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  7. <H1 align=center>The GeoProver Package for Mechanized (Plane) Geometry Theorem
  8. Proving
  9. <P>Version 1.2</H1>
  10. <P>Freezed at March 6, 2002
  11. <H3 align=center>
  12. <TABLE>
  13. <TBODY>
  14. <TR>
  15. <TD>AUTHOR
  16. <TD>:
  17. <TD>Hans-Gert Graebe
  18. <TR>
  20. <TD>:
  21. <TD>Univ. Leipzig, Institut f. Informatik, D - 04109 Leipzig, Germany
  22. <TR>
  23. <TD>URL
  24. <TD>:
  25. <TD><A
  26. href=""></A>
  27. <TR>
  28. <TD>EMAIL
  29. <TD>:
  30. <TD> </TR></TBODY></TABLE></H3>
  31. <H4>Key Words</H4>geometry theorem proving
  32. <H4>Introduction</H4>
  33. <P>The <B>GeoProver</B> (formerly GEOMETRY) is a small package for mechanized
  34. (plane) geometry manipulations with non degeneracy tracing, available for
  35. different CAS platforms (Maple, MuPAD, Mathematica, and Reduce).</P>
  36. <P>It provides the casual user with a couple of procedures that allow him/her to
  37. mechanize his/her own geometry proofs. Version 1.1 grew out from a course of
  38. lectures for students of computer science on this topic held by the author at
  39. the Univ. of Leipzig in fall 1996 and was updated after a similar lecture in
  40. spring 1998. </P>
  41. <P>The (completely revised) version 1.2, finished in March 2002, was set up as a
  42. generic software project to manage the code for different platforms in a unified
  43. way. Even most of the function names changed due to more concise naming
  44. conventions. There is a close relationship to the SymbolicData project (see <A
  45. href=""></A>). </P>
  46. <P>For examples we refer to the SymbolicData GEO table that contains many proof
  47. schemes of geometry theorems, mainly from Chou's book, and an interface from
  48. SymbolicData to the GeoProver.</P>
  49. <P>Comments, bug reports, hints, wishes, criticisms etc. are welcome. Please
  50. send them to the author.</P>
  51. <H4>Bibliography</H4>
  52. <P>If you have used the GeoProver in the preparation of a publication, please
  53. cite it in the following format (in particular, refer explicitely to the used
  54. version): </P><PRE>\bibitem{GeoProver}
  55. H.-G. Gr\"abe.
  56. \newblock {\sc GeoProver} 1.2 -- {A Small Package for Mechanized Plane Geometry
  57. Theorem Proving}, 2002.
  58. \newblock {With versions for Reduce, Maple, MuPAD and Mathematica.}\\ See
  59. \url{}.
  60. </PRE>
  61. <P>If you are using BibTeX, you can use the following BibTeX entry</P><PRE>@Misc{GeoProver,
  62. author = {Gr\"abe, H.-G.},
  63. title = {{\sc GeoProver} 1.2 -- {A Small Package for
  64. Mechanized Plane Geometry Theorem Proving}},
  65. year = {2002},
  66. note = {{With versions for Reduce, Maple, MuPAD and
  67. Mathematica.}\\ See
  68. \url{}
  69. },
  70. }
  71. </PRE>
  72. <H4>Acknowledgements</H4>
  73. <P>Malte Witte translated the code of version 1.1 from Reduce to Maple, MuPAD,
  74. and Mathematica and filled the SymbolicData GEO table with many examples from
  75. mechanized geometry theorem proving, mainly from Chou's book.</P>
  76. <P>Benjamin Friedrich collected examples and solutions with geometric background
  77. from IMO contests.</P>
  78. <H4>Upgrade Information</H4>Proof schemes from Version 1.1 require an upgrade.
  79. There is a perl script <TT></TT> to support this upgrade.
  80. </BODY></HTML>