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- AUTHOR = "C. Schoebel",
- TITLE = "Classification of Real n-Dimensional Lie Algebras with a
- Low-Dimensional Derived Algebra",
- BOOKTITLE = "Proc. {Symposium on Mathematical Physics} '92",
- YEAR = 1993}
- @ARTICLE{ntz-preprint27/92,
- AUTHOR = "F. Schoebel",
- TITLE = "The Symbolic Classification of Real Four-Dimensional Lie Algebras",
- BOOKTITLE = "NTZ-Preprint Nr.27/92",
- PUBLISHER = "Universitaet Leipzig",
- ADDRESS = "Leipzig",
- YEAR = 1992}
- @ARTICLE{mmpreprint1979,
- AUTHOR = "M.A.H. MacCallum",
- TITLE = "On the Classification of the Real four-dimensional Lie Algebras",
- BOOKTITLE = "Preprint, Queen Mary College",
- PUBLISHER = "Queen Mary College",
- ADDRESS = "London",
- YEAR = 1979}