call, sets up, alphabetizes and prints.
- begin scalar tim,x;
- crefoff1();
- tim:=time()-btime!*;
- setpage(" Summary",nil);
- newpage();
- pfiles!*:=punused("Crossreference listing for files:",
- for each z in pfiles!* collect cdr z);
- entpts!*:=punused("Entry Points:",entpts!*);
- undefns!*:=punused("Undefined Functions:",undefns!*);
- undefg!*:=punused("Undeclared Global Variables:",undefg!*);
- gseen!*:=punused("Global variables:",gseen!*);
- seen!*:=punused("Functions:",seen!*);
- for each z in tseen!* do
- <<rplacd(z,punused(list(car z," procedures:"),cdr z));
- x:='!( . nconc(explode car z,list '!));
- for each fn in cdr z do
- <<fn:=getes fn; rplacd(fn,append(x,cdr fn));
- rplaca(fn,length cdr fn)>> >>;
- if !*crefsummary then goto xy;
- if !*globals and gseen!* then
- <<setpage(" Global Variable Usage",1);
- newpage();
- for each z in gseen!* do cref6 z>>;
- if seen!* then cref52(" Function Usage",seen!*);
- for each z in tseen!* do
- cref52(list(" ",car z," procedures"),cdr z);
- setpage(" Toplevel calls:",nil);
- x:=t;
- for each z in pfiles!* do
- if get(z,'calls) or get(z,'globs) then
- <<if x then <<newpage(); x:=nil>>;
- newline 0; newline 0; princng z;
- spaces!-to 15; underline2 (linelength(nil)-10);
- cref51(z,'calls,"Calls:");
- if !*globals then cref51(z,'globs,"Globals:")>>;
- xy: if !*saveprops then goto xx;
- rempropss(seen!*,'(gall calls globs calledby alsois sameas));
- remflagss(seen!*,'(seen cinthis defd));
- rempropss(gseen!*,'(usedby usedunby boundby setby));
- remflagss(gseen!*,'(dclglb gseen glb2rf glb2bd glb2st));
- for each z in tseen!* do remprop(car z,'funs);
- % for each z in haveargs!* do remprop(z,'number!-of!-args);
- haveargs!* := gseen!* := seen!* := tseen!* := nil;
- xx: newline 2;
- if not !*creftime then return;
- btime!*:=time()-btime!*;
- setpage(" Timing Information",nil);
- newpage(); newline 0;
- prtatm " Total Time="; prtnum btime!*;
- prtatm " (ms)";
- newline 0;
- prtatm " Analysis Time="; prtnum tim;
- newline 0;
- prtatm " Sorting Time="; prtnum (btime!*-tim);
- newline 0; newline 0
- end;
- symbolic procedure crefoff1;
- begin scalar x;
- dfprint!* := nil;
- !*defn := nil;
- if not !*algebraics
- then remprop('algebraic,'newnam); % Back to normal.
- for each fn in seen!* do
- <<if null get(fn,'calledby) then entpts!*:=fn . entpts!*;
- undefdchk fn>>;
- tseen!*:=for each z in idsort tseen!* collect
- <<remprop(z,'tseen);
- for each fn in (x:=get(z,'funs)) do
- <<undefdchk fn; remprop(fn,'rccnam)>>;
- z.x>>;
- for each z in gseen!* do
- if get(z,'usedunby) then undefg!*:=z . undefg!*;
- end;
- symbolic procedure punused(x,y);
- if y then
- <<newline 2; prtlst x; newline 0;
- lprint(y := idsort y,8); newline 0; y>>;
- symbolic procedure cref52(x,y);
- <<setpage(x,1); newpage(); for each z in y do cref5 z>>;
- symbolic procedure cref5 fn;
- % Print single entry.
- begin scalar x,y;
- newline 0; newline 0;
- prin1 fn; spaces!-to 15;
- y:=get(fn,'gall);
- if y then <<prin1 cdr y; x:=car y>>
- else prin2 "Undefined";
- spaces!-to 25;
- if flagp(fn,'naryargs) then prin2 " Nary Args "
- else if (y:=get(fn,'number!-of!-args)) then
- <<prin2 " "; prin2 y; prin2 " Args ">>;
- underline2 (linelength(nil)-10);
- if x then
- <<newline 15; prtatm "Line:"; spaces!-to 27;
- prtnum cddr x; prtatm '!/; prtnum cadr x;
- prtatm " in "; prtatm car x>>;
- cref51(fn,'calledby,"Called by:");
- cref51(fn,'calls,"Calls:");
- cref51(fn,'alsois,"Is also:");
- cref51(fn,'sameas,"Same as:");
- if !*globals then cref51(fn,'globs,"Globals:")
- end;
- symbolic procedure cref51(x,y,z);
- if (x:=get(x,y)) then <<newline 15; prtatm z; lprint(idsort x,27)>>;
- symbolic procedure cref6 glb;
- % Print single global usage entry.
- <<newline 0; prin1 glb; spaces!-to 15;
- notuse!*:=t;
- cref61(glb,'usedby,"Global in:");
- cref61(glb,'usedunby,"Undeclared:");
- cref61(glb,'boundby,"Bound in:");
- cref61(glb,'setby,"Set by:");
- if notuse!* then prtatm "*** Not Used ***">>;
- symbolic procedure cref61(x,y,z);
- if (x:=get(x,y)) then
- <<if not notuse!* then newline 15 else notuse!*:=nil;
- prtatm z; lprint(idsort x,27)>>;
- % Analyze bodies of LISP functions for functions called, and globals
- % used, undefined.
- smacro procedure flag1(u,v); flag(list u,v);
- smacro procedure remflag1(u,v); remflag(list u,v);
- smacro procedure isglob u;
- flagp(u,'dclglb);
- smacro procedure chkseen s;
- % Has this name been encountered already?
- if not flagp(s,'seen) then
- <<flag1(s,'seen); seen!*:=s . seen!*>>;
- smacro procedure globref u;
- if not flagp(u,'glb2rf)
- then <<flag1(u,'glb2rf); globs!*:=u . globs!*>>;
- smacro procedure anatom u;
- % Global seen before local..ie detect extended from this.
- if !*globals and u and not(u eq 't)
- and idp u and not assoc(u,locls!*)
- then globref u;
- smacro procedure chkgseen g;
- if not flagp(g,'gseen) then <<gseen!*:=g . gseen!*;
- flag1(g,'gseen)>>;
- symbolic procedure do!-global l;
- % Catch global defns.
- % Distinguish FLUID from GLOBAL later.
- if pairp(l:=qcrf car l) and !*globals and toplv!* then
- <<for each v in l do chkgseen v; flag(l,'dclglb)>>;
- put('global,'anlfn,'do!-global);
- put('fluid,'anlfn,'do!-global);
- symbolic anlfn procedure unfluid l;
- if pairp(l:=qcrf car l) and !*globals and toplv!* then
- <<for each v in l do chkgseen v; remflag(l,'dclglb)>>;
- symbolic procedure add2locs ll;
- begin scalar oldloc;
- if !*globals then for each gg in ll do
- <<oldloc:=assoc(gg,locls!*);
- if not null oldloc then <<
- qerline 0;
- prin2 "*** Variable ";
- prin1 gg;
- prin2 " nested declaration in ";
- princng curfun!*;
- newline 0;
- rplacd(oldloc,nil.oldloc)>>
- else locls!*:=(gg . list nil) . locls!*;
- if isglob(gg) or flagp(gg,'glb2rf) then globind gg;
- if flagp(gg,'seen) then
- <<qerline 0;
- prin2 "*** Function ";
- princng gg;
- prin2 " used as variable in ";
- princng curfun!*;
- newline 0>> >>
- end;
- symbolic procedure qerline u;
- if !*nocrefpri then nil
- else if pretitl!* then newline u
- else <<pretitl!*:=t; newpage()>>;
- symbolic procedure globind gg;
- <<flag1(gg,'glb2bd); globref gg>>;
- symbolic procedure remlocs lln;
- begin scalar oldloc;
- if !*globals then for each ll in lln do
- <<oldloc:=assoc(ll,locls!*);
- if null oldloc then
- if getd 'begin then rederr list(" Lvar confused",ll)
- else error(0,list(" Lvar confused",ll));
- if cddr oldloc then rplacd(oldloc,cddr oldloc)
- else locls!*:=efface1(oldloc,locls!*)>>
- end;
- symbolic procedure efface1(u,v);
- if null v then nil
- else if u eq car v then cdr v
- else rplacd(v,efface1(u,cdr v));
- symbolic procedure add2calls fn;
- % Update local CALLS!*.
- not flagp(fn,'cinthis) and
- <<if flagp(fn,'nolist) then xseen!* := fn . xseen!*
- else calls!* := fn . calls!*;
- flag1(fn,'cinthis)>>;
- symbolic procedure anform u;
- if atom u then anatom u else anform1 u;
- symbolic procedure anforml l;
- begin
- while not atom l do <<anform car l; l:=cdr l>>;
- if l then anatom l
- end;
- symbolic procedure anform1 u;
- begin scalar fn,x;
- fn:=car u; u:=cdr u;
- if not atom fn then return <<anform1 fn; anforml u>>;
- if not idp fn then return nil
- else if isglob fn then <<globref fn; return anforml u>>
- else if assoc(fn,locls!*) then return anforml u;
- add2calls fn;
- checkargcount(fn,length u);
- if flagp(fn,'noanl) then nil
- else if x:=get(fn,'anlfn) then apply1(x,u)
- else anforml u
- end;
- symbolic anlfn procedure lambda u;
- <<add2locs car u; anforml cdr u; remlocs car u>>;
- symbolic procedure anlsetq u;
- <<anforml u;
- if !*globals and flagp(u:=car u,'glb2rf) then flag1(u,'glb2st)>>;
- put('setq,'anlfn,'anlsetq);
- symbolic anlfn procedure cond u;
- for each x in u do anforml x;
- symbolic anlfn procedure prog u;
- <<add2locs car u;
- for each x in cdr u do
- if not atom x then anform1 x;
- remlocs car u>>;
- symbolic anlfn procedure function u;
- if pairp(u:=car u) then anform1 u
- else if isglob u then globref u
- else if null assoc(u,locls!*) then add2calls u;
- flag('(quote go),'noanl);
- symbolic anlfn procedure errorset u;
- begin scalar fn,x;
- anforml cdr u;
- if eqcar(u:=car u,'quote) then return ersanform cadr u
- else if not((eqcar(u,'cons) or (x:=eqcar(u,'list)))
- and quotp(fn:=cadr u))
- then return anform u;
- anforml cddr u;
- if pairp(fn:=cadr fn) then anform1 fn
- else if flagp(fn,'glb2rf) then nil
- else if isglob fn then globref fn
- else <<add2calls fn; if x then checkargcount(fn,length cddr u)>>
- end;
- symbolic procedure ersanform u;
- begin scalar locls!*;
- return anform u
- end;
- symbolic procedure anlmap u;
- <<anforml u;
- if quotp(u:=cadr u) and idp(u:=cadr u)
- and not isglob u and not assoc(u,locls!*)
- then checkargcount(u,1)>>;
- for each x in '(map mapc maplist mapcar mapcon mapcan) do
- put(x,'anlfn,'anlmap);
- symbolic anlfn procedure lispapply u;
- begin scalar fn;
- anforml cdr u;
- if quotp(fn:=cadr u) and idp(fn:=cadr fn) and eqcar(u:=caddr u,'list)
- then checkargcount(fn,length cdr u)
- end;
- symbolic anlfn procedure apply u;
- begin scalar fn;
- anforml cdr u;
- if quotp(fn:=cadr u) and idp(fn:=cadr fn) and eqcar(u:=caddr u,'list)
- then checkargcount(fn,length cdr u)
- end;
- symbolic procedure quotp u; eqcar(u,'quote) or eqcar(u,'function);
- put('cref ,'simpfg ,'((t (crefon)) (nil (crefoff))));
- symbolic procedure outref(s,varlis,body,type);
- begin scalar curfun!*,calls!*,globs!*,locls!*,toplv!*,a;
- a:=if varlis memq '(anp!!atom anp!!idb anp!!eq anp!!unknown)
- then nil
- else length varlis;
- s := outrdefun(s,type,if a then a else get(body,'number!-of!-args));
- if a then <<add2locs varlis; anform(body); remlocs varlis>>
- else if null body or not idp body then nil
- else if varlis eq 'anp!!eq
- then <<put(s,'sameas,list body); traput(body,'alsois,s)>>
- else add2calls body;
- outrefend s
- end;
- symbolic procedure traput(u,v,w);
- begin scalar a;
- if a:=get(u,v) then
- (if not(toplv!* or w memq a) then rplacd(a,w . cdr a))
- else put(u,v,list w)
- end;
- smacro procedure toput(u,v,w);
- if w then put(u,v,if toplv!* then union(w,get(u,v)) else w);
- symbolic procedure outrefend s;
- <<toput(s,'calls,calls!*);
- for each x in calls!* do
- <<remflag1(x,'cinthis);
- if not(x eq s) then <<chkseen x; traput(x,'calledby,s)>> >>;
- toput(s,'globs,globs!*);
- for each x in globs!* do
- <<traput(x,if isglob x then 'usedby
- else <<chkgseen x; 'usedunby>>,s);
- remflag1(x,'glb2rf);
- if flagp(x,'glb2bd)
- then <<remflag1(x,'glb2bd); traput(x,'boundby,s)>>;
- if flagp(x,'glb2st)
- then <<remflag1(x,'glb2st); traput(x,'setby,s)>> >> >>;
- symbolic procedure recref(s,type);
- <<qerline 2;
- prtatm "*** Redefinition to ";
- prin1 type;
- prtatm " procedure, of:";
- cref5 s;
- rempropss(list s,'(calls globs sameas));
- newline 2>>;
- symbolic procedure outrdefun(s,type,v);
- begin
- s:=qtypnm(s,type);
- if flagp(s,'defd) then recref(s,type)
- else flag1(s,'defd);
- if flagp(type,'function) and (isglob s or assoc(s,locls!*)) then
- <<qerline 0;
- prin2 "**** Variable ";
- princng s;
- prin2 " defined as function";
- newline 0>>;
- if v and not flagp(type,'naryarg) then defineargs(s,v)
- else if flagp(type,'naryarg) and not flagp(s,'naryargs)
- then flag1(s,'naryargs);
- put(s,'gall,curlin!* . type);
- globs!*:=nil;
- calls!*:=nil;
- return curfun!*:=s
- end;
- flag('(macro fexpr),'naryarg);
- symbolic procedure qtypnm(s,type);
- if flagp(type,'function) then <<chkseen s; s>>
- else begin scalar x,y,z;
- if (y:=get(type,'tseen)) and (x:=atsoc(s,cdr y))
- then return cdr x;
- if null y then
- <<y:=list ('!( . nconc(explode type,list '!)));
- put(type,'tseen,y); tseen!* := type . tseen!*>>;
- x := compress (z := explode s);
- rplacd(y,(s . x) . cdr y);
- y := append(car y,z);
- put(x,'rccnam,length y . y);
- traput(type,'funs,x);
- return x
- end;
- symbolic procedure defineargs(name,n);
- begin scalar calledwith,x;
- calledwith:=get(name,'number!-of!-args);
- if null calledwith then return hasarg(name,n);
- if n=calledwith then return nil;
- if x := get(name,'calledby) then instdof(name,n,calledwith,x);
- hasarg(name,n)
- end;
- symbolic procedure instdof(name,n,m,fnlst);
- <<qerline 0;
- prin2 "***** ";
- prin1 name;
- prin2 " called with ";
- prin2 m;
- prin2 " instead of ";
- prin2 n;
- prin2 " arguments in:";
- lprint(idsort fnlst,posn()+1);
- newline 0>>;
- symbolic procedure hasarg(name,n);
- <<haveargs!*:=name . haveargs!*;
- if n>maxarg!* then
- <<qerline 0;
- prin2 "**** "; prin1 name;
- prin2 " has "; prin2 n;
- prin2 " arguments";
- newline 0 >>;
- put(name,'number!-of!-args,n)>>;
- symbolic procedure checkargcount(name,n);
- begin scalar correctn;
- if flagp(name,'naryargs) then return nil;
- correctn:=get(name,'number!-of!-args);
- if null correctn then return hasarg(name,n);
- if not(correctn=n) then instdof(name,correctn,n,list curfun!*)
- end;
- symbolic procedure refprint u;
- begin scalar x,y;
- % x:=if cloc!* then filemk car cloc!* else "*ttyinput*";
- x:=if cloc!* then car cloc!* else "*TTYINPUT*";
- if (curfun!*:=assoc(x,pfiles!*)) then
- <<x:=car curfun!*; curfun!*:=cdr curfun!*>>
- else <<pfiles!*:=(x.(curfun!*:=gensym())).pfiles!*;
- y:=reversip cdr reversip cdr explode x;
- put(curfun!*,'rccnam,length y . y)>>;
- curlin!*:=if cloc!* and cdr cloc!* then x . cdr cloc!* else nil;
- calls!*:=globs!*:=locls!*:=nil;
- anform u;
- outrefend curfun!*
- end;
- symbolic procedure filemk u;
- % Convert a file specification from lisp format to a string.
- % This is essentially the inverse of MKFILE.
- begin scalar dev,name,flg,flg2;
- if null u then return nil
- else if atom u then name := explode2 u
- else for each x in u do
- if x eq 'dir!: then flg := t
- else if atom x then
- if flg then dev := '!< . nconc(explode2 x,list '!>)
- else if x eq 'dsk!: then dev:=nil
- else if !%devp x then dev := explode2 x
- else name := explode2 x
- else if atom cdr x then
- name := nconc(explode2 car x,'!. . explode2 cdr x)
- else <<flg2 := t;
- dev := '![ . nconc(explode2 car x,
- '!, . nconc(explode2 cadr x,list '!]))>>;
- u := if flg2 then nconc(name,dev)
- else nconc(dev,name);
- return compress('!" . nconc(u,'(!")))
- end;
- flag('(smacro nmacro),'cref);
- symbolic anlfn procedure put u;
- if toplv!* and qcputx cadr u then anputx u
- else anforml u;
- put('putc,'anlfn,get('put,'anlfn));
- symbolic procedure qcputx u;
- eqcar(u,'quote) and (flagp(cadr u,'cref) or flagp(cadr u,'compile));
- symbolic procedure anputx u;
- begin scalar nam,typ,body;
- nam:=qcrf car u;
- typ:=qcrf cadr u;
- u:=caddr u;
- if atom u then <<body:=qcrf u; u:='anp!!atom>>
- else if car u memq '(quote function) then
- if eqcar(u:=cadr u,'lambda) then <<body:=caddr u; u:=cadr u>>
- else if idp u then <<body:=u; u:='anp!!idb>>
- else return nil
- else if car u eq 'cdr and eqcar(cadr u,'getd) then
- <<body:=qcrf cadadr u; u:='anp!!eq>>
- else if car u eq 'get and qcputx caddr u then
- <<body:=qtypnm(qcrf cadr u,cadr caddr u); u:='anp!!eq>>
- else if car u eq 'mkcode then
- <<anform cadr u; u:=qcrf caddr u; body:=nil>>
- else <<body:=qcrf u; u:='anp!!unknown>>;
- outref(nam,u,body,typ)
- end;
- symbolic anlfn procedure putd u;
- if toplv!* then anputx u else anforml u;
- symbolic anlfn procedure de u;
- outdefr(u,'expr);
- symbolic anlfn procedure df u;
- outdefr(u,'fexpr);
- symbolic anlfn procedure dm u;
- outdefr(u,'macro);
- symbolic anlfn procedure dn u; % PSL function.
- outdefr(u,'macro);
- symbolic anlfn procedure ds u; % PSL function.
- outdefr(u,'smacro);
- symbolic procedure outdefr(u,type);
- outref(car u,cadr u,caddr u,type);
- symbolic procedure qcrf u;
- if null u or u eq t then u
- else if eqcar(u,'quote) then cadr u
- else <<anform u; compress explode '!?value!?!?>>;
- flag('(expr fexpr macro smacro nmacro),'function);
- endmodule;
- end;