123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466 |
- module isolve; % Routines for solving the final reduction equation.
- % Author: Mary Ann Moore and Arthur C. Norman.
- % Modifications by: John P. Fitch.
- fluid '(!*trint
- badpart
- ccount
- cmap
- cmatrix
- cval
- indexlist
- lhs!*
- lorder
- orderofelim
- power!-list!*
- pt
- rhs!*
- sillieslist
- tanlist
- ulist
- zlist);
- global '(!*number!* !*statistics);
- exports solve!-for!-u;
- imports nth,findpivot,gcdf,int!-gensym1,mkvect,interr,multdfconst,
- !*multf!*,negdf,orddf,plusdf,printdf,printsf,printspreadc,printsq,
- quotf,putv,spreadc,subst4eliminatedcs,mknill,pnth,domainp,addf,
- invsq,multsq;
- symbolic procedure uterm(powu,rhs!*);
- % Finds the contribution from RHS!* of reduction equation, of the
- % U-coefficient given by POWU. Result is in D.F.
- if null rhs!* then nil
- else begin scalar coef,power;
- power:=addinds(powu,lpow rhs!*);
- coef:=evaluatecoeffts(numr lc rhs!*,powu);
- if null coef then return uterm(powu,red rhs!*);
- coef:=coef ./ denr lc rhs!*;
- return plusdf((power .* coef) .+ nil,uterm(powu,red rhs!*))
- end;
- symbolic procedure solve!-for!-u(rhs!*,lhs!*,ulist);
- % Solves the reduction eqn LHS!*=RHS!*. Returns list of U-coeffs
- % and their values (ULIST are those we have so far), and a list of
- % C-equations to be solved (CLIST are the eqns we have so far).
- begin
- top:
- if null lhs!* then return ulist
- else begin scalar u,lpowlhs;
- lpowlhs := lpow lhs!*;
- begin scalar ll,m1,chge;
- ll:=maxorder(power!-list!*,zlist,0);
- m1:=lorder;
- while m1 do << if car ll < car m1 then
- << chge:=t; rplaca(m1,car ll) >>;
- ll:=cdr ll; m1:=cdr m1 >>;
- if !*trint and chge then <<
- princ
- "Maximum order for undetermined coefficients is reduced to ";
- printc lorder >>
- end;
- u:=pickupu(rhs!*,lpow lhs!*,t);
- if null u then
- << if !*trint then <<
- printc "***** Equation for a constant to be solved:";
- printsf numr lc lhs!*;
- printc " = 0";
- printc " ">>;
- % Remove a zero constant from the lhs, rather than use
- % Gauss Elim;
- if gausselimn(numr lc lhs!*,lt lhs!*) then <<
- lhs!*:=squashconstants(red lhs!*); u := t >>
- else lhs!*:=red lhs!* >>
- else
- << ulist:=(car u .
- subs2q multsq(coefdf(lhs!*,lpowlhs),invsq cdr u)).ulist;
- % used to be !*multsq. However, i^2 was not handled
- % correctly.
- if !*statistics then !*number!*:=!*number!*+1;
- if !*trint then <<
- printc "A coefficient of numerator has been determined";
- prin2 "***** U"; prin2 car u; prin2t " =";
- printsq multsq(coefdf(lhs!*,lpowlhs),invsq cdr u);
- printc " ">>;
- lhs!*:=plusdf(lhs!*,
- negdf multdfconst(cdar ulist,uterm(car u,rhs!*)))>>;
- if !*trint and u
- then <<printc "Terms remaining are:"; printdf lhs!*;
- printc " ">>
- end;
- go to top
- end;
- symbolic procedure squashconstants(express);
- begin scalar constlst,ii,xp,cl,subby,cmt,xx;
- constlst:=reverse cmap;
- cmt:=cmatrix;
- xxx: xx:=car cmt; % Look at next row of Cmatrix
- cl:=constlst; % and list of the names.
- ii:=1; % will become index of removed constant.
- while not getv(xx,ii) do
- << ii:=ii+1; cl:=cdr cl >>;
- subby:=caar cl; %II is now index, and SUBBY the name.
- if member(subby,sillieslist) then
- <<cmt:=cdr cmt; go to xxx>>; %This loop must terminate.
- % This is because at least one constant remains.
- xp:=prepsq !*f2q getv(xx,0); % start to build up the answer.
- cl:=cdr cl;
- if not (ccount=ii) then for jj:=ii+1:ccount do <<
- if getv(xx,jj) then
- xp:=list('plus,xp,
- list('times,caar cl,
- prepsq !*f2q getv(xx,jj)));
- cl:=cdr cl >>;
- xp:=list('quotient,list('minus,xp),
- prepsq !*f2q getv(xx,ii));
- if !*trint then <<
- prin2 "Replace constant "; prin2 subby;
- prin2 " by "; printsq simp xp >>;
- sillieslist:=subby . sillieslist;
- return subdf(express,xp,subby)
- end;
- symbolic procedure checku(ulst,u);
- % Checks that U is not already in ULST - ie. that this u-coeff
- % has not already been given a value.
- ulst and (car u = caar ulst or checku(cdr ulst,u));
- symbolic procedure checku1(powu,rhs!*);
- % Checks that use of a particular U-term will not cause trouble
- % by introducing negative exponents into lhs when it is used.
- begin
- top:
- if null rhs!* then return nil;
- if negind(powu,lpow rhs!*) then
- if not null evaluatecoeffts(numr lc rhs!*,powu) then return t;
- rhs!*:=red rhs!*;
- go to top
- end;
- symbolic procedure negind(pu,pr);
- % Check if substituting index values in power gives rise to -ve
- % exponents.
- pu and ((car pu+caar pr)<0 or negind(cdr pu,cdr pr));
- symbolic procedure evaluatecoeffts(coefft,indlist);
- % Substitutes the values of the i,j,k,...'s that appear in the S.F.
- % COEFFT (=coefficient of r.h.s. of reduction equation). Result is S.F.
- if null coefft or domainp coefft then
- if coefft=0 then nil else coefft
- else begin scalar temp;
- if mvar coefft member indexlist then
- temp:=valuecoefft(mvar coefft,indlist,indexlist)
- else temp:=!*p2f lpow coefft;
- temp:=!*multf(temp,evaluatecoeffts(lc coefft,indlist));
- return addf(temp,evaluatecoeffts(red coefft,indlist))
- end;
- symbolic procedure valuecoefft(var,indvalues,indlist);
- % Finds the value of VAR, which should be in INDLIST, given INDVALUES,
- % the corresponding values of INDLIST variables.
- if null indlist then interr "Valuecoefft - no value"
- else if var eq car indlist then
- if car indvalues=0 then nil
- else car indvalues
- else valuecoefft(var,cdr indvalues,cdr indlist);
- symbolic procedure addinds(powu,powrhs);
- % Adds indices in POWU to those in POWRHS. Result is LPOW of D.F.
- if null powu then if null powrhs then nil
- else interr "Powrhs too long"
- else if null powrhs then interr "Powu too long"
- else (car powu + caar powrhs).addinds(cdr powu,cdr powrhs);
- symbolic procedure pickupu(rhs!*,powlhs,flg);
- % Picks up the 'lowest' U coefficient from RHS!* if it exists and
- % returns it in the form of LT of D.F..
- % Returns NIL if no legal term in RHS!* can be found.
- % POWLHS is the power we want to match (LPOW of D.F).
- % and COEFFU is the list of previous coefficients that must be zero.
- begin scalar coeffu,u;
- pt:=rhs!*;
- top:
- if null pt then return nil; %no term found - failed.
- u:=nextu(lt pt,powlhs); %check this term...
- if null u then go to notthisone;
- if not testord(car u,lorder) then go to neverthisone;
- if not checkcoeffts(coeffu,car u) then go to notthisone;
- %that inhibited clobbering things already passed over.
- if checku(ulist,u) then go to notthisone;
- %that avoided redefining a u value.
- if checku1(car u,rhs!*) then go to neverthisone;
- %avoid introduction of negative exponents.
- if flg then
- u:=patchuptan(list u,powlhs,red pt,rhs!*);
- return u;
- neverthisone:
- coeffu:=(lc pt) . coeffu;
- notthisone:
- pt:=red pt;
- go to top
- end;
- symbolic procedure patchuptan(u,powlhs,rpt,rhs!*);
- begin
- scalar uu,cc,dd,tanlist,redu,redu1,mesgiven,needsquash;
- pt:=rpt;
- while pt do <<
- if (uu:=pickupu(pt,powlhs,nil))
- and testord(car uu,lorder) then <<
- % Nasty found, patch it up.
- cc:=(int!-gensym1 'c . caar u) . cc;
- % CC is an alist of constants.
- if !*trint then <<
- if not mesgiven then << %% Changed by JPff
- prin2t
- "*** Introduce new constants for coefficients";
- mesgiven := t >>;
- prin2 "***** U";
- prin2 caar u;
- prin2t " =";
- print caar cc >>;
- redu:=plusdf(redu,
- multdfconst(!*k2q caar cc,uterm(caar u,rhs!*)));
- u:=uu.u
- >>;
- if pt then pt:=red pt >>;
- redu1:=redu;
- while redu1 do begin scalar xx; xx:=car redu1;
- if !*trint
- then << prin2 "Introduced terms: ";
- prin2 car xx; princ "*(";
- printsq cdr xx; printc ")">>;
- if (not testord(car xx,lorder)) then <<
- if !*trint then printc " = 0";
- if dd:=killsingles(cadr xx,cc) then <<
- redu:=subdf(redu,0,car dd);
- redu1:=subdf(redu1,0,car dd);
- ulist:=((cdr dd).(nil ./ 1)).ulist;
- u:=rmve(u,cdr dd);
- cc:=purgeconst(cc,dd) >>
- else <<
- needsquash := t;
- redu1 :=cdr redu1
- >>
- >>
- else redu1:=cdr redu1 end;
- for each xx in redu do <<
- if (not testord(car xx,lorder)) then <<
- while cc do <<
- addctomap(caar cc);
- ulist:=((cdar cc).(!*k2q caar cc))
- . ulist;
- if !*statistics
- then !*number!*:=!*number!*+1;
- cc:=cdr cc >>;
- gausselimn(numr lc redu,lt redu)>> >>;
- if redu then << while cc do << addctomap(caar cc);
- ulist:=((cdar cc).(!*k2q caar cc)).ulist;
- if !*statistics then !*number!*:=!*number!*+1;
- cc:=cdr cc >>;
- lhs!*:=plusdf(lhs!*,negdf redu);
- if needsquash then lhs!*:=squashconstants(lhs!*) >>;
- return car u
- end;
- symbolic procedure killsingles(xx,cc);
- if atom xx then nil
- else if not (cdr xx eq nil) then nil
- else begin scalar dd;
- dd:=assoc(caaar xx,cc);
- if dd then return dd;
- return killsingles(cdar xx,cc)
- end;
- symbolic procedure rmve(l,x);
- if caar l=x then cdr l else cons(car l,rmve(cdr l,x));
- symbolic procedure subdf(a,b,c);
- % Substitute b for c into the df a. Used to get rid of silly constants
- % introduced.
- if a=nil then nil else
- begin scalar x;
- x:=subs2q subf(numr lc a,list (c . b)) ;
- if x=(nil . 1) then return subdf(red a,b,c)
- else return plusdf(
- list ((lpow a).((car x).!*multf(cdr x,denr lc a))),
- subdf(red a,b,c))
- end;
- symbolic procedure testord(a,b);
- % Test order of two DF's in recursive fashion.
- if null a then t
- else if car a leq car b then testord(cdr a,cdr b)
- else nil;
- symbolic procedure tansfrom(rhs,z,indexlist,n);
- % We notice that in all bad cases we have (j-num)tan**j...;
- % Extract the num to get list of all maxima;
- if null z then nil else
- begin scalar zz,r, rr, ans;
- r:=rhs;
- zz := car z;
- ans := 0;
- if not(atom zz) and car zz = 'tan then
- while r do <<
- rr:=caar r; % The list of powers;
- for i:=1:n do rr:=cdr rr;
- if fixp caar rr then
- ans := max(ans,tanextract(car indexlist,prepsq cdar r));
- r:=cdr r;
- >>;
- return cons(ans,tansfrom(rhs, cdr z,cdr indexlist,n+1))
- end;
- symbolic procedure tanextract(var, exp);
- % Find the value of the variable which makes the expression vanish.
- % The coefficients must be linear.
- begin scalar ans, c0, c1;
- ans := cdr coeff1(exp,var,nil);
- if length ans = 2 and
- not(car ans = 0) then <<
- c0 := car ans; c1 := cadr ans;
- if eqcar(c0,'!*sq) then c0 := cadr c0 else c0 := c0 ./ 1;
- if eqcar(c1,'!*sq) then c1 := cadr c1 else c1 := c1 ./ 1;
- ans := multsq(c0, invsq c1);
- if atom ans then return 0;
- if (cdr ans = 1) and fixp (car ans) then return -(car ans);
- return 0 >>;
- return 0;
- end;
- symbolic procedure coefdf(y,u);
- if y=nil then nil
- else if lpow y=u then lc y
- else coefdf(red y,u);
- symbolic procedure purgeconst(a,b);
- % Remove a constant from and expression. May be the same as DELETE?
- if null a then nil
- else if car a=b then purgeconst(cdr a,b)
- else cons(car a,purgeconst(cdr a,b));
- symbolic procedure maxorder(minpowers,z,n);
- % Find a limit on the order of terms, this is ad hoc;
- if null z then nil
- else if eqcar(car z,'sqrt) then
- cons(1,maxorder(cdr minpowers,cdr z,n+1))
- else if (atom car z) or (caar z neq 'tan) then
- cons(maxfrom(lhs!*,n)+1,maxorder(cdr minpowers,cdr z,n+1))
- else cons(max(car minpowers, maxfrom(lhs!*,n)),
- maxorder(cdr minpowers,cdr z,n+1));
- symbolic procedure maxfrom(l,n); maxfrom1(l,n+1,0);
- symbolic procedure maxfrom1(l,n,v);
- % Largest order in the nth variable.
- if null l then v
- else <<v := max(nth(caar l,n),v); maxfrom1(cdr l,n,v)>>;
- symbolic procedure addctomap cc;
- begin
- scalar ncval;
- ccount:=ccount+1;
- ncval:=mkvect(ccount);
- for i:=0:(ccount-1) do putv(ncval,i,getv(cval,i));
- putv(ncval,ccount,nil ./ 1);
- cval:=ncval;
- cmap:=(cc . ccount).cmap;
- if !*trint then << prin2 "Constant map changed to "; print cmap >>;
- cmatrix := for each j in cmatrix collect addtovector j
- end;
- symbolic procedure addtovector v;
- begin scalar vv;
- vv:=mkvect(ccount);
- for i:=0:(ccount-1) do putv(vv,i,getv(v,i));
- putv(vv,ccount,nil);
- return vv
- end;
- symbolic procedure checkcoeffts(cl,indv);
- % checks to see that the coefficients in CL (coefficient list - S.Q.s)
- % are zero when the i,j,k,... are given values in INDV (LPOW of
- % D.F.). if so the result is true else NIL=false.
- if null cl then t
- else begin scalar res;
- res:=evaluatecoeffts(numr car cl,indv);
- if not(null res or res=0) then return nil
- else return checkcoeffts(cdr cl,indv)
- end;
- symbolic procedure nextu(ltrhs,powlhs);
- % picks out the appropriate U coefficients for term: LTRHS to match the
- % powers of the z-variables given in POWLHS (= exponent list of D.F.).
- % return this coefficient in form LT of D.F. If U coefficient does
- % not exist then result is NIL. If it is multiplied by a zero then
- % result is NIL.
- if null ltrhs then nil
- else begin scalar indlist,ucoefft;
- indlist:=subtractinds(powlhs,car ltrhs,nil);
- if null indlist then return nil;
- ucoefft:=evaluatecoeffts(numr cdr ltrhs,indlist);
- if null ucoefft or ucoefft=0 then return nil;
- return indlist .* (ucoefft ./ denr cdr ltrhs)
- end;
- symbolic procedure subtractinds(powlhs,l,sofar);
- % subtract the indices in list L from those in POWLHS to find
- % appropriate values for i,j,k,... when equating coefficients of terms
- % on lhs of reduction eqn. SOFAR is the resulting value list we have
- % constructed so far. if any i,j,k,... value is -ve then result is NIL.
- if null l then reversip sofar
- else if ((car powlhs)-(caar l))<0 then nil
- else subtractinds(cdr powlhs,cdr l,
- ((car powlhs)-(caar l)) . sofar);
- symbolic procedure gausselimn(equation,tokill);
- % Performs Gaussian elimination on the matrix for the c-equations
- % as each c-equation is found. EQUATION is the next one to deal with.
- begin scalar newrow,pivot;
- if ccount=0 then go to noway; % failure.
- newrow:=mkvect(ccount);
- spreadc(equation,newrow,1);
- subst4eliminatedcs(newrow,reverse orderofelim,reverse cmatrix);
- pivot:=findpivot newrow;
- if null pivot then go to nopivotfound;
- orderofelim:=pivot . orderofelim;
- newrow:=makeprim newrow; % remove hcf from new equation.
- cmatrix:=newrow . cmatrix;
- % if !*trint then printspreadc newrow;
- return t;
- nopivotfound:
- if null getv(newrow,0) then <<
- if !*trint then printc "This equation adds no new information";
- return nil>>; % equation was 0=0.
- noway:
- badpart:=tokill . badpart; % non-integrable term.
- if !*trint then
- <<printc "Inconsistency in equations for constants,";
- printc " so non integrable">>;
- return nil
- end;
- symbolic procedure makeprim row;
- begin scalar g;
- g:=getv(row,0);
- for i:=1:ccount do g:=gcdf(g,getv(row,i));
- if g neq 1 then
- for i:=0:ccount do putv(row,i,quotf(getv(row,i),g));
- for i := 0:ccount do
- <<g := getv(row,i);
- if g and not domainp g
- then putv(row,i,numr resimp((rootextractf g) ./ 1))>>;
- return row
- end;
- endmodule;
- end;