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  1. \appendix
  2. \chapter{CDs and Symbols handled by the Interface}
  3. \begin{tabular}{p{2in} p{2in}}
  4. {\bf alg1} & {\tt one, zero}\\ \\
  5. {\bf arith1 } & {\tt abs, conjugate, divide, minus, plus, power, product, root, sum, times, unary\_minus}\\ \\
  6. {\bf arith2 } & {\tt arg, inverse, times}\\ \\
  7. {\bf calculus1} & {\tt defint, diff, int, partialdiff}\\ \\
  8. {\bf fns1 }& {\tt inverse, lambda}\\ \\
  9. {\bf integer1 }& {\tt factorial, gcd , quotient, rem}\\ \\
  10. {\bf interval1 }& {\tt integer\_interval, interval, interval\_cc, interval\_co, interval\_oc, interval\_oo}\\ \\
  11. {\bf limit1 }& {\tt both\_sides, above, below, limit, null}\\ \\
  12. {\bf linalg1 }& {\tt matrix, outerproduct, scalarproduct, vector, vectorproduct}\\ \\
  13. \end{tabular}
  14. \begin{tabular}{p{2in} p{2in}}
  15. {\bf linalg2 }& {\tt vector}\\ \\
  16. {\bf linalg3 }& {\tt determinant, matrix\_selector, selector, size, transpose, vector\_selector}\\ \\
  17. {\bf list1 }& {\tt list}\\ \\
  18. {\bf logic1 }& {\tt and, false, implies, not, or, true, xor}\\ \\
  19. {\bf logic2 }& {\tt equivalent}\\ \\
  20. {\bf minmax1 }& {\tt max, min}\\ \\
  21. {\bf multiset1 }& {\tt in, intersect, multiset, notin, notprsubset, notsubset, prsubset, set, setdiff, subset, union}\\ \\
  22. {\bf nums1 }& {\tt based\_integer, complex\_cartesian, complex\_polar, e, gamma, i, imaginary, infinity, nan, pi, rational,
  23. real}\\ \\
  24. {\bf omtypes }& {\tt float, integer}\\ \\
  25. {\bf quant1 }& {\tt exists, forall}\\ \\
  26. {\bf relation1 }& {\tt eq, geq, gt, leq, lt, neq}\\ \\
  27. {\bf relation2 }& {\tt approx}\\ \\
  28. {\bf set1 }& {\tt in, intersect, notin, notprsubset, notsubset, prsubset, set, setdiff, subset, union}\\ \\
  29. {\bf stats1 }& {\tt mean, median, mode, moment, sdev, variance}\\ \\
  30. \end{tabular}
  31. \begin{tabular}{p{2in} p{2in}}
  32. {\bf transc1 }& {\tt arccos, arccosh, arccot, arccoth, arccsc, arccsch, arcsec, arcsech, arcsin, arcsinh, arctan, arctanh, cos,
  33. cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, exp, ln, log, sec, sech, sin, sinh, tan, tanh}\\ \\
  34. {\bf transc2 }& {\tt arccot, arccoth, arccsc, arccsch, arcsec, arcsech, arcsinh, arctanh}\\ \\
  35. {\bf typmml }& {\tt complex\_cartesian\_type, complex\_polar\_type, constant\_type, fn\_type, integer\_type, list\_type,
  36. matrix\_type, rational\_type, real\_type, set\_type, type, vector\_type}\\ \\
  37. {\bf veccalc1 }& {\tt curl, divergence, grad, laplacian}\\ \\
  38. \end{tabular}